NATIONAL INCOME| Production Boundary| Intermediate Goods and Final Goods| Macroeconomics Class 12 - YouTube

Channel: Study With Versha

so now we'll be looking at production
boundary so
what do you mean by production boundary
the production boundary is a line around
the production sector
so so i hope the definition is clear
the projection boundary is a line which
is around the production
sector so here you can see a b and c
are production units and these units
make a sector production sector
so you can see a is a unit b is a unit
and c is a unit
so a b and c together make a production
sector okay where the production takes
okay as a whole this as a sum a b
and c as a sum is known as prediction
sector okay
so within the box the intermediate goods
cotton and thread revolves
so here you can see farmer a produces
cotton worth of rupees 2000 and sells it
to b
okay and b produces thread worth of 3000
and sells it to c
and c finally produces cloth worth of
4500 and sells it to consumers
okay the cotton you know the farmers are
producing cotton
the cat the cotton can be used for
making clothes that we are wearing
we usually wear cotton clothes only so
farmer is taking the cotton and giving
it to
uh b for making yarn or for making
the thread will be only used for making
clothes finally okay
as you can see farmer a and b they
remain in the production boundary
because they
their work is not to make clothes but
just to provide the materials which will
help in
producing the clothes a is providing the
cotton and b is providing the thread but
c is only making the final product which
is the
t-shirt which is the cloth the final
cloth which we will
wear okay so that is why a and b will
remain in the production boundary
whereas c
from the production boundary it goes to
the consumers it
transports to the consumer as it is
good okay it is ready for usage okay
and the final go good goes outside the
production sector in the hands of
consumer okay so i hope it is clear
intermediate goods and final goods so
let us look at the basis and then
differentiate between intramural goods
and final goods
so first is the meaning the goods which
used for further production or resell
during the year
so intermediate goods are type of foods
which is used for further production
uh now if you have something in the
previous case let us see
so in previous case you had a cotton and
then it was thread it was the cotton was
sent to b for making a thread and the
thread was finally used for making the
final boot which is
cloth okay such is an example of
intermediate good
cotton and thread are examples of
intermediate goods
because it was used for further
production of final routes okay
so i hope this is clear and final goods
are the goods
which are ready for conception of a
investment okay
so here in the previous example you saw
the cloth was the final goods which we
which were which was ready for
because the clothes is the thing which
we wear so it is a final good okay
it is ready for conception so investment
also suppose you are buying some assets
like uh table shell building
it is a asset it is an investment so
those are all the final goods now you
can't add any value for ready-made
or table or chair right it is a final
good okay
so i hope this is clear next is
intermediate goods are not included in
uh national income or domestic income
why is it not included in national
domestic income
let us see so in this example you saw
so let me explain in this way
so here intermediate goods were cotton
and thread
right so rupees 2 000 worth of cotton
bought and b added some value to the
cotton and made it into thread so again
the thread went to the c
and c finally made it into the cloth so
already the cotton is included in cloth
i mean the final good
already the thread is included in the
cloth so why to add it again
because the final good already includes
of that
already it includes the value of cotton
already it includes the value of thread
so why to add it again that is because
the final good already has it okay so
that is why you are not
adding the intermediate goods in the
national income
or domestic income it lays within the
production boundary only it is not
included in
national income or domestic income okay
but final goods it is included in
national income or domestic income okay
because the good is ready for conception
and it revolves around the
economy that is why it is included in
national income
okay so i hope this is clear and
production boundary
it lies the intermediate goods lies
within the
production boundary it revolves around
the production boundary only it doesn't
outside the production boundary okay but
the final goods
it lies both within or outside the
production boundary okay
as you can see here the thread is made
into a cloth
within this boundary and then it is
or it is transported to the consumers
for usage
okay so that is why it lies both within
outside the production boundary and
value addition
value is added as it is not ready for
in the previous case the cotton was
added some value to make into thread
and thread was also added some value to
make into
final boot which is cloth okay so it as
it was not ready for conception
the values added to make it into final
but the final goods the value is not
because the final good is like cloth you
can't add value to it you can't
like alter it again and make it into
something this already a final good
so i hope the value edition was clear
next is example
what is an example of intermediate good
and final good
so this is very interesting example many
people like
many students get like confused okay so
that is why i picked
this particular example okay for
uh intermediate good and final okay so
in exam it may be us
milk now tell me if milk is a
intermediate good or a final good so
what will you answer
so your answer should be milk can be
both intermediate good and final good
so why i will say through this example
okay you can write this in your exam
you can put example and then write this
for intermediate goods milk can be used
for making
butter like milk has many uses it can be
made into various
dairy products like cheese butter ghee
yogurt curd and everything okay so when
you're making
when you're using milk for making other
okay then milk is an intermediate good
okay but when milk is used for
conception you also drink milk
directly right it is ready for
conception also
like when you wake up in the morning
your mom gives you milk to drink
so that is an example of final good
because it is directly
taken it is directly consumed so in that
milk becomes a final good okay you
because you're not
adding any value there but for here when
you're making a butter
the value the process is you milk goes
through some process
then it becomes an intermediate goal but
else wise if it is just
for conception then it is a final good
so i hope this concepts were clear so
that's it for today
so thank you