24 Hours Overnight in My Brothers Room!!!! - YouTube

Channel: unknown

Hey guys, it's Karina.
It's Ronald, we're from -
Sis vs. Bro, and today we're gonna be doing
the 24 hour swap room challenge!
(energetic music)
So, I'm gonna be in Ronald's room for 24 hours,
and Ronald's gonna be in my room for 24 hours.
I don't like the sound of this challenge,
but I'm up for it.
So I'm gonna be in Ronald's room first.
I got my phone, I got my book, in case
Ronald's room is boring, which it probably will be.
And I'm just gonna head to Karina's room,
'cause like, why not?
All right, so we're just gonna basically hang out
in each other's rooms for 24 hours.
We can't leave, we can't do anything.
We just have to be in that room,
and somehow have fun
and live.
So, let's do it.
All right, I'm gonna put my book
and my phone down right there on that table.
Close the door.
Goodbye, world!
Now it's time to explore!
So, let's see.
We have a lot of interesting things here.
We have a broken LEGO set, interesting.
And we have these things from one of our videos,
Ronald decided to keep them.
We have other things here,
we have these things from another video
Ronald decided to keep.
I can't even open this box.
Open sesame!
I think you know what it is,
I think you know what that is.
All right.
We have some stuffed animals over here,
this is my favorite one, the pig.
And we got the owl here, this is my second favorite.
And over here's Ronald's squishies and his books.
Wait, why is Ronald, why are my books here?
Ronald stole my books.
My Harry Potter books.
He stole them!
This is the fifth book.
I'm on the fifth book right now,
and it's a really good book.
And Ronald has stole three of my books,
the sixth, the second, and the third.
The second is my favorite book.
One of my favorites, it's like a really good one.
Really good.
And we got Ronald's squishies over here,
this is one of my favorites.
It's coffee.
And then the unicorn one.
Ronald won't give it to me for some reason.
This one, we got this one,
we got this one.
We got a whole bunch of squishies to have fun with.
And Ronald has entire series of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
He's like obsessed with this series.
I used to read it, but now I don't anymore.
We got some board games up here.
This one's actually mine.
It says ten plus on it, so Ronald's not allowed to play it.
What to do, what to do,
this room is, like, the most boring thing ever,
oh my gosh.
So, all right.
Let's look at Ronald's drawers
and see what kind of interesting things we have in here.
We have socks and a banana peel, ew!
And nothing.
All right, let's look in the other side.
Oh, I just hit the jackpot!
Look at all these.
I love these cookies, oh my gosh.
Okay, we're gonna come back to that.
We got Ron's phone here.
I think I rem-
I once peeked at Ronald's password,
I think -
I think I know it, I don't know.
In here we got
a bunch of things for my drone,
and it's apparently in Ronald's room.
Don't know why.
So that was pretty boring, those drawers,
but pretty fun at the same time.
All right, let's check out Ronald's bathroom,
it's in here.
Oh, what do we have in here?
♪ Da na na ♪
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing,
nothing, nothing.
Maybe in the trash can there's something.
Let's check out Ronald's other drawers over here.
So in here we got clothing.
That's all boring.
Trash bin.
Nothing in it.
Is there anything else that's interesting
other than candy?
Let's look at underneath the bed.
I don't see anything underneath the bed.
Okay, so we're just gonna munch on some candy I guess.
Right, all right.
I'm gonna look what's behind these boxes.
We got a bunch of Uno cards there.
What else we have there?
Can't see.
Yeah, just a bunch of Uno cards.
Behind there we got
squishy galore.
What on earth is that?
Oh, ah, this is a blue sheep
Ronald got from Bojang.
Bojang sent us a bunch of micro things,
including this blue sheep.
That's fun.
And these are my Harry Potter books Ronald has stolen.
I'll get 'em back later.
So, let's look in here.
Um, we got a bunch of boxes.
Is there anything interesting?
No, no.
Nothing interesting.
All right, this is Ronald's iMac.
We're gonna open this thing up
and check out what's in there.
I think I know his password, so.
(keyboard clicking)
That's not right is it, no.
Let me try again.
That's right.
Yay, I did it!
So last thing Ronald was playing is obviously Minecraft.
So, cancel, we're gonna quit the game.
Whoa, Ronald has a bunch of things.
What on earth is that, I've never seen that before.
So, let's see what else we have here,
what's interesting?
We can
go on iMovie
and we can watch some of Ronald's movies he's made.
Oh, let's see that.
All right, Ron has a bunch of projects actually.
All right.
Um, we have a bunch of things here.
Okay, Minecraft, what's this?
I wanna see this, this looks interesting.
All right, let's watch it.
This is a very interesting movie.
All right, I'm gonna go back to projects.
Oh now it's no sound for a second.
Let's do this one, the very first one.
Trailer, it's called Trailer Practice 2.
(white noise)
What is this?
What on earth is that?
All right, start from the beginning.
To the most amazing
movie you'll ever see.
Time to time.
It will be awesome.
Out in Movember?
Oh, that's the beginning.
All right, let's go to the next -
let's watch another one.
Full House, why not, let's watch Full House.
Open sesame.
All right, let's see this.
OMG Films, ooh, cool name.
We got this person.
A story of four boys.
Cool, photos.
About to become a man.
What on earth.
Let's just close that for awhile.
And we're gonna go munch on some candy.
Candy candy candy!
Candy, candy drawer!
Oooh, look at this.
All right, now we got candy here.
We got candy.
So, I'm gonna have some, obviously.
Mmm, I love this.
Aw, it tastes so good.
All right, mm hmm.
All right.
We got Ronald's amazing view of the door
to the basement,
of the pathway to the basement.
You can still open this door
and it's like a balcony sort of.
