Thinkific Tutorial for Beginners 2023 (Full Guide) - YouTube

Channel: Metics Media

what's up my name is simon and in this
i'm gonna show you step by step how to
create your online course using
thinkific is one of the most popular
online course platforms
because they make it very easy and quick
to get your course up and running
without having to worry about any
complicated technical issues
now in this tutorial i will walk you
through every step on my computer
so you can easily follow along and set
up your own online course on thinkific
while watching this video the goal is
that at the end of watching this video
you'll be all set up and ready to launch
i'll also leave timestamps down below in
the video description so you can always
come back
and re-watch certain parts if you have
any questions at some point
just leave them down below in the
comment section and i'll make sure to
get back to you as soon as possible
also if you find this video helpful make
sure you don't forget to click that
thumbs up button
so that more people can find this
information with that being said
let's get into the tutorial alright so
let's get started with the first step
which is to sign up for a new
free thinkific account now you could
either go to
[64] or if you want to support
me and my youtube channel
you can also use the link down below in
the video description or just type in
[71] forward slash thinkific
and that will redirect you to the
thinkific homepage
this is my personal affiliate link which
means that i would get a commission if
at some point you decide
to uh to go for a paid plan this is
basically how i can make all those
free videos for you guys so i would
highly appreciate if you use my link but
if not that's okay
as well so the first step that we're
going to do is we're going to go to the
top right here and click on get started
free then we have to type in
our first name our last name our email
address decide on a password
and then click on create your account
then here on the next step we just have
to answer a couple of questions
so just go through this on your own and
then you can click on start creating
cool so that takes us inside of our new
thinkific account
and before we get started setting
everything up we want to quickly go into
the email inbox of the email address
that we have used to sign up for
thinkific and then we want to make sure
to look for this specific email
where it says that we need to confirm
our account so go to your email inbox
look for this email and then click
on confirm my account and then it will
take you back
inside of your thinkific account
now as you can see here on the front
page of your account you can see
like a checklist where they try to help
you setting up your first course and
also getting it launched
and you can also see a progress bar here
right now we are at seven percent which
just means we have created our thinkific
and the goal is to get that bar to a
hundred percent
and you don't actually need to worry
about this checklist here because i'm
going to be walking you through
in this video and you'll see that at the
end of the video you'll we will be at a
hundred percent
here now let me quickly give you an
overview over
this thinkific uh platform just so you
know how to navigate
through your account so here on the left
side is basically where you navigate
through your account so you have managed
learning content
this is basically where you can create
your courses
and set up your lectures and all that
kind of stuff create categories
add instructors um and so on
and then you have design your site which
has to do with the design of your
online course platform the design of
your sales pages
and also of your kind of course page you
can basically kind of build a website
where you host all of your courses on
and we're going to go into this menu
later on in the tutorial
then you have market and sell this has
to do with actually getting your course
out there promoting your course to
to actually buy it and you can create
coupons you have sales widgets
you can track your orders right here and
you have also integration so if you want
to integrate
thinkific to maybe an email marketing
software like mailchimp or something
like that
you can do that right here and then
advanced reporting is something you can
go into after you have launched your
and you want to see how many people have
enrolled and what's the progress of your
students and so on
and under the support your students
section this is how you can kind of help
your students out by
maybe giving them assignments giving
them reviews or tracking their progress
and so on this is also something you can
go into once you get some students so
you can really figure out
what's the best way to teach your
students whatever you're teaching and
kind of help them on their learning
journey and then settings is something
that we will go
into later on in the video where we're
gonna make some changes where we're
gonna just
check if everything is set up correctly
for your account
and here you can change your account
and also upgrade to a paid plan if at
some point you decide that you need one
of the pro features
it's very cool that thinkific has a free
plan but you'll notice that a lot of
features are only available for a paid
so if at some point you decide that you
need those paid features
or you want to make more courses then
you can upgrade here by clicking on
update plan
so let's now get started and create our
first course
so we go to the left side here and
scroll all the way up
click on manage learning content and
then we want to click
on courses right here
and then click on new course on the top
and here you can either decide to go
