I Put my Spare Room on Airbnb... Worth It? (my experience/earnings) - YouTube

Channel: unknown

so in this video today I'm going to be
talking to you about my experience over
the last thirty days as an Airbnb host
now I didn't really mention this
anywhere on social media just because
privacy reasons that I was doing an air
B&B but I decided to test it out for
about a month or so as one of these ways
of making you know side income and a lot
of people have been doing Airbnb s in
the last couple of years I know
personally I've stayed at probably a
dozen or so different Airbnb E's and so
I was always kind of curious about this
business so the house that I ended up
purchasing is a larger house 1,800
square feet quite a bit of space for one
person and so as a bit of an experiment
and of course for the content I decided
I would try out Airbnb for 30 days and
so what I'm going to be doing for you
guys is sharing my real earnings my real
experience with Airbnb and also whether
or not I think it's worth it to do it
and whether or not I will continue doing
my Airbnb listing but that being said if
you guys do enjoy this style of videos
where I'm documenting different
money-making ideas in real life all that
I ask is you drop a like on this video I
certainly do appreciate that it helps
out with the algorithm and allows for
this video to get shared with more
people and then lastly if at the end of
this video you guys are interested in
learning more about being an Airbnb host
or you potentially want to sign up and
host one of your spaces I do have a link
in the description below for that it is
an affiliate link and I do earn a
commission from Airbnb if you do decide
to use that link I certainly do
appreciate your use of that link but
again it is not required it's just a way
to give back to me for putting this
content together but that being said the
very first thing I want to do is give
you guys a tour of my Airbnb listing and
show you guys what everything looks like
okay so I'm downstairs in my house now
and if you guys couldn't guess the type
of listing that I went ahead and did was
a private room so I do have different
apartments here in this house that I
purchased it's a main house with two
apartments but I didn't have like a
separate empty apartment so I ended up
doing a shared room in
my home on the second floor and the
reason I was able to do that is because
this house actually has three floors and
I was occupying the third floor using
the guest bed and I had a bathroom down
here that I used so basically my guests
had full access to the master bedroom
and the master bathroom and those were
totally private not being used by other
people but the very first thing I did
that was really convenient for this
Airbnb that way I didn't have to worry
about welcoming people as I set up one
of these lock boxes on the door I'll
show you guys what that looks like just
so you know so when people showed up to
check into the Airbnb they just entered
a code on the door and then that allowed
them to enter and then I provided them
with instructions on how to actually you
know get to the second floor and get to
that bedroom but that was the initial
check-in it was just you know putting in
the code and then they would come
upstairs to where the bedroom is and
where the bathroom is so as you come up
the stairs here it was actually a pretty
decent layout for an air B&B because on
the right is their bathroom and then on
the left across the hall is the bedroom
and then where I was is the third floor
so totally separate area of the house
than what they were having access to so
the bedroom itself I will say this I put
a decent amount of money into furnishing
it and decorating it but I was planning
on putting this money into this room
regardless so this wasn't necessarily
costs that were specifically associated
with this Airbnb listing and then I'll
show you guys the bathroom really quick
and then I'll go into more detail about
some of the different elements I
incorporated in this Airbnb and so the
bathroom obviously the jacuzzi tub is a
big selling point and that was something
I added in my listing and I think that
got me a lot more bookings I had a lot
of people very interested specifically
just because this place had the jacuzzi
so other than the furnishing of the room
which I'm not really counting as an
expense since I was going to be
furnishing it anyway I did spend about
$300 on some different supplies for the
Airbnb one of the things I noticed early
on is that the towels that I was using
were not quick dry and it was taking me
like three hours to dry these towels so
one of the things I purchased was some
quick dry towels another thing that I
went ahead and purchased
assorted phone chargers I always like
when you stay at an air B&B and they
already have chargers there for you so I
bought like the three basic phone
chargers that everybody typically needs
I did a little candy dish here bought
some granola bars and a case of water
just because I know that when I stay at
Airbnb I really like these little added
amenities other than that I went ahead
and bought robes for the bathroom just
because if somebody's using the jacuzzi
and then they want to go from back there
into here they can just throw on the
robes and then I also purchased a second
set of the sheets for the bed just
because I found that was actually kind
of a pain in the butt with the turnover
if you already had a clean set you could
change over the bed very easily and then
have it ready for the next person
whereas if you didn't have it cleaned
you basically had to strip the bed wash
and dry the bedding and the pillowcases
and then get it all back on before your
next guest so if you are somebody who
does air B&B I think two sets of sheets
and pillowcases and everything is
