Gladys Sholei Women Rep Uasingishu County Speech on How Bottom Up Economic Model Would Work - YouTube

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a lot has been talked about by kenyans
on the bottom up economic model that is
being promoted by the deputy president
dr william rooter
many people have asked who are these
people at the bottom that are being
our economic structure is just is such
that it is the shape of a pyramid
very few rich people at the top and
majority of the people at the bottom who
are just barely aching a living
so who are these hustlers at the bottom
the hustlers are
and this i'm using the statistics from
the kenya national bureau of statistics
it is estimated
1.4 million kenyans are unemployed
outright unemployed
a father 3.7 million
are underemployed meaning that
a person who works as a watchman yet
they hold a degree and the recent story
that we saw over border boarder rider
who's studying for their phd
it is also estimated by the kenya
national bureau of standards
that there is a further 10 million
kenyans who are in the
informal sector
the kenya national bureau of standards
calls them unlicensed
these are the hawkers
them cocoteni pushers
the street vendors and those who push
food cuts around the city or sell their
food on the street
the results are further 2.5 million
kenyans who barely echo living these are
the people
whom we call the kibaru workers
they wake up in the morning and go to
industrial area and get a daily job
they are the people who will go to the
building sites
and push wheelbarrows of sand and cement
in order to earn a living
it is the people who go from house to
to wash clothes
in order to earn a living for the day
these are the same people in the evening
they go back to the informal settlements
and with that 200 shillings or so that
they have earned that day they will buy
food in scoops they will buy a scoop of
oil from the street vendor they will buy
a bench a bunch of vegetables from the
vendor and they will buy a scoop of
flour they will feed their families for
that day
and the next day they will wake up again
and go and do a daily job to feed their
family those are the people who live in
object for poverty and are barely aching
a living
so how will the bottom up economic model
support these hustlers at the bottom of
the pyramid i will start with the
example of the hawkers and the mama
burgers and them cocoteni pushes how
will they be supported
the bottom-up economic model
focuses on them and gets solutions for
them to be able to undertake their
trading activities
and be able to earn a living
we know
that all of us
myself included
from time to time
buy wares and food from these hawkers on
our streets
these hawkers on our streets need to be
supported and protected
many of them
are harassed by county ascaris they are
treated like criminals
their wares are confiscated they even
pay much more for their business
permits they shall be supported by the
bottom-up economic model by ensuring
that they are provided with
affordable and convenient spaces where
they can sell their wares
they do not require handouts they
require to be organized and provided for
spaces to sell their products
this has happened in many big cities
across the world
new york london washington dc
you will find
those food vendors street food vendors
are all over their cities they are
organized in strategic points and are
allowed to bring what they call their
food trucks or food cuts or
a cat is some coco tenni they are
allowed to bring them in convenient
places in the city and are able to sell
their wares in an orderly fashion and
are able to earn a living and feed their
it is the same model that the bottom-up
economic approach will focus on
to ensure that everybody has a right to
earn a living
as a nice local example is the example
of the maasai market that has taken
shape here in nairobi
previously the hawkers of these
kenyan artifacts
would have running battles
the county oscars
but when they were organized in a manner
that they were given spaces across the
each day
in a different location to be able to
sell their wares
in an affordable place such as a parking
lot of a mall or a parking lot of a
then they were able to actually promote
their trade and in fact it has turned
out to become a tourist attraction in
that is a very simple example of a
bottom-up economic model it's a refocus
on assisting our informal sector traders
or what the kenya national bureau of
standards calls the unlicensed to be
able to undertake their trade in an
orderly fashion
in my previous video i explained how the
bottom up economic model can be able to
target and assist those hustlers at the
bottom of the pyramid i gave the example
of those in the informal sector
the hawkers and the mama burgers
now i want to give an example of how
the bottom-up economic model can be able
to create employment for those millions
of kenyans who are unemployed and
the example we've always had is that
manufacturing can assist in creating
yes that is possible but the bottom-up
economic model will not only focus
on the huge manufacturing industries but
will ensure that those activities of
manufacturing involve
those who are at the bottom of the
pyramid and therefore create employment
for them and i will give a simple
good example is rivertex a textile
factory that is based in westinghishu
the government of kenya
rightly has invested
4 billion plus
into rivertex
it has state-of-the-art machines and is
very capable of producing and is
cotton fabrics
it has created jobs
they have not been able to get to the