Nothing else to do here other than eat candy.
I'm not gonna be eating this for 24 hours.
It's gonna take like two minutes.
Well, I got my cool phone in case that happens,
and my book.
All right, so I'm just gonna
sit you down right there.
Grab my candy.
Well, cookies.
And uh, wait.
Ronald's phone.
I can't do the face ID.
I think I know his password.
Dang it!
I don't know it.
All right, that's useless.
So there's basically nothing else to do here.
This is like the most boring room ever.
So guys, I'm gonna explore this room a little bit deeper,
and I'm gonna see you guys
if I find something else interesting.
So see you guys then.
So guys, I took a look around every nook and cranny
of this room, and I couldn't find anything interesting.
So, it's just candy.
So I'm gonna...
I'm gonna read a book, play some games on my phone
for a little bit, and then eventually I'll find
something else to do, right?
I can't be bored forever, can I?
No, right?
I don't know, but okay,
that's what I'm gonna do.
So guys, I was fiddling around with Ronald's phone,
you know, trying new combinations and passwords,
and I finally figured out the passcode.
I finally figured it out.
Oh yes, I am just gonna open it again.
I got it!
Yay, check it out.
Oh no, oh yes, check it out.
So Ronald's background is a Fortnite character.
That's interesting.
He has a bunch of apps here.
Games, let's take a look at his games.
I've never heard of Fighting Fighters.
Vector Free.
And the rest I know.
And he even has Fortnite on his phone, of course.
He has Nindash, okay, interesting.
Just a bunch of weird games.
Supercat 2, Supercat?
Is that even a thing?
All right, but I'm gonna take a look at Ronald's
photos and stuff.
So, check that out.
I think Ronald's gonna use this
as a background or something.
And I see Ronald's took a screenshot
of Tunnel Vision's video.
And at the airport we saw this wall,
and it said "Chocolate Journey."
I was like, "We're gonna go on the Chocolate Journey."
Ronald, and he was like, "I gotta take a picture."
So he took a picture of the wall with the chocolate journey.
Ronald took a picture of himself,
and did this weird face, like ehhh.
He always does.
And he zoomed in on his nose, like a lot.
And he's like, best picture in the world, junior.
Look at this one.
He says, do you like popcorn,
you can't really see that.
Okay, this is a picture of me he took,
and he zoomed in onto my nose.
That's just rude.
A picture of coffee, interesting.
He says (laughs),
the next picture says this is not coffee.
It's hot chocolate.
All right, I don't know why for some reason,
but he has a photo of my background,
my old background.
This is weird, okay.
Aww, Chibi!
So um, I was playing Sims for a little while,
'cause I wanted to, and Ron took a picture of me
without me even knowing, and he wrote
Karina is so addicted.
I am not addicted to computer, Ronald is.
I bet you right now he's probably on my iMac
playing games or something, I don't even know.
He's always wanting to play like Fortnite.
"Can I play Fortnite, can I play Fortnite?"
And I'm always in my room just doing something,
and Ron calls me addicted.
Yeah, all right.
We got - nope.
We got a picture of Ronald and he thinks it's so cool,
and it is.
We got a picture of me.
We were gonna use this as a thumbnail.
With a play button, that's Ronald again.
Play button, Ronald, Ronald, Chibi.
He titled this, "Best picture in the world."
I think it's beautiful.
All right, so that's enough of Ronald's phone.
So, I'm gonna eat the last pack of my cookies I got.
And then I'm gonna read my book.
I can't wait to read this book again.
All right, so I'll see you guys in a little while.
(clicks tongue)
So guys, I just took a nap.
It's um, three.
No, it's not three, it's four.
I'm exhausted.
This room is so boring, there's nothing to do.
I had some chocolate already,
I've read my book, I've done things,
and uh, I'm so bored now.
He has nothing what's exciting.
So I'm just gonna take a look at some more
of Ronald's movies, iMovies.
I am a good editor now.
Let's see it.
We're gonna start from the beginning.
Hello, hello.
I feel like I am a good editor now.
I had, uh, I had like no time to make this so bye.
Is that it?
That was a boring movie.
I still have one more cookie
I need to finish.
This is good.
So I'm gonna watch a video right here.
'Cause that's probably the most exciting thing
I can think of at the moment.
'Cause Ronald's room is real boring.
So guys, I'll see you in a minute.
Oh guys, I am so bored.
It's already
um, it's almost eight.
I think I'm gonna wanna go to sleep now.
Go to sleep early, usually I go to sleep at like eleven
or something, but I'm gonna go to sleep early.
So this challenge is passed by 'cause it's so boring.
Chibi's here with me.
Hey, Chibi.
Don't scratch my foot.
So guys, I'll see you then.
So guys, I just woke up.
I'm not feeling very tired anymore.
But right now it's 11:30.
It's dark outside, so dark you can see
the reflection of the room.
Now I'm gonna watch some YouTube videos on my phone.
I'm gonna watch It's Funny,
so yeah.
Someone getting rich right here.
(inaudible YouTube voices)
So guys, it's the morning.
It's, what time is it?
And it's daylight outside, it's beautiful.
I'm exhausted.
But right now I gotta get into my school uniform,
brush my teeth, brush my hair,
do all that stuff.
I'm so glad I survived this challenge.
This challenge was so boring,
and now I'm just exhausted.
All right.
So guys, I am all ready for school.
I got my uniform on, I got my hair done,
and I'm just ready to leave this room,
have some proper food 'cause I am pretty hungry.
All I had was chocolate,
and I don't think chocolate's very filling.
Is it?
But now it's time to leave this room to freedom.
Ronald, how was my room?
Well guys, we hope you liked this video.
If you did, smash that like button.
And we'll see you on the next time, goodbye!
(happy music)