I Interviewed a Registered Futures Algo Trader | Algorithmic-Futures - YouTube

Channel: Jacob Amaral

okay so thank you kyle for hopping on
today and to talk about automated
trading systems and building algorithmic
futures kind of more about yourself so
i'm here with kyle schultz who runs
algorithmic futures which provide
trading systems that allow you to auto
trade your strategies mostly with
futures in your inner trading account so
he runs that he has multiple systems and
he's going to talk about that uh later
in the in the video but kyle tell me
more about yourself kind of where you
came from how you got into automated
trading and what you do
yeah absolutely i kind of i'll dig into
my background i've got a unique kind of
pathway into algorithmic trading and
i've done a lot of different things
within finance investing to get here
um but by way of background i'm kyle
schultz i'm managing director of
algorithmic futures
like you mentioned we offer automated
trading systems um originally from
chicago so uh if you know anything about
chicago it's got it's kind of the heart
of prop trading it's got tons of prop
trading firms that
all were born out of the exchanges there
this the board of trade chicago to trade
and then the cme right so
you know growing up my i had my brothers
friends who
uh traded at different prop trading
firms and just seemed like the best job
in the world to be quite frank right
intellectually stimulating
um you're only working market hours
right so they could be golfing by 3 p.m
and you know at the end of the day they
did pretty well uh and so i kind of saw
that and gravitated towards it
and just started getting more
interesting technical analysis
and prop trading in general but kind of
figured out i had a lot to learn
um coming coming out of undergrad at
university of iowa it was 2008 and a lot
of those prop trading firms stopped
hiring traditional traders and really
just wanted quant traders and developers
to be specific
so i didn't have that type of background
so i found it difficult to get into a
prop training shop
but ended up in investment consulting so
we were allocating capital for different
pension funds endowments and foundations
which was really interesting and i was
doing manager research both for you know
traditional stock picking long equity
managers but also hedge funds
um and you know obviously hedge funds
were much more related to the prop
trading world so i took a deep interest
in that and it was a good place to cut
my teeth
um and then ultimately ended up at
jackson national which is a 200 billion
dollar insurance company um so i was
allocating capital with different hedge
funds there
but because we managed so much money we
really could only allocate capital to
the largest hedge funds the aqrs
the brevan howards the bridgewaters of
the world
and so i became fascinated with the cta
i ended up going back to school at
university of california los angeles for
my mba
finished the cfa program
and started to learn a little bit of r
from my data analytics classes and that
kind of sparked a renewed interest in
trading for me
i always had the mindset of a
quantitative trader i just didn't have
the skill set so once i picked up r i
got really into back testing different
types of strategies
and ultimately developed a cta and then
algorithmic futures
um to focus on trading um
you know i found it difficult to break
into the industry industry to be
completely honest because i didn't i
wasn't spinning out of a large hedge
fund or anything like that i didn't have
the pedigree that
a lot of top um ctas and
and traders have um so i really just
developed my own cta and started
and developed different strategies in
futures markets and options on futures
and the cta space is very
similar to the systems trading space
i'll explain the differences uh later on
and when we get into algorithmic futures
uh but that was kind of my progression
towards ending up in in trading and
running a cta and then algorithmic
super cool yeah you have quite a quite a
unique background because a lot of
that get into the space maybe they come
from a computer science background or
um some type of math degree and then
they maybe start at a hedge fund so it
sounds like you know you kind of
you having that business background and
then being able to apply that to the
insurance company you worked at and
managing capital with with um hedge
funds that's super super cool um one one
thing i just wanted to clarify if you
guys don't know what a cta is it stands
for commodities trade advisor just so
you guys know uh some people may not
know people might think it means click
to action or something like that or call
to action
so i just wanted to clarify that um
super cool kyle awesome um and and i
wanted to kind of harp more on
how did you get into like traded and
automated trading specifically like what
was the year were you trading in college
were you trading in high school when did
that start
yeah so as i mentioned my brother's
friends were prop trading i got into
kind of more traditional equity analysis
the tough part is like when i went to
school in undergrad they didn't have
financial engineering degrees at least
for undergrad they had kind of master's
