Channel: unknown

I'm so excited bro we get to raid I'm
joining this is one of the one of your
guys's uh groups you guys uh I I said yo
chat does anyone have a heroic raid
starting today and one of you guys were
like yeah Zar join our group and and so
this is one of your guys' group
basically on Roos we're going to have
three people two DPS one Healer um
there's going to be a storm shield that
comes up at
30% um of their energy and it does a
[聽__聽] ton of damage we just need to break
it real quick so you don't have to pop
Cool downs but make sure it goes down
and uh if it doesn't it's going to blast
us and it'll kill all three of you then
there's going to be a wind blast that
can knock you guys off so don't be in
front of him and then there's a Vortex
that goes around the room and just make
sure you guys Dodge that on anshaw his
hands will which way he's going to be
shooting his Vortex he'll start casting
with one hand when he's about to do it
so don't be in front of him when he's
casting with one oh right
right and then uh on an basically the
tanks need to make sure he is not
standing in the green puddle he'll get a
huge buff and he'll smoke us if he stays
in it then at about 50% energy he's
going to spawn some ads um we need to
basically kite those out do not get hit
by them um tanks if you get Stacks pop a
cool down it's a lot of damage um and
basically ideally they're dead before
the swap so when Nair and I will call
this out when A's at about 70ish per uh
charge I'm going to call out swaps and
people will go over there once
everyone's there we're going to lust
burn through his just burn him he does
sound like sod little back to our
platforms and that's the entire fight um
so groups wise we're going to put Uncle
Kong axis Mundy and Unstoppable on
Roos and what we're going to do here is
so there's two swaps that we need to or
three I guess so on onall and the zir
obviously you guys the tanks know we're
going to be swapping back and forth um
so we drop the Stacked
and then so Uncle Kong you're going to
start on Ros and you're going to you're
going to leave and go to Nazir when I
call it when everyone goes the Rogue
will stay rogue you basically just need
to stay there recuperate cloak if you
need to um and that's about it for you
so we'll have two healers on the zir
okay and then once we break his shield
down and everyone needs to go back uncle
Kong you're going to stay on the zir and
thick you will go back to
Roos so you guys can drop Stacks so
we'll have two healers on his every time
it's way easier that way cuz usually you
have to pull a bunch of cool Downs it's
hard yeah you'll start on the Zero
though okay so basically the entire
fight we should only have to swap I
think or jump platforms three times just
make sure you healers are doing that
every time but make sure we have two
healers on the Zer at all times okay so
access Mundy you're going to stay on the
first when I when I call everyone to go
to the Nazir you're going to stay stay
alive okay then when Unstoppable and the
next healer come back after nir you're
going to leave and then Unstoppable
you're going to stay on roash okay um
again you can bubble do whatever you got
to do to live okay and then if we have
another phase Rogue will stay vice versa
so it's just a bunch of swapping and
execution really it's really easy um but
that's about
it so you three over there seems easy
enough everyone else is with me on
anshaw we should have plenty of AOE
and yeah it's real simple it's just
execution and make sure when you guys
are swapping run through the middle of
the a Vortex thing to shoot over because
you can get shot off of the side a
little bit and it'll make you go AFK for
like 20
seconds and dice dice and I are going to
swap back after the
ultimate so I'm starting on ice and I
won't go back
timate yeah is there anything I missed
who else is on ice so where is everyone
going so fun is on Ina right yeah you're
just go when I when I say swap you go to
Air and you just kill the ads over here
and shoot the boss remember they all
need to die roughly the same time so on
the third jump we'll
uh they'll all be low we'll just kill
him andever he goes in Z finishes him
off but make sure we don't kill on too
fast we want him about you know 10 20%
cuz he has less
so that's about it sorry I'm ready you
can full timer it uh you want L on Frost
ultimate phase I'm
guessing yeah
yep first time we
swap remember big cool Downs when I call
Storm Shield Uncle Kong it'll start to
slamming and you guys can use personals
remember we want these ads down before
you guys swap Storm Shield going to be
some big damage over there job good
job we have ads and about 10% on onshaw
just burn him down don't get hit by
him we got one loose in the back I have
a ring of frost on the ad thank
you here at 60% get ready to swap burn
down these ads remember we're going to
have two healers on the
zir thank Swap all right let's go ahead
and swap I got to kill the ODS yep go
ahead go ahead's down
somehow pop Cool Downs over there
remember L when everyone's
there up in the right now
yeah they down he got yeah unle K got
knocked okay that happens sometimes bad
R many these can I take
not to it's going to be a wi just just
play it out for a minute though pop
personals and stuff Big Damn
yeah if we can kind of unlucky got hit
by a tornado y yeah watches hands yep
Uncle Kong you know what you know what's
on you're good it happens it happens
that wasn't a bad first poll chat what
do you think that was that was like a
decent first poll prediction please oh
yeah that's all your guys' fun huh here
okay do we Kill Boss here yes no I'll
called the swap back or maybe you can
one yeah you can cool that wasn't bad
that wasn't like a bad first pull
I forgot to reforge
hit oh I'm not hit caps oh my gosh I
have to reforge after this
gosh I was like how did I just
miss storm shield and 3% on Roos ready
for Dam break
Shield job ad's coming up and about 10%
on and sh
get these ads
down one L bringing them
in swapping about 10% just be
ready he ads down ads ads
ads swap right after the ads all right
go ahead and
swap I'm a little behind on the spot but
I'm here a
bit okay you're good got
you L over there and big healer cool now
I L when the
100 Dam coming
okay we're swapping back after this it's
almost done almost done thick you're
going to Roos Uncle Kong stay on that
platform go ahead and swap oh we died we
