How to Find the Buyer Agent Commission on a Listing in MLS Long Island (MLSLI) - YouTube

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In this tutorial video we will show you how to look up the Commission Amount
being offered on a listing in MLS Long Island. The way we will go about doing
this today is by using the Collab portal
which is a free software provided to members of MLSLI. The URL is collab. MLS
LI dot com. You can see it right at the top and in order to log in you'll just need
your MLS Long Island membership number and password. This is the same login you
would use for Stratus which is the other more antiquated listing system they
offer where you can also check the Commission information but primarily
it's used for uploading and editing listings. So in this case what we're
gonna do to start is to go into search listings on the left. Now ideally you've
actually sent the portal to your client and they've actually been using this to
search for listings. That will make the process much easier because you can
actually keep track of what they've been looking at in the portal directly and if
a listing is discovered in the database by definition there's a commission of
some sort being offered but let's assume in this case your client is searching on
a different portal maybe it's Zillow or some other online platform and they send
you a listing and they say hey I want to submit an offer. The first thing you need
to do before moving forward is of course to document the commission amount.
Now usually there is an MLS number available if a listing is in the database and the
easiest way to look that up is just to Google the address that the client sends
you. If you check one of the first results perhaps You're gonna
see an MLS number you want to copy that MLS number and you want to paste it
directly into the search bar and as you can see that's gonna pull up the listing
now once you have the listing up. You can view the buyer agent commission amount
by scrolling towards the bottom where it says under here
buyer agency comp. Now it is possible there could be a number for broker
agency comp or seller agency comp and we can go into this in a different training
video but for the purposes of today's exercise you really want to document the
buyer agency comp. So you can take a screenshot of this page or if you'd like
you can click the drop-down on the top right and you can click on export as PDF
you can save that down email it to your principal broker or otherwise just
documented prior to submitting an offer. You can also email yourself a listing
you can email it to a client there's also the option for texting the listing
to yourself or a client as well. So that's really how we check the buyer
agent Commission and a quick aside so in Queens keep in mind that there's
actually sort of to broker databases in operation you have MLSLI which is Long
Island they have at least I would say twenty five thousand members and you
know that's gonna have a fair amount of the listings but it'll it is also
possible that a listing could not be an MLSLI and it might be an RLS. RLS is the
broker database operated by REBNEY Real Estate Board of New York
that's very dominant in Manhattan Brooklyn and increasingly parts of
Queens. So here at HomeDax we're actually a member of both MLSLI and
RealtyMX rather RLS and so we have two softwares to check these two databases
MLSLI is checked through collab as we've demonstrated and for our less
listings for REBNEY we use a software called REALTYMX to search for listings.
So if your client is looking at in Queens and a listing does not appear in
collab you need to also check in REALTYMX to see if it's listed in RLS. Now if a
listing is not in either one it's essential that as a next step you
actually email the listing agent and ask them to confirm the Co broke also known
as the buyer agent commission and you certainly don't want to proceed to
submit an offer until you have written conformation of whatever commission is
being offered. If you have any comments leave us a note below the video and if
you have any ideas for other training topics we're certainly happy to
entertain them give us a shout you can email us at [email protected] or you
can visit our website at and send us a message through the
contact form and if you're an agent in New York City and you're looking for a
sponsoring broker or you're looking to make a change we'd love to speak with
you give us a shout.