How to withdraw money from retirement accounts before 59 1/2 | Early Retirement - YouTube

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Hi everyone; I'm Gaby, and I'm Jay, and this is聽 our journey to retire all over! On this channel聽聽
we are sharing our experience as we get ready聽 to retire in six years or so and then spend the聽聽
rest of our lives lives exploring the world. If聽 you want to know more about us, or want to hear聽聽
an overview of our plan, you can check out our聽 introduction video! Today we are going to explain聽聽
how we plan to juggle different investment聽 accounts in order to work around restrictions聽聽
and maximize our savings portfolio; but first,聽 please hit the like button to help us with the聽聽
YouTube algorithm, and subscribe and hit the聽 bell to be notified whenever we post new content.聽聽
A huge part of any retirement plan is where do you聽 put your savings so they grow as much as you need聽聽
and are ready to be used when you retire? As we聽 mentioned in our "What to do with your savings"聽聽
video, the most commonly used tax advantaged聽 or retirement accounts are 401(k)s, or 403(b)s,聽聽
IRAs, and Roth IRAs. These are great to maximize聽 the tax benefits, so you want to put as much money聽聽
as you can in these accounts. However, they also聽 have restrictions when it comes to withdrawing聽聽
the money you saved. The biggest concern is聽 that you can't easily withdraw your money from聽聽
any retirement accounts until you're 59 and聽 1/2 years old. All these accounts? Well,聽聽
Roth IRAs are not quite as rigid; but we're聽 going to get to that later in this video. Anyway,聽聽
since we plan to retire in just six years (more聽 than 10 years before either of us turn 59 and 1/2)聽聽
we had to get creative in order to make it work.聽 That's usually where standard brokerage accounts聽聽
come in; these don't have tax benefits, but they聽 also don't have any withdrawal restrictions. So聽聽
early retirees use them to ensure that they're聽 covered during their early years of retirement.聽聽
Let's look at our timeline: our retirement year聽 is 2026. At that time we will roll Jay's 401(k)聽聽
and my 403(b) into IRAs; that's just in order to聽 make things easier. About 10 years after that,聽聽
Jay will turn 59 and 1/2 and will be able to聽 withdraw from his IRA. About five years later, I聽聽
will turn 59 and 1/2 and will be able to withdraw聽 from my IRA. Finally, about five years later both聽聽
of us will hit the required age to get retirement聽 benefits; from the Teacher Retirement System for聽聽
me, and Jay with Social Security. So we'll start聽 getting those benefits then. By the way check聽聽
out our video on Social Security if you think you聽 cannot count on it for your plan. As you can see,聽聽
for the first 10-ish years of our retirement聽 we will not be able to withdraw any money from聽聽
our retirement accounts. Well, Roth IRAs do聽 allow withdrawals before the retirement age,聽聽
but just from the contributions (that's the actual聽 money you invested without the gained interest).聽聽
So, if we have 10 years worth of living expenses聽 that we will need to cover before we can fully聽聽
access our IRAs we will need to have at least聽 $300,000 in our standard brokerage accounts or in聽聽
Roth IRA contributions. That is, if we're planning聽 to live on $30,000 a year during retirement.聽聽
How can someone live well with $30,000 a year? You聽 can check out our video on Geographic Arbitrage!聽聽
Either way, that takes a lot of planning聽 ahead making sure we're putting the right聽聽
amount of money in the right account while聽 we're saving. What happens if we don't have聽聽
$300,000 in our standard brokerage accounts or聽 Roth IRA contributions? Since we're using our聽聽
other retirement accounts fully, as we should,聽 we'll probably end up in this situation. So,聽聽
what if we could use the money in our retirement聽 accounts before we reach the required age? Well,聽聽
it turns out we can! We even have options; and聽 we're going gonna go through them each from the聽聽