with a course template
so they have different templates that
are already set up so they have already
set up chapters and lessons kind of as a
that you can use for your own course so
there's like a mini course
a webinar replay a flagship course and
so on
but what i'm going to go with is just a
blank template so i can show you how to
up a course from scratch so i'm going to
choose blank template right here
and as an example for this video i'm
going to create a course for people that
are interested
in ranking videos in the youtube search
so i'm going to um i'm going to type in
ranking academy this is the name of the
course that i want to create
then i'm going to click on create course
and that takes us inside of the course
menu where we can start building out our
course content so
the first thing that we're going to do
is add chapters to our course and then
we're going to add
lessons to each chapter so on the bottom
left you can click on add chapter
and then we're going to give the chapter
a name so we're just going to call it
um the basics then i'm going to click on
save and then you can see the new
chapter has showed up here on the left
under course curriculum and
let's add some more chapters so again
we're going to click on add chapter
we're going to name this let's say
setting up your youtube
channel again click
save and then let's add another chapter
so we have three chapters and
let's name this creating your
first video now you could also set
chapters to a draft mode which means
when people start enrolling in your
course then they will only
see the chapters that are not in draft
mode so if you click here
then you can still keep working on the
chapter even while
when people are already enrolled in your
but i'm not going to do that so i'm
going to uncheck and click on save
and now we already have three chapters
so the next step is to add lessons
to our chapters and there are multiple
ways you can do that so if you already
have a lot of videos
recorded and you just want to upload
them all at once
what you can do is click on bulk
importer right here
and then you can see all the chapters
that you have created already here
and you can um just bulk upload multiple
videos at once
and then it will create lessons based on
those videos
so let me show you what i mean so let's
click on select files for the first
then i'm going to select these two
lectures here click on open
and then it will upload those two
lectures and as you can see here in a
it will create new lessons for both of
these videos so we already have two new
lessons so now both of those videos are
uploaded so we can give this a name
so let's name the first video how
the algorithm works
and then um the second lesson will be
how we can get on top something like
and as you can see here now on the left
side you can see this is the first
chapter the basics and then the first
lesson is how the algorithm
how the algorithm works and how we can
get on top these are the both the two
what you could also do is add each
lesson individually
so let's say on the second chapter we
want to add each lesson
individually without bulk uploading
everything so we can just click
on add lesson and then think if it gives
us a lot of possibilities
on what kind of content we want to put
in that specific lesson
so we can put in videos as we have just
seen we can add quizzes
multimedia this is basically linking to
some other website
um text surveys pdf document audio
download presentation
um brilliant exam assignment
and live so if you want to live stream
something um
so let's for example add a quiz so i'm
going to click on add quiz
and we can give that a title so let's
just say test yourself
and then we can add a question right
here so let's say
youtube um youtube
belongs to and then the first answer
will be
google and the second answer will be
and then we want to make sure the right
answer is ticked right here this is the
correct answer
and then we're gonna just click
save so obviously you can add multiple
questions but i'm just gonna
leave it at the one and that's it now we
have created a new
uh lesson here which is a quiz
and what we can also do is add multiple
to one lesson let's go into the first
lesson that we have in under the basics
click here and as we can see we have
already a video
what you can also do is add text under
the video so let's click here
and let's just um say something like
watch this first blah blah blah
and you can also add a link so download
something download it here and then
make this one a link highlight it
click on insert link and then we can
just add a url so we can just type in
um let's just send them to
insert and then this will be a hyperlink
or what you could also do if you have
if you have a document that you want
people to download for example
i have a youtube upload checklist and
what i could do is just click on add
select file then i'm going to add the
the youtube checklist right here it will
upload the checklist
to this lesson and then people can just
download it
under the video what you can also do is
is just make this lesson a free preview
which is maybe a good idea if you want
to get some new students
and but the students maybe are not sure
if they should buy so we can give them
a preview lesson so they can see that
you have very high quality content
and then after they have watched maybe
the first lesson they are ready to buy
and see the rest of the course
so that's what i'm going to do here i'm
just going to take this so they can so
so people can just preview this lesson
without having to buy the entire course
you can also enable discussions which is
something that i would recommend because
it gives your students the ability to
