I'm out! | EP. #39 - YouTube

Channel: Salomondrin

ladies and gentlemen I'm out I [聽__聽]
quit and when I say it I mean it and
it's not [聽__聽] it's not clickbait I'm
out I'm quitting I'm not gonna be the
CEO of my company anymore I'll tell you
more about it after we talk a little bit
about the economy because shit's going
down people and I could make a video
with you uh for you about the fed and
everything that happened with the Fed so
we saw that the FED came out they raised
the interest rates by 0.75 percent and
then the markets kind of took a chill it
went up it went down but it kind of
stayed on the same level and today we're
seeing a little bit more about disaster
on the markets but what I want to tell
you guys is this number one let's talk
about the the the real the real deal
what's going on right now so we're in a
recession if you guys are watching
anybody that's telling you we're not in
a recession
immediately stop watching them and go
like there's so many older guys right
now that are saying like nailing
everything step by step step by step and
the reason why is because they're old
they've seen it all guys these
[聽__聽] are good the younger guys
like we [聽__聽] absolutely suck like
even Kathy like we suck balls but these
older guys they've seen it because
they've been in an inflation crisis
before they were around for the 80s and
70s so they know a little bit about [聽__聽]
it's brilliant listening to them so now
number one you you gotta understand that
you have to like know in 2008 and this
is something that we humans do non-stop
in 2008 but we were in that recession
everybody was in denial like there's
even an incredible 30 Rock episode with
Jack Donaghey uh Alec Baldwin where he
makes a reference for it like we're not
in a recession and he's like 2010. you
know what I mean like they still were on
denial about it so right now you gotta
understand we are in a recession in a
recession already
we're already in a stagflation period
This is a stagflationary period already
because you're seeing companies results
that means there's a little bit of
growth but it's not growth in volume
it's just growth in sales in in in in in
the money that they're making that means
less people are buying more expensive
items so you're already in the
stagflation stagflationary period now
what's next the crisis this is going to
be a crisis you've got to know in 2008
boys 2008 we had a housing crisis
and that was it and that took the rest
of the markets down that was it in 2022
we have an international a stubborn debt
crisis we have a [聽__聽] private and
public debt crisis we have a supply
chain issue around the world we have a
war going on and that's not just the
Ukraine Russia like do we have a
worldwide world war is going on right
now I mean you have to be an idiot to
[聽__聽] not see it
what else is collapsing oh there's
uh there's no more growth so there's
there's many more things and on top of
that the Fed
is taking like whatever steps they can
so they can choke down the economy even
more so anyone that's on denial right
now is selling you on [聽__聽] okay it's
absolutely selling your [聽__聽] or
maybe not [聽__聽] it's just I'm I don't
know why but I'm seeing all these
YouTubers that I I used to watch too
they're not I don't want to call people
YouTubers it's somewhat insulting in a
certain way but these guys talk about
finances they were so brilliant before
and now
all they are is like hopium artists
that's all they do well you know last
time we hit these levels we saw like 80
million dollars right after and that's
all they do and it's so sad to see that
because the reality is we're facing
something that we already saw like if
you're old like me we saw these in 2008
and that is just like one small part of
it so why are we in this situation I
want to tell you something the fed's not
even the one bringing the markets down
it's not uh the European central banks
this is something we have to understand
our economy got to the end of the bridge
and there's nowhere else to go for us to
keep going we need to change whatever is
next we got to the end of it it's the
end of it I promise you and I'll explain
it to you in a very simple way
in the 1870s we started the new economic
cycle that we're in right now people
look at economic Cycles in different
ways you can look at people's lives from
the moment they're born from the moment
their parents made them from the moment
their grandparents made him or all the
way to the beginning of humanity right
when you're looking at Cycles you can
make the cycle whatever you want some
people call an economic cycle like
between recession growth recession
that's an economic cycle I'm going to
call it a full economic cycle the period
from the 70s 80s when the dollar said no
more no more gold we're going in our own
way and they started treating the
economy the way that they're treating it
right now funny enough the same people
that are in charge right now we're in
charge back then
go watch the [聽__聽] videos so
all those guys decide that this is the
way we're going to go forward with our
economy what we're going to do is we're
going to inflate all these assets like
