Iran breached limits of nuclear agreement - YouTube

Channel: Fox Business

breaking news Ron's foreign minister
announcing the country has breached the
limits of the 2015 nuclear agreement
Iran's agreement to a stockpile a 300
kilograms or less of uranium was one of
the biggest restrictions of the deal
which the US has already pulled out of
joining me now with immediate reaction
is House Agriculture Committee member
House Science Space and Technology
Committee member and medical doctor
Congressman Roger Mari Roger are you
okay they're like no technical problems
it's Dagan we're okay I met the Cancer
Center in Wichita and had a patient
walked in I'm getting ready to meet some
doctors so good morning well I want to
get your reaction to this news out of
Iran I don't know if you could hear me
I called you Roger I should say
congressman so apologies on that note
but this news that Iran says it has
breached the nuclear pact and this as
tensions clearly rising with Iran what
do you make of it and where do we go
from here right well I think number one
is everyone just take a deep breath
let's remember what the president's goal
was already here number one we do not
want a war with Iran
number two we don't want Iran to have
any any nukes and number three is we
want Iran to stop funding terrorism so
this should be no surprise to anyone
this is very predictable right now Iran
is on its way to nuclear warhead the
last thing we want is an Iran with with
nuclear bomb so the president's got this
under control I got full faith in him
and he inherited this problem President
Obama made a horrible deal he's trying
to correct it we're gonna get through
this together
any sign though that are you say
European allies are on board with us and
they will help us push Iran back to the
negotiating table well again I think we
have that faith in the president and
secretary Pompeo
I think that they've been talking with
them on a regular basis and and my
sources tell me that Europe has are back
to France has are back England has our
back we'll get through this together I
want to move on to the border crisis
President Trump appealing a judge's
ruling that blocked his administration
from building part of the wall the
president looking to use funds intended
for anti-drug activities arguing that
the wall
would not only help keep illegal
immigrants out of the country but also
drugs what do you make of this well I
think number one is the president was
right the president is right we have to
build the wall I went to the border a
year ago I went down there this past
week with the group of physicians from
Congress and it's five times worse it
looks more like a like a refugee camp
where we're just being overwhelmed and
flooded so no matter what issue we go
down if we don't fix the wall we don't
fix the border issue none of this is
going to be feasible so it's tough times
down there right now our Border Patrol
is doing everything they can but the
conditions the crowded conditions are
very tough it's the federal government
though allowing doctors into these
facilities where the illegal immigrants
particularly minors are being held yeah
absolutely so we visited several several
the processing centers and we also
visited one their medical care clinics
where they're giving care to the people
that have measles and mumps and
influenza and they're dehydrated they're
getting the very best of care there's
physicians nurse practitioners we were
very pleased with the care that the
folks were being given down there
congressman which cancer center are you
visiting right now well I met the Cancer
Center of Kansas in Wichita Kansas they
got a great study going on here working
with CMS on a new cancer treatment what
treatment is it for out of curiosity is
it it's probably it's used for
glioblastoma pancreatic cancers it's a
new gene therapy and there'll be lots of
other uses for it as well yeah
glioblastoma which took the life of not
only Vice President Joe Biden's son and
Senator Ted Kennedy but also of course
Senator John McCain and my
brother-in-law and it's a cancer that is
extremely deadly that paltry little has
been done to really advance the
treatment of it and extend the life of
those battling it very often young men
so congressman do me a favor
I've spent much of the last five years
in cancer in a Cancer Center so you give
everybody a big hug there for me please
oh thank you so much and thank you for
support and I'm glad we have a president
and Congress that supporting cancer
research as well indeed and also Vice
President Joe Biden he has
done that as well and he wants to occupy
the White House so it'sit's this is a
bipartisan effort I will say that
congressman great to see you thank you
thanks for having me