comment under each video and you can
help them out there
and people can help out each other and
so on and i usually don't do this
make this video downloadable because i
don't want people to download the
content and upload it to another
uh that's why i untick this and as you
can see here there are also some more
things you can do but
a lot of them are only available for the
pro plans for the paid plans
so if you need this you could just
upload upgrade and then you can also
make this a prerequisite which means
that they have to have to watch this
before they can move on to the next
video always when you change something
make sure you click on save
and now let's actually see how this will
look like
for a student so we're going to go to
the top right click on preview
and then we're going to preview the
current lesson that we have just created
and then you can see how this will look
like for a student
so right now here on the left side you
can see the the entire course
so we have three chapters and they can
just navigate through the course like
and they also have a progress bar here
in the top left
and they can also search for lessons and
then here on the right side is the
lesson content so here
this is the video that we have uploaded
then here this is the text that we have
added with the link
and also the document the youtube
optimization checklist
that people just can can just download
here and then they can just click on
save and download whatever you
are giving them once they have the
lesson completed they can click on
complete and continue here in the bottom
and then the progress bar
will will kind of fill up fill up and it
will automatically move
to the next lesson so i think the design
is very cool here very straightforward
very simple
let's close out of this and go back to
our course
menu now that's basically everything you
have to know to start building out your
course using thinkific
um obviously you can just play around
with adding
different things like you can also add a
presentation you can also
do a voiceovers for each slide of the
presentation and so on
but basically you just click on whatever
you want to upload and then on the right
you can change all of the settings and
kind of
add more more content now let's actually
move on
and go to settings right here
and just go through each of these
settings to make sure everything is set
up correctly
the course name is you can always change
your course name here
the course url is maybe also something
you want to change
um the course the course url will be
at this one right here so right now it's
medics school
um dot thinkific dot com forward slash
courses four slash youtube ranking
if you want to change that to maybe just
youtube academy
then you can see that the end of your
url will change to youtube academy
but i'm just going to leave it as it was
before then choose your instructor right
now i only have one instructor which is
and then also you have some pro features
right here
and security disable text copying this
may make sense if you don't want people
to copy text but
i'm not going to do that and then you
could also delete the course if at some
point you don't want to use it anymore
let's move on to course image and
description here is where you can add an
image for your course which is also
great for marketing purposes as well
so i'm just going to upload a image that
i've prepared for this specific course
just something i've very quickly created
click on upload and this this will be
like the image of the course
then i would also recommend you add a
description for your course so in this
case i would just type in something like
learn lear learn
how to rank your videos on the first
page of youtube search then click
save and let's move on to the next step
course player appearance so this is
something you can also play around with
and you have the light theme and the
dark theme so when we click on preview
all course lessons this is the light
theme that you see right now which is
the one that i prefer
actually but you can also change it to a
dark theme and
and see how this looks
so click save and now when we reload
this page
it will change to the dark theme so
whatever you think looks best
for you just choose whatever you want to
i like the light team better so i'm just
going to leave it at light theme
and then style primary color
you can change this here because it's
only pro feature but we can change this
later on
in in the basic settings i'm going to
show you how to do
that later um lesson type icon and label
also pro features course player logo
also pro feature
then course progression and completion
um you can decide to auto play the
lessons if you want to
um chapter completion disable check to
complete your message
um i'm just going to leave everything
here as it is it looks pretty good
if you have a pro plan you could also
create certificates for your students
so here you could choose
different certificates that people will
be getting when they actually complete
the entire course
but this is a pro feature as well
and let's move on this is if you would
want to add different
admins for the specific course so if you
have multiple instructors
and you can assign each instructor to to
the courses that
they are assigned to um seo is something
that you could do you could add a title
a description
which maybe helps for people to stumble
upon your course in google search
but it's very unlikely but it can't hurt
to just type in a title description
and some keywords for this specific
course so i would actually do that
then if you have a pro plan you could
also go to the drip
option here and this enables you to
drip out your content to your students
so if you have a course that is
