My Best Sales Tactic (to Make a TON of Money) - YouTube

Channel: Alex Hormozi

I want to tell you about the most
powerful sales tactic that I have
learned I never learned it from a book I
actually learned it by accident and it
will be included in the 100 million
dollar sales book when it comes out and
so you heard it here first but it's a
concept that you can do as a salesperson
to gain trust and I stumbled into this I
ended up selling a hundred percent of
people after I made this one switch and
how I sold and I was able to teach it to
people who'd never sold before and they
were able to close 80 90 of people who
are coming in the door mind you this is
a retail environment selling physical
products so rewind the clock I was
selling supplements at my gym and the
way that we would sell supplements is
that we'd sell some sort of service
package and then we'd do a nutrition
orientation the camp the nutrition
orientation we'd actually you know set
them up with their meal plans and then
we'd make recommendations for products
now normally I would sell pretty well
but still I always wanted to sell more
and get better we'd killed this launch
for like a new challenge or something
and we had a hundred new customers there
come in and I ran out one of the key uh
products I had ladies come in the first
half of the day and able to get the
products and then some of their friends
who signed up with them came in the
second half of the day and were like hey
my friend Sandy told me that I need X X
Y and Z and I was like oh we don't have
Z anymore and it was like really awkward
and I was like a lady came in and so
rather than me try and skirt around this
clear item that was on the list that I
didn't have I said hey by the way you
can get this one for cheaper down the
street at Costco so like you don't need
to get this one from me like this one's
a little better but I think it'll get
the job done you can get this one after
you've done the program and they're like
oh thanks like that was cool after I
made that one crossout I was like but
you do want this and this from us and
they're like okay cool as soon as I made
that switch from saying hey you don't
need to buy this one you can get that
from over there everyone bought what I
recommended afterwards and I was like
whoa and so then I leaned into that and
was like I wonder if I could do more of
that so I could sell even more on the
back side so then I had two products
that I was like hey you can get this and
this over here get this brand it should
be at this price you can go get it it'll
save you 10 or 20 bucks and they were
like wow even better and then I remember
I looked at my list and there was you
know a lady that it was like a mass
Gator and she obviously wasn't trying to
gain mass and so I was like you're not
trying to gain Mass art and she's like
no I was like you can just cross that
out go ahead you don't worry about that
and so I gave her recommendation two
things that she could get for cheaper
and then I said you don't need to worry
about this and then when I said hey like
I need you to take two of these in the
morning next to this take three of these
take them next to this put this in your
car so you always have it with you I
closed everyone what that gave birth to
was something that I used to call
sacrificial Lambs but now call ghost
products because it sounds better but I
ended up over time not even carrying the
products that I had on there that I was
recommending out because they were so
powerful as a sales tool for me to gain
trust from the other person this is an
incredibly incredibly powerful tactic
and like all persuasion the difference
between manipulation and help is
intention and so if you want to help
someone you are manipulating them but
you're just doing it in a positive
intent now and if you change someone's
behavior and you have negative intent
you are manipulating them if you believe
in the stuff that you sell you can
create an environment where someone will
trust you faster by giving them a reason
to trust you and so that means that you
acted in their self-interest rather than
your own so that they can feel like
you're not trying to take advantage of
them now if you know that they need this
stuff but they don't yet know that they
need the stuff then you can make a
concession using a ghost product or
using a sacrificial lamb so that you can
gain the trust faster and so if you feel
uncomfortable about not having the
product on your menu then you feel free
to carry a product and never sell it if
you feel like it but I realized quickly
that I was never selling it and I was
always giving those ones away and so if
you're going to use this tactic my
recommendation is to make the products
that you send across the street to be
the ones that are the lowest margin
product gain the trust by giving away
the low margin stuff and then keep the
high marching stuff for yourself so that
people trust you and then they buy that
stuff and so if you're in an environment
where you sell multiple products this
has been the most effective way that
I've learned to sell what you want to do
is give someone a vision of what their
life's going to be like when they're
experiencing the benefits and so you
want to explain to them exactly how to
take it before you make the ass what we
would do is say hey a this one is going
to help you do benefit benefit the way
that I need you to take it need you to
take it is that you're going to take two
of these in the morning then I ask a
question and I'm like what do you do
every day no matter what in the morning
do you wake up and smoke a cigarette do