programs that started to develop after
that but you know they weren't really
teaching prop trading and trading in
general so i gravitated a little bit
more towards traditional equity research
asset allocation
portfolio optimization and just more of
traditional academic route so like but
all of my experience um in in trading
and developing trading systems has been
more grass roots right so like you
mentioned i don't have a quad background
per se i don't
i didn't study uh computer programming
or do a masters in financial engineering
i had a little bit of data analytics
that i picked up during business school
and i kind of ran with that and really
learned through
iteration on stack overflow right so
yeah you know i start to develop stuff
and then go to stack overflow and just
kind of learned it by myself
and was was kind of utilizing r both r
and python for my back testing engine
until i discovered tradestation
and tradestation easy language um
so that kind of gives you a background
about how i how i kind of got into quant
trading even though i don't have a
computer development background or
really it's a super quantitative
background i understood the trading very
well because i was interviewing hedge
funds and allocating the hedge funds
but i kind of picked up the development
piece uh by myself
cool that's so cool yeah i'm a complete
opposite i came from a computer science
background i didn't know much about
trading and so i kind of had to
find that
that happy medium of you know yes i know
how to code stuff but you also know how
to think like a trader uh
diversification make sure your
strategies are correlated and stuff like
that make sure the strategies are built
correctly and then we'll go more into
that so um you already you already
mentioned it my next question was what
broker and software you use so you did
say use tradestation um and obviously
they have the easy language um
uh programming language if you will
and i guess did that kind of force you
to go into futures like what made you
start going more into futures than than
yeah so there's a couple reasons the the
original strategy that kind of sparked
my interest in in back testing and
starting my cta was
i was focused on trading iron condors i
don't know if you're familiar with that
but it's an option
strategy where you're selling call
spread on a put spread with the same
maturity uh works best in sideways
um you know in down markets and up
markets usually you've got to rebalance
the position and you might for example
in a down market you might rebalance and
take a little bit of a loss but when you
reset the position
it's typically at higher implied
volatility so you get more premium in
the future right so there's
it's a strategy where it works well in
sideways markets but can also do well in
in bear markets like we're seeing this
year uh especially if it's not
it's not a very violent down market it's
more just kind of a downward trending
market like we've been seeing or like
2001 and 2002.
so um started back testing
you know option based strategies and
then when i wanted to register for a cta
ctas are specifically focused on the
futures market
uh so i really started to hone in on on
those markets and there's a lot of
benefits right you essentially get
free leverage through margin trading
so in the stock market you might have to
pay a cost to borrow to your brokerage
in the futures market everything is
traded on margin and so you're
inherently have leveraged positions but
there's no cost to that leverage
um so there's a lot of
there's a lot of capital efficiency
within the futures markets
and then you also have exposure to a
variety of different markets whether
it's commodities interest rates
currencies um or equity indices which
can be very uncorrelated
cool super cool uh yeah i like i like i
i like that you mentioned the kind of
sort of the free leverage if you will
when it comes to futures obviously you
have to have the capital to be able to
enter that position right the cme sets
the rules
but um
that is one of the biggest benefits and
personally i love futures too because
it's so easy to diversify and to like
build a system for indexes and then
build an oil system or a gold system um
obviously with equities there is etfs
for sure but usually the liquidity is a
bit lower right like if you look at oil
and and natural gas etfs if there is any
uh the volume is a bit lower and just
really a lot easier with futures so
that's that's one of the main benefits
that i talk about as well on my channel
um okay that's awesome so my next
question is um
i know it's a little bit of a doozy but
and there's many more best practices but
when when more specifically when
building automated trading systems um
we'll pick three for now but what are
like the three best practices for
building automated trading systems
because anyone can code one anyone can
go into easy language or personally i
use ninjatrader and go into ninja script
and you know buy on monday sell on
friday or buy on an estimate crossover
what are kind of like the three best
practices that you would say help you
find success in automated trading
so the biggest issue in quant trading is
overfitting right um
with quantitative trading you can create