easiest to hardest here. Option one: deal with the聽 penalties. Option two: Substantially Equivalent聽聽
Periodic Payments. And, Option three: a Roth IRA聽 conversion ladder. The first option is just to聽聽
take the money and deal with the penalties. You聽 can take money out of retirement accounts, you聽聽
just have to pay all the penalties and fees. The聽 IRA charges a 10% penalty for early withdrawal,聽聽
if you take out money before the retirement聽 age of 59 and 1/2. Also that money is taxed as聽聽
regular income. This is, by far, the least聽 complicated but also the most expensive.聽聽
If this is what you want to do, that's your聽 choice but you will need to account for this 10%聽聽
penalty plus taxes in your planning. Slightly聽 more complicated is what is called Substantially聽聽
Equivalent Periodic Payments, or SEPP. It's聽 also sometimes called a "Rule 72(t) withdrawal."聽聽
A SEPP plan is where you agree to take a聽 percentage of your IRA out each year for either聽聽
five years or until you turn 59 and 1/2, whichever聽 is later. It can't be just any percentage though;聽聽
there are three methods the IRS will allow you聽 to calculate what percentage you can take out.聽聽
These three calculations are fairly complex;聽 thankfully Bankrate, and a few other sites, have聽聽
calculators to help with this and Investopedia聽 has a really good article about SEPP plans.聽聽
The links will be included in the description聽 below. Each of the methods use government created聽聽
life expectancy tables and a given interest rate聽 to determine what percentage can be withdrawn.聽聽
These SEPP payments are taxed as regular income so聽 you would have to be prepared for any additional聽聽
tax bills. Also, there is no way to stop a SEPP.聽 And if you need to make any changes to your SEPP,聽聽
let's say you want to adjust your living expenses,聽 the IRS only allows one single change to a SEPP聽聽
once it has been established. A SEPP is far less聽 expensive than option one although it is very聽聽
rigid in case your needs change or the percentage聽 withdrawal the IRS allows does not match closely聽聽
to what you are looking for. The last option聽 is the most flexible and the most interesting;聽聽
and it is completely legal even though it sounds聽 like it's not. That's the "Roth Conversion Ladder"聽聽
method. Before we get into it, we have to talk聽 about a very specific benefit of Roth IRAs.聽聽
As we mentioned in our "What to do with your聽 savings" video, a Roth IRA is one of the four most聽聽
commonly used retirement accounts. Roth IRAs are聽 very unique in their tax advantage capabilities;聽聽
in that video we talked about how Roth IRAs don't聽 offer immediate tax benefits, but all of your聽聽
withdrawals are tax-free (including the interest聽 earned)! And one of the other ways Roth IRAs are聽聽
different from other retirement accounts is that聽 you can actually withdraw your contributions tax聽聽
and penalty free at any time as long as the聽 account has been open for at least five years.聽聽
You cannot, however, withdraw any of your聽 interest earned before you turn 59 and 1/2,聽聽
or until your account's been open at least five聽 years (whichever is later). A Roth conversion聽聽
ladder is a way of moving assets from a聽 traditional IRA into a Roth IRA, to then聽聽
withdraw the contributions without incurring聽 any tax penalties. This works because the IRS聽聽
allows rollovers between retirement accounts once聽 per year. A rollover is when you convert funds聽聽
from one type of retirement account to another.聽 Because moving money from an IRA to a Roth IRA聽聽
is a taxable event, meaning that you will have聽 to pay taxes on the conversion. you want to wait聽聽
until you're retired and no longer making money聽 so you are at the lowest possible tax bracket,聽聽
so the tax you pay is the minimum. With a Roth聽 ladder you want to convert as much money as you'll聽聽
need (and here's the kicker) in five years! The聽 IRS rules say that rollovers must sit for at least聽聽
five years in a Roth IRA before you can withdraw聽 without penalty. That's the big concern with a聽聽
