The scams and frauds behind non-profits - YouTube

Channel: Slidebean

naive 20 year old me used to think of
charities of non-profit organizations as
truly selfless acts
but you probably know where this is
fifa a non-profit organization founded
two to develop and to improve the
beautiful sport of soccer has 1.8
billion dollars in cash reserves paid
its president about 3 million a year in
salary its top executives went all to
jail a few years ago for laundering
money and taking bribes this pastor for
example he used his non-profit to
essentially become a millionaire and
then fly in his own private jets jesus
was physically on the earth today he
wouldn't be riding a donkey he'd be in
an airplane preaching the gospel all
over the world these are just two of so
many stories we found on how easy
these organizations lose their way and
it's no coincidence that so many
celebrities and millionaires have all
established their own foundations but
even worse than this even worse than
just saving taxes nonprofits raise money
they raise money from people like you
and me who want to help sometimes but
few people know the truth the truth of
where that money
sometimes ends and how little it
actually goes to that cause that you're
that you think that you're supporting so
what is it about the non-profit
organization that makes it the perfect
cover-up for this crap
stealing tens of millions of tax dollars
meant for child nutrition programs the
non-profit took over 300 000 in federal
funds to just shy of 200 million dollars
in 2021 alone so when you start a normal
company you incorporate it you define a
set of shareholders you issue more
shares to investors and then if things
work out you sell it and then you retire
in costa rica when a traditional company
closes a profitable year it may choose
to save that money for later or it may
pay it out to its investors as dividends
the way this works at least in the u.s
is first the irs will take its cut of
the company profits that's revenue minus
expenses then if the investors agree
they make a dividend distribution so all
the profits are divided between all the
shares that have been issued for that
company and each shareholders gets some
cash proportional to their share
ownership which is taxed again by the
way but still this is the most direct
legal straightforward way to earn money
from the company that you started or
from your investments but it is
expensive because it is double tax so
there must be another way right well of
course there are plenty of ways people
will always find ways to get fewer taxes
go watch your video on the pendulum
papers but nonprofits are just one of
them and if you know your way around the
system you can absolutely use them to
your advantage so if you're opening a
nonprofit organization there isn't much
difference with a for-profit at first
you have to do some basic things like
defining a name creating a governing
board define a mission statement and all
bureaucratic details then you have to
incorporate it and register just like a
normal business you have to file for
this tax exempt status if you get this
approved then you're all set but the
authorities are going to be on top of
you nonprofits can make revenue yes they
can pay for things they can employ
people and yes they can have some
additional regulations for example they
have to file yearly forms to justify
their income and their expenses and with
these forms of authorities
sort of try and control that there isn't
any foul play but of course of course if
you play your cards right you can end up
with an organization that you control
maybe through somebody else that just
does what you tell them to do and an
untaxed bucket of money and you can use
that cash for things like jets so this
is jesse to plant that he is a pastor
i'm sure his church does great things
for a lot of people i don't doubt it but
personally i just don't trust the guy so
why would you it's not the weird hair or
the creepy smile it's that he uses his
churches and his non-profits to buy jets
he asked members of the congregation to
give him 54 million dollars to pay for a
private jet why you ask well because
flying coach is full of demons it's not
about possessions it's about priorities
he has said that flying commercial would
require him to stop repeatedly waste a
lot of fuel and slow down his job
as a pastor and that the tiny seeds and
crappy food wouldn't let him
talk to god and here's where it gets all
more twisted he asked for a donation
true donation of 54 million dollars to
do that and you see the ministry can say
that it is an asset it is an asset that
the pastor uses to spread the word of
god which is the non-profit's purpose so
as far as the law goes it's still
fair play even if it's a private
freaking job oh and and by the way that
was that was his fourth private debt
this was paid cash this was paid cash
this was paid cash and the new ones will
be paid cash also so when the media
questioned him this is what he said i
can't even read this i'm not asking you
to pay for my plane i'm asking you to
pray for my plane that's the actual
quote god
told me to have that plan and then in
the context of a non-profit that's
there's nothing stopping him from doing
that so this crazy bastard is just one
example of how nonprofits can play with
the numbers after all the expenses tab
in your financial model wink can hold up
anything after all there doesn't seem to
be much control when it comes to
conflict of interest with these
foundations now we've all heard of
course of the bill and melinda gates
foundation this non-profit is famous for
donating to the latest and to the
greatest education medicine and research
