Making $89K A Year As A Pool Tech In New Orleans, LA | On The Job - YouTube

Channel: CNBC Make It

As long as I'm bringing in $1,200, every other week, everything would be good. All I need is 15
My name is Mark Jones. I'm 32 years old. I live in New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm the owner and pool
tech at Blue Street Pools, and I'm on track to make between $89,000 and $100,000 this year.
Blue Street Pools came from me manifesting my business. Something just dawned on me and it was
like, man, eventually you're gonna have a whole street of pools. And all these pools are going to
be crystal clear, blue — Blue Street Pools. Boom. And that's how it came.
I grew up in Los Angeles, California, mom was a teacher. My dad worked for the IRS, stepdad worked
for the light company. So I grew up, real loving family.
That was my dream. I thought I was going to the NBA, like everybody else who plays basketball,
When I bought my house that had a pool in it, because my wife, she wanted a pool. So we bought a
house with a pool. And I told myself, you know, hey, I'm young enough to figure this thing out. "I
got the pool, babe. Don't worry about it. I got it." Ya know? But I didn't even know how to turn
the filter system on.
But this is the pool where it all started right here and where the idea for the business came is
when my neighbor across the street asked me who was cleaning my pool and I told him I did and he
said, "Look, I'll pay you what I pay my other guy because I'm not impressed with his work. You just
come across street whenever you can." And that's where I was like, okay, this is a business.
But that's where it really got tight when I got my first account, because now it's like okay, Mark,
you live across the street from him so you can't come half step with this right? Like you got to
clean his pool. They got to be clean, he's giving you a shot.
Once I got fired from Enterprise and I took it serious when I went to Curly, I said, "Man, I
think I'm gonna start my own pool business, man." And he was like, "If anybody can do it, you can do
Lo and behold, I zoomed out — poools all over the place. And I'm just like, "Yo, this is crazy."
Just in my subdivision alone there was 38 pools.
Started passing out flyers. Within one week, I was at five accounts. And before, while I was driving,
you know, building my business. I was like, look, all I need is 15 pools. If I get 15 pools. I'm
only working two days a week. I'm bringing home that $2,400 a month.
Well I started getting serious about it March 2020. In March, April is right before swim season
starts and that's where all these people's pools are green. And that's where I'll make a home run.
I'm at your house, two three days. Make $600 to $1,000 for flipping your pool and then on top of
that, you might pick me up for service as well.
The worst pool, oh man, that I've ever done is an above ground pool full of, aw man, full of spiders
walking on water, leaves everywhere, like just like, looked like the pool hasn't been touched in
months. It was so nasty. It stinked. It got to the point where the algae was caked up and it just
usually it takes me two days to get a pool right This one took me five days because it was so bad.
I charged them $700 for that pool. I ended the year at I believe $44,000 that's what I made from
March to December.
I'm going to make six figures but six figures is where I want to be, over $100,000, I'm on track to
do that. Because it's summertime right now and my biggest month so far. This year was around 8500 in
one month and that was in the wintertime. Right You will never know the poor guy pulling up in
this. Incognito bruh. So I'm doing pool consultations and repairs on Mondays. Tuesday
through Friday is my route. Nothing gets in the way of that. If you need to repair like really
green pools are when I really start them on Saturdays because it takes a couple days if I have
to, you know, do my treatment to it, it takes a couple of days for that to work. I don't work on
Sundays. And then when I come back to work on Monday, I finish out the project for the green
pool and get you back rolling. This morning. I hit my first pool at 6:30 you know everybody else's
asleep. I'm up cleaning pools. But really seven at two o'clock is Tuesday to Friday is you know
that's that's kind of my schedule. I gotta be back in time if my wife is working to get the kids. And
if I don't finish my route, once my wife gets back home, then I'm then I'll go back out and just hit
a couple more pools. On my easy days, my oldest son, his name is Dallas. He's about to turn seven.
He's been working with me since he's been five. All his job is to do is hey, when you when you go
to the backyard with daddy, you find those skimmer baskets and all your job is to do is to empty out
the skimmer baskets when I'll pay you $5 a pool. He's an entrepreneur himself. He's a he's a
part-owner of the company. I'm in control of my whole schedule. I had never worried about missing,
you know, a graduation, a game or if my wife is working.
He is true to his word. Blue Street Pool is where it's at. I tell everyone if you want your pool
clean, you get him you get him? Absolutely yes.
All I know is that I was a frustrated customer at one point. And I didn't know what I was doing. And
I wish that I can go somewhere and see something where they simplify this process for me. And I
think that's why people have gravitated to my page, not only the person doing the pool of
maintenance, but also he's actually teaching me how to take care of my pool. My wife has been with
me every single step of the way. And when I got fired from enterprise, and I told her I'm not
going to work for anybody else anymore ever in my life. She was like, Are you sure? I was like yes I
am positive she was like, Okay, I trust you. She was she was the one bringing in and checks. She
was the one paying the bills while I'm still figuring it out. And she never made me feel like I
was this small we figuring this thing out. We're in this thing together. I really love her for that
and just being the person who she is because without that support, I would not be where I am
today its definitely the foundation of, you know, where all of this success is coming from.