Wells Fargo Caught Financing Predatory Lenders - YouTube

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today we're going to learn a little bit
about predatory lending a practice that
is prevalent throughout the united
states and can exist in many different
this video is going to focus mostly on
big banks financing payday loan
businesses but publicly not wanting you
to know that they are a part of this
big banks like wells fargo will say
publicly there are certain consumers
that we're not comfortable lending to
based on their high risk borrowing
but if you come to us with a business
plan on how to receive 500
annual interest lending to those people
we are all ears
has written some great editorial pieces
on the payday lending business in dallas
and how the big banks are still quasi
participating in redlining
even though it's a lot more subtle than
it used to be diabolical and wrong wells
fargo other banks finance predatory
lenders that can charge over 400
interest in minority communities you
have the big banks like wells fargo bank
of america and others that need certain
criteria met in order to provide
personal loans unfortunately there are a
group of people who do not
fit their criteria as a borrower to
receive the loans this group of people
still needs loans so what happens
an entire industry is created to help
provide loans to these borrowers
they're higher risk so it's only fair
that the interest they pay is higher to
offset the risk
but how much risk is fair and how much
becomes absolutely predatory
we'll explore this question in today's
in our ongoing investigation we've been
presenting evidence that banks
make relatively few loans to people that
live in the largely minority communities
below i-30 in dallas but it turns out
that some banks
are quietly making some big loans in
these same neighborhoods
just not the kind you'd expect and maybe
the kind they wouldn't want you to know
the big banks run our country they
control our entire economy here in the
united states
really think about what runs our economy
it's the ability to borrow
without the ability to borrow our
economy collapses 2008 being a great
it shouldn't be surprising then that the
communities that are low income
low business growth and higher risk
borrowers are the areas that banks don't
lend to
it's the chicken or the egg problem what
came first bad borrowers or banks
creating a system that sparked the
payday lenders
one of the most impactful elements of
america's history was the practice of
redlining what's fascinating to me is
how i wasn't taught this in school but
as i've gotten older
it's become obvious that this still has
a profound impact on society in america
and i'd argue a central element to
really understanding socioeconomic
elements of society i talked about
redlining in a previous video so i won't
go in detail here but the practice
basically created a natural
divide in a city between people who are
seen as good borrowers
and bad borrowers unfortunately back
then given the prevalence of racially
driven motives
certain groups of people were given
unfair treatment that led to being
categorized as a bad borrower
when in fact it was more of a problem
with the system itself
redlining was a key contributing factor
to the poverty cycle
we're still seeing the effects of the
poverty cycle today and poor communities
because residents in poor communities
generally have poor credit shaky work
history and really high
personal expense to income ratio it's
hard for these people to get loans
in comes the businesses that are as
predatory as fake gurus on potential
paying customers
sure they meet a demand but that's like
going to a pack of hungry lines with
food and asking them
how much are you willing to pay the
market rate for this nice 12 ounce
rabbit is 9.99 per pound
i'll sell it to you for 50 a pound if
you're hungry and don't have food the
supplier can charge 100x the price and
gouge you knowing that you need
food the same can be said about money if
someone needs money today for rent or to
keep the lights on or to put gas in
their car
the person with money sets the market
and now
people who are desperate go there to get
economically exploited and preyed upon
there's always going to be an argument
of where does the responsibility lie
do only irresponsible people go to
payday loans should there be a market
rate and a cap on risky lending
should we determine what's fair and not
fair for a private business making a
risky loan this news article in the
corresponding videos focus on
i30 and dallas but let's check out vegas
the city i live in with over two times
as many payday loan stores than there
are casinos you'll find a payday loan
storefront at almost every major
intersection in las vegas
the payday loan industry in nevada is
about a half a billion dollars a year
you know how lucrative crypto
speculating can be when bitcoin or
dogecoin goes up 20
every month that's a fun investment but
do you know what can make you even more
payday loans according to the center for
responsible lending nevada has no
meaningful regulation of payday lending
there is no cap on how much interest
lenders can charge among the highest in
the country the average interest rate in
nevada is a whopping 652 percent
the national average is around 400 even
fake gurus can't promise a 652
return on your investment imagine having
a hundred dollars and then just a year
later that 100
is now 652 the reason why this article
is both sad
and ironic is that banks like to present
the idea that they don't want to be in
the business of providing predatory
loans to people
but then you find out that they're the
ones financing the businesses that
charge the predatory rates it's
literally like someone promoting the
idea of a clean marketplace where fake
gurus don't exist and get rich quick
claims aren't allowed
