I'm Worried for the First Time Home Buyer in Canada - YouTube

Channel: Chamberlain Real Estate Group

the future of first-time buyers are at
jeopardy and if you are ready to pull
the trigger and looking at buying your
first property in the next number of
months or even years you are in the
right place the first thing that i want
to talk about is how did we even get
here in this first place so the first
thing is home values are increasing now
i'm in calgary alberta and for us the
last number five 10 years we've kind of
have up and down markets in the last
five years we haven't had increased
prices in the properties now i know in
other areas of the country they've been
constantly seeing upward pressure on
prices of homes and we're starting to
feel it too and that's why i'm realizing
how worried i am for first-time buyers
for you as you're buying your first
the second thing
is interest rates are starting to climb
all right if you can see this chart here
this is a chart i found on a website
from a mortgage company and they're
talking about potential forecasting of
interest rates so by the end of 2023
they are saying that the maximum number
we could see
is about four percent all right and the
minimum is about three point three four
percent on five year fixed products
i think this might be a little bit low
this is the number they projected 3.08
was the average uh by the end of right
now q1 of 2022 well we're already seeing
a lot of 3.4 type percent products
already on the market
and so this number over here we could
end up easily seeing four plus percent
uh when we get into get into that market
all right so interest rates are rising
now this is also causing a lot of that
to happen
the third thing and this has surprised
me is that the investor's share of the
market has grown quite a bit and i was a
little bit surprised by this when i
found this and i think this was from the
bank of canada in a study they did
and when you look at this
this is home purchases by first time
buyers repeat buyers and investors
have historically moved in tandem right
so they usually have so you can see
right here
all through here
these uh this is kind of always worked
together but what's happened and this is
now 2020 and so as when we came out of
uh basically there was a gap that
started happening the investors
repeat buyers
and first-time buyers
there is a gap and so this is causing a
lot of problems in the market so
investors are great to have they're
but if there's too many what is that
balance of having too many investors
because we need them for inventory for
rental properties
and all that as well as landlords but
what is that fine balance of too many
investors buying properties versus
homeowners i don't know the answer i'm
just posing this question because i
don't know the answer if you know the
answer comment below or or battle it out
below because i don't know that answer
what i do know
is as the first time buyers are getting
squeezed out of the market here
because more investors are buying and
why is that happening well
in calgary right now we're seeing a lot
of investors coming to calgary and
buying property because it's a lot
cheaper than it is out there right and
so home equity that is the word the word
of the day is home equity they have seen
their homes increase in value so let's
say if this investor
mr jones the investor has uh three
properties um and mrs jones has three
properties as well so combined this
brother sis or whoever these two people
six properties and if all of these
properties go up in value
now they have all this equity to play
with they might say hey you know between
these three properties on my side i've
got 175 or 200 or 300 000
of equity that we can now use to do
something else and same on the other
side well now we've got five six seven
hundred thousand dollars that we can go
and start buying other properties in
other places
this is i think why we're seeing this
happening and that makes it a lot harder
for these first-time buyers like you in
this market because you're competing
against you know some pretty savvy
they aren't the first time buyers right
they're repeat buyers they are buyers
that have already owned a house they've
gone through the process they're
investors who they're not really
emotionally playing the game they're
just buying based on numbers and they're
willing to pay more if they can
rent it for more right so
fomo i feel it for you and it's real
right the other thing with first time
buyers is down payment issues so in this
market one of those things that you
might have and you might be feeling as a
first-time buyer
is the
fear of the properties increasing
quicker and greater than how you can
save for your down payment that makes
sense so what i mean by that is if the
market goes from 500 to 600 000
like you're not gonna pay cash on that
right you don't have to come up with an
extra 100 000
to buy this house well if you're putting
five percent down and that's you know
the minimum but if you're putting five
percent down
right here it actually is only a
thousand dollar increase now not only
that's still five thousand dollars but
it is a five thousand dollar increase
you gone from twenty five to thirty
thousand dollars as a five percent down
payment your closing costs are probably
the same all that kind of stuff but you
just your down payment is bigger now the
other scenario
is what if you were planning on putting
15 down and now
um the home values are increasing and
you are seeing you know values of 100
200 000 depending on where you are in
the country
might be 50 000 but either way you're
seeing the values going up you may not
be able to save more and have to look at
now we can only put 12 percent down or
maybe we can only put 10 down um and
that that's that's real too
all of these scenarios what do they
equal increase monthly payments that's
what they equal
so regardless of any of these scenarios
your monthly payment is going to change
when values go up okay and that that's
the reality
the third thing that i have here and
again i don't have answers i'm not uh
an investment person for you to take an
investment advice from uh outside of
real estate but find a way to
potentially future proof your down
payment so find some investments find a
way to instead of just keeping it all
cash is there some place that you can
put it that can earn some interest on it
that can at least
move it forward now you want to make
sure that
it is liquid that you can pull it out
quickly because you don't want it tied
up in something that you can't get to
if you're using you know first time
buyer home plan like an rsp first-time
you know you want to be able to know
that you can pull that out quickly so
