Manchin's stance on child tax credit likely to stall Build Back Better into 2022 - YouTube

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it's growing unlikely democrats will
pass president biden's two trillion
dollar social spending bill by their
christmas deadline a source tells cbs
news discussions over the social and
climate package have soured between
president biden and senator joe manchin
the democrat from west virginia now
reportedly wants to eliminate an
expansion of the child tax credit from
the bill according to the washington
post a group of
of west virginia parents dialed into a
video call wednesday to urge senator
manchin to support the expanded benefit
but minutes before the call was supposed
to begin one of manchin's aides emailed
parents asking to reschedule
yagen attorbani wrote that report and
joins me now she's an economic policy
investigative reporter for the
washington post
yeah welcome explain to us why senator
manchin is taking issue with an
expansion of the child tax credit in
well senator manchin has made clear over
the past few months that he is pretty
skeptical of the child tax credit um in
particular he's talked about you know
the fact that um it goes to parents
without any sort of work
requirement in place especially in this
expanded version which the byte
administration has championed and which
most democrats want to uh continue and
so you know these are sort of social
spending benefits that senator manchin
as a fairly conservative democrat um is
is pretty skeptical of
and so that has been a big sticking
point between him and the bind
administration as well as him and other
democrats in congress
well how have we seen the expanded
child tax credit actually help
families in west virginia
sure well you know west virginia is a
relatively poor state and the fact that
the ex expanded version of the tax
credit went from two thousand dollars to
at its highest level thirty six hundred
dollars for uh children five and under
that really goes a long way in a state
like west virginia also west virginia
has a pretty high proportion of
grandparents who are raising their
grandchildren and that's partially due
to the legacy of the opioid epidemic
obviously grandparents are often on a
fixed income on sort of you living off
of retirement benefits or social
security and so getting an extra 300 or
um per child to those families has made
a big difference um you know
fewer west virginians are reporting um
hunger issues um there have been you
know surveys done showing that a lot of
families support continuing these
benefits um and so it's had a big impact
in a state like west virginia
so yeah if this has benefited senator
manchin's constituents if they are now
lobbying to try and get him to support
it is there any indication that
that he might change his position
particularly on this issue
you know i mean he he holds like
somewhat conservative views when it
comes to these sorts of economic social
benefit programs and of course west
virginia is a very conservative state he
is one of the last perhaps the last of
statewide elected democrats and so he um
you know is facing a pretty tenuous and
difficult political situation and also
you know it seems like his own personal
views lean more towards um being
skeptical or you know
someone against the child tax credit in
its expanded form however it is um sort
of a key thing that democrats have been
touting they've been talking about the
child tax credit and how much it has cut
child poverty um it's something that is
clearly very important to president
biden even though they have scaled back
um the length of the renewal they are
still hoping to get it for at least one
more year um and so it's
it's sort of a question we might have to
wait and see whether senator manchin is
willing to
um you know cut talks over the entire
deal over this one issue whether the
white house will um step back or whether
they can come to some sort of agreement
and it's just unclear and as you said it
definitely you know seems like it
definitely won't happen by christmas
i spoke with a leader of the aarp who
says that they are strongly supportive
of the prescription drug portion of the
bill as well as some other things that
benefit seniors i'm wondering
what other lobbying efforts and
influence is senator manchin facing when
it comes to his stance on the buildback
better package
yeah it's a really good question i mean
um you know there are business lobbies
that are of course against buildback
better because of the tax increases that
are included in it and they are really
strongly targeting um senator manchin
senator uma um because you know they
they of course don't want those tax
increases to pass um you know they are
trying to sort of uh impress upon these
senators the um you know some of the
opposition perhaps in their home states
particularly again in west virginia
which is
overall a more conservative state um and
so it's you know we don't know exactly
how things are going to play out but
but those business lobbies are certainly
pressuring some of these swing votes all
thank you