How to Easily Analyze Facebook Ad Results With 3 Custom Reports - YouTube

Channel: Social Media Examiner

Are you tired of clicking around in Ads Manager
trying to filter, sort,
and essentially find all of the data that you need?
These three reports will save you a boatload of time
measuring your Facebook ad results.
Now, you might be asking yourself,
so Bondio, what do I do now that my ads are running?
Girlfriend, I'm glad that you asked that
because what we do is we track the heck out of your results.
In this video,
you'll learn how to create three custom reports
inside of Ads Manager.
The first is the ROI Snapshot Report
for measuring your sales results.
The second is the Lead Progress Report
for measuring your lead costs.
And the third is the Engagement Report
for measuring how engaging your Facebook ads are.
And be sure to stick around to the end
where I'll show you how to share these reports
with your team members, bosses, or clients.
The RIO Snapshot Report is an advertiser's best friend.
And you would use this report
when you're running conversion objective campaigns.
This means you are trying to generate sales
using the purchase conversion objective
or you're generating leads
using the lead conversion objective.
A simple thing to note
is that you do have to have your Facebook Pixel installed
and tracking correctly.
But don't worry, we've got you covered with a video for that
teaching you exactly how to setup your Facebook Pixel
if you don't have that already.
Be sure to check that out in the description below.
To create the ROI Snapshot Report,
we're gonna dive in to Ads Manager.
On the right-hand side here,
we're gonna click the columns,
performance drop down button here.
Scroll down to the bottom and click customize columns.
You'll see a popup appear here.
On the right-hand side,
18 columns are automatically selected for you.
Since we're creating these custom reports,
we're gonna delete some of these metrics
and add brand new ones to create the ROI Snapshot Report.
Click the X and remove the following.
Errors, Delivery, Ad Set Name, Bid Strategy,
Budget, the Last Significant Edit, the Reach,
Impressions, Quality Ranking, Engagement Rate Ranking,
Conversion Rate Ranking,
Ends, and Schedule.
It's almost like we just deleted all of them,
but we should have five left
as we move onto adding new ones.
In the search bar, begin typing check-out
and put a check mark next to
total and cost.
One thing to note,
is if there's any pre-checked selections
on the right-hand side here,
like mobile app checkouts initiated
or website checkouts initiated,
let's go ahead and deselect those
for everything that they appear for.
Once checkout is done, we'll go back to the search bar
and begin typing in purchase.
This time we'll click purchase ROAS, ROA under total.
Then, under purchases,
we'll click value and cost per purchase.
Quickly deselect all of the check boxes
so that we're left with 10 columns selected
on the right-hand side.
I like to organize this report in a way
where I can understand how deep people are
in our sales process.
Starting with the initiate checkout
and moving to the purchase conversion.
Those successful transactions.
To organize it in that manner,
we simply move around these columns that we just selected.
So, starting at the bottom we would move our purchase ROAS
all the way down
and then our purchase conversion value
would be the second to last.
We'll add in our cost per purchase after that
and then the number of website purchases.
After that, we're gonna end
with our cost per checkouts initiated
and then checkout initiated.
Then, to save this report,
come on down to the bottom left-hand corner
to click save as preset.
And from there, we'll call this one the ROI Snapshot.
And then just click apply
to go back to the regular Ads Manager screen.
All right, so the ROI Snapshot Report is really great
for getting a quick at a glance view
of how profitable your ads are.
And this next report,
the Lead Progress Report is going to build on that.
To create the Lead Progress Report,
where we'll understand our cost per lead
and what those leads are doing in our sales funnel,
all we gotta do is hop into the same place
that we were before.
This columns and click customize columns.
Once that popup appears,
all we're gonna do is add some new elements.
This time we're not deleting any.
Same as last time, we'll head up to the search bar
and type in link.
Select link clicks as well as CPC,
Cost per Link Click.
Go ahead and also add in the CTR,
the Link-Click-Through Rate.
Next up, you'll type in registrations or leads,
depending on which standard event you're using
with your Facebook Pixel to track your conversions.
Under either registrations completed or lead,
you'll click total as well as the cost.
Like last time I wanna arrange these columns
in a very particular view,
starting with leads entering into our sales process
going towards that checkout process
and ultimately a sale.
So, let's rearrange them again,
this time from the top.
After amount spent, we're gonna come down to the bottom
and pull up link clicks.
That'll be the next one.
After link clicks,
we wanna understand the cost per link click,
how much it cost us to acquire that link.
Click through our Facebook advertising.
Then, our Click-Through-Rate of those links.
So our links are all grouped together as one.
After, we'll do our leads or our complete registration.
So, let's pull those up to the top under our Link Clicks.
And be sure if these check marks are showing,
to deselect them as you pull it up.