that's a pretty important part when it
comes to this if you're going to try to
future proof your down payment but that
is an idea
that you may want to consider
through the link in our description you
will you can go to a page or you can
choose a time
book a call with us 15 minute blocks and
have a conversation where we can help
you through
all of this
you as a first-time buyer
how do you compete
right because we've got a lot of
investors buying in this we have a lot
repeat buyers so people who've done this
before and then you guys the first time
buyers how do you compete with these
savvy buyers in a market when yeah
you're gonna be fighting for houses well
the first thing
is know what your shopping budget is
talk to your lender talk to your
mortgage broker talk to your bank
and instead of this is what we tell our
buyers here and our agents is instead of
looking at 50 houses and you're going
shopping and looking at houses
take the same time and energy to make
sure your lender and your broker has all
of your documents
get them all of the documents because
then you are set you know how much you
can fight for how much you can spend you
know that you can have a letter from
them that says you're pre-approved and
ready to go you can plan with them uh
when you found the best house and you're
gonna fight for it okay do that please
do that for me please because that is
how that is probably the biggest way
that you can compete is having knowledge
on your side okay and knowing what your
shopping budget is
second tip
shop 10 to 15
under your max budget all right so what
i mean by that is again let's use a 600
000 number so let's say if you are
approved all the way to 600 and you feel
comfortable in your monthly payments
all of that are okay
up to 600 000. well
don't go looking at houses that are
listed at 600 000
because what's happening in this market
they're going for over that right all of
a sudden a house that's listed at 580
is selling for 640 or sometimes even
seven in in calgary anyways like we have
some really big numbers that are
swinging and changing things so what you
want to do
is actually look at houses that are
maybe in that 520 range because now why
now you can compete you can compete you
can go and you can start looking at and
saying okay i actually can increase my
offer i can put a bigger over asking
number down than
just continuing to cause myself
frustration and seeing a 590 house and
writing 600 and being frustrated that i
can't get it like that's like the
definition of insanity is it not doing
the same thing over and over and getting
the same results and causing yourself
problems i don't think that's the actual
real definition but it's pretty close
because that would drive me crazy
if i was you i would be so frustrated
i would be so exhausted in fighting for
things that you just i just don't think
you can get it because i know when i
look at a house when i'm moving and i
find the house
man i want it i'm emotionally bought in
you can only do that so many times look
at a property fall in love with it go
see it and try to win it and lose it
like that's that's hard that is hard to
do so don't do that so stop doing that
start looking and fighting for the
things you know you can win and
sometimes what that means
not only is it shopping 10 to 15 below
your budget it also means that you need
to look at a different type of product
so if you're looking at night used to be
let's say you used to be looking at 1900
square foot houses
and now they're you're priced out of
that range you don't have a house yet
well maybe you need to look at that 1400
square foot house and make sure you have
a finished basement or maybe it's
finding a 1700 square foot attached
property a townhouse something bigger
but attached and it's less value
proactively go and look for those types
of product changes because then that is
going to allow you to win put yourself
in a position that you can win don't
just keep trying to do stuff and and
losing because that's frustrating all
right now third thing
have a letter ready have a template
a letter to the seller and if you've
made it this far in the video i want to
give you a free tip here we actually
have a template for you so i'm going to
put it in the description and i'm going
to put a link here
in the video but
you can go and you can download a
template on how to write a really good
letter to the seller from you as the
buyer and it's a guide that you can have
that you can download you can use
and create your letter to the seller
this is this is big and i know a lot of
people do it actually a lot less do it
than you would think
because sometimes we can have 10 offers
on a property and still only one or two
people are taking the time to write a
letter to get them to know and it helps
it can help with the right seller all
and the last thing is have an agent who
knows how to hustle
what i mean by this
is if your real estate agent is simply
writing an offer with you
submitting the offer
and waiting to hear back
that's not working in your best interest
you need an agent that works for you
that is reaching out to that listing
agent saying hey how many offers do we
have i know we're an hour out like they
need to become the best friend of that
listing agent here's an example you know
when you feel like you're sitting across
the table from someone and it's like
we're on different sides of the table
you need an agent that knows how to come
around the table hey buddy you know
let's do this together i have a
fantastic client they are ready to go
they love this property please keep me
in the loop how many offers you get who
else is writing those offers
and if you don't have an agent that is
doing that for you
unfortunately you're going to lose a lot
of times before you finally win and that
is what you need if you want that letter
to the seller template go into the
description you can download that uh
it's just an enter your email address
and you can download the the guide i
know that the fomo is real for
first-time buyers i am concerned because
now we are starting to see it in calgary
where a lot of other places around the
country have seen it for a long time if
you have tips that you want to share
with the community that watch these
videos put them below how did you win
your house how many offers did you have
to go through what was your experience
what would you have done differently uh
let's create an amazing thread and help
each other out uh as we are fighting for
these houses because man being a first
time buyer in this market is tough so
thank you for this and i hope this is
helpful uh we'd love for you to
subscribe and be a part of our community
here but we'll see you guys on the next
i can let