that requires your students to complete
something before they go to the next
then you could say that okay they will
get the first chapter immediately and
then the second chapter
they will get that after after seven
days and so on
so this is something you could do on the
pro plan
then uh the pricing of your course this
is something that is very important
if you want to make money selling
courses then you have to put a price on
your course
let's just close this so you could
either make this course for free
if you want to but you could also charge
for your course
so here if you want to charge we click
on one time payment
and then before we can set a price for a
course we have to add a payment provider
so we can either add stripe or paypal
depending on your situation maybe one of
them is
better than the other because maybe you
have lower fees personally for me stripe
would be a bit cheaper
so i have added stripe but um
just click on one of them and then it
will take you to the settings where you
can add
the payment providers if you want to add
stripe just click on connect account if
you already have
a stripe account it will just be you
will just be able to connect it here
or if you don't have a stripe account it
will just walk you through setting up
your stripe account
like adding your bank details and so on
um but for this tutorial because it's
quicker i'm just going to add my paypal
and then i'm gonna move on showing you
how to add a price to your course
so for paypal just type in your paypal
email address and also your paypal
merchant id
and then click save and then once you
have added a payment provider we can go
to our course settings and we want to
quickly reload the page
so that this page also recognizes that
we can now set a price for a course
then we're going to choose one-time
payment and now we can actually set a
price so let's set the price to
let's say 199
and here if you want to make this course
limited so if
you want to give your your students only
like a year
access to this course you could type in
365 days here
but i'm just going to make this
available forever and
then all you have to do here is click on
save and then we have added
our price now if you have a pro
plan then you can also add a
subscription so you could charge
maybe 30 per month for your course uh
for your entire
kind of mastermind or something and you
can also have a monthly payment plan
which is maybe useful if you have a very
expensive course
then you can make it like three payments
of two hundred dollars instead of six
hundred dollars
all at once so make sure you click save
here once you have set up your pricing
uh then you can click on after purchase
but this is only available for
um for pro for pro customers
they can add upsells so if somebody buys
a course and then
you can say okay if you want to get
coaching with that course they can buy
that as an upsell
then publish once you have finished your
what you want to do is go to the publish
here and then go to publish
click save and then people will be
actually able to watch the lessons
of your course and then
that's pretty much it for creating our
entire course content
now the next thing we have to do is
build out our landing page
that we will send people to that are
interested in purchasing
our course so we would do that on the
top right here where it says build
landing page
but before i do that we have to go and
choose a theme
so we're going to go actually out of the
menu here by going to the top left
clicking on the little
cross icon and that will take us back
our dashboard where you can see now that
we have created this new course called
youtube ranking academy and it's also
because we have already published a
course let's go to design
your site and here we're going to click
on theme
library because thinkific has a couple
of themes
and what you want to do is kind of
decide on a theme that fits
your branding maybe the type of for your
course that you're doing
and then you want to make it through you
want to keep the same theme throughout
the course
so i'm going to click on explore themes
right here and you have
three different main themes and then in
each theme you have also different
so this is the the default theme the
empire theme so you can check that out
this is basically what the pages will
look like with that theme
i think it looks pretty good actually
you could also
check out this color the jet one
or maybe the spark so as you can see
um a lot of different themes um but
maybe let's let's check out the vision
theme here
this is also a cool theme so
let's say i want to go with that theme
so what i'm going to do is click on
install vision here on the bottom
click on yes copy my content
got it and then it will install a new
theme now
also you can just leave it at empire if
you want to
but i just wanted to show you that you
can actually choose different themes
here on thinkific
then we want to go to my themes here on
the top and as you can see here
the empire is still still published the
published theme
so what we're going to do is go to the
three dots here or actually no we just
hover over this
and then we click on publish again
and then it will actually change the
theme to the new theme vision
that we have just installed and now that
we have set up our theme we can go
back to our landing page builder so
we're going to go
again to manage learning content here we
go to
courses then we're going to go to the
course that we have created before
youtube ranking academy
and now we can actually go to the top
right and click on build
landing page now we are inside of the
page builder of thinkific
which is a very simple page builder that
we're going to use to build out our