died there yeah yeah I don't know Uncle
Kong what's going
on sayos
be oh our H pal never came over it was
just our you know what here's what we're
going to do Uncle Kong you're going to
go to uncha instead the whole
fight I'm here and
ready dice your DPS is just so
insane it's good class yes sir skild if
tornadoes watch
those ready break the shield
damn J watch out for wind blast
swapping in about
10% ready to
swap and we have a tank down dice went
down do have battle over here Warlock if
you can get it yeah just go ahead and
wipe Uncle Kong sorry I'm going to go
ahead and replace the numbers aren't
out it's just not healing at all I don't
understand on the last platform is no
it's understandable he was respectful
too he said it's it's not working out
Uncle Kong caused us to wipe three times
in a row pretty much so we're replacing
him I mean it makes a lot of sense it
makes it makes a lot of sense and he was
respectful hey Uncle Kong the numbers
aren't working out we're going ahead go
ahead and replace you I mean this guy
might be a manager in real life and has
experience with firing people that was
very well done
Storm Shield
soon sh get
it job really good job ad's coming up on
side second
here GRE great job that's a great job
all right we're swapping in
10% really good job ready for
swaps all right
swapping go go
go ready to lust kid medit your cool
Downs call out this effort
too make sure to W if people need heals
zepher incoming
bigs ready to swap
thck everyone else
SP dice you call it when you're close
I'm I'm in position
go keep them all
up all right DPS on Roos and stuff make
sure you got something for the Storm
Shield you might have to pop some crol
th then watch the hand for the wind
blast if someone wants to call that out
storm Shield's
coming great
job remember after this one think you go
back to
Nazir Nick you stay and Rog goes as
well ads ads
ads oh my I'm resing resing resing B 10%
you ready to
swap yep SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP yeah big
ring holy
cow all right this is thck cool Downs
make sure you guys use perels and lock
rocks we get
yeah incoming
damage are you guys staying to kill it
or swap it no swap back we'll kill these
and then we go back and kill this
Z couple more
ticks all right get ready to swap get
ready to swap watch out for the frontal
from the boss as well we're swapping
swapping it's okay uh we might need yeah
yeah go hold on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
our Red's down we're going to need big
damage on Roos
you gizm you got to swap
back we keep this alive yeah don't kill
on do not kill on do not kill on switch
over to roash you guys y as much damage
as we can oh [聽__聽] oh we
lost oh he's casting it's okay it's okay
I'm back we got a minute we got a minute
welcome back yep kill platforms yep some
DPS and
Roos di kill it kill it kill it kill
it all right he is going to die uh
somebody need go back Roos I'm at Ro
right now I'm at Ro I got I got damage
I'm dying it's probably a wipe 8% we
lost a tank we have no DPS to kill the
ads um yeah we guys it's still going
keep going keep going might might you
might I leave I leave you can Sol in
yeah go go everyone go to everyone go
to there is ADS up they are going to be
ready for you you could bring them or
something awesome got it everyone there
there he's big damn here big
actually might not to hit you here oh it
doesn't even hit you here
nice big daming Gooding keep it up all
the ads are on me I'm just cing it
yeah tra
keep we got
it soed but great job so sced nice
so when I get thrown up and I'm in his
like little tornado CH
we we had all those ads on us that whole
time oh my gosh that was sick it happens
now we're on to the real boss cuz that
was like 60% health and I was like no sh
I die from this nope I die big oh look
at that [聽__聽]
pudgeon that fuding ring there that belt
goes kind of hard too oh that Ring's hot
yeah so we do have two options here we
can normal alakir smoke it we can try
and get some attempts in on heroic or we
can just do normal and go hit up the
first couple bosses in bwd go do the
first couple let's do normal and do
heroic other stuff yeah M melee will
stand on star and the range you guys
will move as a group so you guys will
have the pillar move out slow the ads
kill the ads but then he'll also throw
out the uh the thing that spawns the ad
I don't know what it's called but it
will leave fire so you guys have to move
around fire too so I will yeah I think
it's the pillar the pillar spawns the uh
grubs you're talking about the big ad I
yeah yeah it's magma spit so it's pretty
important we're stacked because we don't
want magma everywhere but yeah fight and
then the other thing is the lava spew is
we want to uh pop coold Downs on lava
spew raid cooldowns yeah so kind of
rotate through like Divine guardian and
whatnot so um and then sorry sorry go
ahead we will We lust him on the second
down phase
because we want we want to essentially
ignore the entire third phase um because
we uh if we we get him to 25% he
transitions we all spread out in that
last phase we can essentially ignore
that if we lost in the second down
phase cool Dodge stuff kill the ads
Frost trap
NOA so dice is on Blue all other melees
is on yellow I'll bring the at to Yellow
can we walk up to this boss or no no
don't no when
little sorry go like right now by when
little ads spawn you want to move from
red to Green to purple the me to red
right yeah
yep back
up remember big heals when they get
mangled too if one of you guys say when
you're mangled all melee stack stack
hard on yellow you need to be stacked
hard specimen in The lav Underneath
coming Bring It add in make sure we pump
it when it PR much
ads you should be swapped on the ad
right now everyone melee should
make sure we push it when it starts
can get some ads out stack back up
please I'll melee stack card on yellow
please on me watch out for
lava on the ad let's get the ad down
before mangle we got angle at
15 just unlucky out there you want to
get up hold on I'm
mangle yeah watch out for that oh wow
okay move other side move the other side
move the other
side okay hop on you guys
okay ignore the
ad oh he broke
free go now get him ignore the ad right
now burn
Boss look after no I'm sorry after smash
oh my goodness spawn right on top of us
we got a watch fire yeah it l just spawn
there smoked
us just keep running it kill
the okay back
on bad first p
