Here's what we know so far about Friday鈥檚 margin call - YouTube

Channel: CNBC Television

david faber has been covering this ever
since the block trades
really hit late last week and he joins
us this morning on the phone david uh
happy vacation once again
uh what do we what's important to know
this morning
yeah thanks guys i'm sorry i'm not with
you and it does seem inevitable first
vacation in eight months it always
and you know it's funny literally on the
plane seven a.m my phone started to
light up
with uh calls from people saying there's
some very strange block trades now that
wasn't yet viacom and discovery which of
course as we know were sort of at the
of this but it was any of these other
names baidu you mentioned 10 cent you
heard dom mentioning at the end of
squawk box
block after block and people starting to
wonder what was going on as friday went
along of course we started to see those
enormous blocks both discovery and
we have all three of us sat there and
talked endlessly as you know over these
last few months about the enormous move
up in both viacom and discovery in
particular two companies that i happen
to know very well
far beyond what many at least had
anticipated would be the fundamental
strength of these companies
even with accounting for their success
so far if you want to call it that in
direct to consumer
and now we have an answer as to what was
going on but we have an awful lot of
questions still in terms of how this was
allowed to happen
and if i could just back up for a minute
and try to explain to our viewers what
are we talking about well it does appear
that archaico says family office
hedge fund whatever you want to actually
um had swap agreements across wall
street with
all sorts of different prime brokers
whether it's gold goldman sachs whether
it's morgan stanley whether it's
uh credit suisse which is jim just
mentioned may have significant losses
whether it's nomura and on
and on and none of them seem to have an
understanding of exactly how large the
positions were at the other firms and a
basically gives a derivative the the
stock is held in the street name
but the derivative that's tied to it
gives the economic value to the owner
and so archagos had well now we know
perhaps as much as 15 percent
or more ownership uh economically
of discovery and viacom those numbers
are just astronomic and apparently
buying them all through the main reason
they may have moved up to the levels
that they did
and then having been thrown as viacom
proceeded to do that offering
early last week at 85 a share in the
stock suffering
that may have started this cascade where
the selling began and by the way it's
not just owning it on swap where there's
no transparency and nobody at any
nobody really knows including the
companies who their true owners are
it's also leverage being provided by the
prime brokers gym
five maybe as much as seven times and
that's where we are right now and this
may not be over i've heard from numerous
people this morning that wells fargo may
be shopping a large block of viacom as
and so we'll see they did the 45 million
last night at what was it 47 i think it
but there may be more downside here
we'll have to wait and see but this has
been a fascinating story jim
both from the lack of transparency the
leverage that was being used and the
nobody knows exactly what this guy who
runs rk ghost was thinking
it seems almost insane his behavior yeah
evie david what i
think about this i think about what
would have happened
if you had done i mean let's say i ran a
hedge fund and
you borrowed money and you didn't tell
the other brokers that you were doing
and you just had everybody on the hook
so i think people at home david are
how is it possible that this man could
have fooled every single broker
yeah listen there are you know you are
supposed to
uh uh say that you don't will not own
more than 10
of any one company period apparently he
listen to those roles and didn't obey
those rules i mean that's all i can
think now there are various rules as
well but
you know the swap market perhaps is more
opaque as we've said
uh you it's unknown to the other prime
brokers if you don't disclose it
what your economic position is with
others and so
clearly he seemed to be above 10 clearly
well he very well may not have been
obeying rules at least set by the prime
brokers gym
uh and then why he would make the
decision to buy and buy
and buy over those last weeks and months
as that stock went ever higher and many
shorts covered it's not clear exactly
what his thinking was
um and here we are well david i mean i
think people at home are trying to
figure out how a three billion dollar
offering of via combo which by the way
you talked about viacom doing one every
if they were if they had a brain how
three billion dollar viacom could send
domino like that you could actually have
the language of a credit suite saying
look you know
we are these are highly significant
losses david these are
very big banks i mean i i think people
say are they all that
fragile i know i mean listen it's prime
brokerage certain ones are much more
focused on the leverage that they're
providing a client but at the same time
if the client is not being
straightforward with them and they don't
understand the exposure the client has
across wall street to one name or two
names and how large they are in that
it's very difficult for them to
ascertain and again it's it's both the
lack of transparency
and the leverage here that conspired to
to bring this
this uh this firm down clearly uh and
it's going to result in these enormous
losses that we're seeing i mean memorial
last night we saw what as much as 2
billion we don't know the number on
credit suisse we have other suspects
that perhaps were
that there's some concern about so we're
going to learn a lot more there's going
to be
guys going to have to be an
investigation here of some kind
most likely there is going to be a
rewriting of of rules and regulations
around swaps
so that there is more transparency um
you know that's why this is an important
even if it doesn't spread far beyond and
obviously it's already impacted the
stocks that we're talking about
it's not as so 10 gym is not an enormous
company the idea that that stock was
down as much as it was
is frightening given how important it is
in china and how enormous it is in china
shepard smith here thanks for watching
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