You wont imagine what saved my life! - YouTube

Channel: unknown

what is up people it is your boy Chen's
alone today I want to talk to you guys
about what saved my ass yesterday
quite literally
all right so let's do a little recapping
shall we the other day we decided to do
a little day drinking
we went
we went out to the bar
and uh
we had a couple beers
I think I had what three beers two shots
of chili guaro
and a quesadilla
and then later on the day we came home
we did a little live stream and uh I
drank two big boys so maybe seven beers
in the whole day I mean you're talking
about eight hours you know seven beers
eight hours I mean that's
I mean feet on my channel you know I can
handle seven beers in eight hours so
the next day I woke up three o'clock in
the morning absolutely puking my guts
I could not hold anything down
a single water
every time I drank a water
every time I drank water I threw it up
it was about three o'clock
and I decided
I gotta try something else
I grabbed myself a pipa coconut water
can I promise you
the second that water hit my body
I felt like a new man
I literally felt life come into my body
I have not thrown up since I drank that
first coconut water and this was three
o'clock yesterday my stomach pain has
gone away it gave me the the it gave me
the the energy to walk through the store
because I had to get to the store I
couldn't just keep doing drinking water
it wasn't working so I had to get to the
store to get some electrolytes which
we'll talk about in a minute I had to
get some bananas and some fruit and just
try to try to combat this as much as I
possibly can
so we started off with the coconut water
and I promise you man
that is what that was the game changer
that's what changed everything
this thing right here is magical I don't
know what's inside of it
I really don't know what kind of
minerals and stuff are inside of coconut
water but
it went to work and it did what it's
supposed to do and man
it changed everything
it literally changed everything
oh this stuff's amazing let me finish
this and we'll get back into this video
okay so if you ever find yourself in a
situation like I found myself in
yesterday where I can't hold anything
down you're definitely laying on your
deathbed and you just can't you can't
get it together you need something to
fight this besides the people start with
the coconut water then go get yourself
some electrolytes this right here is
everything Gatorade wishes it was I mean
I'm sure there's a ton of sugar in it it
doesn't really say
doesn't say how much Sugar's in it but
it's got sodium potassium calcium
magnesium chloro black lectado I don't
whatever electado is I mean it's just
got everything it's just got everything
man this stuff right here is a lifesaver
I love this stuff
anyway get yourself a peepa get yourself
some electrolytes
and then if you saw yesterday's video
you'll see intro dreamina this is two
billion spores of antibodies
soon as it goes down those antibodies
get into your bloodstream and start
fighting off this virus so again to
get yourself a pipa get yourself some
electrolytes get yourself some antibody
spores and you should be okay I mean I
am probably 80 today I'd say about 80 I
feel way better than yesterday obviously
you guys can see the difference in my
skin color and in my my my energy levels
are back up I finally feel like I'm
alive again electrolytes baby gotta have
anyway guys I appreciate you guys for
watching this isn't gonna be a long
video I just wanted to tell you I've
recovered I'm recovering I am not
feeling like today I mean I feel a
little like but that's to be
expected after yesterday
so I appreciate you guys for watching I
appreciate you guys for subscribing make
sure you hit that like button I love you
guys so much and I'll see you guys on
the next adventure hopefully we'll be on
that car soon thank you guys for uh
sending some donations to help the Babe
watch I really do appreciate that uh
maybe four uh let's say Sunday today
baby Monday or Tuesday tomorrow the next
day maybe we'll have a car we'll be
doing some Chen's life videos we'll be
back out on the road I love you guys so
much and uh stay tuned for the next
adventure to you