let's do we keep
going a good first pull damage is off
the chain right now good
Lord yeah I'm going to unmark myself cuz
when we got ad stuff and trying yeah
know I don't want people following me
it's simple
just I also have to as a hunter I also
have to not stack when you guys that
close to the boss I have to be on the
other side of the room when his head
gets pulled
down oh just cuz uh range yeah it's in
Mele range that's I mean that's fine
it's fine I hate this boss cuz there's
so much fire going on it's like you
can't tell what's going on sometimes the
ground just really watch your feet
during that that was close that was
close chap that was close all right
let's get some predictions rolling that
was like a first PLL we got him to like
50% or something like that let's uh I
don't know if we got him that low 60% on
the first pull that that felt okay that
that felt really doable I think we get
him if we get him to uh the second down
pH it should just explode oh yeah we're
good we're totally
good I was calling hooks when he was
already down I was like oh
okay you guys felt good on hooks I know
the first one is missed but uh feel good
about it now yeah
definitely let's get did
it oh I got four no we have a discre
nice on the ranged ads it's uh basically
in two two sets it'll be uh the first
one is the the ad the big ad where we
taunt the second one will be the worms
so normally like when we're all stacked
on X we move to the right for the big ad
and then we chill and then we wait for
the worms and then we'll move to Green
then we stay on green and'll be big ad
and we move to the right and then we
chill and then we move to the purple so
yeah you can mark me that's fine so you
just do it in like two
steps oh
I found this fascinating specimen in the
lava underneath this very Mo magar
should provide
second is anate
challenge perfect
make sure you stay out of the parasites
jump on
you K the parasites please
casting good job on
ads ads
ads on the big
ad don't take
that oh God
indeed mangle coming watch dice's
Health get out of that down switch sides
switch sides
boss when he comes
down watch out for fire under us the
marker I got
marker where do we lost
move from
marker we have a second add
up yep okay kill the
ad let reset the red
yep heads up ground the ad
away from the
parasites watch out for
fire okay we're going to want to kill
this last ad before we get the uh down
phase kill this last stab before we get
the down
phase's here
angle on
dice get out of
that you're ready to okay move move move
side is lust we're going to lust when he
comes down
okay ignore ad watch fire
left watch your
feet and then we are going to watch your
feet we're going to spread after he
comes back
up yeah
man what did you say is you want spread
when he comes back up spread everyone
ah I have trink for the next big
go everyone spread
out kill
this TR here Focus the ad
es watch out for
parasites pop all healing cool Downs
your little o
here inate
get him
down they get a
B ignore at just ringing the parasites
yep yep get his head
down nice good
job nice job guys J
dude we're crushing it man that was like
our third pole on a pug let's go man
go oh my gosh 84% of you guys are haters
oh dude the 16% of the Believers get
paid out let's
go I'd set the expectation a little
lower but a lot of gold he said
Ito nope
oh that's insane
sorry got streamer gold so it's not
going to work out
for oh my gosh streamer loot indeed I
guess it just goes to no I don't take
any hand outs dang I could save that for
the tear ax is getting kid it man no
[聽__聽] all right nobody roll
please let's see it let's see it oh my
God 96 you got to be kidding me on that
five God my goodness dick we've known
each other a long time
bro I'm sending it to you I love you I
think I'll buy it for uh 50k gold oh you
can you can p those numbers up buddy we
see what's in your bags start
the we we saw that 100K dual brother oh
gosh r get it let's see it let's see it
go this guy bro we've lost every roll
every single roll I've lost dude like
what's going
on it's actually so troll oh I'm going
to win that de so I wonder if we're
going to do this boss on heroic or
normal I dude this boss is so hard I
hate this boss yeah that's I haven't
killed it on heroic yet chat I have not
done it on
heroic I mean we have a pretty solid
group we want to try like everything on
heroic at least once
yeah wreck yeah I haven't killed this
onic yeah this thing is hard really I
just want yeah it's not too bad we got
it if we got kicked have you guys killed
it we should have but it was like 5% and
yeah technically
group group was this so it's just so
much going on on this fight it's crazy
yeah y y very we have good raid
management here so
yeah you're going to have to buy 20K in
CH now
dude bro chat I I I might raid I might
ask if I can get a Perma raid spot with
these guys this is like hella chill and
like this is just a pug I think like
half of these guys are in a guild
together and the other half are just
like pugged we should like get a like
set up a raid Squad of these guys like
we've already killed three heroic bosses
or I guess only two so far but like in
in a couple pulls each so it's kind of
nice nice and and the vibe's pretty
chill too so it's pretty cool I've lost
every rooll though
LOL all right jents lot going on
here hold
on I'm readying for the explanation
everybody's here we need to hear this
need go there so much going on so I'm
just going to start off canron
um basically he's going to put a big
Power gender under a gender generator
under a player um if I'm not mistaken it
gives you a 50% damage buff let me check
yeah and restores 500 Mana which is
great he's going to cast Arcane
Annihilator these casts are super fast
um we need kicks if we don't kick those
we're dying is 100% going to happen um
when all of the bosses get shields we
get off of them do not attack a boss and
do a
shield um let's see guess electron so
electron's a little different um if you
get a lightning conductor and they do a
shadow infusion you need to bring it
back in so if you get a lightning
conductor bring it out cuz you'll wipe
us and if he infuses it you bring it
back into the
group um discharge is nothing Shields
nothing magmatron um basically
unavoidable fire damage he'll do one
thing where he acquires a Target and
that person just gets out and they get
blasted toxitron they'll just be be
dropping chemical bombs the gas bombs
