How Do Lenders Calculate My Income For My Home Loan? | Co/LAB Lending - YouTube

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you are about to become an expert in a聽 topic that very few people know about
Hi I'm Megan marsh of聽keystone alliance mortgage聽where we help home buyers purchase homes 聽
we help聽business owners buy buildings and most importantly聽we educate you about the mortgage and financing聽聽
process you've ever wondered how much mortgage you聽could get approved for how much you qualify for
this video is for you and if you've never聽 wondered how聽much you'd get qualified for聽聽
because it seems like it's a pretty simple聽 straightforward answer this video is for you
income聽聽learning and understanding聽 the different types of income聽聽
and how it's calculated in the mortgage process
is unlike any other qualifying factor聽 that goes on with things that you borrow
so there's lots of pieces to it聽 today i'm going to walk you through聽聽
the different types of income and how it聽 can affect how much you are qualified for聽聽
when you're ready to go buy聽 a home or refinance聽your home
so before we get started and i'm going to walk聽 you through the seven different types of聽聽income
and how it affects what you are qualified for聽 I get a lot of phone calls our team gets a lot聽聽
of phone calls where people are very confused聽 why they are not qualifying for the house that聽聽
they're hoping to buy because let's say that聽 their rent is a thousand dollars but yet they聽聽
can only get qualified for five hundred dollars聽 to purchase a home it doesn't make sense and聽聽
my answer to you is that the the mortgage聽 industry buying a house it is very regulated聽聽
and even though we're gonna go through these聽 seven types of income so that you understand聽聽
how it affects what you get qualified聽for
there's a lot more to it than just the type of聽 income so keep in mind if you're gonna switch聽聽
the type of income that you have if it's going to聽 change at all how much you qualify for can also聽聽
change very quickly so let's dig in and聽 understand the seven types of income
the first type of income聽聽that is the easiest聽 one to help people get qualified when they're聽聽
purchasing a home is salaried income just聽 your standard income that doesn't change聽聽
if you were to give and look at five different聽 pay stubs you're receiving the same amount in聽聽
your paycheck every single week week in and week聽out and not only that if you are hourly which that聽聽
is the second type of income that we're going to聽 go over hourly income also can be seen like salary聽聽
so if you are paid hourly but every single week聽 you have 40 hours on that paycheck of yours it's聽聽
treated just like salary income the underwriters聽 take the total amount that you make they divided聽聽
by 12 months and that's what's used when you're聽 getting qualified to purchase refinance your home聽聽
so one is salary two is hourly let's dig聽 a little bit further into hourly so unlike聽聽
the salary income if you're hourly and your聽 hours change on a weekly basis so let's say聽聽
you look at five pay stubs and one has 37聽 hours one has 40 hours one has 22 hours well聽聽
no longer will that underwriter take your income聽 and divide it by those 12 months now Now if you're聽聽
considered a variable income employee聽and聽 when you're a variable income employee聽聽
income is looked at over a two year period which聽 this can cause some frustration sometimes for some聽聽
of you because let's say you worked somewhere聽and聽you were only getting 25 to 30 hours in 2019聽聽
and now in 2020 you are working those 40 hours聽 that you'd always wanted to work before and not聽聽
only that you're getting overtime well now when聽 an underwriter is calculating your income they're聽聽
going to average what you're making in 20 with聽 the year before and that is always a little bit聽聽
confusing and hard to understand for people who聽 now are making a lot better money in their聽hourly
so keep that in mind and there are聽 some ways around it like getting聽聽
a guarantee letter from your employer if聽 they will now guarantee you 38 hours a week聽聽
every week that is one way聽to get around it the other thing with hourly if you are paid聽聽
hourly there are some of you that work and聽 you have what's called shift differential聽聽
let's say you have weekend shifts and聽 you get paid instead of twenty dollars聽聽
an hour you get thirty dollars an hour on聽 the weekend well the same thing聽applies
the government has set all these rules and聽 standards to where they feel safe to what聽聽
people are going to get lent and they want to see聽 that you've received that shift differential for聽聽
at least the last two years and they're聽 going to average it over that two-year period聽聽
and then last but not least some of you probably聽 work jobs where let's say it's a government job聽聽
for example and let's say your hourly wage is聽 typically twenty dollars an hour but when you work聽聽
on a job that is paid by the government you're聽 getting paid forty dollars an hour unless you've聽聽
received that government higher wage for two聽 years they're gonna just use your base rate聽聽
of twenty dollars an hour so it might seem聽 like you should qualify for more but it's聽聽
because of these regulations that it kind of聽 brings down the amounts that you qualify for聽聽
then the third type of income is bonus income and聽the fourth is commission income just like hourly聽聽
the variable hourly same thing happens with your聽 bonus income in your commission income the rules聽聽
that are out there which i do agree some of them聽 I think they're just not thought through correctly聽聽
but they are the rules and we all have to follow聽 them but you have to be receiving bonus income and聽聽
commission income for a two year period聽for it to聽 be average there are some little rules around it聽聽
but if you switch jobs and let's say you are聽 working at a car dealership and you are getting聽聽
commissions and then you leave that car dealership聽that you've been at for a few years and you go聽聽
take a job let's say in pharmaceutical sales and聽 now you're getting a salary and bonus you cannot聽聽
count that bonus income until you've been at that聽 new job for two years and even if you switch to a聽聽
different dealership and you're getting paid聽 commission again you they will allow it but聽聽
