Bitcoin Is The Kenny Of Crypto (Twitter Gets Crypto) - YouTube

Channel: BitBoy Crypto

they say those who don't learn from
history are doomed to repeat it and it
seems bitcoin is no exception
yep september's typically been a month
to forget for the crypto markets and so
far it seems the trend is continued
it's all looking like a pretty typical
end to quarter three flash crashes panic
and fear china banning bitcoin for the
millionth time but the market is holding
its nerve why
because if history is set to rhyme as
many believe it will then these could be
the last moments of quiet for a pretty
insane storm
the launch pad for a q4 of truly epic
proportions so buckle up and let's get
welcome to bitboy crypto home of the bit
squad the largest and greatest crypto
community in all the interwebs my name
is ben everyday on this channel i show
you how to make money in crypto if you
like money in crypto be sure to hit that
subscribe button in this video we look
at why bitcoin is still going strong
bitcoin is the kenny of crypto poor
kinney he's been chopped in half crushed
by a falling satellite eaten a lie by
ozzy osbourne
but like bitcoin this kid's made of
steely stuff he bounces back every time
guess what
it's not even my analogy this is coming
from none other than the head of asset
management firm counterpoint subsidiary
of morgan stanley who clearly spends too
much time watching cartoons and not
looking after his clients but anyway
bitcoin's taken a beating this month
crashing down from about 50k
find some solid support in the low 40s
support that suggests both retail
investors and institutions been buying
the dip with every chance they get
but don't just take my word for it the
unchained metrics say it all smart money
is moving bitcoin off the exchanges and
into cold storage
something they tend not to do unless
they're confident of a kenny-like
revival it's what they call smart money
they're smart like this guy the lead on
chain analyst at glass node points out
that long-term huddlers now are at an
all-time high while exchange reserves
are bottoming out huddlers have
withstood a ton of fun for months and
this is what they're saying we're not
i hate maxis so let me rephrase that
they're not selling yet they're buying
just check out this data from coin
shares which shows bitcoin is leading
the charge with investors piling in
despite the china doom and gloom
because they don't see it as a threat
they see it as a great opportunity
that's now one two three four five six
straight weeks of positive inflows of
cash into digital aums
assets under management
liquid supply is at an all-time high
they're not selling because they're
huddling out for something bigger
the kind of parabolic run we've not yet
seen this cycle and there's also more
talk of china cracking down on crypto if
you're new here just understand that
china banning crypto happens every six
months some of his old timers are kind
of fed up of hearing about it but let me
break down what's happening and why you
shouldn't be worried
crackdown began back in 2009 when they
implemented a ban on digital currencies
now this wasn't about bitcoin at all it
was super early days for crypto this was
actually more due to virtual currencies
circulating in video games but even then
they saw it as a potential threat to the
fast forward to december 2013 czp
explicitly called out bitcoin by calling
it a currency without real value and
banning their banks from handling
we saw some fake news go around in 2014
about a full on band that briefly rocked
the market
and a few years later they forced their
exchanges to shut down which is when
bineets made the move over to malta 2019
saw the mining ban which ultimately took
full effect earlier this year beginning
the so-called great mining migration
something anthony pompliano described as
a major geopolitical error
well now they've doubled down with an
all-out ban the real deal
and for those who don't speak fluent
mandarin allow me to translate
crypto is finito illegal done
we're seeing exchanges like huobs
scrambling to cut ties with customers on
the mainland
most of whom are getting those coins
into cold storage as fast as humanly
possible but of course not before
smashing that like and hitting that
subscribe button in the name of freedom
is this likely to have a negative impact
on price action
well so far it's barely registered sure
we had a small dump a dump for ants
meanwhile we actually saw a rally in
divide coins largely attributed to
chinese retail seeking out the
decentralized alternatives not even the
ccp can ban
this is what crypto is all about folks
economic freedom financial sovereignty
self-custody of our assets
china can ban the centralized exchanges
they can ban transactions but the
difference between banning and actually
stopping something is huge the war on
crypto is just another war you don't win
it is by definition unstoppable by