let's get out of that um he'll also drop
the poison bomb the poison bombs will
spawn ads is very important that we do
not get hit by the ads and they die
quickly because that will 100% wipe
um and again just don't hit bosses with
shields um could do a kick rotation
that's fine uh I I I always have Phil
Hunter out so you can uh you got pvpers
and you're just focus kicks stuff super
easy um
yeah we don't know which tank we have it
yet so we could just a tank ready to
interrupt Y and I believe we just lost
on rip uh nothing really else we need to
save it for so just get big damn out I
we also are we stacking him you guys
want to Stack
him uh we we have mechanics that we
might be able to but we can if they're
the right ones it depends yeah and if
you keep toxitron in the poison bomb you
takes 50% increase damage as well and
then the other the other thing about the
Arcane whatever they're called arcanon
that you're standing in for the buff it
will explode on heroic so you can't
stand in it uh once it starts expanding
you need to get out of it be so you
stand stand in it until it starts
expanding awesome I think we covered
everything yeah it'll be it'll be good
to just see it um on on kicks on kicks
can we do AIS then Unstoppable then cata
and then go back and then tanks can fill
need is it who that again axis
Unstoppable cata and then go back if we
need and then tanks can fill if
needed I I'm I can save my CS if if like
till 99% and if if there's ever a
situation where it gets that far I can
just use
mine who needs Focus kick Nick you won't
even have to focus kick actually
umon you're second so whenever canron
comes out and I'll call it um you're
kicking second and Rogue is kicking
first hey thanks for the man it should
be aable timer it's called Arcane
Annihilator is the only kickable spell
in the fight it is very fast cast though
so be ready and Zar will be ready too
and really anyone please just be ready
not casting it's more important than
saving kicks for lust uh we usually
waited till Arcane arcanon that's a good
call yeah the first arcan whatever it's
called and once everyone gets in it
that's fine toally fine and whichever
tank gets it tank it close to it and we
then run it out when it starts
exploding di you got first get cookies
real quick get cookies real
quick pull it though pull it though you
got it dice damn
it looks like it's Arc
next I'll TR first ra damage remember on
this one it's the fire if you get the
Target in 10 seconds you go out this is
unavoidable stack fors
if you are the target move
out move away you're good actually he's
fine where you
are you would to move from
that twitch off magma there you go y oh
that's not that
fast okay there's AR canron remember to
access his first kick nice I got got
next I got
kicks kicks get out of that get out that
yep now you can stand in it watch watch
for when it expands stand in it for
damage y stand and Mana nice okay it's
expanding get out out get out get out
out got another one toxy
toxy okay I had to kick that one just
FYI it's fine it's
remember sh
add we still need kicks we still need
kicks yep don't forget about the kicks
I'm going to tank him next to poison for
kick poison bombs poison bombs kill the
poison bombs quickly quickly don't get
hit don't get hit don't get hit you got
hit I'll
rest I'm going to trink here just keep
us on
top dis spells dis spells dis spells
bombs yeah get the bombs get the bombs
we on electron right now
moving wi
it yeah I didn't feel as bad as I
remember it no poison bomb is the only
thing we forgot about like the pull in
from the toxic dude you just out yeah
yeah and that we
need we need to kick even when he's off
Target I'll be able to kick one or two
but I still need a couple Focus kicks
for the focus kicks are yeah nice um the
bomb from now on I'll put on Scoops so
we yeah get me
right get me
right and we can abuse the pools a
little better too I should have called
it out no one was standing at them you
guys can with those it's Mana too it's
my bad I should have said something yeah
it's easy to get out of them so
absolutely stand in those and think boss
next to it it's hard to call things
sometimes healing be playing like a DPS
but when we're on magma as soon as the
other bot comes out switch cuz we don't
want it dots to be on him for a shield
to pop yep very
true and I I accidentally taunted and we
swapped boss's dice
myad you're good
manal we or import can we get health
Stones please yes yes yes he's got a
laundry I dude I have so much I have ch
one through 10 confidence on killing
this boss confidence level 1 through 10
on killing this boss I actually feel
like we could probably kill it that was
first pull we got it like like that felt
pretty decent I think I'm not like 100%
sure but I think we can do
it all right yeah n days for me to get
it though you got to know which stat for
you yeah yeah
I just gives in Stam though I think it
gives everything main
stat oh tanks is name weird then CU I
get like Stam Parry or something maybe
you had like a weird Fe dude one of
those like seafood what I don't even
know I guess this is SE Seafood me
oh griefed by the Army let's go Fong no
that was my boy Fong right there that
was definitely not me dude dude on the
thing it's not you I'm sorry where's
greatest technical achievement that 372
crossbows to
each I'll have
to poison
bombs very important these do not get
touched you can stop doing damage need
be switch everybody switch to arcanon Y
kicks kick bomb bomb K bomb bomb kill
the bomb kill the bomb kill the bomb I
got next KCK I gotr
standing green and blue circles they
are right under arcano Tron we got a
c the bombs K the
bombs get away from bomb get away from
bombs get
away Dam on
bomb I got the kick thank
you I take next kick bombs bombs one
more oh I just wasted my kick you guys F
oh well I'm dead I have Soul Stone I'm
waiting only kick everyone on magma yeah
one hits on me I'm out I'm
out a [聽__聽] that went
through good we're
good can you spell we're on
electron yeah I did I have 10
Stacks TR here keep dra
you Dro tide thank you thank you stay
away from
me everyone on get out got to get out
engage flameer device you would like to
move away from that wouldn't
yous kills toxic him
yeah move to toxitron move toxon yep yep
yep yep big
kills be a little more room than you
yeah poison
bombs we
have nope it I guess at
40% oh
[聽__聽] here oh we got to stack that by the
way zar