landing page for our course that we have
just created
and later on we can also use that page
builder to build a dedicated kind of
for all of the courses that we have on
now um this is kind of similarly built
like a website so you have the header
here you have the footer on the bottom
and you have different sections in the
middle so right now we have the banner
section which is just the title of our
and then the curriculum which just shows
the content of our course which is
taken from our course content and here
on the top you can also change to mobile
if you want to see how it looks like on
a mobile phone or full screen mode
um we're just going to go through it
from top to bottom and then we're going
to just change some things
to make it a high converting landing
now um first we're going to go into
theme settings here
and we just want to kind of decide on a
general style of our
landing page so go to style here and
then just
experiment with different styles so let
me click on focus
i think it's already in focus right now
so let's check out the tempo
okay that's kind of weird so i'm going
to go to thrive
and just choose the one that looks the
best to you i'm just going to go with
focus because i thought that looks the
in my opinion and then once you have
decided on in style
you can also go into the colors right
here and then just change some colors
that you think are
working better with your brand so what
you can do
is maybe we go to the
primary button so let's make this maybe
a green or maybe this is a youtube
course so i'm gonna make it
red and i can also copy this
this code this color code here and then
change it
to maybe also text and links
um let's maybe do this
you can just experiment around a bit and
you can see exactly what changes
okay that's a bit weird actually so
go back and yeah just experiment out
with the colors and then
just make it kind of fitting to your
brand then you can also go to typography
and maybe change the fonts of your
landing page
i'm just going to leave it as it is to
save some time here and then the favicon
is what you will see on the top of the
so right now you can see the favicon of
thinkific right here
um and we want to actually change that
to something that is either your logo
of your business or your brand or maybe
something that has to do with your
so let me upload an image that is for
this youtube course i just have this
image from
i think it's called is
where you can just simply download
um such little logos so i'm gonna upload
and then um let me quickly show you how
this looks like
so now here on top you will see this is
the favicon so now it says
it has like a youtube icon here on the
and then let's go back here so that's
everything we're going to do in the
theme settings
now we can go back to pages and we can
customizing each section of the page so
first we're going to go to the header
and first of all we can add a logo if
you want to so let's go to logo upload
then i'm going to choose let's say this
logo right here
upload and then you can also change the
maybe make it i think the size is pretty
good so i'm just going to leave it
you can see the logo right here then you
can also
make this logo a link so when people
click on the logo they will go to
let's say the course page and
then the style this is the style of the
header so you could say that
you wanna you want the header to
disappear and people scroll down
like this or i would just make it sticky
so that people can always see the header
because it just makes it easier
to kind of navigate through your landing
and then you also have links so right
now there's one link to all courses
personally i would remove this link
because i only have one course
and i'm not even going to use the the
page where i host all the courses
but you could also add more links so
let's click on add link and maybe add a
link to my youtube channel so let's
type in youtube youtube
and then select a destination
let's say custom custom url
and just type in https and then i'm
going to type in
the link to my youtube channel
medics media so just like that
let's open it in a
in a new window and
make sure you save it and now we can see
we have a new link here on the header so
you can add
as many links as you want to so that's
pretty much it
for the header let's go back here then
let's go to the banner which is the main
hero image here of our page so first
let's go to headings and change the
from automatically add course name and
which is actually fine right now you
could also change it if you wanted to
i'm just going to leave it as it is
because that's exactly what i want the
header to say
the name of the course and also learn
how to rank videos on the first page of
youtube search
and the size maybe make it a bit bigger
like this and
obviously want to change the hero image
so let's go to hero image
click on upload and personally i have
this image from
where you can get copyright free images
so i've just
downloaded this that is related to
and you can just upload that here and
then it will
change the hero image to this specific
all right cool so now if you notice that
your text isn't really popping
what you can do is set the overlay color
the overlay color to
to black and then just lower the opacity
of the the image here
and then it will just be or actually
increase the opacity sorry
and then it will um make it darker and
then this will pop a bit more but then
the buttons will be darker so yeah you
just have to experiment around a little
bit you can also change the
the font to maybe black and then you
make the background
brighter and so on then picture picture
is something that i think is very
interesting because you can add
