7 Best Online Course Platforms in 2022 | Teachable vs. Thinkific vs. Kajabi vs. Podia - YouTube

Channel: Wit & Wire | Course Creation Tips ✨

if you're thinking about creating and
selling online courses your online
course platform is one of the most
important tools you'll need but there
are quite a few options out there and a
lot of them are very different from each
other so today i'm going to talk about
my favorite online course creation
platforms and help you choose which one
is right for you hey i'm melissa and
welcome back to whit and wire where we
help creators turn their skills and
passions into profitable online
businesses one of the most important
distinctions we have to start with is
the difference between a course
marketplace and a course creation
platform on the marketplace side we have
sites like skillshare udemy and coursera
so the way it works is that students
actually go to those websites to find
courses and can purchase a course and
take it on that website as a creator
what you would be doing is almost like
contributing a course to udemy or to
skillshare and i have a fairly
successful skillshare course with a few
thousand students and that course is
great for exposure it's put me in front
of a lot of people but i don't earn very
much money from that course at all the
biggest downside in fact to course
marketplaces is the fact that it really
puts a cap on your profitability so of
those nearly 6 000 students i earn like
100 to 200 per month at max and some of
that money comes from me referring
people to skillshare for udemy you may
earn a little bit of money per course
but udemy controls your course pricing
and they can discount it at any time on
top of that for any of those course
marketplaces ultimately you're building
up that company's business and you don't
have access to the customers so those
students are skillshare students they
are udemy students and you cannot market
to them you do not have their email
addresses and as a business owner i
think that is a huge downside on the
other hand if you've heard of teachable
thinkific kajabi or podia these are
online course creation platforms and
when you use one of these tools you are
creating an online course but then when
a student makes a purchase they are
paying you directly the way i usually
describe it is that you can use a tool
like wordpress or squarespace to build a
website but you don't go to
squarespace.com to see other people's
websites in that same way you don't go
to teachable.com to explore a
marketplace of courses instead somebody
may find my course because they discover
whit and wire and then they go to my
website they see that i have a course
they make a purchase from me and then
they're going through that course that i
happened to build using teachable
overall the course creation platform is
a white label solution that lets you
create your own product and to me that's
the big difference is it your product or
does it belong to a marketplace
technically if you upload content to one
of those sites like udemy skillshare or
coursera you still own your own content
but for the sake of our discussion i
almost always recommend using the online
course creation platforms and those are
the tools we're going to be focusing on
because they are much more profitable
for business owners the first platform
is teachable
full disclosure i used to work a
teachable full time for four years but i
wouldn't have worked there if i didn't
believe in the product and i was
actually a teachable user before i was a
teachable employee so here are a few
reasons why i love teachable first it's
super customizable you can create any
type of experience inside each
individual lesson so for example you can
add a video and then put text below it
with your recommended resources or you
can list an action item now obvious as
that sounds not all course creation
platforms do that there are other
options where you can only have a video
or only have a download per lesson and i
think that makes for a worse student
experience because sometimes you need
more than a video to really accomplish
the goal of one lesson i also love the
flexibility of the curriculum builder
this is where i spend most of my time as
a creator either building courses or
updating or adding curriculum so the
fact that you can easily publish or
unpublish lessons as you're working on
them you can make certain parts
downloadable you can customize what goes
into the lessons you can do all kinds of
cool stuff with embedding forms to
create pulse checks i just think there's
so much that you can do with teachable
because of the flexibility that it
offers i also think that the student
experience is nice it's easy to go
through and it makes for a clean easy to
follow experience another area where
teachable really shines is the checkout
you can add benefits testimonials and a
guarantee along the side and all of
those increase the conversion potential
of your checkout page it's also a single
page checkout experience i'll talk about
a two-step checkout for some of the
other tools but basically what this
means is that there is no step one
create a login and then step two
check out and the more steps you have
the more chances that you have for
students to say no and to decide not to
buy from you so overall teachable's done
a lot of work to optimize this checkout
process to increase your odds of making
the sale there are also tons of
integrations and zap options in zapier
so you can make anything possible
between teachable and most tools that
you're probably using for your business
i also forgot to mention that when
you're creating curriculum you can use a
cloud importer so if your videos are in
dropbox or google drive you can connect
to it directly instead of downloading
videos and then uploading them which i
think is really nice and not something
most of the platforms use now no tool is
perfect and teachable is no exception
this is not a flaw but i think an
important consideration when it comes to
pricing teachable is comparable to the
others on this list it's not more
expensive or less expensive and they do
have a free plan to get you started but
i do think it's noteworthy that on the
free and basic plans there is a small
transaction fee so at a certain point
when you start to sell a couple thousand
dollars in course sales per year which i
know you will then you may want to
upgrade to the pro plan to avoid those
fees but when you're just getting
started overall they don't add up to too
much where i think that those are still
the right options and honestly i
recommend the basic plan for most
teachable creators until you start to
scale the other area of improvement for
teachable are the sales pages so i'm