the shadow thing yeah it's if it's
lightning we take it out and if it
infuses with Shadow we stack it it's all
good just wipe it up that was a hectic
pull B RP is wild and it's not a DPS
race no yeah like that's what I'm saying
like on bombs and stuff just sacrifice
DPS it's not a big deal yeah and
interrupt interrupt interrupts
everything everything it's a total
mechanical fight we're going to kill
100% Rob I can tell the group is better
tonight though was the other day all
right cool cool that wasn't bad that was
not bad boys we missed like a kick or
two and our Druid died because of it and
then I don't think we swapped like soon
enough on some of them too but that
wasn't bad wasn't
bad I don't know why this fight isn't
feeling as tricky as last week I
remember last week I like mentally I was
like dude there's so much going on but
now I'm like wait there's three bosses
the fire one you just move the arcan one
you just kick and the toxic one you just
kill the ads like it it's actually not
that crazy of a Fight It Feels Like A
lot's happening but it's it's actually
not that
bad think keep being
lazy too
right all right hold on I got one more
thing I got to do one sec
hate that it switches The Order each
time yeah I know right I like the magma
but yeah and then on I I want to
emphasize too on toxitron like he was
saying get to him um we need to
basically stack up behind toxitron and
then if you do get the lightning debuff
you bring it out and then if it infuses
which should be calling it for more
coordinated stacked you bring it back in
but if it doesn't just stay
out the melee or the casters run into
toxitron too yeah this that's what we
did last
time cuz that's a it's a big
soap we did not need L yet it's electron
right oh yeah it's electon arcanon
arcan yeah
Shadow conductor coming infus
stack nice we got it we got it we got it
bombs bombs bombs poison
bombs and
up all right y y yep
yep got to get these bombs
down I'm going to get access
up don't take that do not take that all
right look it maybe
get get out
out arcano Tron to need kicks everybody
on arcano bomb we got a bomb still
guys I take
next got
it TR TR TR y stand power generator here
yeah I got that
one I can take next kick got it yeah I
got the one after
that oh I don't I don't I don't we need
somebody on yeah I got it Pi
someone oh I missed it I'm sorry that's
not me out of the out of the
pool I can do next one
everyone's on electron everyone's on
electron I got that I
got good standing healing R heals guys
R put toxon against the
wall oh ta back accid we got a pool we
got a pool lightning conductor out out
out go
left don't hit boss don't hit left
bombs bombs bombs yep bombs down real
guys conductor on me stay away from me
stay away from careful these bombs we're
going to get suck back into that pool
Shadow conductor stack
stack person here
person big link bombs bombs bombs bomb
bomb bomb b away bombs
y get out it's okay it's okay on me I'm
I'm going to need heals uh I'm I'm
I'm lock
Ro the tanks big in the I got the first
kick I got the
first we got lock Rock guys everything
we got oh I called
that some next
I already flame throw out flame throw
out I can't move you would like to move
away got it I got it I have next I have
next we're getting Mana back now
nice get it okay I have no kick now kill
electron on electron y we need next kick
we need next kick I got it I got it I
it Well Done
gentlemen one more kick well
all right see we can get it done
boys see if we can get it done I'll lost
a little later this time SP he's in
position be kind of
annoying I am your eyes to see my
enemies your clumsy footsteps and thou
Stitch give you away redes are you going
death as well as blind watch Hurry Up
and Kill Them
All watch the Sonic breath coming be
ready to move head up
yep heroes are right
y kill
theit on
good add on me add on me bring it in
bring it in yeah
here where's he at he's on top of me
yeah thees are right there
nice watch Breath move move
job obnoxious beam yep kill the ads
the got one on
me pretty far pretty far I'm coming I'm
coming I'm
coming watch your
feet all right get ready for gongs yeah
remember use speed get away get away all
right ready your I got a
Christ you can go go okay
yeah keep those on the outside please
okay go I might I'm just dead I'm just
dead yeah someone else need got it B res
him I'm going I'm
going these shields are proving
quite you have Kong next
fun yeah I got
it yeah I'm on him tell me one watch you
have plenty of
time when he cast serum flame right when
you see the cast bar you do it
good watch Breath yep breath move move
move sering flame is up next be ready
for the gone
yeah the heroes are right there be
ready remember get ads too do it yeah
got it
job watch your feet
there's no gongs left on my side other
side other side other side yeah run over
with me
yeah are right there it's on me get
ready to go to oh no it's breath I'm
okay range pump in the
air let me know when to G on me out on
me oh tracking is also on me I'm
[聽__聽] theide you get it go around the
outside if it's on you fun just gong
yeah gong myself yeah just G it y right
bet one Shield
remaining it's on me again you again
yeah I'm just running
nice let's go burn yeah watch
feet hops
outes the heroes are right there move
move move good job nice boys come on
Bell come on Bell come on Bell dud oh oh
look at those boots bunch of mail gear
what's going on boys are you kidding me
with that
jeez oh I never did a prediction darn it
sorry guys I thought I already had a
prediction up for that
strats guys with this run we are
literally like this this is this is our
best group we've had for sure right like
we've killed three we've killed four
bosses on heroic and under an hour and a
half this is awesome next up we have
chimion let's get it going let's get it
going dude we need like at least one
piece of loot from this this is this is
insane pretty unusual pug well it's a
guild run and they pugged like half the
um players like I'm a pug the priest is
a pug the Hunter's a pug the RO rogue's
a pug
um the rest of the people are from the
group so the DK the heal uh the Druid
the shaman the r and the P are from the
group so it's like half Pug half Guild
group and the pugs are pretty good
pugs so it's not a twitch chat
run well you guys invited me one of the
viewers it's one of the viewers runs and
the viewer I was looking for a run and
you guys are like hey want to come so