Last thing that we need to do
is pull that cost per registration
up underneath of the registrations completed
and then confirm that the order
is then Checkouts Initiated,
Cost per Checkout Initiated,
the total number of Website Purchases,
our Purchase Conversion Value,
and then our Return on Ad Spend.
And to save it, click Save as preset,
and we'll call this one Lead Progress.
When I'm looking my Lead Progress Report,
I'm breaking it down into a few different sections.
In this top example here
we've spent almost $30,000 to generate 1259 link clicks.
Now, the Cost per Click that you can see in the next column
is simply the total ad spend
divided by the number of link clicks.
After that, you'll see the Click-Through-Rate
for your links here.
I love looking at this metric
because it tells it what percentage of people
who are seeing our ads are actually clicking through.
So, that helps me understand
if we're targeting the right audience.
The higher the click-through-rate,
the more compatible your ad is
with the audience that you're targeting.
After looking at our link clicks,
we're gonna come on over here and look at our leads.
This is the total number of leads
that you've generated from these ads.
And of course, this number is going to be much smaller
than the traffic that you've generated,
because the number of people opting in
or subscribing to your email list
is going to be a fraction
of the total amount of traffic
that you've sent there in the first place.
I also love knowing how much I'm spending
to acquire a new lead in my business,
so that I can compare that to the value,
the total amount of revenue
that a new lead brings to the business as well.
After that, we're gonna move deeper into the sales process
and look at the number of checkouts initiated.
Again, this is going to be a smaller number
than your total leads because people are moving deeper
into that sales process.
I also love knowing our cost per initiate checkout
so that we can understand our metrics
at each and every stage of the funnel
to know exactly how much it costs
to get somebody on that checkout page.
And lastly, we'll move to look
at the number of websites purchases
as well as how much it costs us
to acquire that customer for our business.
That's the cost per purchase.
The next up is the purchase conversation value.
So, all of those purchases when totaled
at the end of the day,
equal this amount of revenue.
And moving on to the last column,
the holy grail of your Facebook ads metrics,
you're ROAS, which shows you
for every dollar that you spend on Facebook advertising,
how many dollars you're earning in return.
The Lead Progress Report,
has everything to do with the sales process
but the next report, the Engagement Report,
is all about your ad specific performance.
To create this report, we're gonna keep it super simple
and build on the Lead Progress Report.
See how we did that?
Made it easy for ya.
Go ahead and click Customize Columns.
However, we're gonna ax some of the selections first.
Starting with leads and everything below it.
Go ahead and just click X to get rid of it all.
You should be left with seven columns.
Your original columns we started with
and then our link engagement columns as well.
Now, we're gonna go ahead and add some new selections.
I like coming down here
to the engagement section on the left-hand side,
where you can see Page Post.
And then we'll start at the Post Comments.
So, we're not really looking at how our page overall
is performing but how the ad itself is performing.
Click Post Comments, Post Engagement,
Post Reactions,
Post Saves and Post Shares.
As well as the Cost per Post Engagement.
We wanna understand what we are paying
to generate the engagement on our ads,
not just how much we're paying per link click
or per purchase,
but how much we're spending on the engagement itself.
After that, we're gonna scroll down and select
2-Second Continuous Video Views,
10-Second Video Views,
and then all of these video watches percentages.
So, there's 25, 50, 75, and 100.
And then we'll finish this off
with the Video Average Watch Time.
To save this report, click Save as preset
and then we'll call this one Post Engagement.
Click apply and now we're going to navigate to the ad level.
For every other metric,
we've been looking at the campaign level
to see how our campaigns are performing overall,
but now it's time to get into the nitty gritty
of how these ads are performing for each and every audience.
To do that, select the ads for this campaign
and now you'll see each individual ad for each audience
and how people are interacting with it.
My recommendation for you with this report
is to use it as a discovery tool to understand
which type of content resonates with your audience.
Let's say you have zero comments on your ads.
Maybe your audience isn't resonating
with the way that you're sharing your message.
So, that could be an indicator
to go back and work on your copywriting skills.
On the flip side, if your audience is sharing it like crazy
and it's blowing up,
you might be onto something there.
So, I highly recommend to continue
doing that type of ad content for your community.
Now, there's no right or wrong way to use these reports
but I recommend that you start to get familiar
with all the different metrics so that you can use that data
to make better ad buying decisions.
If you're not the only decision-maker
that needs to see these reports,
as promised, let me show you how to share this
with your team members, your bosses, or your clients.
Simply click Reports and then Share Link.
As you can see on the screen,
this report is only available to people
with access to your ad account.
So, be sure to share it with the people
that have the appropriate permission.
Now, we just briefly touched on all the metrics,
so if you wanna go more in-depth
on the seven most important metrics you need to know,
click this video on the screen.
Or check out Jenn Herman's Instagram video
to go deeper into Instagram analytics and insights.