talking about the sales page for your
own course they have definitely improved
the editor over the last few years but
what i actually do instead is i use my
wordpress site and i build my sales
pages there and then on the button on
those pages when you click it you go to
a teachable checkout page or another
checkout so you don't need a fancy
integration to do that i just wanted to
share that that is the tech stack that i
recommend for creators whether it's a
wordpress site a squarespace site
whatever you used to build your website
you can use that to build your sales
pages one more thing about teachable
that's really noteworthy is the fact
that they automatically calculate eu vat
tax and they can pay out affiliates if
you turn on a feature called back office
teachable has done a lot to really
create a comprehensive checkout
experience and to handle a lot of the
finances for you on the admin side so
teachable is definitely the clear winner
when it comes to checkout and conversion
optimization on the front end for your
buyers platform number two is thinkific
teachable and thinkific are very similar
and even though i use and love teachable
i know a lot of people are very happy
with thinkific and it could absolutely
be right for you i will say that their
checkout i think pales in comparison to
teachable because they have a two-step
checkout students have to create a login
first then they go to a second page
where they can check out and that adds
friction in the buying process which
will lower your conversion rate i also
personally prefer the student experience
of a teachable course because i've been
students in courses on all of these
platforms but that's just a minor
preference thinkific has a free plan if
you want to check it out and they do
have a cap of three courses on that free
plan but it should be enough for you to
see what you think i will say that one
area where thinkific does shine is their
ability to collect assignments and there
are slightly more enhanced grading and
quizzing features compared to teachable
so if that's important to you then think
if it could be the right choice overall
though with both platforms but
definitely with teachable you can embed
a lot of other tools into your lessons
so i just want you to know that even if
there's not a native option in teachable
thinkific or the tool that you choose
there are a lot of external tools like
surveys that you can embed that will
still create what looks like a native
experience for your students
that's a bit of an intermediate tip if
you know what that means that's for you
and if not don't even worry about it
platform number three is podia podia
markets themselves as your all-in-one
digital storefront and although i think
it could be the right fit if your
primary goal is simplicity
the other side of simple means that you
can't customize as much and it's not
quite as functional for example to me
one of the biggest drawbacks is the fact
that you can only have one content type
per lesson so let's say that you had a
video but you also wanted a pdf to go
with that video you have to make those
two separate lessons and not only is
that confusing because now your student
has to know to go to two different
places it also runs the risk of making
your course appear much longer than it
needs to be as an example in my
podcasting course i have a lesson on
creating a podcast intro for your show
and below it i have a pdf downloadable
of a lot of example scripts so i would
have to split that into two lessons and
if i had to do that every single time i
wanted to have a video with a resource
my course would have many more lessons
than it already does so i'm not a huge
fan of that also podia has kind of a
pop-up checkout process where it's
two-step like thinkific first you enter
an email and then you enter your credit
card info but there's no room for things
like testimonials guarantees or benefits
and i think that the pop-up nature is
not optimized for conversion i don't
have proof what i do know for sure is
that every marketing study i've ever
seen shows that a single page checkout
experience will out-convert a two-step
process just because the more pages
there are the more changes there are for
people to fall out platform number four
is kajabi
kajabi is a really popular choice for
course creators and business owners
because they are an all-in-one solution
kajabi is a little bit different from
the first three tools on the list
i would say that teachable thinkific and
podia are course creation platforms sure
you can also sell memberships and other
types of digital products but for the
most part that is the purpose you are
selling digital products kajabi expands
that a little bit it is an all-in-one
tool where you can create your website
you can sell courses you can have a blog
you can have a podcast rss feed you can
send emails you can create pipelines
there's so much that you can do in
kajabi and i think kajabi is the right
fit for someone who values simplicity
and having one tool
over the ability to customize because
its greatest strength the fact that it's
an all-in-one tool is also its biggest
downfall because if you're like me let's
say you may want to do more advanced
email automations and kajabi can't do
things like that so it wouldn't be the
right tool for me but i definitely think
kajabi could be the right fit for
somebody who wants everything in one
place i also know that kajabi's sales
pages and website builder cannot really
be compared to the first three options
they are definitely more customizable
you can do a ton with them so i think if
you're looking for an all-in-one
solution kajabi could be a great fit for
you once again though i have to talk
about the student experience i still
think that the kajabi interface which
shows a video with a little bit of text
below but then shows downloads off on
the side is not as user friendly as
teachables where you create a series of
blocks and you can do whatever you'd
like but it's very linear i know that's
just my personal preference talking but
as a student i prefer taking courses in
teachable than i do taking courses in
kajabi also the price point is frankly
higher it's going to start at 149 a
month and go up from there so if you're
choosing kajabi i would just make sure
that you're using not only the course
creation capabilities but that you're
also interested in some of the other
tools to have an all-in-one home for
your business platform number five is
learn worlds i'll be honest this is the
platform on my list that i'm least
familiar with but i'm mentioning it
because on one of their higher tiers
they have interactive video
functionality students can highlight
text in their own version of the course