it's kind of a twitch chat run and a set
yeah yeah okay okay makes sense makes
sense and we'll just absolutely smoke it
we'll be in a more coordinated
I'm so we're talking about just doing
the rest on normal and going to Bast of
Twilight and doing the first two in a
row is that cool uh I'm chill with that
uh chion's not too bad though but I'm
I'm down at that yeah I mean we can try
those we were just saying we we might
want to just get the actual Prague um
for the people that haven't killed on
heroic and stuff sure yeah I mean that
that that totally works for me if you're
willing to stick around I know it's
close to end of your stream so I didn't
know if you wanted to stick for that or
if you wanted
to uh I I would rather yeah that's
actually a good idea let's kill normal
for the rest and let's kill half and thr
alion real
quick I think we can definitely kill the
first two
yeah yeah coolat and we got a rope yeah
let's do it real quick get that thr
alion's mirror yeah that makes a lot of
sense yeah that's so strong
everybody comfortable with this I
got okay so we're going to do uh normal
for the rest of this so we can move on
pan PA don't stay stair don't stay on
stairs either
Notions uh we no do we l be3 let's just
we can L It screw it yeah it normal it
it drops kick that that interrupt that
but not release
exure yeah Theos
Now red oh no is he he's blue yeah yeah
he's blue red stack yeah so spread on
Blue yeah do not kick do not
kick is that stack on Blue yeah no no we
don't stack on Blue kill this kill kill
the kill the FL nice nice um we're going
to have an insane amount of aberration
at the end it's going to be really hard
so if I can get some please don't take
yep they make up for
inity can you take
down nope yeah for
real it's actually no damage yet
like stack behind the boss
do not interrupt
aberration this actually wild it goes
down quick it's just like no
damage uh this might be an insane phase
I'll try to keep everything off you I
can get some rings across and some or
some uh more cross and stuff yeah I I
have a ring here for
you I have a Fross drop right in the
middle of mine
yep got
aggo I'm just burning Boss by the way we
got to pull we got to pull ads away
brother I'm trying we didn't kill any we
did not kill any okay okay we we good
here we're good he on a heals on
is I'm just spamming him I got him I got
him hide if you can I have another slow
on top of you I have a slow trop on top
all right we need to burn burn burn burn
burn burn yeah
yeah quick Qui
nice nice boys we didn't kill any ads oh
okay trink it heal or trink it I I don't
mind that bad not bad I'm not I'm not
minding all right so yeah like I said
we're just going to do the rest on
normal and then we're going to move to
heroic um Bastion and I think I think
this group is going to smoke half this
enalion I think we're going to own them
and then I think we'll probably do
normal Council and choal IFI to guess
and bro I yeah I don't know I might join
these guys like do you guys think I
should just join Hollow purple just join
their Guild like and raid with them each
week I guess it depends when they raid
but if they raid during the day and yeah
I mean this might be really good this
might be like really optimal
just a group of homies yeah a group of
chill dudes yeah seems fine
I think you could help them build their
raid group too I mean half of the group
is pugs but I think they're recruiting a
lot of the pugs like I think the hunter
I think they're going to maybe you
recruit the Hunter and maybe you recruit
Rogue I don't know if the lock is being
recruited or not
chimion just kind of whatever gear I
don't really need any of it at this
point who needs a lock when you have a
mage yeah
true slash prediction
do we Kill Boss here normal mode this is
a normal mode prediction good luck guys
I hope we don't wipe here could you
imagine if we wipe everyone's Channel
points would be
destroyed why not do 25 man raids bro 10
man are so much better like they
actually are like 10man raids are so fun
dude can I get buffed yes I got no bu
walk by right okay hey buddy yeah yeah
yeah hey
buddy oh you got to start it dice you
going okay
yep a are you taking the boss first no
you got it or dce got it and then there
life bloing
somebody you want lost on the pole yeah
let it rip let it
rip oh I got it back before I it sucks
chill I almost you just do so much
bro yeah DK is
enough Massacre 10 so that's what we
need to be about 10%
as we're fine tank my bad you're fine
me you just hang it for a
while no heal anyway burn
it burn yeah he's going to die yeah Big
D healer bam let's
go I'm actually going to be resu just in
case good
boy nice plate and cloth there we
go bro healer gloves oh my goodness
what's going on chat somewhere just
what's happening in there until you find
it quakey thanks for the prime pickles
thanks for the two1 welcome in guys you
managed to destroy one of my most
horrific Creations a task I have thought
impossible until now okay now we do
enough wait have we down all the B yeah
it's just NE
right all right your luck today with
drops have been a massive bro I I
haven't even yeah we didn't get a single
item so far it's been it's been pretty
tragic like we have basically no heroic
loot I'm so sad
dude we got to get something
man the helmet would probably be pretty
good for us cuz then I could buy the
gloves and make the for set like right
now if I get Helm off this boss and then
I could actually buy the legs from
Valor and then make the for set like
insta and then the four set's like a
huge DPS increase upon my ultimate
creation rise no flask oh that's my
bad beh The Brood mother
reborn perhaps my fin mode uh we're
going to get into heroic Bastion we
killed omnitron magma and atradius on
heroic so we're like all right let's
just kill the rest normal and get into
Bastion so we can do some heroic Bastion
and we did heroic conclave normal alak
here so all in all we're going to go for
one two three four five six out of 13
week that would be that would be
amazing the oh it's AIA the the
lightning off I can take care of it yeah
I'll do it you guys if you're behind her
you're going to get tail swept but
you're not going to get hit by lightning
so the whole fight you don't want to be
behind him except when Lightning's
coming out and the tank will move it and
we won't be hit hit by lightning so
don't be scared when you're behind her
for that phase um other than that I will