you got to be there a year before they'll start聽 using all these extra pieces of income that are聽聽
wonderful for your聽family but it's not wonderful聽 for you when you're qualifying until some time聽聽
has passed I remember聽when I first started in the聽 mortgage industry and I worked as a W-2 salaried聽聽
employee and i'd been there for a year and the聽 next year I went and started to do mortgages聽聽
and selling and I started getting commissions聽 and we went and bought a home and I could not聽聽
be on the loan I had been at this employer for two聽 years but because I went from a聽聽salary employee
to a commission-based employee they could not use聽my income until I had two years of that commission聽聽
so it doesn't just happen when you're buying聽 it happens when you work in the industry too聽聽
the fifth type of income probably one of the聽 most complicated types of income out there聽聽
is for those of you who are self-employed聽 or you're 1099 so you work for yourself
your聽taxes do not come out of your paychecks so聽 1099聽employees that's like your real estate agents聽聽
your financial advisors it also is for your聽 self-employed as if you have a business that's聽聽
incorporated and if you have a business that's聽 incorporated even if you're paying yourself聽聽
a W-2 there are other rules around getting聽 qualified and it's probably one of the most聽聽
challenging areas and it's the buyers that we聽 see the most and that we help the most because聽聽
if you are self-employed聽depending on聽 how long your business has been open聽聽
if you're profitable how profitable you are聽 the year before and the year that we're looking聽聽
at right now it can really affect how much you聽 are able to borrow when it comes to banking and聽聽
all the regulations we're going to do a separate聽 video for self-employed borrowers to try to dig聽聽
in a little bit deeper to help you understand the聽 key for you if you're self-employed if you're 1099聽聽
is to work with a loan officer who is聽 experienced working with self-employed聽聽
borrowers and I always say looking for someone聽 who is self-employed themselves because then聽聽
they're going to understand what you're going聽 through and what you聽do for your business and聽聽
for how you pay yourself and then income type聽 number six is going to be those of you who are聽聽
retired so if you're retired your income starts聽 to change and so you start getting into are you聽聽
receiving social security are you receiving a聽 pension from a job that you worked at before聽聽
do you get ira distributions so there's all聽 these other types of income and it's kind聽聽
of a tricky thing because you're switching over聽 to being retired and receiving these income the聽聽
key to it is that the underwriter needs to make聽 sure that this income that you're now receiving聽聽
is guaranteed that you're going to get it for聽 at least the next three years so because of that
your聽social security is a guaranteed thing聽聽
those ira聽distributions that you can now take聽 you have to be receiving them for two years聽聽
but there is a little trick that you can聽 do and there is a loophole in the system聽聽
if you have a big enough size retirement account聽 you can actually start taking consistent checks聽聽
and getting a letter from聽your financial advisor聽 and as long as the equation that underwriters聽聽
use that they can prove you're going to聽 have that income for the next three years聽聽
you can use that and you can qualify for a聽 mortgage by just receiving two checks once a month聽聽
two months in a row and then use that income聽and聽so my best piece of advice for you for all of聽you
who are retired and enjoying life is to reach聽 out to a loan officer and talk through with them聽聽
the best way you can set yourself up to be able聽 to purchase refinance and do the things that you聽聽
want to do so you can enjoy your retirement聽 and then number seven I kind of did like a聽聽
catch-all a miscellaneous bucket because there聽 still is a lot of other types of income out there聽聽
and this miscellaneous income that I see most聽 often would be your child support and your alimony聽聽
it would be interest income let's say you have a聽 big portfolio you have millions of dollars in an聽聽
account that you receive interest on those types聽 of incomes can be used and but there are rules聽聽
around them so for child support and alimony聽just聽like everybody else they want to make sure that聽聽
you're going to be receiving it for at least聽 three years so if you have let's say a child who聽聽
is 11 years old and you have a child who's 17 and聽 that child support is going to be received until聽聽
they're 18 that's why your loan officer or the聽 processor that works with them is going to ask for聽聽
your kids birth certificates they want to see that聽 you're going to be receiving it and then they're聽聽
going to want to see that you have been receiving聽 it so that you have someone in your life who is聽聽
paying that child support to you for when you're聽 going to buy a house so that it's they know you're聽聽
getting it and you're going to continue to get聽 it when you move you and your family into a home聽聽
the interest income they're just going to look聽 at a two-year average but you can use that income聽聽
and then the last bucket in that miscellaneous聽 bucket there is rental income what about getting聽聽
having properties that you receive rental income聽 on that you have leases for that are rented out or聽聽
what about if you want to run out the house that聽 you're currently living in to go buy another one聽聽
we are also going to create another video for聽 this very specific topic but you can use rental聽聽
income to qualify but it does have a lot of聽 rules around it make sure that you subscribe聽聽
to the channel so that you get notifications聽 when we continue to update you on how the聽聽
income's calculated and how your decisions聽 on your jobs are affecting you buying a house聽聽
so also you can find us on instagram and you聽 can find us on facebook and we're always making聽聽
sure that we're putting out content that聽 helps you move forward and become a home聽聽
homeowner or buy a building for your business聽 and also don't forget there's a link in the聽聽
description that you can go and click and go to聽 our website and speak to one of our loan officers聽聽
about purchasing a home and how your聽 income will affect the whole process