Audit Risk - YouTube

Channel: Insight Into Auditing

insight into auditing
overview of audit risk
what is an audit risk
audit risk is the risk that an auditor expresses an inappropriate audit
opinion on the financial statements that contain certain material misstatements
in other words, it is the risk that auditor fails to express an appropriate
audit opinion in an audit assignment
components of audit risk are, 1. Inherent risk, 2. Control risk,
3. detection risk. Combined level of inherent risk and control risk is also
known as financial statement risk. Mathematically, audit risk is a product
of inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
therefore, we can say that audit risk equals to inherent risk multiply
control risk multiply detection risk
talking about risk, audit risk and detection risk are related with the
auditor and dependent on the audit procedures applied by the auditor during
the course of audit. Whereas, inherent risk and control risk are related with
the management and these risks are independent to the auditor.
Audit Risk Process, as discussed earlier audit risk is a product of following
three risks, audit risk which the auditor sets is
acceptable low level for the audit inherent risk which is inherited risk of
event or process auditor assesses the inherent risk control risk which is
related with the internal controls designed and implemented by the
management auditor assesses the control risk detection risk which is related
with the audit procedure adopted by the auditor auditor plans the acceptable
level of detection risk
inherent risk and control risk is also called financial statement risk
and these risks are related to risk of material misstatement
understanding of audit risk in any event or process inherent risk
implies the total error or misstatement available prior to applying any control
measure out of total error or misstatement some
error or misstatement are caught by the internal controls designed and
implemented by the management out of remaining error or misstatement
some error or misstatement are caught by the audit procedure of the auditor
the remaining undetected residual error or misstatement is the audit risk of the
let's have a look at the pictorial elaboration of the concept
let's consider events or processes of a beaker and element inside beakers error
or misstatement due to inherent risk let's consider controls implement it
through internal controls as first infuse a silo and all these procedures
applied by the auditor as a second silo
internal controls are designed and implemented by the management to detect
and prevent Arizona's statement therefore when controls are applied in
the inherent risk that is when we pass the element of beaker into infuser silo
of internal control it detects errors or miss statement however few errors or
missed statements may be undetected or bypassed the controls think that
material errors or miss statements are not detected or by passive controls is
called control risk
during the course of audit auditor reviews these events or
processes and order to prepares its audit procedures to get reasonable Apple
assurance that financial statements are free from material misstatement
however some material errors or missed statements may not be detected by the
audit procedures applied by the auditor the risk of failure to detect material
errors or misstatement by the audit procedures is called
detection risk
after the completion of audit assignment whatever undetected residual risks are
left they are called audit risk
inherent risk it is also called AR in short form
inherent risk is the susceptibility of an account balance or class of
transactions to misstatements that could be material
individually or when aggregated with missed statements in other balances or
classes assuming that there were no related internal controls
in other words risk that has existed in the absence of any action or control or
modification in the event
control risk it is also called CR and short form
control risk is the risk that Mis statement either individually or when
aggregated with other misstatement could not be prevented or detected
corrected on timely basis by entities internal control system
in other words it refers to the risk that internal controls fail to detect
the material misstatements
detection risk it is also called dr and short-form
detection risk is the risk that auditors substantive procedures are unable detect
a material misstatement that exists in the financial statements
in other words it is a risk that auditor fails to detect the material
misstatement in the financial statements being audited
interrelationship of the components of auditor East
there is inverse relationship between financial statement risk and detection
risk it means when assess financial statement
risk is high auditors should plan the acceptable level of detection risk below
in contrary when assess financial statement risk is low auditor can plan
to accept high detection risk and still maintain the audit risk to accept ibly
detection risk matrix auditor plans the acceptable level of detection risk based
on the assessment result of inherent risk and control risk
there are nine scenarios of acceptable level of detection risk
there will be five different acceptable levels of detection risk that is Louis
lower medium higher and highest based on which auditor defines substantive audit
procedure to be applied during the course of audit
response to assess risk let's take two scenarios for discussion
one if there is high inherent risk and high control risk auditor should
maintain lowest detection risk in order reduce the audit risk to accept ibly low
level - if there is low inherent risk and low
control risk order taken accept highest detection risk by maintaining audit risk
to accept ibly low level
sufficient appropriate audit evidence amount of required audit evidence to
qualify as sufficient appropriate audit evidence is based on assessment of
financial statement risk and plan detection risk of an auditor
nine scenarios based on the level of financial statement risk and plan
detection risk on an auditor those are
in a nutshell we can say that
audit risk refers to the risk that in order to express is an inappropriate
oddity opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated
all that risk is the product of inherent risk control risk of detection risk
audit risk refers to residual risk which is not detected by the internal control
and audit procedures there is inverse relationship between
detection risk and combined level of inherent risk and control risk
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