Wajax - Hitachi ZX490 Product Spotlight - YouTube

Channel: Wajax

we're very excited here in Kitchener to
be offering the latest Hitachi Excavator
it's axis 490. these are all Japanese
built machines that have now come into
our markets with latest technology
reliability and fuel efficiency
the new hitachis are coming with a
reinforced arm and a reinforced boom
which will increase the service life for
the customer whether doing robust
digging or heavy digging without having
cracking or fatigue I've seen the
competitors units this unit is now has
the bird's eye view camera making it
much safer for the operator to know his
surroundings where he is working and it
also has a better cab to give the
customer added security for safety and
also better ergonomics
the improved lighting system makes it
much safer for The Operators and the
ground crew working beside it it has an
improved counterweight to make the
machine more stable and the upgraded
undercarriage to keep the unit in
service longer before needing repairs
the customer has the ability to use the
cons site service which allows them to
remotely look at their Fleet in
operation to plan their maintenance see
downtime it also gives us at the branch
the opportunity to look at a customer's
vehicle before we go on site
I believe customers will strongly be
impressed with this new product knowing
that they have exceeded the high levels
of expectations that hitachis already
has in the market into place
thank you