3 weeks with a Linux Laptop | System76 Lemur Pro Review (lemp10) - YouTube

Channel: Side Of Burritos

so i started using my system 76 lemur
pro on december 18 2021 which means i've
been using it for approximately three
weeks as of the time of this recording i
want to go over my experience with the
laptop thus far starting with an
overview of my impressions of the
hardware as compared to my apple laptop
i was using previously and then lastly i
want to talk about the operating system
i've been using and how the adjustment
has been from using mac os as my daily
driver to now using linux so i'm going
to start with the good about the
hardware i've used linux in the past and
i'm pretty familiar with it from working
as a linux system administrator at a
hosting company in a previous job i also
run my home base the linux server and
have messed with various flavors of
linux over the years for this reason the
software wasn't as big of a concern to
me as i knew i could adjust and hit a
solid base to resolve any issues that
might come up but my biggest concern was
the hardware i've truly been spoiled
using an apple laptop for the past 9
years to this day i still believe that
apple has the best hardware feel free to
prove me wrong in the comments what
further restricted my hardware choices
was that i was looking for something a
little more open their laptops run core
boot which is a free software project
aimed at replacing proprietary bios
found on most computers and more than
likely the one you're using right now to
watch this video for this reason i was
more than happy to entertain the thought
of purchasing one of their laptops i
settled on the lemur pro because from
what i read and saw it seemed solid from
a hardware perspective it also supports
the other big thing which i needed which
was dual display output this laptop
doesn't have a dedicated gpu but i don't
do any gaming so that really wasn't a
deal breaker for me so this laptop
weighs 2.4 pounds 1.09 kilograms and has
a 14.1 inch display or 35.81 centimeters
it's light it's kind of insanely light
actually the material it's made out of
is a magnesium aluminum alloy which for
lack of a better term feels cheap when
you first touch it until you realize
it's extremely strong
i used to have a cup made out of
titanium don't ask why and this material
reminds me of that same feeling you
touch it and you feel like you might
break or bend it but that just will not
happen it's also pretty sexy looking if
i do say so myself you first notice the
quality when you open the laptop for the
first time this is not a one finger open
laptop now what do i mean by that
you will need one hand to hold the base
of the laptop and the other to open the
screen these are some seriously stiff
hinges my macbook is designed in a way
where it's one finger open but honestly
i would rather have it stiff than a
floppy screen would one finger open be
sure i guess but i like how it is it's
also worth noting that you can open it
pretty far
so far that it actually goes flat
another thing i was worried about was
keyboard flex the laptop i had before my
switch to a macbook was a lenovo if you
picked it up by the corner it would bend
like one of those folders you would use
in school i was afraid to move it around
or take it anywhere it just felt cheap
it was better as a desktop that never
experienced any movement
with the lemur it's stiff as a rock you
can pick it up by the corner and it
doesn't move this is exactly what i was
looking for
i was used to the same kind of quality
from my macbooks so i was happy to see
this the keyboard is surprisingly good i
actually like it better than my macbook
keyboard well maybe not better the key
travel distance is nice so it's actually
really comfortable to type on and the
keys don't feel cheap like they'll pop
off the keyboard is also backlit so that
is another huge plus if you've ever
typed in a dark room or poorly lit room
you'll know how beneficial that can be
that brings us to the top of the screen
to the webcam
it is not that great it's okay but
here's a comparison of my macbook air
which also has a lousy webcam i'll let
you be the judge the screen resolution
is 1920x1080 nothing groundbreaking here
but it's perfect for my use cases as i
mentioned earlier most of the time i'm
using dual external monitors and when i
do use my laptop screen 1920x1080 is all
i need if you do a lot of gaming this
might not be for you it's a matte
display which i really like to me those
have always been better for outside use
and just in general compared to the
glossy display that is on a mac the
battery is very very impressive i get
around 8-10 hours of use out of it there
are more in-depth reviews out there on
the battery life so i'm not going to go
into it too much but it is way more than
enough for what i need and if the
battery life ever decreases enough you
can always replace it yourself using the
instructions on the system 76 website
now let's talk about the bad i'm not a
huge fan of the trackpad i've seen other
posts online saying the trackpad is good
but maybe i was just spoiled with a
haptic feedback apple trackpad in case
you don't know what that is the trackpad
doesn't actually click or have any
movement at all but it emulates the
click by vibrating in the spot that you
it's amazing to use and since the
trackpad isn't actually clicking you can
click anywhere and it worked perfectly
since the entire thing is a sensor on
the lemur the corners flex a little bit
and it makes some noise
i don't know if you can hear but when
you do click it's kind of noisy and
honestly sounds a little cheap
i fixed this by using tap to click but
it would be nice to have a better
quality trackpad
now when it comes to ports this thing is
but this is just me nitpicking i don't
know if i would call this bad but i wish
it had one more usbc port it only has
so that kind of stinks but compared to
my macbook air which had two usbc ports
and moments for charging this thing is a
the logo on top looks really good
but sadly it's just a sticker it seems
like a very tough sticker so i hope it
doesn't come off
but something actually molded into the
case would be nice now that brings us to
the absolute worst hardware feature of
this laptop the speakers i used to have
an old nokia flip phone and it sounded
pretty similar to this i understand this
is a laptop i'm not looking for a boom
box but here's a comparison just so you
can hear how terrible they sound
compared to a macbook air
but again i didn't buy a laptop like
this for the speakers they are more than
usable but i just wanted to highlight
that in case you decide to get this
laptop so you are not surprised i will
say that i don't use this laptop to test
my audio playback for my videos because
honestly anything good will sound bad
and anything bad will just sound bad so
it's not very useful for that so that's
my feedback on the hardware let's talk
about the software i started this laptop
with popos installed which is the system
76 disk drill because i wanted to give
it a try popos is easy to set up and
full disk encryption is enabled by
default it also has a package installer
called edward and from my experience it
works a lot better than the ubuntu one
i've had some issues in the past with
the ubuntu package installer resolving
dependencies maybe that was just my
experience but edward never failed if
you've ever used ubuntu popos is
everything i hoped ubuntu would be
without all the extra work to customize
ubuntu and set it up how you want i
think most people could use it as is and
it would be especially beneficial for
the people who are afraid to make the
leap to linux because of some of the
horror stories they've heard out of all
the flavors of linux i used over the
years i think popos reminds me of mac in
the sense of it just works
i hate to say it that way but it's true
i'm pretty sure i could give this laptop
to my mom who is not very technical
sorry mom and after a few hours of
showing her where things are she could
adapt to it so after using this linux
laptop for three weeks i am fully
adjusted and will be sticking with it i
have all my necessary apps installed
which i may cover in another video the
transition was honestly pretty quick
even after being a mac user for years
full disclosure i still have a mech mini
because i use final cut pro to edit my
videos could i edit my videos my linux
laptop yes i could but i really like
final cut pro i put a lot of time into
using it and i don't feel like having to
research and learn something new right
now another commenter also asked what
the mining rate was on this laptop so
here's the xm rig output showing the
hash rate so while popos is great i have
commitment issues and when things are
going perfect might as well switch it up
i'm thinking of giving manjaro a try
based on some comments i saw in a recent
video of mine it's an arch-based distro
so i'm curious how that will work i've
been running it in virtualbox on pop os
for the last few days and i really like
it since this laptop has two nvme slots
for drives i think i'm just going to
install another drive to run alongside
my popos install if you want to see a
look inside this laptop and my unboxing
video i'll post those on the screen
right now and if you have any questions
or comments feel free to leave those
down below