real estate and then we're going to make
sure that the the worker has a little
bit of growth but not as fast as these
assets so that we can promote wealth
building so that one of these people has
to buy one of these assets for it to go
up in price does that make sense so
that's basically the base of the economy
in the United States the problem with
economy structure is that it ends up
being what it is right now we end up
turning into a third world country
simply because the structure helps for
very few to grow a lot and for the the
entire country not to grow so when you
eliminate your middle class you collapse
it so now that's the structure that we
started 70s 80s full Peak like let's go
we went all the way we made it ups and
downs and whatnot 2 000 then we got to
2008 and the economy was already
struggling a little bit but in 2008 2009
we made a big change we accelerated our
money printing considerably we started
and we accelerated that process quite a
lot and if you look at charts of money
printing in the United States they kind
of look the same as the Bitcoin price
when it started it went all the way up
to 69 000 and then he just [聽__聽]
destroyed itself and the reason why the
chart looks like that is because we're
at the at the end of this
after this peak the only where the only
place we can go is down okay there's
nothing else why
from 2009 2010 that we do QE that we did
in 2018 we saw and if you guys look at
the economy in Europe the economy in
Europe didn't grow it got to that place
and he's like oh
it's been stuck it's not growing it's
been stuck for a long time there's no
real growth in Europe and the United
States got to that point in 2018 and the
reflection and the proof of that is very
simple you don't have to go and look at
all these different numbers and charts
it's rather simple
in 2018 the Federal Reserve all they did
was quantitative Tiding and when they
did QT
the market crashed by 40 but I'm Sorry
by 20 holy [聽__聽] look at me 20 20 the
market crashed by 20 the FED had to
revert back their policy and go back to
QE on top of that
Donald Trump the president at the time
gave us tax breaks for all the Corp uh
all the corporations got a tax break
what does that do
if you're already getting these type of
profits or these type of profits
which is nothing right you're operating
on margins kind of like Europe with your
slow growth because there's no more
growth when you're operating like this
and someone gives you an extra 10 of
nothing you're making 10 more so there
was growth for that period until 2020.
in 2020 we had what happened because in
2020 it's slowed down again like what we
saw in 2018 to 2020 was slowing down and
then 2020 was a big shakeup to the
economy and the way it was and we
explored growth elsewhere we went and we
looked at growth in things that people
were not used to and that's what you saw
you saw the last burst of growth
happening in front of our eyes in two
years and that was people buying
pelotons and people buying all the [聽__聽]
that they bought right now go back and
look at those companies how they're
doing right now they're not doing well
so in general we finished all together
that delicious incredible growth
and now we're at the end of that so now
everybody's thinking that the Federal
Reserve is taking the economy down but I
told you guys actually not not here in
in English but in my podcast in Spanish
I was telling you guys what we saw
Rodrigo and I with all of our companies
we have clothing and we have companies
in different countries right and also we
are in different Supply chains and also
uh we also have a lot of friends with a
lot of companies too so we talk to them
and we this is what we love doing
we know from August of last year
Commerce started to slow down and in
August and that was not overall like for
all the major companies but for small
medium businesses we started to feel it
in August of last year
so the fact that the economic slowdown
started right before the peak of the
market and before Powell said we're
going to choke the economies letting you
know the economy was already heading
down the reason why the economy just
doesn't crash all at once is because
it's not meant to the economy right now
is an alcoholic that's been drinking
every day that Jerome Powell is like
here take your drink take your drink
every single day and the only thing
Jerome Powell did to the economy that's
still living in a mansion that's still
having a great time that's still eating
all the food
hold your own power will did to the
economy was like I'm not going to give
you this glass of alcohol anymore
that's all he did and that alcohol would
be the printing money right what I'm
saying is you're not changing anything
else everything is done the economy
should act natural in the way it is
right now but Powell is just saying I'm
just not going to give you free money
I'm not going to give you easy money
that's the only thing I'm going to do
because that's literally the only thing
they're doing
and with that you're seeing the collapse
that you're seeing
do you guys understand what I'm saying
