MyFICO Review [Is MyFICO A Credit App Worth Using?] - YouTube

Channel: Mind Over Finance

what's up guys this is - with minor for
finance and today let's take an in-depth
look at a very popular critic tackle my
FICO we're gonna look at the pros the
cons the price the features and Mensa
and hopefully by the end of this video
you'll have a better understanding of
what my FICO is how it works
and whether or not it's a credit app
that makes sense for you hey click the
like button so what is my FICO so my
FICO the app is an extension of the
service and this online
credit service allows you the consumer
to get detailed credit information from
the three major credit bureaus Equifax
Experian and TransUnion and this credit
info is delivered to you either via
their online platform or through a
convenient app Pro number one a simple
dashboard it's really nice when you
don't have to hunt for things and I
really like that with the my FICO app
when you log in it's very easy to
understand and the dashboard is really
intuitive you're not so overloaded with
features that you don't know what to do
next and for me when it comes to credit
scores and credit reports simpler is
better Pro number two three bureaus one
place a major benefit for the my FICO
app and the service is that
you get access to all of your scores and
information from all three credit
bureaus in one convenient place so
that's definitely a time saver Pro
number three peace of mind whether you
have a bad credit score or a great
credit score it's really important to
know where you stand I really like that
I could just log in and see exactly
where I'm at Pro number for accuracy
these scores are coming from the Fair
Isaac corporation they make the FICO
scores and the mathematical models that
make up the scores and these are the
exact scores that most lenders are going
to be using pretty heavily and you'd be
hard-pressed to find a company that
reports on all three bureaus as
accurately as this one does I trust the
scores from my FICO more
then I would trust a credit score from
my own bank and pro number-5 expats can
use it now I know this pro won't apply
to most people but it definitely applies
to me I'm an American citizen living and
working in a foreign country so I live
in Tokyo Japan and it's really nice that
I can actually still see what my credit
score and credit report look like even
from overseas and not every popular
credit app allows you to do that Khan
number one the price I think the most
glaring con for my FICO is its price
we'll talk more about the actual numbers
in just a minute but with this app you
really have to ask yourself how closely
do I need to monitor my credit every
month now if you're like an active real
estate investor or something like that
well you need to monitor your credit
every month yeah that makes sense but I
don't think that's most people for me
it's important to see my credit score
and credit report at least once a year
so I can kind of keep tabs on it but I
don't really have a need to use this
service for months and months on end but
my situation may be a little bit
different than yours Kahn number 2 the
scores themselves might be a little
confusing at first when you log into my
FICO for the first time you might be
expecting this single FICO score and
when you don't see that it could feel
just a little bit confusing and you
might feel a little bit fuzzy but once
you start looking at everything it kind
of makes sense my FICO provides you with
your three scores from the three
different credit bureaus adjusted for
different industries I purchased a
one-time score and report from
[236] for $59 and 85 cents but with
that purchase I'm also able to use the
app which is quite nice but I'm not sure
if my app access is limited to a certain
period of time but we'll see the my FICO
app has two individual plans so there's
an advanced plan that costs $29.95 a
month and then there's a premier plan
that costs $39 and 95
a month and they also have a family plan
that runs $49.95 per month and with
those monthly plans you're getting to
look at your credit score and credit
report on a monthly basis and it also
does things like identity monitoring
like things related to identity theft
that kind of stuff as well let's do a
deep dive into the features of the my
FICO app so once we enter the app we
enter our pin to login and here's the
dashboard at the top we have the scores
from the three bureaus score versions by
loan type your FICO resilience index
insights and a tool bar at the bottom
with more options let's start from the
top so if I click one of the circle
charts it shows me more details about
that bureau score I can see what to
expect from lenders what's hurting my
score in this case no loan activity it
says few accounts paid on time but
that's because I only have one credit
account we can also see what's helping
my credit score so no missed payments
long credit history so 21 years is my
oldest account and an average of 18
years for my accounts and some recent
credit card usage is also helping me out
and again clicking any of these circles
will give you more details about that
bureaus and score get score versions by
loan type let's check out mortgages
these are my mortgage scores from the
three different bureaus and if you see
that green badge and I think that's once
you hit 800 it's a good sign because
they don't have any advice to give you
on what's hurting your score you can
also see some details about mortgage
rates and potentially what you might be
paying on a loan you have a FICO scores
for auto loans FICO scores for credit
cards and FICO scores for other loans
the resilience index is just a number
that kind of tells you how likely you'd
be to bounce back during an economic
downturn the lower the number the more
likely you are to bounce back and now
let's look at insights this is my
favorite section because it breaks down
your FICO score by percentages piece by
piece my payment history my credit makes
amount of new credit length of credit
and amount of debt and you can just
scroll down to get more details about
each slice of your credit score pie and
the dark of these slices the better
you're going in that credit area like
here for example with amount of new
credit and let's finish up by looking at
the options at the bottom we have alerts
we have reports and this is the report I
paid about $60 for over on
and just one quick thing if we look at
public records it says no public records
and that just goes to show that even
bankruptcies will come off of your
credit but it just takes time my fly go
also has a simulator that shows what if
scenarios at your current FICO level
what would happen if you apply for a new
loan if you declared bankruptcy if you
maxed out your credit cards if you took
out a mortgage it's really interesting
to play around with and the more options
tab on the bottom right gives us our
final screen of options and if you look
on the top left there's even a place to
dispute errors and that'll wrap up all
the features of the my FICO app my FICO
is for the person who cares about all
aspects of their credit it's also for
the person who's looking to get an
accurate credit score I'd also say that
my FICO is for that person who's trying
to make a credit comeback so if you've
run into some credit struggles and you
kind of don't know where you're at I
think my FICO might be something worth
looking into because at least you can
get a baseline I'd say that my FICO
probably isn't for that person who's
really penny-pinching believe me I
understand because even if you're just
getting a one time report for around $60
that's still about $60 and that's not
necessarily cheap and that's one thing
but if you consider like the monthly
plans paying between like $30 and $50 a
month that can really make a difference
in somebody's pocket it's also not for
the person who doesn't care about their
credit and I know some people would just
rather not know and that's cool to each
his own but for those people this app
probably isn't for you
you have to dish out a little bit of
money to get your credit score and
credit report from the my FICO app or
from my FICO calm
however I do think that having accurate
information from all three bureaus is
not only important it's really
convenient and I also think that you get
some crystal-clear details about your
credit from my FICO and because of that
you're getting more value than the price
that you're paying and for that reason
I'm gonna give them my FICO credit app
and a thank you so much for watching
this my FICO review I hope you got
something from it and if you did please
don't forget to hit that like button
comment share and subscribe and I'll see
you in the next video peace let's finish
with one quick question
so I just wanted to know if any of you
have tried or the my FICO app
to get your credit scores or credit
reports and if you have what was your
experience was a good one or a bad one
either way let me know in the comments
and I look forward to talking to you