PCA-4 Quick, GCP Professional Architect - OpEx/CapEx, TCO, Capacity, Utilization, LAN & Data Center - YouTube

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It's very important to the process of understanding Google Cloud and passing the
certification exam, that you go through the question and attempt answering it
yourself first. So pause the video, work through the question, we'll catch up in just
a little while and I'll show you how I do it.
This project scenario is based on the TerramEarth case study. Which of TerramEarth's
legacy enterprise processes will experience significant change as a
result of increased Google Cloud Platform adoption? We're given a list
of items, and we need to figure out which of these items is going to cause a
significant change in the new process after adopting Google Cloud Platform as
opposed to the legacy enterprise processes. The way we'll approach this is
to list out each of the items, and then figure out if there's been or if there's
expected to be a change from the legacy process. First one, OpEx and CapEx.
What are these things? CapEx is capital expenditure. The amount
or the expenditure that you have to do when starting out the business for
usually large ticket items. For example setting up a data center, buying a large
number of machines, doing all the networking, these are things that need to
be done right at the start to even get the basic business moving. So the cost of
this is going to be quite high, but its payoff is going to be over a long period
of time. OpEx on the other hand, is operational expenditure. The cost of
running the business on a daily basis. With traditional systems, we are going to
have a large CapEx because we need to plan for buildings, networking and
emissions. Whereas on the Cloud, somebody else is doing that for us.
So as a company, we don't need to bother as much about CapEx especially when it
compares to just the technical diplomats. OpEx on the other hand is expected
to increase, because unlike the CapEx which you've bought once and then you
can use it to the hilt, OpEx is going to increase based on usage. So the Cloud
is pay/use, therefore the more you use your operational expenditure is going to increase.
And if you use less it is going to reduce from that. But overall, the
operational expenditure for Cloud use is going to be higher than what it would be
for legacy enterprises. So is there a change? My answer is a strong yes for this.
LAN change management, we won't have to deal with LAN changes on the Cloud.
Somebody else is going to take care of
that for us, in this case the Google Cloud. So this task is
now entirely eliminated or is way less. We still need to find out and understand
how the VPC works, how the Virtual Private Cloud works and we need to plan
for it. But overall LAN changes is not going to be a headache. So is there going
to be significant change because of that? My answer is yes, there is going to be
the huge drop. How about Capacity planning? Capacity planning is required so that we
can acquire the resources that will meet peak demand. On the Cloud, we don't have
to necessarily plan for peak capacity or resources because it can scale as
required. So our capacity planning requirements are going to drop
significantly, because the provisioning can happen automatically based on
increase in requests and in load. Is Capacity planning completely eliminated?
The answer would be no, we still need to have a fair amount of planning for this so
that we can budget for how much we are going to spend. So for things like
that, use the Google Cloud Pricing Calculator, and we can estimate the
budget that we need to set aside for adpoting whatever solutions we choose
within Google Cloud. Overall, is there a change in capacity planning? My answer's yes.
How about TCO calculations? Our total cost of ownership involves other things
like OpEx and CapEx, LAN management, the people who are going to be working on
the project, allocation of some of these resources. So there is still going to be
TCO calculations that need to be done. The line items might vary a bit, the
value of those line items might change, but I think the process of doing TCO
calculations is still going to be there. So I could argue that there is not much
of a change there, but there is going to be some change. So this might not be a
strong change, but there's at least some weak change. Maybe later in comparison to
the other points, we can eliminate one of these. How about Utilization measurement?
Now, utilization and capacity planning are kind of related according to me.
If there is going to be a lot of utilization, we need to plan for capacity
accordingly. But in the case of Cloud, we don't need
to plan as much for capacity in advance, we can scale as it is required. So utilization
measurement is not going to have big impact, however we still need to plan for
it to an extent. But that information is also given to us to quite an extent by
Google Cloud, using the logs, using Stack Driver Monitoring, we are able to get
instrumentation and information about how our resources are being utilized. So
is the task of utilization measurement reduced? I would say the answer is yes.
It is automatically provided, or it is available to us via solutions like
Stack Driver, and we don't need to do as much. Moreover, our utilization will
directly impact the resource allocation because
we could use Load Balancers and Automatic Scaling to achieve this.
Therefore, I don't believe there's going to be as much a need to spend time in
utilization measurement as we did on legacy systems. So therefore, is there a change?
