Buying Rental Property Out of State | Real Estate Investing for Beginners - YouTube

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how to buy rental properties out of your
state that's today's video let's dive in
hey there I'm Clayton Morris the
president and founder of Morris invest
I'm a long time real estate investor and
today we're going to talk about buying
rental properties out of state out of
your own backyard that's frankly how I
buy all of my properties and that's what
my team does at Morris invest so I don't
buy any properties in my backyard which
is New Jersey there's no way property
taxes are ridiculously expensive
properties are ridiculously expensive
and therefore my ROI would be in the
toilet so should you buy rental
properties across state lines here's how
to do it number one you can't do it
so if you're going to buy rental
properties across state lines you need a
team you need partners in order to make
this happen you could of course use a
turnkey rental company like ours that's
one of one option and I'm not selling
you want to but you could absolutely do
the other option though is to do it
yourself and to find properties yourself
rehab them yourself and build that team
but number one you cannot do it alone if
you think you're going to do it all by
you're lying to yourself you've got to
surround yourself with people that can
help you that property management team
contractors your insurance folks your
title company all of those people are
going to have to help you at some point
so just remember you can't do it alone
my second tip for buying across state
lines please make sure that you just
fall in love with ROI and you don't fall
in love with real estate the common
theme that I see among new investors
they fall in love with a cute little
bungalow the little cute little pictures
that they see online remember all real
estates the same four walls in a roof
fall in love with the numbers the return
that you're going to get on your
investment and not the fact that it has
adorable front little front porch and
green paint don't do it don't be allured
by that especially when you have twenty
properties you're not going to care that
property number one with an adorable
little bungalow so fall in love with ROI
your return on investment and your
numbers not real estate step three what
legal entity are you going to be
acquiring these
properties in and where are you going to
set up this legal entity like an LLC or
an S corp personally for us we have
LLC's set up in two different states
where we own our rental properties now
I'm not an accountant or a lawyer so
seek the counsel of your own accountants
and lawyers on this but I will say that
our our accountants have advised us to
set up LLC's in the states where we own
our properties that way the LLC owns it
and you're protecting yourself from you
know being sued and then your other
assets your personal assets are then
protected against from the LLC very very
important to know what type of a legal
entity you're going to set up and where
you're going to set it up it's very easy
to do also just by going to the States
Department of State website so if you're
buying them for instance in Michigan you
would go to you know state Michigan gov
and click on the start new business tab
and you can be up and running in moments
it's usually like a hundred dollars to
set up an LLC number for property
management if you're going to buy out of
state don't think that you're going to
manage that property by yourself okay
you're going to need a property
management team that's going to be able
to be there on the ground deal with the
Board of Health when they decide to
drive by and send a violation letter
they can handle it they can get right
out to the property make sure that the
branches are removed from the gutter
make sure that the debris and trash is
out of the yard whatever it is but you
need a great property management team
that can manage your property from afar
you do not want to try to do it you do
not want to try to receive phone calls
at 2:00 in the morning from an angry
tenants you are an absentee landlord
don't do it don't make that mistake
number five this might be the most
important tip do some research but not
too much research I see analysis
paralysis all the time for people who
rely on the internet now look let's be
honest you're out of state so you're
going to spend a lot more time on the
internet doing research about the
properties and areas and neighborhoods
that you're going to buy and that's fine
but remember that the internet can only
get you so far
and at some point you just got to take
action get a good idea of your returns
make sure you know your ROI make sure
you've got a great property management
team and don't spend too much time
hanging out
internet forums and reading crime data
websites which are mostly inaccurate to
begin with so spend a little time doing
your research but don't let it be
debilitating and stop you from taking
action it's really really important step
six in my process of buying out of state
get in inspection this is incredibly
important so you're buying a property
maybe it's already rented or maybe it
doesn't need any work so to speak get an
inspection on the property now chances
are if you're working with a great team
they're going to go through line by line
on that inspection and try to square any
inaccuracies or problems with the
property inspectors are paid to nitpick
so they're going to find anything
they're going to find tons of stuff I
mean that's what they do so I love
inspectors but they're going to find
stuff that's what they do some of it may
be totally irrelevant right - turning
into a great rental property but some of
it might be important and therefore you
can square that with your contractors
making sure that they are fixing this
taking care of that but getting a
inspection you know let the realtor know
if you're working with a realtor you
want to get an inspection on the
property you're going to spend $500
whatever it is but then you have all of
that documentation there you can hire a
contractor to come in maybe it's going
to cost you ten fifteen twenty thousand
dollars to rehab the property but now
you know all of the things that you want
to fix in the property and you can hand
that right over to your contractor to
get it up and running and get it fixed I
mean at Morris invest we work with you
know investor excuse me inspectors all
the time who once you know do an
inspection we'll go through line by line
and match it up with what we're doing on
the rehab and make sure that it all
lines up or if something's missing one
way or the other then we'll address it
with with our industrial that way so
inspections very important go through
them pay for it get it done get an
inspection especially if you're buying
across state lines and step 7 in my
process is to relax okay if you are
buying rental property for positive cash
flow and creating more legacy wealth in
your life that's the whole point so sit
back and let those rent checks start to
come in and don't nitpick over every
little thing and don't be annoying
you're going to cause yourself way more
less than you need to if you and your
wife sat down your wife and husband sat
down your plan was to acquire 20 rental
properties and create a certain amount
of cash flow and that cash flow is
starting to come in and your own
property 3 in property for now and you
start to see that cash flow coming in
every month like clockwork
relax enjoy it go take that vacation if
you wanted to take but that's the whole
point of creating cash flow is to enjoy
it to create that life that you want to
create that financial freedom right so
sit back relax and enjoy the rental
property experience that you're on click
on the subscribe button over here and
become a member of our community and we
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description for this video below we'll
see you back here next time everyone go
out there take action and become a real
estate investor and relax