The CMO Survey - August 2019 - YouTube

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- Here are my top 10 results from he August 2019 CMO Survey.
These results are based on a sample
of 341 top marketers at for-profit U.S. companies,
95% of whom hold a position of VP-level or higher.
Marketing budgets are expected to grow by 8.7%
in the next year,
nearly reaching the eight-year high of 8.9% from 2017.
Now, this compares to a 6.3%
actual increase in the last year.
Consistent with this, marketing budgets as a percentage
of overall firm budget matches its highest level
in the history of The CMO Survey at 12%,
which is also 9.8% of overall firm revenues.
Three important findings related to marketing leadership
emerged from the August 2019 CMO Survey.
First, although 73.5% of marketing leaders
are unlikely to use their brands to take a stance
on politically-charged issues,
this percentage is trending down from the 82.6%
who reported being unwilling in the February 2018 survey.
B2C companies are most likely to take a stance.
Second, marketing leaders believe that new technologies
have actually strengthened the importance
of marketing in their companies, scoring an average of 2.75
on a scale where plus seven is significantly strengthened
and negative seven is significantly weakened.
On the negative side, two out of three marketing leaders
state that they tend to focus on "managing
the present" rather than "preparing for the future."
Let's hope that the use of new technologies in marketing
will begin to shift marketers
to a more forward-looking focus.
Budget spent on marketing analytics has grown steadily
over the last three years, rising from a low of 4.6%
of marketing budgets in 2017 to the current level of 7.2%.
This level is expected to grow by 61%
over the next three years
to reach 11.6% of marketing budgets.
Contributions of analytics to performance
remain moderate, however.
And one reason for this weakness may be that only 40%
of marketers report having quantitative tools to demonstrate
the impact of marketing spend
on their company's performance.
Now, the silver lining of this is that this
is the highest reported use of quantitative tools
in the history of The CMO Survey.
Marketing leaders report a 27% increase in the use
of artificial intelligence
and machine learning in their toolkits over 2018 levels
and they expect this level to increase
another 60% within the next three years.
These rates are even higher for larger companies
and for companies with a larger proportion
of their sales through the internet.
The top uses of AI in marketing
involve AI for content personalization,
predictive analytics for customer insights,
and targeting decisions.
The adoption of blockchain technologies
in marketing is slower,
with no real growth over 2018 figures.
When asked to compare their customer experience performance,
or CX performance, to competitors,
marketers generally rate their companies poorly
on various customer experience activities.
Specifically, they report above average performance only on
assuring customer experiences are compatible with the brand.
Eleven other key CX activities are rated on par
or below competition.
Combining their top challenges
and weak competitive performance,
the biggest opportunities for CX improvement
appear to lie in, first,
developing the necessary capabilities to design, deliver,
and monitor the customer experience,
and two, integrating touchpoints seamlessly
across the entire customer journey.
Societal metrics measuring the degree
to which marketing benefits society
and the impact of marketing on the ecological environment
show no gains over an eight-year period.
This is really surprising given the pressure that customers
and other stakeholders are placing
on companies to create this type of value.
Where's the resistance, and how can companies move forward
and make gains in this important area?
It might be worth studying the education sector,
which rates itself 20% above the average
of other sectors on these metrics.
Spend on mobile has trended upwards over the past five years
from 3.2% of marketing budgets
to 12.8% in this August 2019 CMO Survey.
This level is expected to continue to rise,
growing 71% over the next five years
to 21.8% of marketing budgets.
Customers are expected to prioritize excellent service
and superior product quality in 2020,
while pressures for low price
have dropped since the last Survey.
Although companies continue to build
new marketing capabilities by training current employees
or hiring new employees with needed skills,
about 54% of firms,
this number has decreased from the August 2018 survey.
Partnering with agencies
and consultancies to build these capabilities
has, in turn, risen.
Marketing hiring is expected to increase with a 6.2% change
in marketing hires planned for the next 12 months.
B2C services companies expect to hire the most at 8.6%.
In response to the question, to what extent
are new technologies replacing marketing employees,
almost 58% reported not at all currently,
but this number is expected to drop
to 37% in the next three years.
B2C services companies report the most replacement.
I'll offer a deeper dive on these results
over the next six months,
so stay tuned for more analysis
and recommendations at