Dr Andrew Gallimore - Using the Neuroscience of Information to Understand Reality - Effects of DMT - YouTube

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I'm a neuroscientist I'm interested in
the brain I'm interested in
consciousness but really uh I've come to
realize over the last few years but I'm
really interested in worlds I'm
interested in the way that being a
conscious being fundamentally is about
being in a world when you emerge
screaming from the womb as a newborn you
are thrown into a world when you descend
into REM sleep at night you emerge in a
world that is very similar not quite the
same as the normal waking world and when
you inhale 30 milligrams of a drug like
DMT which is what I'm particularly
interested in you enter world far
stranger than any of those and that
seemed to burn a relationship to the
normal waking world so whenever I speak
to people about DMT which I seem to do
quite a lot these days they all say yes
okay it's an astonishing experience
incredible it's amazing it's
unbelievable etc etc but is it real and
this is a really difficult question and
I'm not going to promise to have a
definitive answer but I'm going to have
to point towards how we might think
about this problem I think part of the
problem with this this question really
is that it's often very poorly
formulated when people ask that question
is it real they don't really know what
they mean by real you know what is the
difference between a real world and then
an unreal world and in a sense all
worlds we experience are kind of real
the dream world is reeling that you are
experiencing a world but that seemed
kind of different right from the world
we're experiencing now what we might
call a sense the world
Chris spoke about a world that is
connected to the environment and I'll
talk a little bit about that so I will
start with my kind of fundamental axiom
which is that your world what we call
your phenomenal world your own personal
subjective world the only world you will
ever know is always built from
information generated by your brain does
some of you that will make some kind of
sense to others perhaps not so I'm going
to spend quite a bit of time actually
thinking about first of all what is
information and how the brain generates
information and how that relates to the
world you experience and then we can try
and relate that to the dmt world this is
written by one of my favorite author
Terman Hester almost 100 years to the
day I would suggest if the outside world
fell in ruins one of us would be capable
of building it up again
from mountain the stream tree and leaf
root and blossom all that is shaped by
nature lies modeled in us and whilst
that was written in a hundred years ago
now it perfectly encapsulates how we
think about the worlds constructed by a
brain we might say in modern
neuroscience parlance your phenomenal
world is a model of the environment
built from information so Ray's
information if I ask ten of you now for
a definition of information put your
phones away I'm not going to ask you you
might let me get ten different answers
because information is something we
intuitively understand it's what we know
about something versus perhaps what we
don't know but I'm going to operate a
more formal definition which will at
first seem rather abstract and perhaps
seem a little abstruse but it will all
begin to make sense those of you haven't
seen me talk before what I plan to do is
try to explain complex neuro scientific
topics and concepts in a
digestible form often this involves some
simplification I'm saying this because
there might be neuroscientists in the
audience please forgive me so
information is generated when a system
selects between a fight night number of
distinct states so let's take a simple
example a coin so oh my gosh
who said that this coin has no heads
however it's a gift Japanese coin but
typically a coin will have one of two
states either a head or a tail this
could equally be described as a 1 or a 0
or a yes or no or a plus or a minus or a
black or a white it doesn't matter by
the way if you're thinking this display
some kind of support for Trump it
doesn't yeah I know my audience so so
whenever a system a simple to state
system like this select with equal
probability between one or two states it
generates perhaps the most fundamental
unit of information which all of you
will be to some extent familiar with and
that is the bit so here we have a blue
and a yellow square so the square can I
be blue or it can be illa we could label
that with a water 0 or a 1 it flips
between those states when you select one
states crucially it won't seem crucial
now but it will later crucially by
selecting one state it rules out the
other state and this is how the
information is generated so we say a
two-state system encodes a single bit of
information now of course we all know
that computers use bits they use large
numbers of these simple to state systems
to generate very very large amounts of
information so you can combine simple to
state systems such as here we've got to
forming a larger system and now
we've got four state we've got blue blue
yellow yellow blue yellow yellow blue so
we've generated now more information by
increasing the number of these simple to
state systems and we can do that
formally this encodes two bits of
information so we can extend this with
many many of these very very simple
systems that generate vast amounts of
very very complex information this
brings us back to the brain and the idea
that the brain constructs a world from
