Elon Musk on Tesla Truck and Tesla Sales in 2019 Shareholders Meeting - YouTube

Channel: Ben Sullins

Tesla just had their annual shareholder
meeting for 2019 and I want to just to
quickly talk about the top takeaways
that I heard during the whole
presentation let's go first let's talk
about sales and demand if you recall
there were lots of media outlets that
were reporting the quarter-over-quarter
numbers from q4 of 2018 to q1 of 2019 as
a huge loss a huge drop for Tesla and if
you did it that way that would be true
it would drop dramatically but the real
way that you're supposed to look at
these numbers or that you typically look
at these numbers is year over year so if
you look at q1 of 2019 versus q1 of 2018
Tesla was actually up a hundred and ten
so despite this kind of objective
success here that Tesla was the media
kept reporting on this narrative of a
huge drop and that led to investors kind
of getting spooked thinking that
customers no longer wanted these
vehicles they call it customer demand as
the term well Elon wanted to address
that in this presentation and I think he
did pretty directly so we get this
question a lot and it's I wonder too
clear there is not agent manage problem
okay absolutely
the we were sales are have far exceeded
production and production has been
pretty good and a big point that he had
in this presentation about this that
surprised me was that 90% of the new
orders are not from reservation holders
that means that they're reaching an
entirely new market of people that are
coming into the Tesla family for the
very first time these aren't people that
have been sitting on a reservation for a
couple years now this is just an
entirely new group and the mix of the
cars that those people are trading in
was also surprising so the trade
analysis shows that 63% of the vehicles
that people are trading in for Tesla's
are non premium vehicles this is a giant
market size of tens of millions of
customers there are 12 percent that were
these mid sized premium sedans and 25
percent works were these other premium
sedans all told this just basically
paints the picture that Tesla has a
massive market potential based on the
data that they're getting from people
trading in their vehicles PS crudos
tells us we're not using a pie chart
there now if you look forward to the
model why that has about a two and a
half times bigger market than the model
three now Elon actually addressed this
as well and he said something kind of
shocking and so we did we think to
probably demand for the model Y will be
greater than the s3 and X combined so
yeah things are looking good from the
customer demand standpoint Tesla is not
even able to keep up with demand 90% of
the orders are from non reservation
holders it's a whole new group of people
and they're upgrading from these regular
kind of maybe a Honda Civic Toyota Camry
that kind of thing to any of the tells
us which are all considered premium
vehicles so really it is just a dramatic
shift away from the cheap economy I
don't care just a to be kind of
transportation to not luxury but a new
expectation the new normal that Tesla is
setting with their vehicles which i
think is something that if you own one
or you've ever been in one kind of just
really hits you immediately from your
first ride now the other thing that
stood out to me was the talk of the
Tesla truck this is kind of the hottest
topic right now in the Tesla community
everyone that I know that I meet I was
just down in Mexico
Mehta met a nice couple at the place we
were staying first question when are
they going to release the truck so lots
of people I think are clamoring for the
truck now the presentation didn't have a
lot of new info Ilan did mention that
they're hoping to do the unveiling late
so in Elon terms fall to winter at best
hopefully in 2019 I'm pretty confident
it'll be 2019 I'll put my money on
October seems to be a good month to
unveil new new vehicles here so other
than that there really wasn't much but
on a recent podcast where ride the
lightning Elon was on there with Ryan
McCaffrey it's a great show I'll put a
link to it you should go check it out he
did talk a little bit about the truck we
don't want it to be really expensive I
think it's got a stock at less than
$50,000 but it's gonna be like forty
nine thousand dollars style priced max
you know as ideally less important I
just made a lot of people really happy
who are interested in the truck by
saying that yeah yes it's just it just
can't be unaffordable you know it's just
got to be it's got to be something
that's that's affordable so now the
reversions the car that are more
expensive but I'll track that are more
expensive but the the you've gotta be
able to get eight a really great truck
for forty nine thousand dollars or less
and and you know it's it's just gonna
have incredible functionality from a
load-carrying standpoint look look
amazing but it it won't look like a
normal truck so it's it's gonna look
pretty sci-fi that means it's not going
to be for everyone like if somebody just
wants to have a truck that just looks
like trucks have looked for in the last
20 years then 30 years or 40 years then
this probably isn't for them yeah but
this this is it's gonna be a truck that
is more capable than other trucks like
it'll be a better truck than then then
you know say an equivalent like you know
the goal is like be a beer better truck
than an f-150 in terms of truck like
functionality and be a better sports car
the standard nav 11
that's the aspiration and if you are to
believe the tweets that we had
previously here are the specs and kind
of what we know about the truck just to
refresh your memory
the Tesla truck will have a range of
between 4 to 500 miles it will have a
towing capacity of 300 thousand pounds
which may sound crazy but if you recall
the Model X towed a jumbo jet so
something that is actually made to tow
vehicles would you know this could very
well be true it will be a design that is
new and not like anything else out there
so they're not going to just copy what
the other folks have done they're going
to come with a totally fresh design all
we have so far is this little outline
here it's the front of the truck and
other than that just basically people
have been going crazy speculating what
this thing will look like from the
previous tweets we also know that this
will be a 6 heater dual motor
all-wheel-drive which makes a whole lot
of sense it will have 250 volt
connections in the bed for heavy-duty
tools and it will also have an air
compressor now the earliest I think they
could realistically deliver this would
be 2021 I don't think that they have
capacity at Fremont to add this they're
also right in the middle of getting the
model Y which they're already taking
reservations for us the model Y in terms
of production right now has to be the
priority so this will likely be at a new
facility either at gigafactory 1 or
maybe they can take over an older plant
whatever so realistically in my book I
think 2021 spring summer is when you'll
start to see these actually hit the
streets but you know I'm happy to be
wrong on there now the last thing I
really wanted to talk about but I didn't
hear anything about was the Tesla
Elon did talk about it on the ride
lighting podcast and the point he made
was you know that it's it's not really
designed as a critical piece of the
company's success right the mission is
to transition people to sustainable
energy the Roadster is more of a left
hook to the gas cars you know the
performance the supercars out there
trying to show that electric cars can do
it so they don't need that to succeed in
order for the company succeed so chances
are that you know we won't hear much
about that until it's really time for it
to to get released now hopefully that
will be in 2020 I'm really hoping that
we'll start to see more info
maybe we'll have some more test drives
and all that but these cars do tend to
show up at these events so I think we'll
just see these little leaks and stuff
until you know we know more about that I
was really hoping for something there
but you know what it's all good I
understand the focus is really on these
other bigger things because that is
what's going to drive us forward here so
that's it for this just a quick little
recap let me know what your thoughts if
I missed anything happy to comment on it
I'll kind of jump down there for the
next hour so I chat with you guys and
other than that thanks for watching
don't forget when you feed their data
your mind will follow let's see you guys
back in the next time thanks for
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