Endowments rise for historically black colleges and universities amid social justice era - YouTube

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social injustice and racial inequity has
inspired a new generation of donations
to historically black colleges and
universities the united states has more
than 100 hbcus located in 19 states as
well as the district of columbia and the
u.s virgin islands although historically
black colleges and universities were
originally founded to educate black
students they enroll students of other
races as well
social issues and the high demand to
attend these institutions has set off a
new wave of donations the total
endowment for the top 10 hbcus combined
is a little over 2 billion
while the endowment for harvard
university is more than 40 billion
hbcus lag behind most predominantly
white institutions when it comes to
university endowments for more on this i
want to bring in the president of
virginia state university makola
abdullah president abdullah welcome
thank you for joining us
according to the century foundation data
from recent years shows that on average
endowments at public non-historically
black colleges and universities are
three times the size of those of public
hbcus among private institutions private
non-hbcu endowments are seven times the
size of those of private hbcus
what is really behind these numbers and
this kind of inequity
well see there's there's two really main
reasons uh the first one is is obvious
and you kind of stated it uh as you did
your intro really the historic
underfunding of our institution uh as
we've gotten funds to to make our
campuses better to make student life
better we've had to use them in the
moment and not necessarily save them uh
and push them forward in the form of
endowments uh the other is that we have
been committed from the very beginning
to giving everyone who needs an
to give them that chance whether it's to
chase the american dream or to change
their lives uh that we've always been in
that business and so what that means is
is our ability to generate wealth from
our loans will lag behind
those institutions that are that are
enrolling wealthier students and
enrolling uh students from wealthier
families and so one we're committed uh
to our mission of making sure that
everyone gets an opportunity uh and two
we really need to look at the uh
correction of the historic underfunding
of our institutions
historically black colleges and
universities have helped to launch many
successful careers including howard
university alum vice president kamala
harris tennessee state university alum
oprah winfrey
how do you think the success of
prominent alums has changed the
narrative and fundraising efforts of
i think that's one of the most fantastic
things that we have at our institutions
and i am also an alum of while president
of virginia state university i'm an alum
of howard university and very proud of
our vice president kamala harris um but
our alums when they leave our
institutions uh they're the ones that
really create the brand to create the
energy of our hbcus they're the ones
that help young people understand that
you can get there from here wherever
you're trying to go
that you can get there from our hbc news
and the more that our alums continue to
have uh success uh the more that uh
donors uh the more the private
philanthropy the more that we get
corporate investments uh the more that
alums continue to give uh give back to
our institutions and that's critically
and lawmakers have an opportunity to
pump trillions of dollars into hbcus
from president biden's build back better
plan what do you believe is standing in
the way of those funds and how do you
see that money as impacting black
institutions such as
yours well i'll tell you this i think
when you when you start to look at the
historic underfunding and you start to
map it out there's really three ways
that you can really see it one of them
we discussed earlier is the size of our
endowments compared to other
institutions you mentioned that the top
10 hbcus have about 2.1
billion dollars but if i was to take
that further the all of our hbcus have
endowments less than 2.5 billion dollars
if you put all of our hbcus together uh
and there's more than 50 into other
institutions that have endowments bigger
than the totality of the endowments in
our hbcus uh also uh though not just
endowments but deferred maintenance and
level of deferred maintenance that we
have at our institutions and the amount
of debt that we have that we've used to
build and maintain our facilities and to
drive our infrastructure and so when we
talk about the
trillions of dollars the dollars from
the federal government to for our
institutions uh those are really to uh
correct underfunding of our institutions
to provide access to critical
infrastructure needs to make sure that
our faculty and staff many of whom are
very qualified to tackle the problems of
the day have the resources
that they need to tackle whether it's
climate change or criminal justice
reform to be able to add to the the
conversation of the nation uh and so
we're very excited um that so many
including uh congresswoman alma adams
and and our congress folks in in
virginia bobby scott tim kaine mark
warner um have really shown a level of
commitment to our hbcus and we're
excited to see this come to pass
president of virginia state university
makola abdullah thank you so much for
joining us we appreciate your time
thank you