from the outside if you're not part of q
anon it's it seems that everybody loves
it right after all they have and this is
true they have donated billions of
dollars into global health with the
latest technology on hand hey guys sorry
to interrupt the video but i wanted to
talk about our sponsor for today which
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use the code slightly back to the video
bill gates and his wife melinda have
been using their influence and wealth to
advance healthcare around the world this
foundation hovers on a very thin line
between right and wrong so
here's how it goes like in in 2020 the
gates foundation donated around 250
million dollars in grants to giant
corporations lg or ericsson merck and
pfizer so sure these companies are
making great strides in
topics like the vaccine like the kova
vaccine and a bunch of new technologies
but at the same time the gates
foundation owns stock
in all of these corporations now is that
no but it can absolutely blur the lines
and make corporations believe that they
too even with their massive size are
worthy of billions of dollars in
donations now donations are essential
for non-profits but this gets a lot
darker it gets a lot darker when these
organizations are not only the cash
reserve for their owner but do the
fundraisers as well yeah let's take
another controversial non-profit oh i'm
gonna get burned for this but okay so
let's talk about the nra nra history
spends 150 years and its core goal has
evolved through it all first it aimed to
improve marksmanship and then shift to
promoting gun education and gun safety
and then lobbying for guns threats but
in later years the nra became desperate
for donations it has deficits of up to
40 million dollars so it's increased its
fundraising like crazy but hold on hold
on the nra is this huge organization
how did it get to this point this all
started when the nra
decided to focus change its focus from
education to lobbying they started
promoting this gun loving lifestyle and
openly criticized those who criticized
the organization in fact it stopped
funding gun safety the non-profit's
budget showed that it had reduced that
to less than 10 of its budget for gun
education and for safety and that it had
shifted the rest to just
communications it was now this media
company that had become a piggy bank for
its directors corruption within the nra
was so rampant that wayne lapierre one
executive paid 13.5 million dollars of
the nonprofit's money to a travel
consultant what the hell is a travel
consultant lapierre also spent almost
300 000 in a beverly hills men's store
250 000 and traveled to italy hungary
and the bahamas one nra member dave
butts received 400 000 as payments for
consulting on public outreach and then
the nra lobbied against background
checks for gun owners and even spent 1.6
million dollars in six months
campaigning against it and that is a
major no no nonprofits can lobby but it
cannot become a substantial portion of
their efforts so all these chaos finally
sparked some legal action so in 2020 uh
new york's attorney general leticia
james opened a full-on investigation and
alleged that the nra had failed to
continue its core goal of promoting gun
safety for years of self-dealing and
illegal conduct
that violate new york's charities law
and undermine its own mission and plus
of course there was all this corruption
stuff and washington dc followed suit
the accusations were very explicit that
the nra was just too corrupt it was no
longer focused on its goals instead
again just a piggy bank for its
directors but that is kind of the
problem with nonprofits it's easy to
justify and hard and complex to disprove
the nra could say all of these expenses
were necessary and we kind of would have
to believe them in the current state of
the law okay so let's maybe assume that
not all the money is laundering let's
let's go to a different world let's
assume that someone really
really really wants to help pick plastic
from the ocean or i don't know help the
pandas so another
massive problem with nonprofits it's how
much money gets lost on the way okay so
let's say that you donate a hundred
dollars to a campaign in omaze 65 of
those dollars will be used to pay for
the reward and for the costs of the
reward just that 20 are for omaze's
admin fees and they're a for-profit
organization by the way and after all
these fees only 15 out of your 100
donation will make it to the actual
nonprofit which of course of course most
certainly has costs as well so if you
care about donations
all you're left with is doing research
so you have sites like charity navigator
that can tell you how much a non-profit
pays in overhead expenses if you want to
help that panda you should respect that
33 rule this means that any nonprofit
that spends more than 33 percent should
raise a red flag to you and the problem
is that there are a lot of them that
don't work as efficient so that panda
might get either 87 or a meager 20 and
in some cases it's even worse if you
heard about the cancer fund of america
you might think that this is a
professional solid organization that
helps fund cancer research right if you
go to their website that's what they'll
tell you and then if you look at their
financials you'd see that they in fact
donate to cancer research but that's
they pay
james reynolds the founder 230 000 a
year the fund also pays for another 24
family members salaries and you might
think that such a high salary means that
there's i mean there's probably a lot of
money coming in right and you have to
manage it well no not really the cancer
fund of america donates 2.5 of all
donations to research and support 2.5 of
