What does Business Analyst do || Business Analysis vs Financial Business Analysis ||Being An Analyst - YouTube

Channel: Being An Analyst

hi guys welcome back to the channel i just made a聽 video talking about a day in a life of a financial聽聽
business analyst but in as i was watching the聽 video i realized most people can confuse a聽聽
business analyst with a financial business idea聽 so i decided to wait wait a second take a step聽聽
back a little bit so we took a step back and聽 on this video i'm trying to explain as much as聽聽
broad high level what is the聽 difference between a business聽聽
analyst and a financial business analyst the聽 difference between a business analyst and a聽聽
financial business seller is what we're discussing聽 less please stay tuned for the rest of the video聽聽
initially the first thing that you can realize聽 between business analysts and financial business聽聽
analysts is that they the name seem more or less聽 the same let's take business analyst for instance聽聽
if you're using the word business analyst and then聽 you put another way to front of it call it senior聽聽
business analyst you can expect that the people do聽 more or less the same thing the only difference is聽聽
one the senior guy might be doing something with聽 high level sensitivity that the junior guy might聽聽
not have access to maybe a little bit more complex聽 or a little bit bigger project might be given to聽聽
the senior guy while the junior guy doesn't do it聽 so junior business analyst business analyst and聽聽
senior finance business analyst the difference聽 might be very very very close to each other聽聽
and i used to think the same is true when you聽 put another name in front of a business analyst聽聽
which is financial business analysis but i'm聽 afraid it's totally different business analysts聽聽
look at requirement specification they write the聽 document learn about processes and they can become聽聽
process engineers which means you tell them about聽 this is how i do to my close arrest and they map a聽聽
process to say you first check what's missing from聽 your fridge until you go all the way to the store聽聽
and then you bring it back and they map that聽 whole process a business analyst will call out聽聽
take that process go meet with the people make聽 a business case about what do people do to make聽聽
groceries so when it comes to financial business聽 analyst their job has to do with looking at聽聽
any data that has got financial information聽 on it initially i had been called the senior聽聽
financial business analyst and i was in a聽 sales department i think the role that quite聽聽
fitted me best was sales analyst because i was聽 looking at sales data and i was analyzing that聽聽
but in this case when you called financial聽 analyst i think the reason why they took me聽聽
to the financial side it was most of our data was聽 financially related and my education was actually聽聽
leaning towards the finance side so it becomes聽 easy to call me a financial business analyst聽聽
financial business analyst looks at not just you聽 know your normal income statement that's what聽聽
financial officers does but a financial business聽 and it takes maybe surveillance is your ni聽聽
normal revenue and then they derive meaning from聽 them whether they split it further or they add聽聽
other layers into it that's what a financial聽 business analysts do so when you talk about a聽聽
day in a life of a financial business and it is聽 they might at all not be talking about process聽聽
engineering they might not be talking about聽 creating documents the only way that they would聽聽
be talking about making documents might be during聽 presentation while this is unless the first thing聽聽
that they might be talking about is collecting聽 information so that they can create a document聽聽
the other guys all they do financial business聽 unless all they do is collect the data so that聽聽
they can get reports on the other one they collect聽 information so that they can make a documentation聽聽
to say okay this project is visible we can go聽 ahead with it while the other one says this is聽聽
where you're spending most of your time that's聽 where you're spending so that's the difference聽聽
between the two and when i'm talking about the day聽 in the life of financial business analysts that聽聽
you are you are sure to see me talk about聽 data because the biggest thing that inputs聽聽
into their work is data while on the other side聽 if you were talking about business analysis as a聽聽
business analysis what does business analysts聽 do you'll hear more about going into meetings聽聽
which is the biggest thing you will hear about聽 collecting requirements daily stand-up meetings聽聽
you'll hear about all of those things those are聽 the key things that are required when it comes聽聽
to business analysis financial business analyst聽 data data data data so as people as they see it in聽聽
their mind okay we follow this that is required聽 so that's that's one of the difference between聽聽
those two so another difference is business聽 analysts most of the time they sit within iit聽聽
information technology because they help with聽 projects so you are sure to find them as a key聽聽
driver on project management financial business聽 analysts they sit within the finance side聽聽
so you are more likely to see them as聽 right hand man to some of the guys so you聽聽
you can see maybe a financial business analyst聽 as right hand woman to a financial officer聽聽
but mostly the people that needed those people聽 might be your execs or your heads of department聽聽
this is why when you talk what do you say my聽 client you're actually saying the execs because聽聽
you they were they got you know an issue to deal聽 with and then they brought it forward there's聽聽
another way the reason why i'm looking for for the聽 one for these two is because they have the name聽聽
business analyst at the end of it there's another聽 one in finance called the finance specialist聽聽
finance specialist the thin line between a finance聽 specialist and a financial business analyst聽聽
so that one we can talk about it later they do聽 more or less the same thing the only difference聽聽
is one goes out and then finds best practices聽 right best practices in that field that's what聽聽
a finance specialist does as far as i'm concerned聽 once you've found the best bra like you can still聽聽
analyze the data like financial business analyst聽 after you analyze the data and you can see where聽聽
it's going you bring in another element聽 to say but the competitor are doing this聽聽
so that layer makes you you know going into聽 financial specialist where you spend most of聽聽
the time doing it it's ten rents an hour but聽 what what's the best practice it's 25 75 right聽聽
now you know stuff like that this one in聽 natural business and it's quite interesting聽聽
because even the what's required is quite聽 different to what's required from business聽聽
analysis i think so i thought i should just make聽 this video just to clarify the difference between聽聽
the two rows they look quite similar but they're聽 not similar they're far far far different from聽聽
each other thanks guys for watching this video聽 please stay tuned for another video coming up聽聽