Sharing Cab with your Ex || SwaggerSharma - YouTube

Channel: unknown

Sir, why have you not reached!
I've been waiting for 15 minutes, since I booked the cab
Please come fast, I'm getting late for my interview
Just a moment
Dude, have you seen my black shoes?
No buddy
They must be there only
No dude, I've looked for them everywhere
My cab is here, I'll talk to you later, bye
OTP is 3215
I'm already very late because of you, drive fast
Sir, let me tell you it's very toublesome
All the cab drivers are on a strike
You're very lucky to have encountered me!
Okay whaterver, let's go fast now
And don't stop before Gurgaon
Okay sir
(Together) Stop the car
Sir, please come fast
Why have you even bought the car if you're so slow
Hello, yes...
What do you mean by 25 minutes..!
Why won't you come
Sir, you'll cancel first then book another
It's up to you but you've got an interview
And ma'am has an exam
Both of you will miss it
Oh and she'll become a judge after the exam, right?
And he'll become the MD of the company after the interview right?!
Can you be in your limits
You'll tell me my limits
Who's never known them!
To whom are you talking like that?
Who else is here?
Are you deaf?
How is she talking to me like that?
Forget it Sir!
You both won't be able to go together
I'll only have to cancel
(Singing) Only if you're with me!
(Singing) Only if you're with...
Can you please change the song
Okay sir as you say
Can you change that song!
Okay ma'am as you say
(Singing) It's only you loss
(Singing) I've got nothing to lose
Sir, do one thing, shut it down!
Okay,here you go
Fucking lier, you've only taken my shoes right!?
Oh hi babe
Oh yes, I was thinking about you only
About me?
Bastard! Don't fuck around!
I'm getting late for my office, bring me shoes back
Oh I love you too!
Dude, what drugs are you on!?
Yes, I'll be there
Babe, look I'm in a cab with strangers
And they might wanna cause harm to our relationship
So,I'll talk to you later
Okay babe, bye!
Hello? Listen up!
Wierd fucker!
Play some romantic songs please, I'm filled with love today
Play something romantic
Okay sir, I'll do it right away
Hi babe!
Nothing I'm just going for my exam
Oh yes! Tonight's plan is on!
Our technology is so advanced no!
My previous call hasn't even ended and I'm getting another call
But ma'am you tried your best to fool him!
Can you please drive the car without opening your mouth!
Oh yes ma'am sorry
Hi baby!
Tonight's plan is on!
Sir, please ask him to stop laughing
Sir, please tell her I'll keep laughing, stop me if you can
Sir, so tell him to do it because that's what crazy people do
Sir, tell her she's right because only a crazy would know a crazy guy
Sir, tell him..
What do I tell him!
You won't even let me speak
You guys are fighting from the begining
I agree that you guys have your differences due to some reasons
But there's something called love and trust
Why don't you guys get it
We're getting late
The third passenger is coming, wait for 5 minutes
I'll get late and I'll miss my interview
So I was saying..
There's this love and there's this trust
And then there's me who gets up at 6 in the morning and reach at 10 in the night
But that doesn't mean my wife will divorce me
We've got this understanding
We've been happily living together since 5 years
I'm really getting late man, got this interview
We're about to go, please wait
Turn on the A.C dude!
This heat has really fucked me!
Oh sorry, I didn't realize ladies are sitting the fucking cab
Sorry I cursed Oh sorry, I didn't realize ladies are sitting the fucking cab
Sorry I cursed
You are smelling really nice sir
Are you a dickhead or what?
I haven't bathed for 3 straight fucking days
I'm really sorry
I fucking cursed again
Can you please behave
Sir, please drop me first
My interview is in 15 minutes
No! Drop me first. My exam is in 10 minutes
No drop me first I have to reach the park in 5, my chick is waiting for me
You're right sir, I'll drop you first
What the fuck!
Will you ever let anyone love or not?
So sir tell me one thing
Fucking ask man
How did you propose your girl?
You've got something to say
No, have you?
Okay then, let's meet tomorrow
I love you
Both of us haven't fucking done it
I don't even like all this fucking useless fuss
If you don't mind, tell me one thing
Fucking ask man!
How was your first kiss
Oh,I don't really fucking remember
Actually I don't really believe in breakfast
I skip straight to the dinner, if you know what I mean
Ok, tell me one more thing
That's it man
No more questions please
Please drive fast
What's his fucking problem
I don't know what is your problem with love and relationships
God has blessed us with such a beautifull thing
I don't know why you don't get it
If you see, I have got my wife
This guy has got his chick, I really don't get it
There is the park, stop the car
Let me arrange the money
I'lll borrow money from my chick
My fucking purse got stolen
Yes, I'm just outside the fucking park
Do one thing, come outside and pay me cab rental
Okay, come fast love you
Actually I don't really waste my money on fucking chicks
Here she is
Tell me one thing
Have you got any condoms?
You naughty guy!
I really don't know when the time comes
I'll give it to you
Give it to me fast!
There you go sir!
Thank you!
Enjoy yourself sir
I'll give you the money okay
It's fucking 110 rupees
You arrived so early, could'nt wait no!
Sir I'm really getting late
Just a moment sir I'll just meet his girl and be back
Just a moment
Hey, have you got change...
What happened, will you fucking tell me!
How do you know her fucking name!?
How does he know your name?
Tell me no!
He's my husband
Oh he's your....
She's fucking married
Fucking lied to me
Fucking lied to me on facebook
That is my wife!
Should I book another cab?