bottom of the pyramid because of their
heavily on imported cotton because there
is insufficient cotton production in
kenya the bottom up economic model aims
at investing in cotton production
it aims to ensure
that inputs
financial support
professional advice
to farmers
to grow cotton in those regions of kenya
that can grow cotton
it will ensure that those thousands of
smallholder farmers are able to grow
cotton and sell it to rivertex therefore
making them self-employed and creating
jobs for them and thereby creating
wealth and capability to sustain their
families economically
in my previous video i attempted to
who are these hustlers at the bottom of
the economic pyramid that are being
targeted by the bottom-up economic model
that is being promoted by the deputy
president dr william reuter
i went on to define who these hustlers
are i said one there are those kenyans
who are unemployed
two i said it is those kenyans who are
underemployed kenyans who have degrees
but are doing border border jobs or
watchmen jobs
three i said it is those kenyans who are
in the informal sector that is hawkers
and cocoteni pushers
and lastly those kenyans who undertake
kibaru jobs
those who undertake daily wear jobs
and how will they be helped and how does
the bottom-up approach economic model
and assist
these categories of persons
a simple example is hawkers
who hook their wares on our streets
all of us at one time or another myself
included purchase
and foods from hawkers on the streets
that means there is a market
unfortunately these hookers
and treated as criminals by county as
they are not allowed to earn a living
yet they are entitled to right to living
other persons like supermarket holders
are able to undertake their work
comfortably without being harassed
one is so one set of traders are being
criminalized and another set are being
the bottom up economic model is going to
ensure that these hookers are organized
in an orderly fashion that they are able
to have
affordable and convenient places where
they can be able to undertake their
the bottom up economic model
is not about finding extra resources to
be able to implement the model
it is about reallocating and reapplying
our existing resources in a more
targeted manner to ensure that we
resolve the challenges that those
kenyans who live in abject poverty or
are completely unemployed are able to
earn a living and to be able to have
sustainable food productivity
the kenya national bureau of statistics
estimates that
2.5 million households per year will
require food
aid the kenya government every year
allocates 15 billion
aside for food relief per year
the bottom-up economic model
will aim
at being able to spend that 15 billion
in providing inputs and economic food
production activities to those
households so that they will not require
food aid
for example
money can be put in
in irrigation
of those regions that will have shortage
of rainfall and therefore will have a
drought hence causing starvation and the
need for food aid
if this is done through the bottom-up
economic model it will ensure that those
rather than wait until they are starving
and provide food aid to them you in
advance ensure that they are able to
produce their own food and we can end
the perennial dependence on food aids
it is therefore possible with a
bottom-up economic model
the bottom-up economic model has now for
the last several years been studied by
top business schools across the world
many countries have now confirmed and
that the bottom-up economic model is the
only way to go botswana india and
recently the united states of america
and the joe biden have decided to
implement the bottom-up economic model
but i must say that the bottom-up
economic model is not a
the manner in which it will be
implemented in places like the united
states is not the same way that has been
implemented in kenya in kenya it will
not be implemented the same way across
the various regions of kenya
hence the reason why the deputy
president has recently and correctly so
been holding economic forums
economic forums have been held with the
central region the jansari region the
coast region and the latest one coming
up will be western region
the bottom up economic model will be
according to the specific productivity
of each particular region
and let me give an example
we know
that kenya's biggest inputs at the
moment is petroleum and edible oils
that's the cooking oils
and this has caused a big drain on our
foreign exchange reserves
in order to build our economy we need to
save on our foreign
i will give the example that these
edible oils can be produced by our local
farmers in western kenya nyanza and in
the coast region
if these farmers can be supported
through financial facilitation
provision of seedlings
and provision of professional support by
agricultural extension officers they
can't be able to boost the productivity
of these raw materials that can allow us
to produce
edible oils and not have to import them
it will have a trigger effect one it
will create employment for those persons
who would otherwise be unemployed on
their farms
it will be able to ensure that
cottage industries that can
the finished product of oil
can be able to be built in those regions
and thereby creating
employment and it will also even provide
a cheaper source
of edible oils at an affordable cost
that many kenyans can be able to afford
these particular industries
will also ensure that kenyans have a
healthier source
of edible
and thereby sparring not only economic
growth but also having a healthier