The Mysterious Stomach Issue that Kept Gordon Ryan From Competing for a Year - YouTube

Channel: PowerfulJRE

the jurgen experience how many more
years do you think that you can maintain
this level of dedication have you
thought about this yeah um so it's all
number one pending my health
particularly my stomach which is like
probably 70 better now that's amazing
like uh
the last podcast like i told you like i
literally have no idea what we talked
about at all besides me telling you that
i was nauseous because you were trying
not to so nauseous i was just like come
on [聽__聽] tell everybody what happened
so what happened was you got staph
infection that no enzo's in new york
city was notorious for giving people
that basement because it got no sunlight
it was down there and you got a bunch of
savages out there strangling each other
and sweating in this puddle and it just
got funky
right and so you got bad staff so i had
recurring staph infections in 2018 and
then uh
i was taking oral antibiotics and it
just wiped out everything in my stomach
like all the good bacteria everything
and then uh
i had
what ended up being a fungal overgrowth
a massive fungal overgrowth in my small
intestine and a huge bacterial imbalance
in my stomach and then h pylori which i
but it was misdiagnosed as gastroparesis
because i did a stomach emptying test
where you eat like radioactive eggs and
they scan your stomach every x amount of
like every half hour to see how it moves
through the stomach and i was emptying
slow and uh so they misdiagnosed as
gastroparesis i still have people
message me every single day who like are
catching up on the podcast like man i
just saw joe
tell me what you did for your
gastroparesis i'm like i don't [聽__聽]
have gastroparesis um but uh they
misdiagnosed it
after like four years i went to like all
the best doctors in the country and
they're just useless like they just oh
we'll do an endoscopy i had one guy do a
colonoscopy and uh they're like yeah you
look fine um and i was like okay well if
i can't get these doctors to
to figure it out i guess i'm just gonna
deal with it hopefully it'll get better
and then uh it just got worse as time
went on because the fungal overgrowth
just started getting worse and worse
and then it was like affecting my kidney
function and it was just like awful and
then i had like
partially i took a leave of absence i
guess i like retired from grappling from
a year because i couldn't even like
function as a human being and never mind
like i couldn't even like hold the
conversation i was so nauseous all the
time um
and then uh we were doing the podcast
and i was like traveling i was like
looking at houses in austin because you
convinced me to move to austin and i was
here like eating restaurant food like
three days before and we went to the
podcast and i was like [聽__聽] i can't even
talk right now um
but uh because you used to have to eat
very bland food
but even even even i would just wake up
like 24 7 nauseous like the best way i
can describe it is
the worst hangover you ever had like
where you want to throw up to feel
better but you can't that's like my
baseline and then it gets worse from
there and then like imagine you go to
and like
now picture you have the worst hangover
you've ever had and you have to run a
marathon 30 minutes later like the more
tired you get the worse it gets
um so then i was like yeah i just i
can't do this anymore
and then somehow like the stars aligned
and actually his doctor in california
because he had some bad stomach problems
he's like you gotta go to dr rabar uh in
in california um and i saw him and he's
like yeah i don't think you have
gastroparesis i think you just have
uh uh something in your small intestines
which is backing up into your stomach
and causing like a bile and food back up
and that's why you're emptying slowly
and it's mimicking gastroparesis so he
did a bunch of tests that no one's ever
done and like my levels were like way
off like one of the things was like
normal was between like zero and five
and then high
uh was like uh like over five or over
ten and my level was like 555. it was
just like like 50 times what it was
supposed to be
he uh so i've been on this treatment now
for a year uh a year in october and uh
i'm like 70 75 better now i can actually
hold the conversation i can eat food i
can like do [聽__聽] um and now i'm
competing again but uh so are there
cases in like medical literature that
talk about people taking high levels of
antibiotics over because you took it
over a 12 month period right you were
constantly on antibiotics yeah because
so basically you take the antibiotics
and it wipes out the
good bacteria in your stomach
and then your immune system is trying to
fix that so then your immune system's
low it's not as strong as it usually is
and you're training on training all the
time so i'm always just run down and
then you get staph again and then you
take more antibiotics
and then it wipes out your stomach even
worse so then your immune system on
overdrive trying to fix it and then you
get stuff again so you just it's like a
cycle where you just keep getting staph
and keep
[聽__聽] up your immune system in your
stomach so there was probably like a
year period
from like 2018 to 2019 where i think
i was on antibiotics more than i wasn't
for staff i would like get staff and be
like on 10 days two weeks of of of
and then
three days later i'd have staff again
