Playing WoW with randoms be like: - YouTube

Channel: Asmongold TV

there's a lot of loot in this raid
that i need
to have understand
we can't have any [聽__聽] mistakes
just try
to not [聽__聽] die
uh you're the off tank just want you to
know that
you have to tank
uh bosses like brutalis so if there's
anything that you'd like to equip
now would be the time no grodd got no
health because he's got no trinket
because he's supposed to be the off tank
well he doesn't have tank
no tanking gear would be an
no gear
he has no gear like there's nothing
equipped in the slot
i swear to [聽__聽] god
look it's right there
see that
actually has [聽__聽] nothing in there
did you give him a chance to put it on
no i figured that uh you know i figured
if if he had it he'd use it
there's no way we're gonna wipe on the
first box
could be fine
no god it's on you man
make us proud
no longer will i be a slave to you
there we go there we go good job
keep it up we're doing great
i think people got locked out oh there's
like five people that got locked out you
couldn't even do the fight
all right cool i didn't expect that was
going to happen
because they didn't move in they they
just [聽__聽] mild no no but they could
they didn't they didn't think to move in
to the boss room like they didn't think
to move into the boss room guys
who here brought a sleeping bag
because we're going to be in here all
night so like let's talk about the boss
arena so if you're not in the boss arena
as soon as the boss gets pulled to get
locked out is rematch confused about
he doesn't have righteous fury on
says it was on
he says it was on we're gonna take his
word for it we're gonna be all right all
right all right you said it was he said
it was on it's gonna be okay all right
let's go long day longer
i just got stuck i just got stunned bro
like these portals are actually trash
because you have no gems or enchants
really so like so like i can click
better if i have gyms or in chance shut
the [聽__聽] up be like can consistently
[聽__聽] clicking on kaligosa's character
model because i'm trying to click the
portal has nothing to [聽__聽] do with my
it's a [聽__聽] game
it was [聽__聽] in 2007 and it's still [聽__聽]
it's a [聽__聽] wipe
if another person dies on the pull i'm
going to kick you out of the raid
i'm going to kick you out of the [聽__聽]
raid for not being able to play your
[聽__聽] character there should never be
a time that some that the boss gets
pulled and somebody just randomly dies
you need to be pulling you're a paladin
you have multiple ranged abilities why
don't you equip an intellect trinket
maybe that way you'll be able to figure
it out all right finish the boss
kill dragon nah we got him we go here we
go it's over all right good job
great job great job
big good
big good yeah we'll be there
one more melee are gonna get away from
the boss
and then ranged are going to come in
i'm dead it's too bad
no god i don't think you can tank this
man i i feel like we should just replace
like do we have another tank that we can
bring in because like you're just dying
and like i'm auto attacking and pulling
aggro off of you like you you just you
don't know what you're doing and you're
wasting your time so um we're gonna have
two separate strategies
strategy number one
is the
no grodd no tank strategy
and that's going to be called
i'm going to tank
eight stacks and i will have a soul
stone and the only time that nograd ever
tanks is whenever i die and in between
me using the soul stone to clear my
because we can't get another tank that's
the strategy that i don't want to use we
are going to try
the no garage does tank strategy
now as the name implies
this means that no god
you're gonna have to tank
what does that mean
that means that you need
to not die he says got it all right got
it all right i'm gonna look at your
talents whenever we get you over here i
wanna i wanna i wanna see what we're
working with
well you don't say
you can't make this [聽__聽] up you can't
make this [聽__聽] up don't you like oh man
hey hey good job hey yo you ready to
tank the hardest tank fight in the game
you ready he's still learning it's like
well no [聽__聽] but don't you just read
that like what the [聽__聽]
yeah you're right he says oh yeah oh
oh i'm ready
i bet you are i'm surprised nobody else
has just quit because he's here
let's go we got all right all right
let's get bob's get bombs get pops let's
do it can we have two melee that know
what they're doing go into the next
meteor slashes
two melee that know what they're doing
good job
good job melanie nobody knows what
they're doing all right it's back on me
all right go ahead and get it um get a
soul stone on me just just put a soul
stone on me right now don't res no grad
again don't res no grad just put a soul
stone on me
blonde drag where's your soul stone
okay all right
melee you're gonna have to come in and
help me soak these all right
i'm dead right now as you guys are
running back i want every melee in this
group so i'm talking saucy
um grudge deftard uh heath i want all of
you to whisper me and tell me
what meteor slash does
it gives you an hp buff wait oh that
that's no that's somebody that's not
even in our group i was about to be
awesome i was about i was about to
[聽__聽] flip bro
[聽__聽] that [聽__聽] i was like uh
yeah this
never mind somebody else
why was it
that you didn't i i want actually every
single one of you now that you've done
that i want you to explain in raid chat
why you were not able to move
why you didn't move in and help soak the
next meteor slash