information so let's take that idea and
translate it into how we understand the
brains work so when we're talking about
the information generation in the brain
I'm really focusing on this outer layer
of the brain the the cortex this folded
structure that formed the envelope of
your brain so it's this so if you
actually look and dissect a cortex and
actually examine it you see lots of
these little cells evil neurons here
which form a very very dense and complex
network but they fall themselves into
these cylindrical kind of structures
called columns cortical columns are no
cortical columns and these are thought
to be the kind of the fundamental
computational units of the brain above
the level of the neuron so in my talks I
normally represent these columns from
above so the bird's eye view so this is
kind of a column from the side they have
a number of layers which are important
for information processing but we'll
just look at them from above so this is
what you're seeing you're seeing court
in columns you would look at the the
cortex from a bird's eye view kind of a
above like that in microscopic sort of
microscopic level of detail you would
see a sort of a mosaic of these columns
and these columns very very highly
oversimplified sense we can think of as
either being active or inactive so we
can think that perhaps being in the zero
state or the ones that the our mistake
or the off state so these gray ones here
we will say off and then you have yellow
ones which are on so now you should be
able to think to yourself that this is
generating information each of these
cortical columns can switch between two
states and by combining very very large
numbers of these columns we can generate
vast amounts of information and it's
this information that is your phenomenal
world experience subjectively experience
from within
now when the brain selects one state ie
one particular pattern of calm
activation it is ruling out vast numbers
of other possible states think about the
number of possible combinations of the
billions of columns in your brain and
when your brain selects one it moves out
vast numbers of others that means it
generates vast amounts of information
that's the key to understanding
information generation in the brain so
we can say each pattern of column is a
single state of the cortex which by
ruling out Boston was a lot a possible
state encodes a huge amount of
information if you want to know exactly
how much this is kind of a ballpark
figure 2.5 million gigabytes which is a
lot now something else that the brain
does these columns aren't just totally
independent and kind of firing switch on
and off randomly because that would
generate an enormous amount of
information but it would be completely
useless your brain has to generate a
kind of a model of the world that is
that is that is functional that does its
job that allows you to make predictions
and kind of or even take yourself and
and and survive and reproduce ultimately
so what the brain does is its scope
study information by forming connections
there are a number of different types of
connections we're going to collapse them
down with these sort of simple lines
between the the court of polymers and
this allows the brain to sculpt the
information by allowing columns this to
so when one column is active it can
speak to other columns and I'd switch
them on perhaps or switch them off and
so this restricts the number of states
that the brain can adopt that the cortex
can adopt and provides a limited what
it's now more more between called a
repertoire of states so your world model
this model of the environment that
Herman has to wrote about 100 years ago
we now know is encoded by the pattern of
activation of the columns or in other
terms your world model is a highly
complex pattern of information and now
you now understand how that information
is generated now of course that is
incomplete because of course this model
isn't simply generated entirely
internally but has some kind of
relationship to the environment there's
a mapping between what's going on out
ie the information being generated in
the so called external world and this
world model which is being generated
internally now if you open the textbook
neuroscience textbook you'll probably
see something like this so the
information comes from the sense is the
retina let's say it passes through a
number of strangely labeled regions of
the brain which we won't worry about and
the simplified sense we can see that
sensory information is passed to what we
call of lower order areas of the cortex
or primary sensory areas these are
responsible for kind of kind of
representing very very simple features
of the world lines the orientation of
lines things like that and then that
information is passed to higher-order
levels where things like texture and
color will be picked out of that
information and sent to lead generated
and then finally to these very high
order areas the brain is actually very
much more specific than will responsible
for generating the information then
codes things like faces or animals etc
but this is kind of we now understand
this is a little bit this kind of what
we might call a bottom-up model of world
building is probably not quite true
so the
is kind of how it would look in your
traditional model and relating this to
our pattern of cortical column
activation the sensory information
activate these lower order area and
generates a specific pattern of activity
that information is then passed to the
higher order and generates a pattern of
activity there which then by the