make groups but we have three platforms
on the ground obviously one two three
one right below us um there's going to
be one add on each it is absolutely
imperative that they all get kicked um
and just blast them after that phase is
done we can do a little damage to uh nef
in the air lava's going to go away we're
going to drop back down there's going to
be fire coming on the ground uh nef will
do breaths and there's going to be ads
so zaru and fun we just need you guys to
if needed I mean Frost trap for sure the
ads and if you need it NOA the ads um we
cannot let the ads get hit by breath or
fire they get empowered and you will get
smoked and that's the
fight um we make groups yeah okay so I'm
getting um so in the first phase uh
would be great yes yeah first phase just
CC the ads and try to keep them as close
to the middle as we can so that dice can
pick them up and PE
three or or I shouldn't say middle try
to get them around the
edge just keep them off though it makes
it a lot easier um let me look at the
raid real quick yeah pal can turn evil
and uh you can shackle mhm that's great
are we trying to um get ne like to 80%
cool all right boys we got this
yeah I have like another hour dork so I
think we can get it done in like an hour
um hopefully probably you are Seeker
honestly am I going to PVP in the new
xack probably not he'll probably be out
probably not too much I don't plan to at
prob prediction okay let's get
it why not I I think um I think I've
realized that like retail PV just like
triggers me for a lot of different
reasons that I've gone into incredibly
in depth over the last 6 months
so so that's pretty much the the short
of it it's just like melee DPS you can
solo kick the ads literally so if we
miss a kick it's pretty crazy don't do
that did you copy that
one micro CC that's why micro CC open
your chat do all here what I'll do I
will screenshot it and put it in disc
I'm going play the expansion backa yeah
I'm excited to check it
out oh
dude I had no idea shout
out all right we get it pretty
simple nice shoots axis red stop thck C
of blue rest green made it out
loud all right I'm I've got anxia I'll
pull her to the left to start yo can I
get an invite to the
guild who is that catalog
yes sir welcome board a
GU I know we need one more person for a
guild run I
think really
yeah it's all
good make sure the drag are spread for
us guys I'll get it I'll
get should I have dropped the guild
right there on the spot like in the
clutch I don't know I feel like I should
talk to side of talk to Oz and tell him
I'm going to leave if I'm going to do
that not just like insta you know what I
mean just like you take it I used all my
kind of put me on the spot right there
man I don't
know all right stay on her side do not
move I will turn her all right turning
her stay there swap off swap off of her
everybody off everybody off on the ne
everyone on the N no more no more DPS
DPS we need to spread these dragons
they're fcked
upy to get yous
they still have the buff too we can get
a little further yep I'll pull it
back you need to pull yours back I can't
go any further you got to have both
what or somebody I mean I can't have the
ad on the dragon you no you can't you
totally can't P one okay just wipe it
just wipe it yeah I don't yeah we got to
get him I was doing it with a 350 prop
Warrior that was Happ shoot shoot man
shoot um when we did it last week should
we just like killed Anie and faced it
like insta on normal just to like keep
it simple but I've done it this way too
I guess where you just like get ne real
low make it easier in
P3 rip Channel points yeah dude o I'm
sorry chat I'm sorry
chat just put by and g
chat all right let's head
over 12K to 48k just like that all you
got to do is be a hater easy class
down dice you just do so much threat I
literally cannot keep it off
you it's kind of
wild having a tank it's so nice honestly
having a tank doing that much damage all
time all right just smoke
Onie then we just bring nef away and GG
it he won't he won't even be down by the
time an's dead so yeah you're proba
right just CC ads and
remember your placements too
please yo if you get axis in this Guild
it becomes a guild run by the
way up a my man my command
I love you for tanking like this thank
you oh [聽__聽] how else do people tank it
not like
this they faceing yeah stay where we
are get ready for your platforms by the
yep burn it down and then head on
over all right move platform go go go
kick the ads kill the POs you guys can
hit that from the a extreme
force zor you got all the kicks eh I
think I can interrupt with the wyver
maybe we'll see let me try it first
in I'm going to be bullying now to the
other side and just be ready in case uh
Fire gets too close I might flip him or
I might call for you guys to go through
it down he get can start hitting him in
air we will get a cackle by the way
heers if he goes to 90% which will hurt
so yeah don't I would try not to push it
here yeah maybe don't push it yeah
greedy nice don't [聽__聽] touch this
thing all right l once it's set I guess
on you a are you taking boss yeah you
are yeah I got
it I have tried to be an accommodating
host but you simply will
not to holding cool Downs in this C by
way kill you FL
keeping him here right here I will move
backwards if Fire
gets make sure you keep dice up by the
way fire is kind of scuff right here for
us y run through the boss if you need to
run through the boss
I'm going to pull him back a little
bit ranking this
one uh uh flipping boss stay on it
side okay moving back moving back fire's
gone think you can do this next
one link is here link is
here we have an ad over
nice I guess Art's over there I'll just
Tre this next
one stand in circles and the he
cires see I don't need to we have double
D he on
tank I'll tree this one turns to
F he'll free to use personals on these
last ones
but it's not too
crazy FL turns to Ash one more
geckle good job well done
everybody oh believe it or not hey yo
plasmo thanks for the tier1 sub man
welcome on in dude plate
male tier come on man what is this
loot I can't believe it
man I can't believe
this we have dude we have got nothing
today good
call so yeah dice if you grab the weth
bring everything in the middle um yeah
dice just make sure you call it out and
make it clear so I know that's the
or un
okay will have your head all of
them did we not open wels we didn't open
we we didn't open