and i go back on antibiotics like it was
just miserable
um and for anybody who's never taken
antibiotics and tried to work out it's
it just drains you it just kills you you
have no cardio you have nothing
so uh then i started using hippoclens um
in the shower when i would train it's
like the soap that they use to wash
their hands before surgery it's like a
super strong soap
and that that helped a lot and then
i met his doctor dr rabar
and uh
now that i'm getting better i hardly
ever get staff i get like maybe like
once every six months do you use defense
i don't know john was skeptical of that
but it's because he hasn't seen the
research on it like defense soap is
[聽__聽] legit and the good thing about
it is it doesn't kill any of the bad
bacteria or the good bacteria yeah
that's the thing with hibic cleanses
that wipes out everything that's not
good um but uh i'll try defense soap
because like there was like a point
where if i didn't if i was like on the
mats and i didn't use hibiclens i was
guaranteed to get staff i will have them
send it to you okay but
my friend guy sacco who runs the company
he created it because wrestlers like
they were working with wrestlers they
were all getting staffed and so he did
all this research into various essential
oils and things that are good for
healthy bacteria but kill off bad
bacteria so it's got like eucalyptus oil
and tea tree oil and i'd love to try it
it also smells good it's the only soap i
use i'm going to try i use it every day
but it just it stopped for me it stopped
all staff ringworm i was getting it all
the time
not not all the time but i got two i got
staffed twice and i got ringworm
probably three or four times okay so it
was annoying as [聽__聽] i don't get it at
all and i wasn't getting it at all when
i was using it on a daily basis it's
just it also just like it smells good
okay it's it's just better like regular
soap but yeah and they have wipes they
have all kinds of [聽__聽] that you like
they have stuff that like even if you
can't get to a shower immediately they
have these wipes that look like those
butt wipes yeah and just [聽__聽] clean
yourself off with them um
but i definitely love to try that but
your original point of how long i'm
gonna compete for right um so uh so but
keep going on with that so what did they
do to how did he what was the medication
so to fix that so i just got he just got
like got to my house to do this show and
uh he's like what all these [聽__聽]
pills i literally have like 30 pill
bottles that i have to take twice a day
and it's just a combination of like
over-the-counter stuff um to help me
there's like nothing that's in there
that that's a that's prescription but he
gave me uh
i'm on a strong oral anti-fungal uh i
first i did eight first i treated the h
pylori um and then i'm on a strong
and then all just like immune and like
gut supporting uh
medicines that just take time to rebuild
the gut bacteria and flush out the the
fungus and the and the bad the bad
bacteria so i know we talked about this
before in the last time but has you have
you ever said you know i'm gonna take
like a month and just
do some serious hardcore fasting and see
if that helps so i did do the fasting um
it wasn't my choice i just literally
couldn't eat um but i i did i i did try
to do uh probably about three weeks of
fasting um and uh
it just it didn't help uh i think that i
i needed the medicine i the first
success i had was when uh you introduced
me to brigham with the ways to well
so they gave me you know a bunch of
stuff which increased my appetite a lot
and was helping i was able to because my
main thing is keeping weight on and
gaining size i'm like a very i'm big but
i'm a small heavyweight
um so i might depending on my stomach
i'd be 205
you know one day and then i have a good
month and then i'm 225 230 then i'm back
to 210 and my weight would fluctuate
based on how much i could eat so they
they put me on this regimen and uh they
gave me uh you know a bunch of stuff
that increased my appetite so i got
super big but i was still getting
nauseous so didn't like fix the problem
i could eat more but then i would just
be nauseous after
um so then i was using a combination of
the ways to well stuff uh with his
and now
their stuff makes me more hungry and i
can actually eat food now so
my everything's getting a little bit
better and i feel like i used to just
eat like
two eggs and i would just feel like
sitting in my stomach it just wouldn't
filter down so i'd just be carrying food
all day long and then i'm trying to
force feed myself to keep the weight on
and they actually did a test and they're
like yeah you're not only can you not
eat but your body's only absorbing like
60 of the food that you actually do eat
so i was eating like 10 times less than
i was supposed to and then just not
absorbing half of it so it's just like a
total disaster how much longer do you
have to be on all this medication
uh well i have a uh i have to do i have
to do a retest like this week i have to
take a like a pee test and some blood
work and then i'm gonna do a meeting
with him on september 20th right after
and then uh he's gonna tell me where to
go from there we have to see what my
levels are but uh
i'm sure he's gonna keep me on a lot of
the stuff it's just like overall stuff
to like help promote digestion and and
overall stomach uh function
uh but i'm just listening to what he
says because everything he said so far
has been accurate