My answer is again yes. How about data centre expansion? I think this
is a clear yes. We won't need to be managing data centers anymore. We have
passed on the burden of that to Google Cloud in this case, and we can
drastically or completely eliminate those taska. Therefore there's a
significant change in data center expansion too. Given all these
conclusions that I have drawn based on my argument, let's go see which option
we can choose now. The only thing we have been able to kind of eliminate is
any option with TCO calculations, which is option B and D.
It's arguable that there is going to be a significant
change in all three of options A and C. What we are going to do now is go back
to these line items and see if we can argue it harder, or figure out if there
is a particular part of the question that is being answered. What do they mean
when they say there's a significant change? Are they asking for any change, or
are they asking for a significant drop alone. If it's an increase, maybe that's
not something we're interested in, but we only want to see if there is a drop.
It's obviously not clear from the question because it just says, is there a
significant change? But given that we are not able to eliminate the remaining
options, we are going to have to reconsider this question. Let's start
with the bottom in this case. Data center expansion, is there a huge change?
The answer is yes. But it's a significant drop and not an increase.
So based on our new argument that we're looking for only things which causes an increase,
I would say the answer is no. There is a change, but it's not an increase.
On a similar note, we can also say no to LAN change management
because there's significant drop, we won't have to bother about LAN change
management anymore. So LAN change management and data center expansion are very similar,
and therefore both have to be known. If any one is known, the other one has to be known.
Similarly, for capacity planning and
utilization measurement, is there a change? My argument originally was, yes
there is a change, but both of these are a significant drop. It is not an increase.
So if we're taking the approach that the question maybe means a significant
increase of change, we are going to have to eliminate both capacity planning and
utilization measurement. Now going back to the options, what do we have?
There are absolutely none. At least one of them eliminates all of
the different answer options that we have. This question has been one of the
toughest that I have seen on the practice exams.
The problem with this question has been that because it is a little soft
argument, you can probably argue it whichever way you want. You could
probably answer it in another way and come up with a completely different
answer and I can come up with something else. Maybe the person who planned this
question or who wrote this question had something completely different in mind.
But I'm very interested to know what is the answer that you came up with when you
went through this question yourself. For me, even though I finally found out the
right answer looking at the Google practice exam, I still have been unable
to figure out what should be the right answer in this case. So even after
knowing the correct final answer, I am not able to come up
with arguments that validate or corroborate that.
Yet let's try out what's the next step. Now, for me something like data center
expansion is a clear indication that there is a change but it is a positive
change. So I'm just going to eliminate data center expansion, just because I'm
in this weird situation now where I've got nowhere to go, I'm having to clutch
at straws, and say okay maybe data center expansion is a clear out and
therefore, anything with that I'm going to eliminate. So for me C and D is out,
and probably it's going to be one of A and B. What do we have in A and B now?
Having eliminated data center expansion in both, let's look at what we have as strong
positives in the other two. Now OpEx and CapEx is there in both and we already
said it was strong yes for a change. There is an increase in OpEx and a
decrease in CapEx, but it works under circumstances. Capacity planning, it
didn't work for us really, but both of them have capacity planning so we are
going to assume that both of these are fine. Whoever thought of this question,
maybe they saw huge difference in capacity planning and that's fair. So we
are left with the remaining two now, LAN change management and TCO calculations.
For me, in LAN change management there is a huge change. We don't have to do that at all.
Similar to the idea of data center expansion, this is not our concern.
TCO calculations, my argument was that, yes there are some changes but the line
items are going to be similar with difference in the values. So my vote is
for LAN change management, that it changes significantly and TCO
calculations not so much. So I'm going to go for option A with the arguments that I've
have placed in front of you, and hopefully you have come up with some
answer yourself too.
However, the right answer according to the practice exam is option B.
Capacity planning, TCO calculations and OpEx/CapEx allocation is apparently
the significant change as a result of increased GCP adoption compared to
legacy enterprise processes. Like I said, even after knowing the answer I cannot
come up with arguments that corroborate that or that support ths. So honestly, I
don't know how to deal with this particular question and hopefully
we won't get questions like this in the exam, but if you've got a different
argument to it that you think is better and suppose option B, I would like to
hear it. Again, wishing you the best on the exam and hoping you won't get a vague
question like this without a clear question, and without possibly clear
options or options that you can argue for and against equally. It's something
that I do not wish on you. If you thought that content is great, you
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