we uh dice got to get it it's all good
we'll get it got got it l can someone
else l m
CD everything theiron right
now oh I got another stack I'm going to
taunt back I'm going to H mine or bot
um we can we Bop on dice yep oh I Ki
first I
dice then dice we keep B next we Dam
trank try here we're a bit weird with
stats I'll to let mine
fall he's getting
clobbered okay I'm I'm going to taunt H
actually I'm going to give it one more
taunting ah you still got
one I had a weird St
good which going to take a lot of damage
okay we might release slate so that he
gets stunned let's go ahead and release
slate okay someone release slate for us
please somebody go do that okay
what do you have
left I got another one so we're going to
be screwed you can die honestly not bad
hold on
y I can they have hands on them yeah
just take it back okay everyone's on
boss right now no one is on slate I'm
releasing time won yep no one is on
slate everyone's on Boss
can we get everybody up before we get
the yeah we're trying see going to
taunt okay this is the
kick I have aggro on time
Ward yep you're good
you I'm taking Health this cuz you got
high stack
yep we're on boss you're not doing
anything else to anything else
and we need defensives on these roarers
it's going to hurt real
bad ink I'm going to Bubble two three
nice good job
right we don't need
defenses I think I think he got stunned
in the middle of his Roar he did that
was sick ni yeah I never kicked I was
going to say
two pieces said you needed some tank
gear yeah hey that should be bro I
already have these damn bracers man it's
the one item I don't need dude oh my
gosh [聽__聽] good
brother really good nice man get that
two set what does it do wait yo chat
what what spell was I supposed to cast a
kick it was supposed to be the shadow
spell right the shadow Nova or was it
supposed to be that unkickable cast with
Mastery the shadow Nova right yeah but
he never casted the shadow Nova so we're
good okay I was going to say did I miss
my kick dude last week what 60 attempts
into it dude no maybe wait do you guys
have no Guild tubed we literally made it
what we will do yeah no that's chill
that's chill members go look at the
number of
members 12 players nice
bro all
right remember range come with me come
with the jumping DRS a couple a couple a
couple I'll go over
there left
Popp get out great job spread remember
Flames don't get too far away flam five
flames in
five get ready to move move move move
good perfect guys good
job spread
10 black out you're ready to
stack attack it f
y break it yep out get ready to move
Flames move move
move good job on Flames great job great
haunting there is no ESC do not get hit
Twilight you get hit on the
third no one get hit on these y range
spread watch your head for purple
meteors we did not get a blackout got
rain spread
out on
me yep so now those should be around the
edge of the room bring meteors in range
stay spread out for engulfing pump
during engulf get that engulfing out get
engulfing this I got meteor yeah I got a
meteor with the engulf and there I just
stopped attacking yep that's that's good
that's perfect
two Fishers by the entrance bro or I'm
sorry yeah by the entrance I'll bubble
this I'll bubble this yeah I'm going to
during breath I'm going to pull her up
on the uh platform up on the upstairs so
that we can move around those breaths
Dicky it's on
engulfing there's a fish on the opposite
side now by Red on me if you can
anyone another
one po some
good are
nice again deep breath in
15 moving her
got a fish on the right stairs okay stay
here stay here stay uh middle blue is
blue is getting breath blue is getting
breath blue is getting
breath fish in the middle fish right in
the middle go ahead ta um she is stay
middle red is getting W red is getting W
red is getting
wed axis if you have to come up to get
healed you can
all right next bre coming next breath
okay stay middle red is getting breath
red is getting
breath Goin get it up y okay transition
coming I you keep
BS you're going down here yeah sprad
spread but stack for black out yep same
thing as first fade
yeah and we will be wanting
defensives I died try to get back to the
portal I'll get you up yep it's on
thicky back doing it yeah you ready for
Flames yep Ready for
Flames we need more people to stack on
the other time boss here yep yep that's
why can we move her back to the
middle okay loose spread be ready for
black out
okay we're going to have big raid heals
unless dice can go down I have Tran and
10 we should be
fine stack it up
get go ahead and dis spel this one for
me when you
stack big big
you hey dice you're going to go
down move here I went
how uh we don't have a tank up here then
I got got
nice blck rocks and stuff for this next
one it's going to be
yeah you are not hey dazzling move
everybody move you get hit will iog you
don't need to go down
ight Lo out on me it
it great job guys really really good job
proud of this right now
proud that was so
good come closer oh my God the Rogue is
[聽__聽] Ked bro what is going on with
this loot twitch chat how are we getting
nothing man what is this loot nothing oh
we bro we killed six out of 13 heroic
and not a single like Mage item man oh
my gosh we're getting
sced oh my
gosh yo believer is getting paid out
heavy all right Chad so now I think
we're killing the rest on normal um but
this is this is good like we we found we
randomly found like a really good group
like this is awesome dude killing six we
killed six bosses today right am I
tripping 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah we killed six
bosses today in this pug 6 out of
13 yeah we are definitely going to stick
with this group next week There's no
way there's no way it's yeah we're going
to have
to not a pug anymore to Guild run yeah
they recruited half of us between the
start and the
end brother hit me
a does numbers though big kill hey all
right boys what do we get what do we get
nothing again dude what a raid I can't
believe it nothing all day dude oh
that's sad but the W part of the day
boys is we got a new raid Squad all
right there we go there we go it's all
worth it big love I'm dude I'm actually
like I can't wait till next Tuesday to
get more rating in holy crap I'm a PVE
now what am I going to do all week I I
I've done all my heroics I I I've done
all my raids like what the heck am I
supposed to do dude 2500 Valor to spend
yeah we'll figure that out tomorrow