How to setup F2Pool with Crypto Wallet - YouTube

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hey welcome back everybody to the
anomaly tech channel uh today i just
wanted to go over something real quick
i've seen a couple uh
questions regarding how to set up
the f2 pool uh address wallet or if you
wanted to set up your pool to send your
crypto to either a coinbase wallet or to
a block file wallet so i just want to go
over that real quick to kind of address
some of those questions or concerns that
some people have had on some of my other
so uh right now what you've seen is the
actual uh home page for f2 pull go ahead
and make this a little bigger so we can
get a better view of this and so right
now it's on my ltc hash rate uh you can
see been doing fairly well
but uh here we are if we go into um the
you can take a look at the two workers
that i got going on both of them are
um doing incredibly well the past 24
hours as far as their hashing rate
um and you can take a look at the
revenue and this is where it's important
right so we got to figure out where
we're going to start sending this money
so for f2 pool once you reach that
threshold of point
point two zero light coin it will
actually send that to whatever wallet
you actually have on file uh for
dogecoin that is going to be 40 dogecoin
is the threshold so
threshold for litecoin 0.20 and um the
threshold for uh dogecoin is going to be
40. so uh gonna go ahead and show you
real quick how to set up that wallet so
if you go ahead and you click on your
actual username right here
and you go to account settings
in here you should be able to manage
your accounts so right under here under
mining accounts you're gonna go ahead
and take a look at the payout settings
all right so as you can see mine's
already kind of highlighted for the
litecoin uh crypto and you can see my
litecoin address right in here
and again to maximize account security
payouts or pause so if you make any
changes to your f2 pool uh after the
initial uh so let's say you went in
there and you added an actual address
and then a few days later you said oh i
want to add another address i want to
change that uh f2 pool has a little
security feature where they'll go ahead
and pause funding um and it'll take
about three days for them to go ahead
and resume funding so if you're pushing
out payouts every day which i'm not it's
like almost every other day for both
dogecoin and litecoin doesn't really
matter but if you're pushing out payouts
every day that's something to take in
consideration before you make a change
to your uh mining uh to your litecoin
address or your wallet so again here
this is where you would actually put it
at so um in this case i'm gonna go ahead
and show you change payout address
go ahead and copy this real quick uh
change payout address uh and this is
where you'll put in the litecoin address
um and then of course you can add a
source description you can say hey this
is my coinbase uh wallet or this is my
block fi account
and then the sync litecoin pl address
with mining accounts i don't have that
selected um and then sms code
this is actually set up so that when you
make that change it's going to ask you
to input the sms code that was sent to
your phone uh to your cell phone on file
just to verify that that was you who
made that change
so you might be wondering well where do
i get that actual address or that wallet
so again i'm going to show you how to
get that address uh from your coinbase
account or from your block fight account
so we'll go ahead and try out coinbase
first so navigate over to coinbase
go to my portfolio and you're gonna
scroll down
um in this case i have litecoin already
in my portfolio so it's there
so i'm gonna go ahead and click on that
and then if i go ahead and click on um
my wallet
you'll see the uh receive litecoin and
that's actually coming from the f2 pool
but if i want to see what the actual
address is you go to receive right here
and then um if you're on the f2 pool app
on your phone you can scan this qr code
and that will automatically put or paste
that into your actual payout address
otherwise you can just click on these
double little square boxes right here
and then you go ahead and you paste this
right back in here
one thing that i notice is that my
address is different than that of what i
have on file i'm not quite sure why
that's the case but it looks like um
coinbase is using uh some sort of
rotating wallet
and so
i haven't had any problems with my
they've been coming in pretty smooth as
you can see the last payout i had was on
september 4th i'm expecting one today so
about every three days for litecoin so i
stand corrected on that uh statement
earlier about every two days um it's
generally you know every three days it
looks like and then dogecoin is going to
be like the day after
again you'll copy this double click the
double squares go back to f2 pool you'll
go ahead um and actually paste that in
here and then of course you can add an
source description or an address source
description coinbase block file wherever
your wallet centrally stored at and then
you click on ok but before actually
accepting it you're going to get an sms
code to verify who you are uh that way
there's no issues with the actual pool
being sent to somebody else or the
funding being sent to somebody else
so how do you get the wallet address for
block files so real quick uh block five
pretty easy as well um
go in here to your dashboard that's
where you log into you're like okay cool
go to your accounts go to interest
and then from here
you can see all the different coins that
are available
so you got litecoin uniswap ethereum
let's go ahead and click on litecoin
and uh let's see uh what the option is
right in here uh let's see
what i did is i clicked on the fun
and then again the same thing as
coinbase you have that qr code you can
scan it if you're on the f2 pool app on
your phone or mobile device or you can
just click on this copy right here
it's copied to my clipboard now matter
of fact i think i'm going to change it
right now let's go ahead and do it so
copy this
and then um
we'll go ahead and go to uh change
payout address actually you know what
yeah let's go ahead and do it
change payout address
i'm gonna go ahead and paste that in
i'm gonna show you guys how it's done
and then i'm gonna go ahead and say this
is my blockfy account
and then i'm not worried about any of
and then i'm going to go ahead and say
send the sms code
which i'll be getting in a minute
and here it is
and there it is your address change has
not been activated please check the
email sent to you and click
the confirmation link in the email to
activate your new address within 24
hours so i'll go ahead and do that on my
other device real quick
all right
i did get an actual successful uh
message on my other on my mobile device
i was actually trying to show you guys
the same message that i got i'll go
ahead and screenshot that and share that
with everybody but yeah was successful i
ended up getting a text message from
f2pool i'll read that off to you guys
real quick says the ltc pale address of
your mining account has been changed
successfully if you didn't initiate this
change please change your payout address
and security settings immediately
however i did make these changes i know
this is me this is legit not really
concerned about this error message again
i was trying to share with you guys but
because it was a duplicate submission
got this failed error message
um and again we can probably go into my
account settings
we'll take a look at the payout settings
and again litecoin and um
here's the three-day hold i told you so
resumes payouts on september 11 2021. so
not bad just wants to make sure that i
am um the person i say i am when i make
this change so that my funds are not
being diverted to some other uh other
individual's wallet so again real quick
i wanted to show you guys how i went
about actually adding the wallet in the
f2 pool and uh i showed you guys how to
do it from both the block buy and
coinbase wallets so i really hope you
guys got some value out of this try to
make this really quick short video
because i have been getting a lot of
questions if you enjoyed this please
give me a thumbs up hit subscribe if you
haven't already subscribed and leave a
comment below on other things that you'd
like to see
no problem showing you guys the other
thing so thank you very much and have a
great day