and i think if interaction is what's
most important to you then this could be
a really interesting option for you to
explore if those are not some of your
top criteria then i think the first
options on this list are going to be a
little bit more affordable but overall
i'm super fascinated by learn world and
excited to see how people might continue
to use it in the coming years platform
number six is member fault i think a lot
of people choose member vault because
they have a pretty robust free plan and
i do think that it's a budget friendly
option i still prefer teachables free
plan but i think where member vault does
shine is their gamification where you
can earn points as you complete
different lessons and they really like
to talk about the fact that you can have
multiple courses and send people to the
hub where they can see all these sales
pages and they can click in and they can
make a purchase but the reason why i'm
not sold on that idea is because the
member vault sales pages and checkout
experience does not seem optimized for
conversion to me
so even if i were using member vault i
would probably still be using my
wordpress sales pages so overall i'm not
the biggest fan of the member vault
experience either as a creator i think
it's a lot more technical than the other
options or as a student i find myself
getting lost in the experience but if
you're looking for a budget option i did
want to include it on the list where you
can choose this or check out teachable
and thinkifics free plans but mostly
teachable i mean you all knew i was
going to recommend teachable right
platform number seven is thrivecart
this is a little bit of a left field
recommendation because at the end of
2021 thrivecart which was formerly a
checkout solution announced that they
had a new feature called learn where
they were basically trying to compete
with teachable and all the other course
creation platforms to say look we
already know people are using our
checkout experience let's just give the
people what they want and instead of
integrating with teachable what if they
had the option to use our own tool since
it's new i will say that thrivecart's
learn feature is still in pretty early
stages but you can create a very simple
course and the thing that you need to
know about creating with thrivecartlearn
is the fact that they do not have video
hosting let's say you choose teachable
what you can do is create your video
drag and drop it in and then teachable
hosts that video for you online with
thrivecart that's not the case you'll
need to purchase a different tool like
hosting your videos on vimeo or on
youtube which i don't recommend even if
you unlist them because it's not private
and can be shared but let's say you did
vimeo or loom you still have to pay for
a different video solution so it's not
the end of the world that could run you
anywhere from seven or eight dollars a
month to twenty dollars per month but
it's definitely a cost worth considering
that said i do use and love thrive cart
as a checkout experience because now
that my business has grown a little bit
there are some additional features that
teachable can't do like the ability to
have more than one payment plan on a
single checkout page so if you're
interested in exploring thrivecart you
can find a link below this video or
visit whittnwire.com thrivecard before i
share my final recommendations i did
want to give an honorable mention to the
world of wordpress plugins there are
tools like memberpress and learndash you
can use those to create courses that are
actually part of your wordpress site i
think those work really well for a lot
of business owners and you'll find links
to both of those below i personally find
them to be a little bit more technically
challenging than the course creation
platforms but if what's most important
to you is keeping everything housed
under your wordpress site then i think
then those could be a great solution for
the right business owner overall i do
have an important tip about choosing
your course creation platform
when you visit all of these websites
you're going to see tons of features
like graded quizzes certificates dripped
content where new content unlocks every
week course compliance there are so many
the problem is if none of those features
apply to your needs for your business
then making a buying decision based on
those features is not going to be useful
so what i would recommend doing right
now is that you make a list of all the
features that are important to you what
do you want your course experience to
feel like make notes and then once you
have that list you can go to the
different websites maybe do some free
trials and you can see what feels right
to you but also it meets your needs you
do not need to pay for features just
because they sound fancy and i don't use
a lot of the features that are on upper
tiers in any of these platforms that's
my business owner tip for you
i also want to share that i think there
are two very important parties when it
comes to which tool you choose the first
is of course you the way that the tool
feels to you if it's intuitive or not if
you enjoy using it if it makes sense
obviously there may be a small learning
curve to some of these course creation
platforms especially if you aren't very
tech savvy but you may have kind of like
a gut feeling that some feel better to
you than others i think that's really
important the other important person is
your student the student experience
feels very different in each of these
platforms so for you a major
consideration could be how that ux that
user experience feels to a student how
the branding of it looks i think that's
a major criteria as well and that's
totally a personal option one of you may
prefer thinkific another podia another
teachable that's not something that has
a universal answer and overall one of
the tips that i always give business
owners is that there is no such thing as
a perfect tool
just the right tools for different
there are plenty of very happy customers
on every single platform that i listed
so the worst mistake that you could make
is not choosing any at all or letting
paralysis prevent you from launching
your online course so if you are looking
for all of the curriculum building tools
that i use for my courses you'll find my
complete online course toolkit in the
description below or at whittenwire.com
coursetoolkit otherwise if this video
has been helpful i hope you'll give it a
thumbs up and subscribe to wittenwire
for more online business tips since
you're interested in online course
creation i would recommend this next
video on how to create and sell your
online course even if you aren't very
tech savvy and don't know where to find