connectivity then generates a pattern or
activity there but overall despite this
being a hierarchical system overall you
can see that the the world is modeled as
this unified of activation okay so this
is a bottom-up information flow model
however we now know actually that this
is probably not quite correct and that
really that the brain has a very good
model of the world and it doesn't
require sensory information as such in
order to construct that model and you
all know that you all or most of you I
assume have had dreams when the sensory
information is disconnected from the
environment and yet your brain would
build is perfectly capable of building a
very realistic or in many senses
identical model reality has a number of
differences we'll talk about so what we
actually think is happening is that
these higher-order areas are actually
predicting the activity the pattern of
activation that's going to happen in the
low order area and then the lower this
lower order area predicts the pattern of
activation in this even or an area and
this lower audit areas responsible
predicting the sensory information that
it's going to receive so this is a some
kind of pattern of sensory information
coming from the environment and when
this works everything is fine the brain
doesn't need to really do anything it's
model is correct this is a very
economical way of working by the way if
the model is working fine however
sometimes the model will be incorrect
and the sensory information won't match
the prediction and then you get
prediction errors there's a discrepancy
here are represented by these pink
columns showing errors in the model so
how does the brain deal with this pretty
cars away how does the planning deal
with this
so the original model is incorrect and
so what you do is you update the model
when you update the model things work
again so this is kind of a summary of
how this works the brain generates a
model of the world using information the
model is used to make predictions about
expected sensory information and these
predictions are compared with the actual
sensory information and then any
discrepancies are generating these
prediction errors and these prediction
errors actually flow upwards through
this sense we hierarchy and then these
prediction errors are used to refine the
model and this is going on all the time
so your brain is constantly testing its
model against send some information and
this gives us a clue the first kind of
clue of how we might think about the dmt
world the way that this sensed world so
the world we're all experiencing now the
way that it is modeled by the brain and
continuously tested against sensory
information gives it a number of
properties its stable its predictable
and it's consistent these are absolutely
essential the world is not going to be
useful if it isn't all of these things
and it has a number of other qualities
of as well what you should notice about
this is that we're actually thinking
about the the way the world is
constructed and the properties of the
world that are a consequence of the way
the world is constructed a sensed world
has certain properties that are a direct
consequence of the fact that it is a
model that is constantly being
stood against sensory data so we'll
relate that to the dmt world shortly now
when we descend into REM sleep at night
the normal kind of primary sensory area
so this is a wake ray which receives
this sensation at the back of the plane
the primary areas these are going to
shut down during dreaming as are these
frontal areas as well which normally
provide the critical faculties that
allow you to would normally allow you to
realize that this dream is getting
rather weird they kind of shut down as
well which is why you don't normally
aware of the kind of the weirdness and
bizarreness of dreams sometimes anyway
so your brain is left to build its model
without access to sensory information so
normally when you're awake as we just
see that a model is being tested all the
time against a sensory information
however in the dream state no model
testing is possible so the brain is
unable to constantly update and refine
its model now that has a number of
consequences for the structure of the
world so the dream world tends to be
less stable it's less predictable it's
less consistent the scene might shift
from the front garden to the inside of
an aircraft it becomes less predictable
and weird illogical irrational perhaps
impossible things can happen so it loses
the qualities of a sensed world and this
is a plant world force now when you put
a psychedelic into the brain and again
I'm massively over simplifying here I
won't go into the neurobiology but I
think the way I like to think about what
psychedelics are doing normally this
these connectivity that is organized
into these networks maintains a degree
of order and control over the
information whereas when you add a
psychedelic you get Chi
like a democratization of these portable
columns so you get they tend to adopt a
larger number of states you get an
increase in the so called State
repertoire under the influence of
psychedelics unless the the brain moves
through these states much more freely
also appears as an increase in the
disorder or the entropy of the brain
also the brain becomes less capable of
generating its model of the world it's
less successful in in predicting sensory
information and as a result you get
increased prediction errors which means
actually that more information is
flowing upwards more information is
actually flowing up from the environment
