An Open Letter to the Struggling Real Estate Wantrepreneur - YouTube

Channel: BiggerPockets

so hello you know it's been a little
while since we talked and got some good
news and I got some bad news the good
news is that you're still interested in
real estate investing you're still
looking to increase your cash flow grow
your wealth and experience the kind of
life that you create rather than the
kind of life created by someone else but
here's the bad news
you still haven't made any progress
toward actually achieving those goals
you're no better off than you were a
year ago when you first got the bug
you've been reading articles and bigger
pockets watching videos attending
webinars and maybe even ventured into
the scary land that we call the bigger
pockets forums but you still haven't
made the plunge
so I wanted to write you this quick
little note recorded this video today to
encourage you on your journey to give
you a few simple pieces of advice that
will make a difference in the next year
of your life
first of all level up your friends so
who is spending the most time with
I think we both know right as we talked
about before you are the average of the
five people you associate with the most
now I'm not saying you should abandon
all your friends who don't invest in
real estate because frankly there is
more to life than getting rich in the real
estate but you've got some friends who
are doing nothing but dragging you down
causing you stress and drama that you
don't need and then there are the people
that you know you should be spending
more time with but you just aren't you know
well maybe you're too afraid to ask them
onto coffee right or maybe asked them to give a tour on
their latest house flipper
ask if you can see their last rental
properties nervous but these people
are going to help you so much so try to
make time every week to meet with those
the people who you want to be like
now second stop jumping from idea to
idea just pick something and stick with
it last month you told me you wanted to
flip houses but now you say that you
think the BRRR investing sounds more
fun and so you're working towards that
now yeah it's good to be knowledgeable
in a lot of areas but I'd encourage you
to go all-in on the strategy that's
going to get you to your goals the
fastest and stop reading all those
blog posts on the internet marketing the
franchises selling on amazon and all
those other money making things look I'm
sure they work fine people make money in
that but you've chosen real estate so
focus on it
third get some accountability on that
note I want to
recommended that you form an
accountability group mastermind with a
few others who are trying to grow their
real-estate business because it's rarely
lack of knowledge that's holding people
back from achieving their goals instead
its lack of execution for example last
month we talked about spending sending
those direct mail letters to all the
absentee landlords in your area to find
a great deal yet you still haven't sent
those out
you're killin me smalls seriously so
what I want to encourage you to do is
form that mastermind group three or four
other people you can find them probably
the bigger pockets forums or a local
unofficial bigger pockets meet up with a
bigger pockets com such events for that
and then meet every maybe a week or two
over skype identify your next steps
together and then set some goals for
yourself and what you want to accomplish
over the coming week
just hold each other accountable to that
the results will blow your mind because
remember success is never a single event
but the series of small actions taken
consistently your mastermind group is
going to help you continually accomplish
those small actions next read these
books have you read rich dad poor dad
yet I asked you to do if not read that
today also pick up a copy of my
first book the book on investing in real
estate with no and low money down since
I know you don't have a ton of money to
start investing in that book will give
you all the different ways that I've
been able to invest without using my own
money and if you decided that you are
going to get into rental properties read
the book on rental property investing
this week as well or if you're gonna
flip read the book on flipping houses
you can look for all that at the bigger
pockets tour bigger pockets complex
store now I don't have a ton of time to
read either so you're sitting in a car
though for five hours a week so here's
what i recommend go to audible get a
membership 15 bucks a month
well worth the price now last piece of
advice I have for you i want to leave
you with this
the one thing I wish I would've known i
got started look real estate success
does not happen overnight but it does
happen in fact sometimes it's hard to
even see that you're making progress
you're putting years of work and you
look around and be like is this all even
worth it and trust me I've been there
but here's the beautiful thing about
success is that it grows exponentially
you'll start seeing little momentum here
and you'll find it getting deals are
getting easier managing tenants and
rehab projects is easier
able to take a few more vacations spend
more time with your family and enjoy
life and it just takes bam and it happens
without you been expecting it that's the
power of the compound effect which while
we're at it that's another great book to
add your list the compound effect by
darren hardy It's about like having those
daily steps the daily actions you do
every single day of a compound great
things and trust me it works but it only
works if you work so don't give up keep
moving forward be a persistent and know
that I and the rest of the 600,000 plus
members of the bigger pockets community
are there for you every step of the way
you are part of the bigger pockets
family and family doesn't leave anyone
i hope this video and letter doesn't
come across a little too intrusive I
just see amazing things for you and your
future but I know you're struggling and
i hope this gives you some hope and
encouragement to go out and live your
dreams your friend Brandon with bigger
pockets . com