Coinbase Pro Tutorial for Beginners 2021 - YouTube

Channel: Crypto Girl

coin base is costing 3.9 percent for most roids Pro coinbase charges 0.3
percent that's a savings of three dollars and sixty nine cents if you go
to pro point base so I want everybody know how to jump on to Pro coin coin
base links to your bank account and so does pro coinbase now so we're gonna
jump through both accounts and you're gonna kind of learn what is what and how
to transfer from coinbase to pro employments well let's look at the
wallet uh I have no money in here okay so what we're gonna do and I'm gonna say
I'm going to move things over it's kind of like this coin base coinbase it's
like a bank account okay and then the bank account has um say a savings
account or something right I mean this is just try to rub I'm trying to make
this as relative as possible to a normal account so the deal is is this is where
you want to do any transferring if you if you want to pay somebody something or
something right you want to put it in this one it's no fee to transfer so you
go deposit pick what you want to deposit okay
Bitcoin um that's the wall address so if you wanted if if you wanted somebody to
send you Bitcoin they can send it to you there click on coinbase
and you can say max or I can say all right I just want $100 to come over $100
worth of USD worth of Bitcoin so I'm gonna that's the max amount that's the
bitcoins in there that's the max and remember I switch this to 100 so 100 can
come over I'm gonna click deposit but transactions on a way on its way
dismiss look at that $100 haha okay so now you see I just transferred $100 from
my coin base account right here so if we were gonna go and look up in my account
how much I have okay you're gonna have to go to accounts and now we have $100
left way of 2445 and these are those satoshis then you go on coinbase boom
total holdings is 100 but it delegates it right here showing buying it Bitcoin
alright so deposit let's do another one deposit let's say we're gonna take a
theory am coinbase what's the max amount okay we have two hundred fifty one
dollars and 33 cents of aetherium so say we just wanted 50 dollars and there's no
charge okay to move look funds on hold total balance processing time fast and
free see that coinbase wallet transfers are fast and free deposit
and then dismiss now we have a hundred-fifty here coinbase we never
really kind of looked at the etherium but it said earlier had to you know 250
now we have 201 all right now let's say we want to put it back so we can
withdraw and let's get a Bitcoin and we are going to click so that would if I
was going to send it somewhere else I would put the Bitcoin address here that
I was gonna send it to only send Bitcoin to Bitcoin accountants and we're gonna
go coinbase account because we wanted to be in coinbase so we clicked right here
coin base and we'll move the max amount back 100 dollars and 28 cents
I click withdraw it's on its way dismissed now we have only 50 dollars in
our pro point based so now we're going to do the same thing we're gonna
withdrawal our theory I'm with you so I click withdraw I'm gonna go down here to
either I call it a theory am I don't know why it went to either but it will
let's move our ether we're gonna move into our coin base account
I'm gonna say max if I wanted to put less I could just typed in here coinbase
Theory eat their wallet transfers are fast and free click withdraw I'm gonna
to say dismiss and now we're back to 0 here in our pro point base account
now they say coin based pro I always say Pro coinbase because that's the URL okay
you will drive you bananas and view bura if you try to find it typing in coinbase
procom it's pro dot coinbase i don't know why they didn't just do that ok so
now we're going back and let's just see there we go it just
changed $251 in our theory em and our Bitcoin is back to 200 2055 alright so
now we just moved it in and we moved it out for more training go to free crypto
education calm and scroll to the middle of the page and click on the Wednesday
or Thursday free webinars I'll see you then bring your questions