Tesla Shareholders Meeting 2018 - 5 Takeaways - YouTube

Channel: Ben Sullins

hey guys what's going on been sullens
here with tez anomic sand I just want to
share the top five takeaways that I got
from the shareholders meeting which
actually just ended I'm recording this
immediately following it and the first
one was about the SpaceX options package
for the new roadster it's selfish I know
because I'm getting one and I'm very
curious what this is but the fact that
basically Elon was talking about the
model why the semi and the roadster are
all going to exceed kind of all
expectations that they had previously is
just a great sign that not only are they
making progress on producing more
vehicles and new you know product lines
essentially but that they're just going
to continue to improve the quality to me
this makes sense
anyone that's followed tells it for a
long time knows that that's how they
roll even it translates over to how
SpaceX operates so a SpaceX option
package not sure what that means but uh
but yeah the next thing is that the Giga
factory in China has now been confirmed
to be in Shanghai there were some news
about this recently where the Chinese
government authorized or approved them
to wholly-owned their factory which is a
big deal because prior to that owning or
manufacturing things in China required
that they be owned by a local company
and that those companies were owned by
majority stake by the Chinese government
because of how the kind of government is
set up there now they're going to allow
Tesla to come in to Shanghai which is
also kind of like the Silicon Valley of
China from what I understand and put
their factory there now this Giga
factory will make batteries and cars
presumably it'll start with the model 3
the lower-cost one and with China's
giant push for EVs they are now and I
think even last year the largest Evi
market in the world I think it makes
sense and it bodes extremely well for
Tesla so that'll probably be a couple
years out honestly but the more you know
that details come out the more we're
gonna see Tesla's happening in China and
that is just a huge market for them to
tap into number three on my list was
kind of combined there is the new
version of auto pilot that Elon was
talking about he even mentioned that he
the on-ramp off-ramp transition last
night at 1:00 a.m. that previous to the
actual event and that may or may not be
included in this version which is coming
out I think he said this week or next
week but also that there will soon be an
auto pilot trial people will be able to
try it out for a few days and see
whether or not they like it I think
that's interesting because when people
first get auto pilot I know when I first
really started using it on the daily
basis in my model 3 you get you're very
cautious it seems very cool and you're
kind of in this honeymoon phase so it
makes sense a lot of people might try it
for a day or two and then buy it and
then later on realize maybe they don't
need it and you know this and that so
I'm curious if it all this will lead to
a boost in auto pilot usage and if so
what that means for helping them speed
up the development of the technology
because now they'll have much higher
quality data so I hope a lot of people
take advantage of it and I hope that
helps us advance this system even better
to get even safer than it already is
another big takeaway I had was that
Tesla within 5 years which in their
terms is forever will get into the
subcompact or compact market these are
the much smaller vehicles like a smart
car or maybe a Fiat 500 tiny little
thing where Tessa will start offering a
model like that I think that is
incredibly interesting because in urban
areas densely populated cities even at
model 3 is a rather large vehicle to be
driving around isn't that convenient so
I think there's a big opportunity here
as well as many other areas like the
delivery van cise and things like this
so that I thought was interesting
because I hadn't heard anything about
that prior to this meeting here and
probably the biggest thing that I
thought was interesting that they talked
about or kept reiterating is that they
will start selling the $35,000 version
of the model 3 later this year later in
2018 and if they're able to push the tax
credit out to q3 I mean what I mean by
that is hitting that two hundred
thousand car delivered in the US by then
this means that they will also likely
qualify for the full tax credit meaning
and if you live in a state like
California which also has a twenty five
hundred dollar state incentive
you could literally be looking at a net
cost of $25,000 for a model 3 which I
think at that price it is a steal that
is a tremendous value I've said it
before where I think even the 60 to 70
thousand dollar kind of slowly Specht
out version that you get now is a bit
high for what you get and the
performance one I think it isn't worth
$25,000 this is going to be an amazing
value for that so I think that was big
news that a lot of people just wanted to
hear ilan say it and the last one I'll
talk about is the battery advances now
we've all thought about solid-state
batteries or all the other kind of
different technologies that are being
tested in labs and are being proven to
you know hopefully give us 2x maybe even
10x what we have now in terms of energy
density per pound or per kilogram and
they kind of brushed that off saying
like the idea would be to have a purely
lithium anode to improve the cell
technology so it didn't really seem to
be something that would that would be a
total shift in direction and I've talked
about this a lot because I think that
makes sense right they have so much
money and kind of infrastructure built
up around the cell technology so to
shift that over for my understandings
that would be a dramatic change that
would cost a ton of money and also would
take a ton of time and not things that
tells it really has a luxury of right
now so I think that they're gonna
continue on this path of making cells
and they're gonna work on the chemistry
of those cells and continually improve
them so you have the guys my top
takeaways from the shareholders meeting
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