yet provide all of the software and
marketing for the fake gurus
it's like hold up i thought you weren't
in this business our review of public
records filed with the u.s securities
and exchange commission reveals that
almost 20 banks are funding or have
recently funded predatory lenders
some are big banks like wells fargo and
bank of america others are based in
texas like texas capital
bank of texas veritex bank tbk bank
amigy bank and independent bank
from an outsider's perspective to me it
seems like the payday lenders created
the problem and then justified the
predatory solution to the problem they
i understand that people going to a
payday lender are in need of quick cash
generally don't have good credit and are
at high risk to bail
and never pay off the loan but i'd like
to argue that the payday lenders
incentivize borrowers to not pay back
their loan
given that the typical customer isn't
driven by their credit score there is no
recourse for the lender
that is why the interest rates are so
high borrowers don't really care if they
pay back the loan because a hit to their
just isn't life-changing their credit
probably was already low
i think that payday loans charging a
reasonably fair rate would actually
increase the amount of business they do
and would incentivize the customer to
pay back the loan
look at credit card companies they
charge 20 to 30 percent on their cards
are billion dollar organizations and
everyone uses them most human behavior
comes down to incentives once you
understand someone's incentives you can
generally predict their behavior as a
result most borrowers renew or re-borrow
the loans
this explains why the cfpb found that 80
of payday loans are taken out within two
of repayment of a previous payday loan
this is an industry that recycles people
over and over through the system because
of how challenging it is for the
borrower to escape the predatory nature
of the loans once they enter into the
at some point the borrower is going to
feel like they're being taken advantage
of and just walk
my argument is that these lenders acting
more like a credit card company and
offering more
reasonable terms would allow for these
borrowers to eventually pay up
because they'd actually have a chance to
pay off the loan and exit the cycle
after one or two rollover periods what
is their incentive to pay off the loan
they have bad credit and they can tell
they've entered into a cycle that is
nearly impossible to exit
a little hit to my credit no biggie i'm
not going to pay off my loan
and then the payday business complains
about borrowers not paying here's a
quick and simple rundown on why payday
interest rates are so astronomical a
borrower needs 500
on a monday in order to pay a bill they
go to a payday loan business and ask for
a loan of 500
the lender confirms that the borrower
has a paycheck on the way and confirms
that the loan represents 25
or less of the monthly gross income of
the borrower the lender gives the
borrower 500
and writes a check to themselves in the
amount of 500 plus the interest rate
let's go with a simple 20
the check is written for 600 and has
dated on the date of the following
this is the lender assuring that they
will get paid the payday comes and the
borrower does not pay down the
in full the lender then rolls over the
balance and adds their 20
interest rate to the current balance
without getting too into the math just
imagine the balance continuing to grow
at a 20
rate every two weeks this is how
borrowers can end up paying 1500
for a loan of five hundred dollars just
a couple months before and so i would
have to
you know get a payday loan just to pay
rent leon cox knew he needed five
hundred dollars
what he didn't know was how dearly it
would cost him
you know with a payday loan it's never
really worth it because uh
you get 500 and end up paying you know
maybe 1500 back were you surprised by
how much you had to pay for that 500
of course credit cards are often seen as
super high interest in a last resort to
use in an emergency
most credit cards are going to be around
24 and i want to make the math simple in
my example
24 is 2 per month if the same borrower
needed 500
they would pay only 10 every month in
interest on a credit card
in the previous example going to a
payday lender could result in a 1500
charge just a couple months later with
credit cards there is no rollover
sure there's high interest but over the
full year you may pay 625 dollars
to fully pay off a 500 expense the same
expense with a payday lender could
result in a multiple thousand dollar
expense if the rollover happens multiple
times i consider myself lucky to not
ever have to deal with payday lenders
it's an industry i didn't know much
about until looking into this article
personally i don't even charge late fees
to my renters because i find late fees
on renters to be pretty predatory
i've always been at odds with the late
fees and charging people extra because
they're a day or two late
which is not even really late i pay my
mortgage on the 7th of the month so as
long as i get the rent by the 7th it's
irrelevant to me
saying that you probably can tell my
position on the business of payday loans
i think it's insane that this practice
can exist
humans can land on the moon and create
self-driving cars but we can't figure
out how to help people in financial need
without sending them down
a poverty cycle loophole once you really
understand how the banking system works
you start to understand why it's so
incredibly difficult for people at the
bottom of the food chain to escape the
poverty cycle
this is a game where the winners win and
the losers struggle it's not
fair but at least now with youtube and
access to information being readily
you can only hope that people will
figure out a way to leave the cycle
hope you enjoyed the video thanks for