a picture on the top of the banner or in
the banner here or you can also add a
video which is something that i would do
so what we can do is use a video from
maybe the library let's lose the first
obviously you would maybe create a video
specifically for your landing page
to kind of talk to your visitors and
tell them what the course is about
to be honest most people now online they
like to to watch videos
more than just read so you can add a
video here
which i think is very cool then social
links is also something
you can add if you want to just um find
the icon here so you could
type in instagram instagram
and then put your link here and then it
will add the social link
somewhere i'm not sure where um
and then let's move on size and
alignment i'm just going to leave it at
the left side i think that works well
and you could also add buttons but i'm
just going to leave it at that click
and that's it for the banner now what
i'm going to do
is let's go to create curriculum
and it automatically recognizes what
course this landing page is for
so here we can just leave it as it is
maybe change the
the heading to here's what's in
the course we don't need the subheading
center that's good
layout um top that's good
and let's go back and now we have
already set up
those two sections of our landing page
now what we can also do
is maybe add a description of the course
so let's click on add section here
and then let's see let's let's go to
maybe just text
text and media let's check out text and
media and then it will add a new section
so let's see how this looks like
okay so let's take this and then just
put this
maybe just under the banner so here
we can just adjust this
so here you can just give a little
description for your course
and maybe change the heading as well to
why this is the best course
ever something like that and then um
obviously you want to change all the
text here then let's maybe
also add
bio for you for instructor people want
to know about
you the instructor so let's add
a maybe a text
with an image image with text
like this and let's see
okay so here for the image i'm going to
upload an image of myself
upload image and
let's upload this image upload
then i'm going to just decrease the size
of the image a bit
and like this
and then i'm going to change the text so
i'm going to make this
about um meet your teacher
we don't need the subheading and then
description and say something like i've
on youtube since blah blah blah and then
they can read a little bit about
the teacher and then i would also add an
faq section
so let's type in frequently frequently
asked questions
and that would just come right under the
about me section
so here what you can do is just
go to these questions here and just type
in a question and then type in the
right here and then that should answer
people's most
frequently asked questions now you could
also add testimonials
so let's go back here add new section
and let's type in testimonials social
all right let's click on testimonials
and here what you want to do is just add
images maybe of people that have already
taken your course
what you can do is also like give out
your course for free to a couple of
and then ask them all you ask in return
is maybe an
honest testimonial and then just go to
upload an image let's see if i have one
and i think i have prepared one here
so add an image of your actually doesn't
work because it's too large
so just add an image of your student
here if they agreed to do that
and then type in the testimonial right
because that really helps with actually
um converting
your visitors into new customers and
then on the bottom i would also add
another call to action so let's go for
let's type in text and text with call to
and then we really want to make them
actually buy the course
so let's change the text to maybe
what are you waiting for or um
get more views now
and then don't need a subheading just
delete that
and change that to again tell them why
the course is so beneficial to them then
the button this is the call to action to
actually send them to the checkout page
so select destination this is the
checkout page choose a product this is
youtube ranking academy
with the default price and call to
action will be
enroll now and
that's it so once we are finished
setting up our landing page
and we have saved everything again make
sure on the bottom left you click save
whenever this pops up here
then we want to go back and maybe
preview this landing page and see how it
looks like
for somebody that's just visiting our
landing page
so once everything is safe go to the top
left and close out of this builder here
and then again close out of this course
that will take us back to the dashboard
and what we want to do is click on
design your site on the left side
click on preview website and
that will take us to the main website
where all of our course courses are
now we haven't made any design changes
to this page now what we want to check
is the landing page so we're going to
click on this course
and so we can see how the landing page
looks like for somebody
who isn't enrolled yet we're going to
just copy the url
and right click copy then i have opened
up a new browser
and i just paste it in here and then
i can see exactly how it will look like
for a new visitor
so right now we have this video that's
playing automatically this is great
we have a buy button right here and
people click on the buy button they will
get to the checkout page
then they can enter their name email
address password
and then they will be uh once you click
sign up they will be taken to the
part where they can enter their credit
card information or
pay with paypal and then they can