definitely a must so that is basically
it that is what I spent the three
hundred dollars on and then I went ahead
and listed this room on Airbnb on August
19th and I went ahead and just let
Airbnb set the pricing for me and they
said that they believe this should be at
about 61 dollars per night so basically
as soon as I listed this place I began
getting bookings like crazy
I think the first four days in a row I
was booked straight with four different
guests then I had two days off and then
I was booked again for five days
straight now I work from home and I
definitely have the ability to you know
change the bedding over and it wasn't
that big of a headache but to be
completely honest with you guys having a
turnover every single night like that
was a lot of work for me and so what I
went ahead and did after that is I
increased my price slightly I was just
getting too many bookings and I didn't
want to be booked every single night so
I decided to increase my price by
fifteen dollars and I did so by adding a
cleaning fee to the listing so that took
the price for this Airbnb from sixty one
dollars per night up to seventy six with
that cleaning fee for a one night stay
and that definitely cut down on the
number of bookings that I was getting
but that was actually my goal
at the end of the day because I was just
slammed with guests and I was running
around like crazy you know changing over
bedding and it was just too much for me
to manage but then after I increase the
price to $76 I was getting much more
sporadic bookings which was actually a
plus for me because I wasn't looking for
that many just based on how much work it
was to change things over I found the
entire process for cleaning the bathroom
as well as you know making the bed and
doing all of that really took me about
20 or 25 minutes but I don't know what
to say I guess I'm kind of a lazy person
even that doing that every single day
doing the laundering I just found that
it was a little bit too much for me at
that frequency but if you are obviously
looking to maximize your bookings you're
gonna want to keep that price at a level
where you're getting consistent bookings
just like that okay so now I'll answer
your question that's probably the
burning question you have how much extra
side income was I able to make with this
shared room listing well as I said I
actually didn't list this place until
August 19th and I think my first booking
was on the 20th or the 21st and even in
that last final stretch of August my
earnings was 507 dollars for the month
of August like I said I was pretty much
booked every single day other than maybe
three or four days out of the end of
that month so that was actually really a
good amount of income for the last week
and a half of August for September since
I did increase my price by adding that
$15 cleaning fee and I was also
traveling quite a bit so I had it
blacked out the total it was 256 dollars
and then in total the money I've made so
far from this Airbnb was 1025 dollars
from I would say maybe 15 or so
different guests all of my guests
luckily gave me a five-star rating I
think this is definitely one of the
nicer Airbnb --zz that you could find
out there
I do think Airbnb is quite honestly a
great way to earn some side income if
you have extra space in your home and I
know a lot of people are worried about
strangers entering your home or you know
the safety side of Airbnb and I can't
speak to every single case but what I
will say is that in my case everybody
that came
was very respectful to myspace they were
very clean and in many cases you know
they they cooked the garbage out with
them and did little things like that or
did the dishes so there was actually
very little cleanup on my part and all
of my guests were absolutely phenomenal
so I would say that Airbnb is honestly a
great way to make some extra site income
however I personally am probably not
going to continue with that just because
of the opportunity cost associated with
managing this Airbnb listing myself
since I work from home and I have many
different things I could do with my time
you know blogging or working on videos
or my different businesses this is quite
honestly not the best use of my time at
the end of the day if I'm making you
know sixty dollars for a one night
listing 60 to 75 and that's taking me
even half an hour to set that up that's
just not the best use of my time day
today there are more profitable things
that I could personally be doing but
that being said for the majority of
people I would say you know making sixty
to seventy-five bucks a night for a
shared room and basically just having to
clean up quick and do a load of laundry
I think most people would agree that it
is actually worth it to make that money
and I think Airbnb is honestly an
awesome option if you're looking to make
you know an extra 500 to a thousand
bucks per month of side income and again
depending on your area and your listing
you know maybe even more so but anyways
guys that being said that was my
experience with being an Airbnb host for
30 days let me know what you guys think
in the comments section below is this
something you're considering as a method
for making some side income or let me
know what you guys think about being an
Airbnb host and as I said if you guys do
want to learn more about hosting your
space or if you decide that you do want
to be a host there is a link down in the
description below where you can get more
information about being an Airbnb host
the actual process for me for listing my
space took me about you know maybe 30
minutes at the most and then 24 hours
later I was able to get my first booking
so it was a very very quick and easy
process but that being said thank you
guys so much for watching this video I
hope you enjoyed it
and I will see you in the next one