that's the limit that's where you crash
against the wall that's where you end
so that's where we at and for us to
think that there's going to be growth
anytime soon it's [聽__聽] ridiculous so
grow the [聽__聽] up understand what it is
and stop following [聽__聽] idiots that's
how you hope you now on to me quitting
one of the biggest problems in the world
and I want to talk to you guys about
quitting my my my my company as CEO
because this is the first time I've done
it publicly I had this happen to me
before where a group of idiots try to
fire me from being the CEO that was
making the company awesome and when they
fired me their company collapsed and
that was like quite a thing but now I
have the opposite problem
I've opened many companies and many
businesses in front of everyone's eyes
this is exciting for me but it's also
sad at the same time but it's really
exciting because it's a new opportunity
and new things and it's not like I'm
doing something new uh something else
I'm just focusing on my strengths we'll
see we'll talk about it right now
one of the hardest things to do is to
realize that you are the one holding
back your own team there's nothing
harder in the world than realizing that
you're the problem
and I am the problem in my company right
now and that's not a bad thing and this
is something I want you guys to know and
I want you guys to change your mind
about because that is not a problem you
knowing that you are the problem is not
the problem the problem is when you know
you when you don't know you are the
problem or when you know but still don't
want to do anything about about it now
how is this
relevant so I just want to tell you guys
in case you get to this point or when
you get to this point in your life or if
you're working in a group setting
because this creates a lot of problems
in a lot of Worlds right so we started
right when I started doing all my
companies I realized that I couldn't run
every single one of these companies
because it was too much so I was finding
the right perfect person for each one in
aileron Rodrigo manages all of the
[聽__聽] day by day he does everything
we learned that we [聽__聽] we started it
we we got from A to Z we did all of the
legal we got the alcohol we made the
product we got to distribution we got
everything done and then at that point
all right let me focus on marketing let
me focus on user adoption you focus on
just making sure that we have all of the
Jews everywhere we can send it whatever
done then we have the water company
let's get it all out we have the water
it's all made and the [聽__聽] Partners
In The Water Company are incredible
incredible so we can focus on what we're
[聽__聽] great at right
then I mean we also have clothing
companies and all this other [聽__聽] and
then last year I opened an nft Studio
which is something I really love doing
and we opened that nft studio we're four
Collections and between the four
collections we've sold about 25 million
dollars in general in general sales so
growth wise I've never had a business
that has done that much money just in
general in a year so this is really fun
this is something I'm I'm excited about
also it's a space that I love I
understand I already did the web too I
understand web3 and I understand where
the holes are and what people need to do
but we opened these nft Studios it's
like three influencer Partners if you
want to call us that work creators
really and the three of us we opened
this studio and then we partner up with
different projects so if you want to
look at it like this is we have a main
company and then we have little
companies right so the main company is
the studio and then the little companies
would be each project or each movie
which is the Sharks the demons the days
the nuts whatever
um each one of these has like their own
CEO and whatnot but my problem is we've
been building building over the last
year because we have objectives our
objectives is we want to get a million
users because if you get a million users
in a technology company you're going to
kill it right and then on top of that we
also want to build a few things to
generate that user adoption what are
going to be those things and then we can
so while we were building all of that
and we got into it I I got so busy in it
that it finally became a problem for me
because I can't I can't do this I
literally had a business partner in my
movie making career that dealt with
talking to people I can't talk to people
I need to be doing what I do and what
I'm greatest at instead of just solving
[聽__聽] dumbass problems and just
guiding dumbass [聽__聽] things and like
telling people something that's so
obvious like we can hire people that can
do those things
my job is best used let me get a meeting
with a meeting with those people let me
[聽__聽] pitch those guys let me get a a
tax incentive [聽__聽] approved in here
this and that
so we did all of that [聽__聽]
and that worked really great so I'm
going back it's not like I'm going back
I'm doing that model in the same way
here I realized that I was just [聽__聽]
holding back the company because I can't
have all these calls with people I have
