Get Rid of Painful Stiff Neck with 1 Exercise - YouTube

Channel: Bob & Brad

Bob and Brad the two most famous
physical therapist on the Internet
hi folks I'm Bob Shrum physical
therapist Brad hi NIC physical therapist
either we have the most famous physical
therapist on the Internet in our opinion
of course by they were gonna show you
how to get rid of painful stiff neck
with just one exercise right Bob we got
a good some good information on this I
think it's gonna help a lot of people
just worked with three of your patients
right exactly I'm trying to steal your
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yeah it finishes on Friday and starts on
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we pinned to the top of the page if you
want a shorter version of us go to
Instagram or Twitter we got a 60 second
version of our show you go I got through
it Brad yeah excellent job Bob all right
thanks shall we continue
yes all right so I neck pain is
oftentimes associated with a stiff neck
and not only that particularly had three
patients had very similar symptoms and I
we've heard these complaints over the
years many times it's very common yeah
oh yeah neck pain oftentimes refers down
into the scapular area sometimes down an
old iron
yep shoulder blade here and that's what
all three of these were neck pain down
into the scapula or the shoulder blade
area oftentimes one side not the other
it could be both sides on all three of
these people were limited with range of
motion right and left rotation one side
typically worse than the other and then
say can you look up to the ceiling like
this and all of them were like hurts it
was a very typical right yeah and a lot
of times they feel well because it hurts
I shouldn't do it right and I had I had
one one patient he's been taking his
ibuprofen he's been doing some
stretching day at it he had a TENS unit
from another injury he tried he says
nothing's working
so I said well let's give this a go
okay so now all three of these people I
all their this is the same exercise but
various options three variations sure so
I'm just kind of holding hold with you
and if you try one of these three
there's a good chance that you're gonna
increase your range of motion and
decrease your pain
yeah actually Brad I saw a study that
was done all across Oh that if you
increase your extension he also increase
your rotations yeah
so by the way you should we mention that
if you should never do this if it makes
you dizzy or lightheaded right know that
you're gonna hold off then and you don't
want to have a professional right you're
gonna go in and seek some help yeah good
point Bob the next thing is you need to
have a chair with a backrest that is low
enough now this one's just about is I
wouldn't want any higher than this it's
nice if it can go below the shoulder
blades right just right below the
shoulder blades this one kind of hits
you right on the tip doesn't but it
works because it rotated rotates yeah
it'll work it's right on the border on a
stiff back but it should be lower then
yep one of these office chairs really
work well they're little cushioning and
afterload yeah they kind of work it's
important that's why we want to
emphasize that and then the repetition
so we remember it is usually five no
more than ten repetitions at a time and
as long as the pain gets better and the
motion improves you can do it as much as
one time per hour and get rid of it I
think that's a good point Brad because a
lot of people think that I'm gonna do
this my exercise once a day like I'm
supposed to us like no you would really
want to do this quite often I mean five
to seven times five to eight times a day
and that's where you're gonna see you
know some gains made right there's one
more thing I know you're interested you
really want to start seeing the exercise
but all these are absolutely critical to
be successful is monitor your posture
well you're sitting particularly at a
computer watching TV in your car because
if you do these exercises and you go
back to head forward slouched posture
it's just gonna it's gonna come right
back one step forward two steps back you
won't be on stay ahead of it
so okay now I need to take my mic off so
then you don't have to list the me talk
anymore Bob gets to do all the time you
say something Brad I'll I'll just repeat
it oh there's something I miss right
that'll be entertaining like a puppet
yeah so because what happens is we're
going to use a towel roll first it it
binds up with what a wonderful world
okay so he's gonna take the towel he's
gonna he's gonna roll it up he's got up
a quite heavy thick towel here and it's
yeah I've just like the old days where I
used to snap his buddies butts yeah so
he's actually in this case cuz there's a
couple ways you can do this but he's
actually pulling down and and and you
can work a little bit on the level that
you're putting it but generally we just
start right at the base of the deck and
what you'll find is a lot of times
without the towel you can't do it it
just hurts too much and most patients I
have have to use the towel to start and
they always I always seem to really
enjoy the fact that also they can start
moving back and you may not be able to
go that far to start you'll be able to
go farther than without the towel but
yeah just get get take the movement that
it allows so you know maybe for a couple
days you're only gonna go about fifty
percent of how far you know the total
amount but eventually you know you want
to see if you can get further and
further yeah so what brad is saying is a
lot of times you start instead of just
going back we start getting your posture
correct by chin tucking tucking the chin
in and then going back because what
we're what we don't want is somebody
going like this so that's why we chin
tuck and go back so
success with this we're not having good
success with this in the next step I'm
sorry by right we're gonna go to you can
use a belt how about that
hello and then you can use a belt
yep strap there's cloth versus versus a
shiny one okay these are sensitive all
right so he's got I mean you could use a
belt too I mean I've done it with a belt
as she what Brad was saying is it's
nicer if they're very thin because then
you can really get onto specific levels
of the neck and you can because
sometimes you'll find out that it works
out really well quite low sometimes it's
better doing it further up and and so
you can vary and figure out which which
level actually works for you how do you
know it's the right level it actually
feels better I mean and the more range
right it's gonna allow you to move
further so right now Brad moved it up a
little further and about an inch at a
time and he's starting to pull down
yeah but now he's starting to get more
emotion alright so yeah Brad's mentioned
that all three of the people he worked
there was definitely a specific level
that worked better and one was up higher
yes and I found yeah I found that myself
sometimes but yeah a lot of times you
normally the stress is at the lower neck
but I I've seen it myself to where where
sometimes are you getting feedback
you're hitting the mic press okay and
now he's actually gonna go the other
direction and and this is a different
variation the the joints actually are
angled like this so he's gonna kind of
go along with the joint itself and and
then he's gonna actually when he's going
back like this you see his hands are
moving along with him he's not just
doing this he's not doing this now go
back yeah he's going with it the eyes
are staying level with the fists or the
thumbs so this is another variation now
on how you can do it that's a good good
cue so you said if you put the thumbs
out they point right into your eyes and
they should stay with with the eyes and
again you can try different levels using
this the center strap but this one you
know I'd start with the thicker one got
the mic here you start with the sicker
one he's going back on and and then you
keep you can try a sinner one it's good
to often help okay can you hear me live
everything's okay what was really hard
Baba how I it's like I've had patients
that can't speak our language I've used
interpreters yeah and I think oh it's
just terrible
yeah challenging so you're gonna show
one more with the with the attraction
right nope we just did that one
oh I see that's I see what you're saying
okay that that lit that is you're
pulling you're pulling up it are
actually almost gives a little traction
to try to make exactly yeah give these a
try experiment around with them always
remember though it should be no pain or
less certainly less pain than you would
be doing it if you were doing without
using the device right with repetition
you're always gonna be pretty safe if
you keep that no pain creedal right and
no dizziness and you know so
lightheadedness right those are critical
red flags to watch out for and remember
Brad and I are not just pretty where oh
yeah we're pretty ugly yeah now we're
pretty handy yeah yeah make sure you
subscribe to us that's right we can just
fix about any oh yeah we can't double up
double up don't you dare