why was it you were on fire really so
your feet were on fire so you couldn't
walk anymore is that right it was slow
really so uh dreadflame slows you does
it slow you
i don't think it does the dreadflame
ability caused your character i had a
slow i assumed it was the fire
really oh you had a slow well let's go
ahead and look at that keith we're going
to go ahead and look at all the debuffs
that you've received huh
which which one slowed you i had a slow
so how did you have the slow because i'm
not gonna let you make an excuse for
something that's not real
no idea do you know why i know you wanna
know why you have no idea it's because
it's not real you weren't slowed the
only thing that was slowed was your
credit to cody
the [聽__聽] are you doing
stop making up excuses
you could easily just say like hey i
[聽__聽] up i wasn't paying attention i
didn't know what to do don't make a
excuse if you make an excuse i will make
sure that you are
[聽__聽] a hundred percent clear that you
are wrong you will never get away with
making an excuse it's like pulling a a
toy out of a dog's mouth
i'm just gonna bite down harder i
thought you're gonna say a dick
i was like oh no where is that girl
i don't know that's friendly
i already told the story oh [聽__聽]
the guild bicycle
everybody gets a chance to ride
not the teeth
bro i literally have a headache from
laughing this [聽__聽] is so stupid i don't
know i was like i'm watching i'm gonna
watch this [聽__聽] though yeah i'm sitting
in q and i was like [聽__聽] no dude i'm
about to go [聽__聽] watch this [聽__聽]
it's like 15 years ago
there's no ground remind you that one
powie doing hydro thrusters
with a what
there's this guy this guy randomly got
invited to overdose because like they
were they didn't have any uh any tanks
for uh [聽__聽] uh what's called for
hyjal and so they needed a paladin tank
so they invited this guy literally the
dumbest player i've ever seen makes no
grad look like he's wearing three
trinkets okay
this [聽__聽] guy they need him to tank
and it's like pre-nerf archimonde
they summon him in
they couldn't figure out why he only had
six thousand health
and he had rights like this taking
arkham on
he didn't tell anybody he's like let's
just do it
we'll do it live 75 reduce armor health
damage [聽__聽] everything
oh my god and we got muffs we got muffs
ready to replace anybody who's thinking
about having fun okay
nobody's here to have fun we're here for
a loot
my loot 20 minutes no grind you're out
of there
well no if if he plays well we can bring
you in maybe his dps or something oh if
he plays well just play well gotta put
the pressure on him yeah
even if he's got no it doesn't have a
long dip dude three inches yeah 300
miles an hour
yeah think about it like three inches 13
000 health
that's it was sad
let's go let's go get no grudge listen
we just repositioned we just
repositioned this is totally fine yeah
no grad we don't think you can tank this
man it's just it's just not going to
happen is there any way that we can give
no grad anything
that can increase his chances of not
dying give him a trinket
that's a good idea
that is a good idea yeah if he had two
trinkets that would help is gear a
problem or a skill problem
what if i told you it's probably both to
be fair he didn't get healed for two
i mean
let's be honest
he should have been healed
he wasn't getting any heals let's look
at the heels pound cake why are you
always the lowest healer
never mind
i know why
pound cake could you come here
would you come over to me
behind you i'm behind you
why do you have crusader
on your brutal gladiator's gavel
he says yo well
thank god for your sake that that's not
also guys um let's do a little bit of
more damage
less time
less time
less time for no grodd to die so what
does that mean
more damage equals we have a higher
chance of killing the boss
let's get some more damage out there all
right crush hey i'm talking to you
whenever you said crash by the way
whenever you said
big dps
what did you mean by that
like what what what does that mean
no because i'm just i'm just curious
like what does
what does big dps mean
he says yo
was getting a coughing
you're good man you're good
you're good
keep it up
all right uh yep it's ready check let's
do it again everybody on me i need big
heels it's gonna be on me the whole time
all right melee rotate in after this
next one if you have four stacks move
out if you have three stacks move in or
less than not move in
i got last stand up
stack high
loli and exon get out
glorious battle
stack high
a soul stone on me i need a soul stone
i need a soul stone
another day
another glorious battle get him finish
him finish him finish him finish him run
away run away if you have to
run away if you have to kill him
you got it you got it you got it kill
got it
we didn't get any of the prod gear for
the belts either
we haven't gotten to anything
i swear to god if i don't get any
[聽__聽] loot out of this
i'm gonna lose my goddamn [聽__聽] mind
this is ridiculous
i'm getting [聽__聽] in the ass
two bosses
six chances
zero loot
i better get the [聽__聽] shield giving
you loot is a waste yeah right i'm the
[聽__聽] tank
i'm using the loot right now
that loot's being used directly against
the boss
what do you mean
zero gems why would i jim gear that
isn't the best in slot gear
it doesn't make any sense
i'm just gonna i'm gonna gem all the
best in slot gear
that's why i saved all my gems to get
all the gear from sunwell and here we
[聽__聽] are in sunwell and i'm not
getting any gear