whatever strategy you want based on
different signals and parameters
but ultimately you really have to if you
don't focus on robustness you're
trading out a sample is not going to be
as good as the back test and so a lot of
people fool themselves into thinking
they have great trading strategies when
they've just over fit the data to a
specific time period
so so a couple different ways to avoid
is one
don't use 10 20 parameters right focus
on a handful of parameters whether
that's two or three i find that that's
kind of the right number
because the more parameters you add the
more complexity you have in your model
uh and then the more you're specifying
each of those parameters to the to the
so i would stick to only a couple
different optimizing a couple different
and then two uh what i would do is i
would use walk forward analysis
and specifically within tradestation
there's cluster walk forward analysis so
in walk forward analysis you're using
different time periods of and how to
sample and in sample period typically um
in sample you can use 70 80 percent then
out of sample use 20 thirty percent what
a cluster walk forward analysis does it
actually varies the in sample and out of
sample period over the walk forward so
if you have a ten ten year time period
that you're uh running a back test on
you might cut that into
two two year periods and you have an in
sample out of sample and you're walking
it forward every two years to understand
if those parameters that you're using
are robust
and i you know i can go into a lot more
detail right tradestation has specific
um parameters to determine the
robustness and efficiency which you can
uh but ultimately you're trying to make
sure that those parameters you know if
if they change significantly from period
to period you probably don't have a very
robust uh
back test and going forward you're not
going to experience the same type of
performance that you did in the past
so those are those are kind of two of
the main things um
and then also i think the third thing is
you want to look and inspect you want to
back test over
and this is controversial but you want
to back test over long periods of time
and the reason i do that is because i
use the back test because i want to
inspect each volatility event
or each period that the strategy did not
perform well and really actually
logically understand what was happening
look at the trades
look what was going on in the market
that at the time was it you know
inflationary period like we're
experiencing now where interest rates
increasing decreasing how much
quantitative easing was there um because
if you're just back testing over a
specific regime take for example uh 2010
to 2018 right
period of massive qe interest rates were
zero there's no inflation
um when you have a regime change
your strategies aren't going to hold up
and i think it's what we're seeing with
a lot of quant strategies this year uh
because the market regime uh this year
is much different than it has been in
the past so i do like to look at very
long term back test i'm not necessarily
optimizing to the longest time frame but
i'm i'm researching and analyzing um the
data over that time period
perfect yeah i would totally agree with
what you said i i definitely follow some
of the same steps as you i think
specifically with walk forward one of
the rules that i've recently developed
that's helped me kind of cut out some
bad strategies is
sometimes when you test your initial
idea and then you run your walk forward
um and then say you have a test period
of you know maybe a year or two years
and then your optimized period is like
two years for example
if the test period accounts for more
than 50 of the total net profits of the
walk forward test usually that's a red
flag because that means
in that year just your strategy was did
very well but it could not perform
better in the other test periods right
um and vice versa if your parameters if
you slightly optimize them and your walk
forward changes a lot right like maybe
the net profit goes down by 50
uh or even up and there's so much
volatility that's usually a red flag of
like hey your strategy's not too robust
so i like that a lot and then also
talking about the volatility periods i
think that's big too because
um if you understand how your strategy
performed in a certain event
um for example say an 08 or covid or the
red years of 2015 and 2018
uh i think it helps you
also help build future strategies to
complement it right so for example maybe
um you have a seasonality strategy that
trades oil and it does well in these
months but not the well in the other
months well you can build a strategy to
complement those other months uh trading
a different asset on a different time
frame sort of thing so um i think those
best practices are are very sound and
something that you know i follow as well
so that's really cool um
i want one thing one thing i also want
to say is like you bring up a good point
like each volatility event is very has
very different characteristics right so
what you saw happen in covet incredibly
violent and quick down market
and then recovering pretty significantly
and quick
is much different from the time period