into the brain so how does that feel
subjectively so brain selects from a
larger number of states that should
immediately make you think up that means
that it's generating more information
and that creates a richer world the
brain moves more freely between these
states because this these networks don't
exhibit the same level of control so the
world becomes less stable less
predictable more fluid more dreamlike
one way it's like and these increased
prediction errors that are passed
upwards through the sensory hierarchy
are experienced as an increase in the
sensitivity to sensory information well
what about the MT with DMT something
altogether different seems to happen so
so this is kind of annoyin Orval kind of
waking consensus world model and when
you take a normal dose of our
psychedelic such as LSD or psilocybin
mescaline you get this democratization
in the court of corals you get this
increasing in entropy and you enter more
fluid state but when you smoke a
breakthrough dose of DMT something
rather different happened it zipped the
brain is shifting to a completely
model rather than simply a kind of
distortion or a and altered altered
version non distortion an altered
version of its usual model so then we
can ask the question that is that the NT
world a sensed world or is it a drunked
world does it have the properties that
we have already outlined and explained
in terms of the world construction that
a sensed world has is it a world model
that is being tested against sensory
information if that's true that suggests
the brain is receiving information from
some other source and that would suggest
that the empty world is in a sense
really however if the DMT State
possesses more of the properties of a
dreamt world then that would make that
assumption of reality a little bit more
difficult to justify so if we think that
the DMT world is a real world this means
the model DMT world model is being
tested against sensory information so
this is what happens of course in the
normal waking world we got sensory
information from the consensus world and
if the DMT world was indeed a sense
world it would be there would be some
kind of data input from elsewhere who
knows and the DMT world world would
exhibit the properties of a sensed world
what you should notice here which I
think is key is that we're trying to get
at the reality of the the DMT world
without trying to reach into it other
people have proposed no we should get
the elves to do mathematical problems
can you give me their unique prime
factors of this very large number please
but I think this is perhaps not the best
approach you know it's difficult enough
to get into our world and such but to
get into the DMT world to reach into it
and test it in some way to kind of ask
it to prove its reality I think is a
very difficult thing to do but what this
thinking allows us to do is to think
about the way the world is constructed
and think does the dmt world have
properties of a sensed world or a draft
world if it's a draft world then we
should expect to see the properties of a
drannit world and it would mean that the
the dmt world is indeed isolated from
the environment as Chris made the
assumption of earlier in his lecture and
that is the kind of the Orthodox
assumption is that is a world that is
isolated from the environment certainly
isolated from this environment but it is
or is it also completely isolated from
all environments or is there some other
environment some other place to which
DMT gates access so we might ask
questions of the DMT State later on I'm
going to talk about a new continuous
infusion technology I developed with
Rick Strassman which allows you to stay
in the DMT state for as many hours or
days at a time I'd have a breakthrough
level I'm not accepting volunteer and we
could actually test the the nature of
the world and the these volunteers these
voyagers really would would would be
able to examine the features and
actually kind of map the qualities of
the world and ask questions such as is
it a stable world we think initially oh
it's not a stable world it's a crazy
wild world but actually I think the part
of the problem with that is that most
people stay in this breakthrough state
for a very short period of time
it needs time to develop its model and
to stabilize its model I think that will
actually happen if you give somebody DMT
over a much more extended periods with
my last question is it predictable is it
consistent does it have these properties
so I kind of envisaged time in the
future where we will we will develop a
map of the qualities of the DMT space
and we will be able to make that
comparison and say does this world look
like a world that is being dreamt or
loosen ated or does it look like a world
that is some sense being sensed
okay so just summarizing not to over so
all for none of the world's are built
from information generated by your brain
you now know exactly how that works and
we can imagine that that sensed worlds
and imagined or dreamt or hallucinating
worlds can be differentiated by their
characteristics and the way they are
constructed by the brain rather than
trying to try and get into the world in
itself and by identifying the particular
phenomenological and neurological
qualities of these different types of
world would perhaps give us a way of
finally answering that question of
whether the DMT world looks more like a
sense world in which case Chris and
Robin will have a lot to answer for or
if it is as they might lean towards just
a blue cemented world and I will stop
that thank you so much