Roth ladder; you need to plan for five years in聽 the future. Each year you'll want to convert the聽聽
amount of money that you'll need in five years.聽 Also even though your conversions will be gaining聽聽
interest each year, you can't withdraw that聽 interest until you turn 59 and 1/2 due to IRS聽聽
regulations. You can only withdraw the conversion聽 amount. I know this sounds complex, so let's break聽聽
it down! Let's use our example from the beginning聽 of this video and say we want to live on $30,000聽聽
per year. To build a Roth conversion ladder, we聽 start in year one after retiring. We will convert聽聽
$30,000 from our IRA into a Roth IRA and let it聽 sit there. Because we have $0 in income during聽聽
retirement (because we're no longer working),聽 we only owe income taxes on this conversion聽聽
and will probably fall into the lowest tax bracket聽 10%, so we would owe $520 in income tax. That's聽聽
because we'll most likely have just the standard聽 deduction of $24,800 and owe taxes on only $5,200.聽聽
Not bad to convert $30,000 and never pay another聽 penny in taxes for it! If we simply withdrew this聽聽
money and paid the penalty, we would owe that聽 $520 in taxes plus an additional $3,000 in early聽聽
withdrawal penalties! But remember with the Roth聽 ladder these $30,000 have to sit in that Roth IRA聽聽
for at least five years until we can withdraw聽 them. So those funds will only be available聽聽
in year six. In year two we do the same thing:聽 convert $30,000 from our IRA to our Roth IRA,聽聽
pay $520 in taxes. Again, this money has to聽 sit for five years, so it will be available to聽聽
withdraw in year seven. In year two, however, our聽 Roth IRA will have gained interest on the money we聽聽
converted in year one! But remember: withdrawing聽 interest is restricted until we're 59 and 1/2.聽聽
Year three, the same: we convert, pay taxes, and聽 the money will be available in year eight. Until聽聽
then it will be gaining interest; but for that聽 we will have to wait until we're 59 and 1/2.聽聽
Year four we repeat the process, and again in聽 year five. In year six we will do the same thing;聽聽
but now we can withdraw our original $30,000聽 we converted in year one, but remember not the聽聽
accrued interest (for that we will still have to聽 wait until we are 59 and 1/2). But we can spend聽聽
our $30,000 without owing the IRS any additional聽 money. And like that, we keep converting聽聽
every year until we deplete our IRAs. In fact,聽 we're gonna keep doing this even after we turn聽聽
59 and 1/2 because it will allow us to pay less聽 in taxes than if we're spending from our IRAs.聽聽
Plus, Roth IRAs aren't subject to Required Minimum聽 Distributions like standard IRAs, but that'll be聽聽
for another video. Finally, once we reach 59聽 and 1/2, we'll be able to withdraw any accrued聽聽
interest from the conversion with no penalties聽 or taxes. You may have noticed that the way we聽聽
have it the first years of our retirement are not聽 covered. How will we pay for our living expenses聽聽
while our money is sitting in a Roth IRA? Well, we聽 ultimately do need to ensure we have at least five聽聽
years of living expenses in a standard brokerage聽 account and that can be a bit of a headache. But,聽聽
not using a Roth conversion ladder would make that聽 10 years instead! So, it definitely helps. Bottom聽聽
line: however you want to approach it it really聽 is up to you. Just make sure you're aware of all聽聽
your options and how they work for your situation聽 and what your retirement goals are. So, what do聽聽
you think? Have you been trying to juggle how much聽 you put in each of your accounts? Are you avoiding聽聽
the benefit of retirement accounts in favor of聽 brokerage accounts? Is it just too complicated聽聽
and you're just keeping one account? Or, are you聽 trying to be strategic on your planning? Let us聽聽
know in the comments below. Please follow us on聽 social media or our blog at聽聽
Like this video, subscribe to our channel, hit聽 the bell to be notified when we post new content!聽聽
Until then: please stay safe, do your part, take聽 care of one another, and thank you for joining us!