we saw in 2008 uh and and also from if
you go back to 2001 2002
we had just kind of a deflating of the
tech bubble that occurred over a
two-year period right and so the
the depth and and and the speed of of
volatility events is much different so
when you understand how the strategy
strategies performed during each of
those volatility events you have a
better perspective for going forward
yeah i agree kobe was very violent
downside and then upside where 08 took a
longer time it took multiple months to
recover i think over a full year and
then 2000 and 2001 were a lot longer too
that's something to take into account so
very interesting stuff i love it um
i would definitely agree with those best
practices so uh my next question is
um you may be able to talk more about
this but um a lot of my my audience and
my viewers you know they have a
nine-to-five job and then they you know
they build their own trading systems on
the side and they run them um you know
either on their local computers or say
on like a vps or something like that
what would you say are some tips and
tricks to
you know i know automated trading
systems are automated but is there any
tips that you can recommend for like
running automated systems if you have a
job already
and things to kind of watch out for
maybe if you're new
yeah absolutely so um
and just to kind of elaborate on on what
you were mentioning is like
after business school i also worked in
private equity and work in m and
investment banking right so
um i've done a lot of different things
uh within finance and investing um
but i've always had a passion for
training that i've started i've
developed my training systems really on
this side and i did the cta for about
two years full time but ultimately
had trouble with the fundraising side of
the business and that's why the systems
business is great because i can use
digital marketing advertising to bring
in clients and really just kind of go
out there on the internet set up shop
and and everything's automated right so
it's very scalable and can be run um
can be run really with not a lot of
hours per per week or per month focused
on just more marketing
now that business i have a broker
partner called the fox group and what
they do is they handle all the
and all of the administrative aspects of
running the system so they monitor the
systems all day like you said even if
you have automated trading systems
things go wrong
whether you're using ninjatrader or
tradestation or whatever it is you have
to you have to keep an eye on it um
but there's there's there's ways to stay
in tune with what's going on with your
trades well i get notifications to my
phone and honestly i know my strategy so
well that based on the time of day or
what contracts being traded i know what
strategy it is right
um so
you know technology like that helps but
i do have a broker that's full-time
monitoring all the systems and all my
customers accounts
um and then they also help with rolling
futures contracts
um and doing trade allocations and all
that so so algorithmic futures is a
really nice uh systematic trading
business because i've got a broker um
that's kind of handling all the
um administrative aspects and then i can
focus on developing strategies and
marketing them online so a couple of
tricks you know is is is definitely to
use a vpn like you said if you if you
have like a remote desktop like whether
it's aws or another system it just helps
reduce interruptions to your trading
systems and you can kind of log in
whenever you need to to check on things
and then you know also the frequency of
your trades it's important you know if
incredibly active you probably have to
monitor the trades a little bit more to
make sure everything's trading correctly
make sure there's no issues but if
you're doing for example long-term tread
following where your hold periods are
are weeks days or weeks
it's probably easier just to automate it
you have less buys and sells and there's
there's less um
less surveillance and monitoring of the
systems required
cool i like that yeah i definitely
recommend vps i use aws myself and
it just saves me all the hassle like if
my power goes there my internet goes out
there's actually a condo building being
built near my office and sometimes the
power goes out like not recently but
like about a month ago because they were
probably hooking stuff up and if my
system was running on my local computer
uh it'd be turned off right so but it
was running on aws so that was not an
issue so yeah definitely um and that's
really cool that you work with that
broker partner i think we'll talk about
more um about that at the end um and and
one of the benefits that if people go um
work with you in algorithmic futures um
they can see that so that's really cool
um okay cool uh my next question is and
the second last one um
what are your
there's intraday and and long-term swing
trade training strategies right so
uh there's pros and cons to both um i
find that some intraday systems can have
more noise and more randomness however
you can usually have
less risk higher sharpe ratios less
stress running intraday systems and you
know exiting before the the settlement
session um but swing trading systems um