calls with people guys and it's it's
awesome that people know you but it's
awful because I'm trying to get [聽__聽]
done and I Know It excites people that
they want to talk to me so they give me
better deals in some things right so I'm
like [聽__聽] yeah let's go I get on a phone
call and two hours go by of my time
because the other person is also excited
and I like what they're [聽__聽] talking
about and we just [聽__聽] shoot the [聽__聽]
for two hours time wasted I didn't get
anything done then I have to travel
because we have aileron we have the
water people thing we have all these
different [聽__聽] projects
uh now we have the uh we're opening a
fund Rodriguez and I are doing uh fun
together which is awesome we're
investing in companies from our
subscribers and our viewers and uh what
not so that's another thing that I'm
doing right so we're doing all of these
different things I want to make sure
that I have time for it because when I
travel for something and I'm going for
five days then who keeps chasing people
to get [聽__聽] done
and that's where you have to realize you
are now the obstacle you are now not
getting done as fast as everybody else
so what type of person do you hire and
this is the problem
the reason why this is a problem is
because it's ego driven most people when
they want to hire a CEO when they listen
to the word CEO they [聽__聽] get like oh
is that power is that human nature that
makes you a piece of [聽__聽] the worst
human beings I've ever met in my life
and I mean this with all of the love
from my heart to all of you guys that
I've met that are pieces of [聽__聽] all of
you told me that you were a piece of
[聽__聽] because you cared about being a CEO
and the title mattered so much to you
and it's on Kenny 10 out of 10. every
single person that needs to be the CEO
and have that in their office and in
their business card and like just shows
it that person has a tremendous ego
problem that they need to deal with and
they're not very good at whatever they
do they don't they never are for some
reason I don't understand because I
actually understand because it's about
them personally rather than the thing
and you'll never be able to contribute
to something when you're trying to
contribute to your own ego and your own
self so anyone that shows you and he's
[聽__聽] obsessed with the CEO on the
[聽__聽] cereal
run run run run run run for the hills so
number one I tried not to get those
but why I'm telling you this is because
this this is a big conflict there's a
lot of alpha males if you will incredore
right like it's all guys we're all
[聽__聽] they're all young
I love that I was gonna [聽__聽] include
myself in that group they're all young
they're cool they're hip they're [聽__聽]
interesting they know their [聽__聽] they
know technology they've been into space
they like art like they're branding
people they're awesome
so bringing someone in could [聽__聽] [聽__聽]
up right like that happens all the time
I'll give you an example because if you
guys are watching me a lot of you guys
understand this
um when we were in the cup gang thing
like we were doing The Cup gang [聽__聽]
which was a company I brought farshad
and Buddy into my channel into my
channel not the company into my channel
the help sell more products of the
company because we were making Vlogs uh
forget it would put on the hat buddy we
would go around we had like the
salamanders uh the the cup gang merge we
would take pictures and that was to help
cup gang but the moment I brought those
guys the other dudes not not the rich
guys like the other dudes got so [聽__聽]
insecure and thought that I was changing
them for someone else and that I was not
gonna be around for them anymore and
their egos just [聽__聽] make him go
crazy to the point where they were like
we need to substitute the one person
that manages and does all of these
things because we want to tie you up and
bring you down with us because we don't
want you to grow and that that was the
problem that was a big problem and by
the way that's not the only time I faced
that problem it happens all the time as
we get into new businesses other people
from the old school go like what about
me I've been sitting in this chair for
so long well [聽__聽] you've never
contributed beyond that
so know your [聽__聽] place
so coming from that experience is
nerve-wracking but at the same time
I've also done this so many times now
where I found a new way of not a new way
but I found like a secure way of doing
these things where there's not a lot to
lose and there's so much more to gain
because number one again no one's going
to be holding back the company's time
right like that's not going to happen
anymore two they're going to be able to
talk to more people because this person
speaks Spanish and English perfectly
he's an American that speaks speaks
perfect Spanish he's a young guy like
the other guys he's a sweet [聽__聽] guy
with no ego which is [聽__聽] rare and
incredible and he's someone that is also
not only in the industry but he's
someone that can see ahead he's someone
that gives ideas he's someone that
without me asking like goes like hey
dude have you ever tried this have you
