What Does Neighborly Love Look Like? // Time of Grace - YouTube

Channel: Time of Grace Ministry

Sometimes when I'm preaching or teaching
there are certain words in the Bible that I
want to explain
because they're not words that we normally use
in today's language.
And one of the words that I struggled to define
is actually what we would say is a common word
that we use in Christian words.
But the word is simply grace.
And the reason I struggled to define it
is because there really is no one word or one concept
that describes it.
But what we're going to see today
as we dig into the parable of the Good Samaritan
is that Jesus doesn't give a definition for grace,
but he gives an incredible illustration of it.
And maybe if you grew up in church,
the definition of grace that you had is
grace is undeserved love or unconditional love.
And that is absolutely true,
that is an element of grace.
But I want to show you today
that there's actually another element to it
that this story beautifully illustrates.
And again, from last week,
I want to make sure that we recognize
that being a neighbor
that God wants us to be
is not about obligation.
It's an invitation.
And I want to show you today how it's an invitation
to show the grace that God showed to you.
Now, before we dive into this story,
there's a couple of things.
First of all,
the historical context that as Jesus told this story,
which was completely made up, it's fictional,
it was just designed to teach a truth.
The way Jesus told this story
was to some people who understood
some cultural things in their days.
They understood what a priest was and what a Levite was,
and those were people who worked in the temple
and they had to go through some very specific processes
to make sure they remained
what they would call ceremonially clean.
And if they were to come into contact with a dead body,
that would make them unable to work in the temple.
Again, this is something that's a little bit weird for us,
but it was just common culture
and common sense to them back then.
Another thing to keep in mind
is that as Jesus tells this story
he's speaking to a bunch of Jewish people.
And for them there was this very sharp divide
between Jews and Samaritans.
As it turns out, they were both descendants of Abraham,
but the Samaritans had a different idea
of how and where to worship God.
And for the Jews,
that was something that was repulsive.
So in that day, that was an example of separation,
of people hating people.
And that was the backdrop
for him telling the story of the Good Samaritan.
So that said, we're going to dive into this story.
And as it unfolds,
Jesus is going to give an example
of how grace is not only unconditional love,
but it also shows an extra layer
that you and I need to be aware of
so that we can be the kind of neighbors
that God wants us to be.
Here's the story as Jesus told it.
In Luke chapter 10, it says this:
And that's the story of the Good Samaritan.
And there's a couple of elements I want to highlight here
as we talk about grace and what it means to be a neighbor.
First of all, there's that unconditional love.
This Samaritan had no reason to extend love
to this Jewish man who was beat up and left for dead.
And yet, because his love was unconditional and unearned,
he helped.
But then there's another layer
that I want to focus on and close with,
and it's simply this.
Everyone would have applauded for that Samaritan
if he had just bandaged the man's wounds.
Like that was more than what was expected
and people would have thought highly of him.
But then to go on and put this man on the donkey
and take him to an inn was next level.
People would have been totally amazed by that.
And yet it still doesn't stop there.
He goes on and he then pays the innkeeper
his due for that night,
and then says, "I will come back and pay any extra."
And as you think about that,
that gives us a good definition for what grace is.
It's not just unconditional love,
which that is the front part of it.
It is also love without limit.
That man, in our context, the Samaritan,
he basically put his credit card down
in front of the innkeeper and said,
"This man is going to stay here until he gets better."
And the innkeeper might be like,
"What if he orders lots of room service?
"What if he steals all the sheets?
"What if he steals the towels?"
The Samaritan is just like, "Charge it to me.
"I'll take care of it."
That's unconditional love and that is love without limit,
And that's just a small picture
of the love that Jesus showed to you.
When he decided to be your Savior,
when he pursued that cross for you,
he was putting down his life on the line,
and he said to his Father,
"Father, whatever debt they have with you,
I'll cover it."
And the day that maybe you first heard about God
or the day that you were baptized,
the day the Holy Spirit worked faith in your heart,
that was love without condition and love without limit.
That was the day Jesus said,
"Everything I did for you is done.
"You're forgiven.
"And I will put my life down on the line.
"You're going to continue to sin throughout your life,
"but my grace has no limit.
"I will continue to love you no matter what."
And that's the kind of love that your Savior showed to you.
And he says to be the kind of neighbor he wants you to be
simply means to reflect that to the people around you.
So as you think about what that means for you,
what does that mean to have grace,
to show love without condition,
but also to show love without limit?
And maybe this week is a good week to pick one person
that you can start demonstrating that kind of grace to.
Because it's not about what you can do for them.
It's simply about reflecting the grace
that God showed to you.
Well, today I challenged you
to pick one person that you can show grace to.
And I know it isn't easy,
so here's what I'm asking you to do.
If you're willing to take this challenge,
would you just put an emoji in the comments?
Maybe a hand raised, maybe a thumbs up, maybe a heart,
whatever it is.
That way that we can know
that we've got a community of people
who are taking on that challenge
to show the love of God to the people around them.