you drink a cup of coffee do you take a
shower like brush your teeth like what's
something you do every morning and then
they say well I brush my teeth every
morning I'm like cool so I don't want
you to put this in your cupboard because
you'll forget about it I want you to put
it next to your toothbrush so we don't
have to make a new habit they're like oh
and what I want you to do piece of tape
put a two on it I want you to take two
of them we're gonna put an extra
toothbrush got it that's number one I
would go through that with each of the
products that I have and I would say
okay you can have all these you're good
to go did you just want to use the cards
you have on file now they don't have to
take their wallet out they don't have to
make another purchase decision they just
have to say yes it's a one-click upsell
that is a combination of a prescriptive
clothes and having ghost products to set
up trust you're also being a good coach
by showing them how they're going to
make this happen in the rower now this
is obviously a consumption based product
any product that you want someone to use
they have to use it at a certain point
and and so we want to figure out ways to
associate the usage of the act of the
product with something they're already
doing getting someone to make a new
habits incredibly difficult getting
someone to break a habit is incredibly
difficult and so we just want to
piggyback on habits they already have
and so that makes you both a better
salesperson and better Coach like
overall if you're trying to help someone
and so that kind of selling process that
set close getting the trust make the
prescription Works unbelievably well and
then if for some reason the point
person's like well how much does this
cost blah blah blah then you can say
well are you on a budget and if they're
like I'm on a budget that's like okay
then would you like me to order these in
order of importance and the things that
I think you absolutely need to have
versus things that'll just get you more
benefits faster what I would then do is
take off one and say this would be the
lowest one I'd remove does this work for
you and if they're like I can't do that
I'd be like really getting into the Bare
Bones here I'd be like I could take this
one out but like this is what I want you
to add to your diet to replace this
thing you don't want to show that what
you took out isn't important because
then it looks like you're selling stuff
doesn't matter so like these are
ingredients but you're gonna have to eat
a shitload of broccoli now all right so
you okay that you know what I'll just
get the thing okay cool now it's back in
hopefully when you're selling something
you're trying to solve a problem if they
don't buy the thing then you reintroduce
the problem that you were solving so
it's like hey I don't want you have to
eat a pound of broccoli which is why I
had this they're trusting me to make the
prescription because that's why they're
paying you for expertise and then you
can pause and say well are there things
that are your old identity that you're
going to stop doing as a result of doing
this program are you going to go out
less you're going to drink less or
you're going to smoke less or you're
going to whatever last I'm like cool
well how much of that do you do cool we
just found some money don't worry about
it let's associate with these new
activities new identity if this sounds
really smooth I've done this a lot of
times you'll get used to it and I think
one of the best gifts you can have is
trying to tack yourself into an existing
sales process of a big business so if
you work at a business that sells lots
of low ticket stuff like think car
washes massage think Nails think hair
stuff where they just see lots of people
every day at low tickets see if you can
work with a business owner and
incorporate some sort of inject yourself
into their sales process so that you can
get rep after rep after rep after rep
and it will teach you more about the
skill of selling and dealing with people
than any course ever will and it will
equip you for whatever you want to sell
for the rest of your life it's one of
the best things I ever did was do tons
and tons of transactions at low tickets
so that when I got to selling higher
ticket more expensive stuff I was like
oh my God this is a breeze if you sold
Services let's say you sold Web Design
Services and you had like a laundry list
of stuff you could say hey we this is
like we can do this but it's not
necessarily our core capability and it
would probably cost you more if we did
it because we'd have to allocate more
resources so there's guys in the
Philippines that will do it for you I've
got a connection I can I can talk to you
to about after this call and if you
really want to be sneaky about it if
you're the owner it's harder if you're a
salesperson owners tell your sales
people this you can have it seem like
they're leaning on their side of the
table to be like hey man like you don't
need to worry about this like just I'll
hook you up with a number of a guy and
then the sales person becomes incredibly
trusted it becomes like they're on that
side of the table but what the person
doesn't know is that they're trying to
sell the other stuff at the end of the
day the goal as a salesperson is to move
to their side of the table if you start
the conversation across the table the
goal to end shoulder to shoulder so that
you're both looking at the decision
together with the same information to
make the best decision for the person
and so if you can walk yourself around
the table psychologically this is one of
the fastest ways to do it