Spotting Red Flags in Press Releases - YouTube

Channel: StocksToTrade

so there's a million different pieces of
information out there that you're
getting hit at every day
whether you're using stocks to trade as
your screener or you're using some other
source of news
so much out there but so much is not
and actually can get you in trouble so
today i'm going to show you how to cut
through the bs
on a press release
hey everyone lead training with stacks
of trade tim bowen here be sure to like
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but if you want to slow things down a
little bit and really get into the
of trading press releases sec filings
everything i'm gonna talk about today
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live all right so let's talk about how
to cut through
the bs on a press release and how to
ultimately stay out of trouble okay i
think that one of the biggest things
newer traders run into and you know we
talk about this with robin hooders we
joke about it a lot and
listen if you're on robin hood i got no
beef with that especially if you're a
new trader
as long as you have a plan okay as long
as you have a process
but we know a lot of these newer traders
they just see any sort of news they see
a headline
i mean you can blame the culture we're
in i know we're in a headline
culture blame social media a lot of
people will
retweet or post an article simply based
the headline because the headline
confirms their bias
meanwhile they don't read the 5 000 page
article we'll save that for another day
i won't get ranty
but the simple fact is we know a lot of
people just read a headline
they get excited they hit the buy button
and i don't want that to be you
i don't want you to get bagged okay and
a great example i'm going to talk about
today and if you were on the pre-market
which i'll link below um i talked about
real time i joked um actually uh this
dates me
but this be this this buzzwordy press
release as soon as i read it
i'm like this sounds like mary poppins
where she sings
supercal fragilistic expialidocious i'm
like this
press release is a joke now that being
it came out in the morning on the 13th
uh and you can see the stock ran nuts in
and hey listen if you were there fast
one thing but most of you aren't up at
four or five in the morning and
i don't want you trading at four or five
in the morning anyway the people that
really i want to help and and it's
probably you i mean you only have so
much time
because a lot of people got bagged on
this press release buying
you know during that pre-market prep i'm
live at 8 30 eastern
and the stock was in the 850s 860s
ton of people piled in and then look at
this waterfall
after the open and then all day fade and
then ends up
gapping down the next day so what i want
to point out
is exactly that press release and then
i've also got a tip
on some sec filings that git will get
ahead of the minions because hey if you
saw this pr coming the day before
that's when you got to be looking to
attack this stock not
after the fact with these buzzwords so
let's jump over to wimi's pr
and read it together so wimi obtains a
you ready new 3d holographic pulse laser
processing device
to further advance the application of
holographic technology in ev
autonomous driving and other areas
i mean all they're missing is bitcoin
and weed and this would probably be the
greatest bs press release headline
in the history of the world okay so now
it's a patent yes it might go somewhere
but ultimately i mean come on
how big of a market is 3d holographic
pulse laser processing
and then especially in the application
of holographic technology and ev
autonomous driving
and you know it's a penny stock with a
history of failing
so when you get these so buzzwordy
the next thing i want you to do is bring
that you know multi-year multi-month
chart and look at wimi i mean yes it ran
back in the summer but then just got
destroyed and look at when it ran
the last time all of october
ran up destroyed ran up destroyed
ran up and so do you want to be buying
this stock
that you gotta be dubious about on that
press release okay
and i mean it's one thing if they
announce like real news with
with with substance like earnings i mean
one of the reasons we love earnings
is if you you know earnings are audited
okay this is
sec file and i mean if you misstate your
you're going to jail now you can be
colorful and flowery on a press release
and nobody nobody gets in any trouble
so we're looking for real information
you know concrete numbers another thing
i want you to look for in press releases
penny stocks are notorious for this
they'll say unnamed partner huge red
so you'll see we had another stock um
it's escaping me but
you know they announced a a uh a
partnership with a
large company you know but they don't
name the partner
lead market leader etc i mean that's
because if
if listen if it's apple okay they'd say
it was apple
if it was amazon they'd say it was
amazon so unnamed partners
like large contracts they'll say large
contract you know
record contract but they'll they won't
have numbers or my favorite
is the up two you know you'll see penny
stocks over and over again
particularly penny stocks that fail
they'll say you know awarded a contract
up to 20 million well what's that mean
does that mean
five bucks 50 bucks you know what is
up two i mean sure if everything goes
great which we know all penny stocks are
incompetent and fail
that never goes rig great so those are
the biggest
red flags you want to look for flowery
buzz wordy language like wimi and then
vague terms unnamed partners
you know unnamed time frames multi-year
you know up to
all these things that are the big red
flags that you got to be
so so cautious for and listen
i just don't want you to get in to
something like wimi and then look at
this multi-day fade
and at the point actually it's i'll be
curious drop me a comment below
what's w-i-m-i at the day you're
watching this video
to me it's probably gonna be at four or
five bucks all the way back
and everyone that believed that press
is hating life right now i don't want
you hating life okay
next thing i want to talk about is sec
filings and how
you can focus on these four keywords
that might allow you to spot that wi mi
press release
in advance so um every every company has
to announce
an 8k you know they have to file with
the sec file
or with the sec when they have upcoming
news when they have upcoming earnings
when they have insider buys or sells
there's a lot of intricacies in sec
but what's great about stocks of trade
is every single sec filing
drops in and you can see with ttcm here
the interesting thing this filing got
posted on august 25th
2020 and they talk about you know this
you know arc net mobile platform which
is buzz worthy we like
and then they let you know that there's
an upcoming press release
to follow doesn't mean you buy the stock
but if you're looking at your filings
and you're scanning on these low price
it tells you that you need to be ready
so let's look at ttcm
what happened a few few days later after
that filing hit
or after the filing was announced so it
gets post
on august 25th okay next day
stock gaps up pr drops and it runs from
you know this is an otc stock so a
or nine one thousandth of a penny all
the way up to
you know seventeen one hundredths of a
penny basically a hundred percent run
now they don't all do that but what
would what's awesome about this
you can see it coming and if you're
looking at that intraday chart
you see that volume come in you see that
breakout happen
and you can attack those high day breaks
attack those dip and rips
and all those patterns i look about or i
talk about in all of these videos
so keep in mind what's great about
stocks to trade is we have this sec
tab which allows you to scroll all the
way back
i mean i can look at every filing on it
on ttcm all the way back
to those filings from october and the or
i'm sorry august that we were talking
and i can be ahead of the game and you
know listen stocks to trade is a paid
i think the sec filings that are built
into it is one of the most powerful
functions out there
know them understand them and you can
set alerts so you can be notified
when so if ttcm is on your radar you can
actually create an alert and when those
filings hit you get that notification
on your platform and every little bit of
information that puts you ahead
of the other guys that are using free
tools whether that be the robinhood app
or yahoo finance
or google finance i mean listen if you
can beat them
by a minute or hours or days
because you're ready that's one of the
best edges you can get out there i mean
everyone talks about hft high frequency
tradings i mean i mean
one of the reasons high frequency
trading hedge funds are ridiculously
is there half a second well more like a
thousandth of a second
ahead of all of us and there's money to
be made if you can gain
that edge check out the trial of stocks
of trade fully functional you get access
to all of the sec filing
screeners you get access to videos in
the stocks of trade university
where i show you how to use these tools
hit the link below
and as always if you're looking to take
that next step in your trading check out
the steady trade team
we'd love to work with you small group
every day
live twice a day we'll see in the steady
trade team