Credit Linked Notes - Chapter 4 - Quiz - YouTube

Channel: DNA Training & Consulting

this is the fourth and final chapter of
the module on credit link notes
consisting of six quiz questions to test
your understanding of the materials
question one
you have issued a second to default CLN
linked to two credits with zero default
correlation equal probabilities of
defaulting PD and an expected recovery
value each RV of 60% sometime later you
need to mark to market the position and
you are informed that first the credits
are now deemed to be positively
correlated second that the RV is now
expected to be 50% and third that the PD
for each credit has risen of these three
changes which will be favorable to you
and which will be unfavorable
here are the four possible answers
solution 2 question 1
the diagram we saw in Chapter three is
reproduced here and confirms that the
issuer of the STD is long PD short RV
and long correlation these three
positions being highlighted involved in
this table we know that correlation and
PD have risen which therefore generate
gains for the issuer while recovery
value has fallen which also generates
gains so the correct answer is B are
either all three factors are favorable
to the issuer
question two
you have been offered a choice between
two FTD notes first to default notes
each linked to a different basket of
reference entities basket a consists of
four reference entities each of which
has a default probability of one percent
and an expected recovery value of 50
percent basket B consists of three
reference entities each of which has a
default probability of two percent and
an expected recovery value of twenty
in each basket the notional amount of
each reference entity is $100 which is
also the face value of each note offered
to you
you know that the default correlations
in basket a are zero which basket should
pay the highest spread here are the four
possible answers
solution to question two
we remind you that when the fault
correlation is zero the probability that
either A or B defaults is roughly the
sum of their individual default
probabilities and this can be extended
to the case with for reference entities
such as we have for basket a
thus the expected loss for the basket a
linked FTD is around four times one
percent times 1 minus the recovery value
which is equal to two percent
turning to the second CLN since we do
not know the default correlations for
basket B we will proceed to calculate
that notes expected loss under the two
extreme assumptions of zero default
correlation and then 100 percent for the
case of zero default correlation the
basket be linked note has an expected
loss of around three number of reference
entities times the two percent default
probability for each reference entity
times 1 minus the recovery value which
is 4.8% therefore higher than for basket
if now we turn to the case 100% default
correlation the expected loss for the
basket be FTD would be around two
percent the default probability of each
reference entity simply multiplied by
one minus the recovery value just to
remind you the case of 100 percent
default correlation is the case where
each circle in our previous than Venn
diagrams showing the default risk of
each entity has come to overlap
completely the circles for the other
reference entities and therefore there
is no longer any distinction between the
reference entities this calculation
gives us a result of 1.6 percent for the
expected loss which is lower than for
basket a therefore the default
correlation for basket B does affect the
outcome and therefore the correct answer
to this question is d as in David
question three you buy a CL n issued
directly by Bank rated double-a
referring to three reference entities
rated single a triple B and double B
respectively which of the following
statements is true regarding the credit
rating of the CLN your four possible
answers appear now
solution to question three
the CLN is at least as risky as a direct
investment in the BB rated entity since
a default by that entity hurts the
investor in the CLN just as much as
under the direct investment
exposure in addition to the issuing bank
and to the other two reference entities
increases the investors risk but by
moderate amounts given the relatively
solid ratings of these entities
therefore the maximum credit rating for
the CLN is BB but it may be lower if the
addition of these credit risks pulls the
expected loss of the investment into a
lower category or band as we call them
earlier therefore the correct answer to
this question is d as in David
question 4 which of the following could
be a reason for preferring a direct
issue CLN over a regular bond issued by
the same reference entity here are your
four possible answers
solution to question for the CLN carries
as much credit exposure to the reference
entity as does the regular bond if not
slightly more so a is wrong the CLN
carries exposure to the CLN issuer which
the regular bomb does not so be is also
wrong the CLN is typically less liquid
than a regular bond so C is wrong
finally the CL n maturity can be
customized to be whatever the two
parties agree so D is correct
question five a credit link note is
issued by an S PV which invests the
proceeds raised in securities yielding
LIBOR plus five then sells protection on
Alcatel in the CDs market when the
spread bit offer is two forty to fifty
in basis points the annual
administrative costs of the SPV are ten
basis points which are paid from the
annual cash flows received by the SPV
assuming no other fees costs or other
expenses to be paid what should be the
coupon on the CLN issued by the SPV
linked to Alcatel here are your four
possible answers
solution to question five this diagram
shows the cash flows under the CLN
including the initial transfer of $100
from the note holder to the SPV and the
issuance of the CLN at LIBOR plus some
spread that we will try to determine the
diagram goes on to reveal that the SPV
earns LIBOR plus five from the
securities purchased and another 240
basis points from the Alcatel c.d.s this
being correctly the mid side of the
market but
ten basis points are paid out by the SPV
for administrative costs therefore the
yield that the SPV could pay on the note
is LIBOR plus five plus 240 minus ten
all in basis points which equals LIBOR
plus 235 and therefore the correct
answer is a as an apple
question six
the one-year credit spreads for a and B
are fifty basis points and 80 basis
points respectively expected loss
following a credit event is 25% for both
you buy their one-year bonds and issue a
one-year FTD and the one-year STD all
structured exactly as before
the FTD is priced at a default
correlation of 20% while the STD is
priced at a default correlation of 40%
what is the economic outcome from your
perspective you may use any worksheet
that you like
the four possible answers
now appear
solution to question six
we must first remember that since the CD
s spread for one year is calculated as
PD times one minus Rd we can infer the
default probability by dividing the
spread by 1 minus RV we must also be
careful to input a recovery value here
of 75% since the question specified that
the assumed loss following a credit
event would be 25%
applying now the formula above
we can
calculate for company a a PD of 2%
to get the spread of 50 basis points
mentioned in the question and for a
company be a spread of 3.2 percent to
get the correct CDF spread of 80 basis
pricing the FTD assuming a 20% default
correlation indicates a spread of 1.1 6%
while pricing the STD second to default
assuming a 40% correlation
indicates a spread of 26 basis points
so the end result is that you earn 50
basis points on your CDs on company a
and other 80 basis points from your CD S
on company B but payout the sum of the
1/16 and the 0.26 that we just
calculated the net result is a loss of
12 basis points
therefore the correct answer is B as in
this completes the quiz as well as the
entire module on credit link notes