overbearing governments so long as
there's internet and it's the very
reason satoshi invented it in the first
bitcoin has moved up and right ever
since 2009 in spite of many so-called
bans from china it certainly isn't about
to stop now
meanwhile we've also had some hugely
bullish news for bitcoin this week while
one of the most powerful countries on
earth is trying to stomp it out
one of the most powerful companies in
the world is going all in
yes i'm talking about the integration of
the bitcoin tipping service on twitter
and in its own low-key way it's a big
deal you gotta hand it to jack dorsey
the dude's not playing around
just look at him he used to look like
now he looks like this
and say he doesn't think there's
anything more important in his lifetime
to work on
true to his word twitter will now allow
users to tip content creators in bitcoin
thanks to the strike network brainchild
of the other jack jack mullers a man so
bullish on bitcoiny literally sold
everything in his house to buy the dip
so in terms of adoption and onboarding
content creators to crypto the
significance of this move can't be
plans or other features like wallet
integration and ft authentication are
set to be coming soon best yet in line
with its hippie credentials jack and
twitter won't be taking a dime in
commission we've already seen major
names like diplo leading the way but you
want to know something really cool
because i've got some huge news about an
actual major celebrity preparing to
accept bitcoin tips and this one could
be a real game changer anyway jack's
influences is solely limited to twitter
fact is this payment company square
we're likely to have the biggest impact
on crypto we already know they're
building a divide platform along with
big hitters dedicated to bitcoin with a
current working name of tbd he's
invested with jay-z to build an
endowment fund promoting bitcoin in
africa in india and he's made moves into
mining and look
like him or loathe them we need people
like jack in the space people whose
commitment go beyond making a quick buck
he's an idealist he's a billionaire he's
not in it for the gains and it's not
just about tech he genuinely believes in
bitcoin and unfortunately for now
exclusively bitcoin as a transformative
technology capable of bringing about
world peace
people like max kaiser say the same
but he just shouts at people and posts
me tweets and wears shorts michael
saylor says it while accumulating even
more bitcoin and posing inspirational
meanwhile jack's building affordable
hardware wallets investing millions into
renewable mining sometimes we need
powerful people like him to focus on why
because the esg narrative is fundamental
to bitcoin's success and as much as the
mainstream media likes to misrepresent
the facts on it there's no denying it's
all our interests
from miners to retail investors for
cheap and available renewables to secure
the network miners flock to the cheapest
energy which tends to be sustainable
there just isn't enough of it to go
around plus there's intermittency issues
the storage problem a whole set of cost
benefit trade-offs and incentives
the esg market is a two billion dollar
industry and mining wants to be on the
cheaper side of the curve
besides the number one criticism from
morons like the banking broad elizabeth
just makes sense to go green from every
angle and the good news is some of the
critics don't tell you we already are
mining fluctuates between being 40 to 70
percent sustainable by comparison the
u.s grid is about 12 to 18 green so it's
already ahead of the game it's just an
easy target there's already some super
cool innovation happening using landfill
waste and harnessing natural methane gas
rather than flaring it and now the
coolest yet
atomic bitcoin yep we've had volcanoes
now crypto's going nuclear this recent
article suggests that in light of the
esg fudd mining companies are now
partnering up with nuclear power plants
in a symbiotically beneficial move
like the joint venture between talon
energy corp and mining company terra
wolf who started development on a
facility the size of your football
fields next to a pennsylvania nuclear
plant and of course the world's most
handsome mayor mayor suarez is now
trying to woo miners to nuclear
facilities in texas it's clear win for
clean stable energy for the miners and a
viable business model for ailing nuclear
can deliver serious hash power plus it's
awesome i've said it before and i'll say
it again don't get swept up in the fud
look at what's actually happening zoom
out think we're on the way down
kenny doesn't look ready to capitulate
yet he'll bounce back he always does
but he also does die again probably in
time for christmas so don't forget to
start planning an exit strategy or
you'll be crying into your empty
q4 is all yours kenny it's gonna be a
heck of a ride that's all i got be