purchase the course
then this is the best course ever
meet your teacher and so on awesome
make sure this button works as well here
now we are pretty much finished setting
up our landing page
what we can do now is also set up like
the website
that is specific for kind of hosting all
of our courses
kind of what you saw right here
now if you only have one course i would
actually not even use this page
if you have only one course what i would
do is i would go to site builder right
and then i would go to home page and
i would click on redirect and then
select the destination to
a course and select your course that we
have just created so youtube ranking
and now people who are going to your
thinkific url
will be redirected directly to your one
and that makes sense if you only have
one course if you have multiple courses
then i wouldn't redirect here i would
just build out this page as well
and i'm actually not going to go through
that because it's basically the same
thing as building out a landing page
you just add sections you click on the
sections and then
then you make all of the changes so
that's basically how you can also build
your site
but let's say i want to redirect because
i only have one course so i'm going to
redirect to a course page
and select youtube ranking academy and
then i don't even have to worry about
this page here make sure you click save
on the bottom and then we can also close
out of this site builder
all right cool so we are already at 71
of getting ready to launch
our new course obviously we want to get
to that hundred percent so let's move on
and uh go into some of the settings
so go to the left side here click on
and then let's look at what we have here
so site details here you can change the
site name so maybe let's change that to
youtube ranking academy
click on save and then
the site address we can change in a
moment here the email you can change the
email that you
want to get emails from or to site url
now if you have a paid account you can
also take your
own url and put your course on your
branded url like for example
[2381] or
but here on the free plan we can just
change the first part of this url
so what we do is click on little three
dots click on edit url
and maybe change that also to youtube
academy click on save
confirm and then it will change our url
to youtube
actually.thinkific. which i think looks
pretty good
so let's move on ssl is already
installed to this specific domain
um remove branding obviously that's only
available for a paid plan
then the rest we're going to leave it as
it is now let's move on to learning
content here
we've already looked at course player
theme here so we're just going to move
on to course player
styles so here this is what the course
player currently looks like it's kind of
this orange that you see here
and we can change that to any color we
want so let's maybe change that to a red
which is more suitable for a youtube
click choose here and then click
save and then we can always see how this
looks like
on our course page so yeah
i like that better so i'm just going to
leave it like that we could also change
the font if you would want to
and also upload a logo um i'm
not gonna do that actually so the logo
is just what you will see
here on the top let me just do that just
so you see how this looks like
um let me just choose maybe this one
and now let's reload this page to see
what has changed
yeah so now you would see the logo right
here which probably i wouldn't do that i
would just leave the
name of the course but that's really up
to you
language settings just leave it to the
language that your students are using
um and then we're just gonna leave
everything here as it
is orders and accounts
here i would just kind of leave
everything as it is so this enables
people to log in with their google
facebook or linkedin account
and if you would wanna want your
customers to agree to your private
policy in terms of
use you could check this as well and
then also type in your private policy
here and your terms of use
right here and the rest i would just
leave it as it is
and the same thing with code analytics
and thinkific labs this is more advanced
stuff that we're not going to bother
right now so i just noticed that we are
still at 71
which um is weird so let's check out
what we have missed maybe
go back to the dashboard and check out
their checklist
okay so build your course we have
completed customer is your site we have
completed and publish your course also
basically the get started section we
haven't finished explore what you can do
okay we have to watch a video
and that's fine start the thinkific fast
track course okay
customize your course player we have
actually done that so let's click on
save and continue
and preview your course player okay open
so i'll let you get through these last
couple of steps on your own it's
basically just a couple of training
videos from thinkific that you can watch
and then you'll get to those hundred
percent right here
now that's everything i wanted to show
you that's how you can create a course
using thinkific
if you found this video helpful let me
know by giving this video a thumbs up
really helped me out a lot and also if
you don't already have a thinkific
you can use my personal referral link
down below in the video description
which would also help me out a lot now
if you do have any questions still just
leave them down below in the comment
section and i'll get back to you as soon
as possible
also if you want to see more tutorials
just like this one you can go ahead and
subscribe to the channel
if you want to and that's pretty much it
thank you very much for watching and i
look forward to seeing you in the next