let's go guys we're doing great she's
going to be doing the breath
where is she
griffin coming where is she
top top top
[聽__聽] everybody's getting him seed kill
everybody at some seed
kill you kill the people that are in
all right go bottom bottom up
so this is the way it feels at the end
of a zombie movie
all right
let's talk about what went well that run
all right
so let's talk about what didn't
number one
people died early
who died early fusion mage
died from gas nova why didn't you block
it off
heath died from
noxious fumes and demonic vapor
uh i don't know if you can get out of
demonic vapor or not so whenever i say
to move
you have to move good fortune
one thing that you can do
is you can look up in the air and you
are seeing a gigantic skeletal dragon
breathing noxious fumes all around you
and you think to yourself
maybe i should not be here
one hell of a delay
how about on your own eyes
great try
it did really really well i think
uh things could have been improved
but i would say that this was a pretty
good attempt and uh
just need to keep up this momentum
and we'll be on kj uh probably
by the time old war comes out i killed
for the master
nice [聽__聽] job that's how it's done i
knew you could do it
nice yes there it is
there we [聽__聽] go boys
there we [聽__聽] go that's what we're
talking about holy [聽__聽] yes all right um
boots of the fallen protector uh we're
gonna do two separate rolls for these
kosh with the 89. kosh please link and
chat what you're upgrading
i want you to link your your current
and you're about to get the tier uh
tier six sunwell boots
it's a big upgrade yeah
all right loot's over heath is going to
drop because his girlfriend is making
him leave
he's lying
how do i know that
classic players don't have girlfriends
see you later heath we don't we don't
have a healer we need to get a healer
i can heal druid heels
zoloft if i invite you and you're under
8 000 health i'm gonna kick you out
he said he doesn't know the fight
summon them in
you'll be in good company
nor grodd it's on you
stack high
stack high
stack higher
to the aid of fire
shadows and gulp
stack high
stack high
oh no
no god
she is immune to my taunts
no grog
who are you supposed to be tanking
the skull
we figured it out
no you're not supposed to tank the skull
no you're not
all right
there are
two mobs
there is lady sacrilege and grand
and suffer for eternity
grand warlock uh
alyssa so
what made you
want to tank skull
like what was what was the thought
with like
i was tanking x
and now i will tank skull like what like
take me through
how we arrived here
because i don't know
and i
want to i really really want to know
kronakai kristor
when you said i should lead i assume
that i should grab the skull first my
i can see why you would think that um
okay fine
if you had minimal understanding of the
game and you did not play it a lot and
you're new
i could see why you would think that
okay that's fine you're on the wrong
target you have to be on the x
you've got to be on x
you pull first but you don't lead
like you don't kill the boss that we
lead with
so you will pull first
and then
after you pull first
you will have
x the grand warlock on you
and i will have the other one
no [聽__聽] ups mooch ass
of all the people to not say no fuck-ups
you are the last person we need to hear
it from
the entire
that the fact that your character is in
sunwell plateau is a [聽__聽] up in itself
you are in [聽__聽] greens
i just gotten word
mage dog is ready to come in for anybody
who's going to make a mistake
we're talking about you by the way
we're talking about you scallogram
muchas i'm just gonna be honest okay
it's like you three
it's like the [聽__聽] three musketeers
of us being dead let's go
why did i die
stack no no stack that was it was not
stacked my stacks were cleared yeah my
stacks were reset all right let's go
again everybody let's do this
eight stacks
do we want to have sudden death
where if
i pull up the vod
and my character died without eight
stacks everybody saying that i had eight
stacks is permaban
would we like to do that do it okay
okay here we go let's see let's see if
chat was right
did i die with eight stacks or not
there's a lot of people's band that's
gonna be based off of this okay
so if we watch this very slowly
you'd see that at this moment my stacks
are completely gone
and my character is at full health with
no stacks
ban them
ban them all
get them out of here i said seven sacks
just mean i'm safe right nope you're
banned two yup you're getting banned too
everybody getting banned how do i get
away from con flag
lloyd can you demonstrate right now
where to go for conflag
like let's say the range is stacked up
where you go for conflank
so you see how lloyd goes over here
zoloft can you uh can you go ahead and
do a demonstration for us like let's say
you're over here healing
zoloft come over here
no not over there come over here
all right zoloft you have conflict where
do you go
to the wall
go do it
zoloft you have conflict
show us that you can do it
all right everybody move out
move out
zoloft fell off
we have to run back now
we're going to try it again you're going
to do it again
yep you're going to you're going to do
it again
if you fall off again you're kicked out
of the guild and the raid
you're right here all right come over
now you have conflag
you have con flag right now
what do you do
okay come back
get up on this ledge
get right up here
no i didn't say that
get down
get down get on this ledge
all right you have conflag again
go over there
what do you do