all the money that they get but once
again as a non-profit organization they
can't this is legal and there's nothing
that can stop them so that's why we need
to have sites to rate these charities
and that's why the cancer fund of
america has the worst possible rating in
charitable watch since 1993. at least
they've been consistent before we finish
i want to talk about one last case in
particular it brings all of these
loopholes together into into one single
thing plus it deals with one of my
passions i suppose which is football
soccer for you americans major sponsors
should reconsider supporting fifa now a
byword for global corruption big money
fifa world cup spenders speak to the
world like they're in a parallel
whenever i'm watching the world cup or
even the qualifiers i just forget that
fifa is a non-profit because this
massive organization
that sells massive tv deals and shapes
the entire country before a world cup is
a non-profit just like that charity on
the corner of your street but again what
is the purpose what is the mission of
fifa well to take the sport of football
to all corners of the world while making
it better and and yes i i think that
they have after all more and more people
watch the world cup now more than ever
fifa has become a giant money machine by
selling licensing and broadcasting
rights plus ticket sales from the actual
world cup so in 2018 fifa had 4.5
billion dollars in revenue and this is a
world cup year this is the russia world
cup year but in a non-world cup year
they still managed to get 300 million
dollars in revenue so it makes perfect
sense for a nation to host the world cup
i mean for fifa it does it's going to
walk into your nation and make as much
money as possible leaving you oftentimes
just crumbs plus fifa as a non-profit
that it is always demands for tax
exemption once it hosts a world cup
basically when fifa comes in stadiums
and nearby areas
suddenly become tax-free because it's
fifa so in short the host nation pays
for everything and gets very very little
in return still countries countries
believe in the power of hosting a world
cup so they do
they do whatever they can to win this
bid so fifa has been hit with scandal
after scandal over the last decade as
whistleblowers have come out and just
revealed the truth of what goes on this
real life hagrid is chuck blazer for two
decades he worked with fifa and racked
up 29 million dollars in credit card
bills he loves this lavish lifestyle
that included having an apartment in
trump tower just for his cats so blazer
just rubbed shoulders with most
prominent executives but it turns out
that he was also taking bribes to ensure
world cup bids for france and south
africa and he of course was not the only
one this was a shitstorm of a corruption
case a bunch of other cases appeared
jack warner for example the head of
concacaf took in 10 million that were
supposed to be used for developing
football in the caribbean and use 1.6
million dollars of that money to pay for
his personal loans in 2011 a
whistleblower revealed that qatar had
paid 1.5 million dollars to fifa
executives and officials to ensure that
the country would win this year's world
cup bit and of course these and other
bunch of fifa scandals rocked fifa to
the core to the point in which
setbladder the president had to resign
in 2015 and he of course was no saint
himself his name
embedded in most of these accusations
and with fifa we come to this typical
case with non-profits to massive
salaries sep ladder had a salary of
three million dollars would get this a
12 million dollar a year bonus his
replacement jani infantino has a much
more moderate they learn the lesson here
much more modest salary just 1.5 million
dollars and we will restore
the image of fifa and the respect of
fifa and everyone in the world will
upload us and we'll upload all of you
there's no wonder why people
often compare fifa to the mafia sure it
has grown the sport of soccer to
unprecedented heights but at the same
it's become so powerful that you can't
help but wonder if it will always be
corrupt or what is their true motivation
in the end in fact it's scary to think
that these non-profits have so much
power it almost makes me want to avoid
almost and i say almost because it's
really unfair to leave out the
non-profits that are really doing good
work and doing great things none of
these are sponsored in any way
foundations like the naacp legal defense
and educational fund the rotary
international the environment defense
fund and the dn fossee gorilla fund
these are just some of the hundreds of
organizations that do
again truly great work and most
importantly they show how they spend
their donations so let's say that you
want to work with a nonprofit that's
that's really great if you want to be
more involved the best thing to do is
just to ask and to do your research all
these organizations have to give you
their financials there are still a lot
of sites that rate charities and that
rate nonprofits just go online and check
and make sure that the money that you're
giving actually goes to that cost that
you're supporting i know that we trashed
a lot of non-profits in this video but
there is always room for positive action
in fact if you know of any nonprofits
that are doing great work a good place
to start is just to put them in the
comments i think that everybody will
appreciate it thanks a lot for watching
guys remember the first five comments on
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office hours so make sure that you're
subscribed more office hours are
available with the link in the
description hit that bell button and
we'll see you next week