Subject To Real Estate Investing | Seller Financing: How To Flip Houses with Subject To Investing - YouTube
Channel: MyRealEstate DOJO
okay then what we're gonna talk about is
what is a subject to now I know all
you guys like myself have heard on TV
late-night shows radio infomercials
things that say how would you like to
buy a house with no money with no credit
and they want you to go to some kind of
seminar maybe all day maybe two day bootcamp and you're wondering does that
stuff really works now let me shoot straight with you yes you can buy houses with
no money down yes you can buy houses
with no credit or bad credit you're 100%
right you can do those things all right
this is America guys if you're willing
to work hard and you're able to think
creatively then you can do anything okay
and here's a good situation what it's
called the subject - now let me give you
a warning though even though did you
could buy a house with no credit and no
money holding houses holding real estate
cost a lot of money guys a lot of money
let me just give you a couple of
examples that things could go wrong from
besides vacancies besides paying
electricity in water okay the AC might
break you might have a water leak
outside inside your fence might blow
down just things of that nature so
you're gonna need some capital in
reserves not how much capital will
depends how many property you're hurt
holding but I would always highly
recommend to my men my mentor students
at least at 15,000 20,000 minimum 10,000
if you have a lot of experience by now
before you buy a whole property's
because it does cost money okay now
let's go ahead and pull the curtains
back let's just dive in there and learn
about what these crews were gonna charge
you thousands of dollars
weekends and we can out while I'm gonna
teach you in a crash course and after
you learned this you're able to go out
there and make some money for yourself
through hole selling fine holding buying
fixing it doesn't matter subject tube is
a great vessel to buy property with no
money you no credit even do even though
if you have a lot of money in your bank
account or if you have zero money okay
it's a very good way to negotiate and
structure a deal okay in residential or
commercial it doesn't matter okay now
now what is it subject to that's a very
good question and I'm gonna define it
right now
so lesson up buying a house subject to
just means that the seller transfers the
deed into your name and the underlying
loan stays in place okay let me put it
another way you buy a house from a
seller and the loan and any liens stay
in place so the existing financing stays
in place why you buy the property now
simply put let me put it another way
because it's kind of hard to understand
that because it sounds too good to be
true simply you buy a house of a seller
it gives you the title or the ownership
of the property and you just stepped
into the shoes and you started making
monthly payments on the property as if
you were the old owner simple guys now
that seems hard to believe but that
happens a lot okay I'm it's called owner
financing or creative financing and
there's a lot of different ways to
structure a subject too but let me
rephrase it one more time what is this
subject to is when the seller conveys or
transfers his rights of ownership to you
and you step into the sellers shoes and
start making their monthly payments and
the sellers loan or the existing loan or
the underlying note all the same words
all the same meaning on
learn the vocabulary stays in place okay
so do underlying debt or the underlying
note or the existing financing stays in
place all right now some people ask me
hey Mike is this legal
so is subject to legal okay yes it is
and the simplest way for me to prove my
case is that if you go to HUD which is a
government owned if you want to put it
establishment that makes the rules on a
hud-1 settlement lying 203 it talks
about there it is guys I hope you can
see it line 203 on a HUD one talks about
existing loans
taking subject to okay so here's the HUD
website the URL hug of I hope you guys
can see that so I'm just right off this
so if it was illegal then it wouldn't be
on a government form like a HUD one why
haven't you heard about it all right
Realtors not talking about it our banks
not talking about it well you know you'd
have to be a sophisticated consumer a
sophisticated investor and
sophistication comes with a lot of hard
work and not being part of the pack or
not being hard to hurt okay
and so even some in investors or even
some attorneys or real estate or some
title companies may not fully understand
that I may not do these closings so you
have to shop around for title companies
attorneys lawyers CPAs insurance agents
that you understand that okay because
everybody's not top of the
the food chain you know in any business
there's the 5% or the real go-getters
and I like to do myself and do business
with those five percent okay so now
coming back to a subject - what is this
legal question for you
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