ever tried that
and I understand how intelligent this
person is so I was like you know what
this is this is what I'm here for is
there anything
I can do so that this person can get
into something that they want to grow
because everything is about growing you
can do the same thing you're going to
get [聽__聽] bored after five years like
I'm so tired of doing the same thing all
the time this is why I'm doing new
things all the time and everybody
complains on the chat because I get
bored I need challenges I'm not those
people I get [聽__聽] complacent just
with the money coming in and I'm doing
it I'm killing it and I'm doing the same
thing over and over again because
eventually I'm just the car guy
eventually I'm just a phone guy
eventually I'm just a [聽__聽] economics
guy eventually I'm just the alcohol guy
but at some point they're all going to
be like well that's a lot of [聽__聽]
hats to wear son and that goes away
so I want everybody to experience that I
want everybody to have that growth to be
able to jump into so many different
things and experience it and I believe
that this person has that potential and
that we can get to this place with this
person and maybe he'll and also by the
way it's both ways I need this person to
love what he's doing I need this person
to be in love with the way that we work
I need them to [聽__聽] love the vision
of everything which he does
and we need to execute properly because
if he doesn't execute properly then I'm
sorry dude like [聽__聽] we can't do this
but while all of that is that weight is
on his back at the same time he knows I
got you we're gonna do this together
we're gonna grow it together I'm gonna
explain to you everything you needed
first let's go no problem and the way
that I'm safeguarding everything
is like this
this person's coming in to do what I do
right now and suggest new things we have
a trial for three months see how it goes
how it feels and whatnot I want this
person to hire people from within our
community to do the same thing that I'm
doing with him so that this person can
start bringing these people up and
that's what we want to do start bringing
these people up with us because we have
all these [聽__聽] companies that are
[聽__聽] killing it because again
I'm old I didn't invest in an alcohol
company just because I love it I do but
also it's Recession Proof also I didn't
invest in a water company because I love
water I do that's all I drink every
[聽__聽] day and especially alkaline
water especially water people cheers
but I did it because I know the water is
now [聽__聽] in the stock exchange
I know there's a Water Crisis around the
world not because there's not enough
water but because politicians are not
building all of the infrastructure that
that water needs for the new cities to
[聽__聽] support that
so I built we've built all of this [聽__聽]
with a tremendous future ahead of us
we're seeing it specifically right now
that this [聽__聽] [聽__聽] worked
and we want all of this to be fed by
people we know by people that bring
value to the table by people that we
trust and by people that we love seeing
that's what we want and if you're not
going to be a team player you're going
to put your [聽__聽] ego in front of you
and you're just going to be a [聽__聽]
pain in the ass next [聽__聽] we
don't care because we're here to do
awesome [聽__聽] with awesome people finding
an awesome Community to feed itself and
this [聽__聽] that's coming in now
is a new CEO
is bringing all that [聽__聽] big thick
energy to the table and it just [聽__聽]
everything beautifully we're just gonna
push forward it's gonna be so [聽__聽]
epic and now I can focus on what I'm
good at relationships branding
communication marketing user adoption
and smell great I can do all those
things amazingly
and that's why I'm quitting
that's why I'm quitting a CEO of my own
company because it's time because it's
the right thing to do because we need
other people to come in and take
challenges on and show us that they can
grow and because all all of our old
asses can go into something new
something challenging something sexy and
something that we can push even further
the right way
and this is how we keep evolving and we
keep doing this thing it's [聽__聽]
it feels good it feels good
do I think it's a good time to open a
liquor store business I think it'll be
very soon by the way so just want to say
I think there's going to be a very good
opportunity for opening businesses next
year like towards the end of next year
because everything should be in the
toilet at that point
and normally
normally whenever you do a service
uh for people and you can do it and you
can get the place at the cheapest and
all that stuff you're going to be
winning so that's what I recommend
either way I just wanted to say thank
you very much for your time guys let's
[聽__聽] go let's go let's go let's go
and all these exciting things remember
some people might still think some
things are negative but they're very
positive and just know look at the world
in the right way
you getting in the way of your own
progress it's something that 99 of us do
don't be that idiot don't be like
everyone else be