Biden May Have Just DOOMED The Entire Social Security System - YouTube

Channel: The Young Turks

president joe biden
has made a pretty awful decision
he has nominated a man who
has absolutely no interest in protecting
and bolstering the social security
system in fact he's a man who has a long
track record in wanting to
privatize social security his name is
andrew biggs
and uh he has been nominated for a very
very important role um he would
essentially serve in a board that the
president advises with
and takes advice from
on what to do with social security so on
may 13th biden chose to nominate biggs
a fellow at the right wing american
enterprise institute it's a think tank
for a republican seat on the bipartisan
social security advisory board which was
created in 1994 to consult the president
and congress about the social security
so i'm not really interested in hearing
from a right winger who served or worked
for the heritage foundation on the topic
of social security pretty sure i can
figure out what his advice would be
but for anyone who might be in the dark
about the uh american enterprise
institute let's give you a little little
brief on who biggs is
so the lever reports that in 2001 biggs
was a staff analyst on george w bush's
commission on social security that
advocated privatizing the government
program by shifting the program's trust
fund investments from u.s treasury bills
to high fee
high risk personal accounts that seniors
could use to invest social security
assets in the stock and bond markets
like employees do with their 401ks
i don't know about you guys but uh 401ks
relative to what pensions were like suck
uh there's a lot more risk involved uh
there's a lot more onus on the worker uh
the employer you know uh get gets a
massive break
uh from not having to pay into a pension
it's it has not
ended up well for retirees and we do
have a retirement crisis baby boomers
even though they enjoyed economic
prosperity and kind of screwed over our
a lot of them don't have enough money to
retire on
that is an issue
and this guy's solution was
let's introduce more risk let's
privatize it
and biden looked at that guy and thought
nailed it i'm going to put you on my
advisory board what are you doing biden
in 2013 biggs justified the idea of
raising the retirement age for social
security benefits by saying that
americans biggest on-the-job risk you
know carpal tunnel syndrome from your
mouse or something like that
uh i'm pretty sure there are a lot of
americans that are suffering from other
ailments related to the work that they
do um
not just physical by the way mental
health issues as well
but let me continue reporters over at
the lever also reached out to him uh to
get some clarity on where he stands on
the issue of social security remember
social security
was put in place to prevent elderly
people from
like insane poverty and homelessness
and uh
it's not a popular position to want to
privatize social security social
security and medicare super super
popular so when the lever reached out to
him to get some clarity on where he
he took a page out of trump's book and
was like denied denied no me what me i
had to change a heart i swear
even though i gave a speech not too long
ago talking about how we need to
privatize this he even gave a talk
recently i was watching on youtube where
he wanted to make it a lot more
difficult for people to
get disability benefits and argue that a
lot of people
receiving disability benefits are
essentially liars and they can go back
to work that's that's who this guy is
that's who andrew biggs is
he has dismissed the retirement crisis
as a non-issue and as recently as 2020
blamed problems with the social security
system on older americans game of
and two decades ago biggs worked on a
bush administration commission that
pushed to privatize social security
and uh when uh the reporters over at the
lever reached out to him he denied it
instead he said he now believes that
uh the nation's social security-like
programs should be more focused on
guaranteeing against poverty in old age
while middle and high income individuals
take on greater responsibility for let's
just stop when he says middle and high
income earners he's just he's talking
about working americans okay he's being
careful with his wording here but anyone
who has to work for their living you
know people who aren't just investors
who get to sit around and collect money
you know either from their investment or
from being a landlord like that's not
who he's talking about here he's
specifically talking about working
people okay many of whom do not have
anything near what's necessary to be
able to retire they are not on track to
retire comfortably but let me continue
take on greater responsibility for
saving for retirement on their own such
as by the government establishing
universal retirement savings accounts
for every worker
yeah the social security model has
worked out pretty well um and if
anyone's concerned about whether or not
we have enough resources to keep it
going you could just lift
the social security tax cap which this
year is about one hundred thirty seven
thousand dollars so people earning over
a hundred thirty seven thousand dollars
they no longer get taxed for social
security for income above that just lift
just lift it
it's super regressive to have a cap that
only benefits high earners in the
country but of course he's not
advocating for that the guys from the
american enterprise institute finally
biden didn't even have to pick this guy
so that advisory board is
traditionally bipartisan right
there's no law forcing the president of
the united states to make it bipartisan
in fact
donald trump refused to nominate a
single democrat a single liberal to that
advisory board not one
but biden like a good boy
you know
make sure you
do right by your uh wall street donors
who you told you know
nothing will fundamentally change under
my watch
good boy gotta pick andrew biggs the guy
who is on the record in
endless talks that you can watch
on youtube advocating for the
privatization of one of the most popular
social spending programs in this country
social security and then biden turns
around and asks himself along with the
democratic party overall
why is my approval rating so low what's
going on
i don't get it
well you're telling the american people
you don't care about them
by rubbing shoulders with clowns like
this chump
there are consequences for your actions
and he deserves the low approval ratings
that he's suffering from as we speak