can be also very stressful especially if
you're always in a position so what are
your thoughts on you know developing
systems for intraday versus swing do you
want a mixture of both um how do you
handle the risk to reward on those two
types of kind of strategies
yeah so i like to and algorithmic
futures portfolios are really
diversified between uh what you would
call swing which i think of as like days
to weeks holding period and then
intraday strategies
um the market the market microstructure
and the market patterns are can change
for intraday periods and also by weeks
and months right so you might have
periods where intraday strategies
perform incredibly well and your swing
strategies are not performing well it's
just another layer of diversification in
my opinion
the benefit you do get from intraday
trades is you tend to have
a larger sample of trades in your back
test which is helpful um when you're
thinking about robustness um
and then swing trades you know
there might be fewer trades over a month
or years or over the back test period
you're looking at so you've got to be a
little bit more skeptical with it and
maybe just tweak some of your
so what some of your um thresholds for
what you consider a robust strategy in
my opinion so i like i like the intraday
strategies because there's a larger
sample size um but ultimately combining
those strategies in a portfolio provides
another layer of diversification so you
can think of diversification from like
okay what markets are you trading
uh equity indices treasuries currencies
um types of strategies momentum mean
reversion and time period of strategy
intraday or swing right so the more the
more diversification in my opinion that
you're able to put into the portfolio uh
the better the better it's going to
perform over longer periods um and the
less periods of drawdowns that you're
going to experience
cool okay so it overall it's just better
than both if you can and just the more
time you spend developing eventually you
get to a point where you'll have some
intraday some swing systems um i what i
like to add is too is looking at
specific times of the day
there's actually lots of research papers
talking about just reading one the other
day of like if um
you know correlation with overnight
returns versus you know the first 20
minutes or the last 30 minutes of the
session um now the the research papers
that i read were on uh equities
specifically but i think when it comes
to intraday systems um maybe do some
like probability and like statistics on
okay you know what happens in the first
30 minutes of the day if the overnight
returns are positive or negative how are
they correlated and then building a
trading system around that
and then obviously you know does it
perform in the walk forward but um
i recently i've been developing more
intraday systems because i i sort of
started with a lot of you know longer
swing training systems like you said
days and weeks and i would say those are
sort of easier to build because um
there's less noise
but the problem is sometimes when you're
actually running them live
and they're not going your way because
they take days or weeks to exit
it is sometimes painful and you want
those intraday systems to maybe make
some some quick returns to kind of
offset that um but anyways that's more
of the the psychological aspect of
running these systems so
yeah no that makes a lot of sense right
you have to understand
you have to understand you know your
risk threshold and how you're going to
react to these strategies and if if
you're not going to follow the systems
then you've got too much risk in the
strategies or it's not the strategy for
you right so
um it's one thing to run a back test and
see a drawdown and a drawdown duration
on paper
yeah yeah it's a different thing to to
live through that right so um those are
just i think
you know if you're starting out trading
uh doing paper trading and then getting
into live trading will help um help you
kind of with your emotions and sticking
to the systems right so you can develop
great systems but you also have to stick
to the strategies um and be able to
write out the drawdowns
that's right yeah and i know a lot of
the back tests i do i just look at that
the net profit parameter i'm like sweet
it made you know 100k over 10 years that
means i'm going to make it and it's just
not the reality sometimes you have to
let the systems play out and uh
one of my early mistakes too was kind of
overriding my systems by closing the
position manually um just because i
couldn't handle it and i think that just
says that like i wasn't able to handle
that strategy the drawdown and you have
to be able to realize that
and i usually recommend
when you're building systems like
having them all in some type of an excel
sheet or some type of like organizing
tool to say hey these are all my systems
here are the max drawdowns maybe the
average monthly profits that sort of
stuff and that way you can kind of
um prepare yourself and yeah paper
trading too i would say that any
especially any new system you build you
probably want to paper trade it for a
period of time um just you can get
accustomed to it so um that's that's
really good stuff kyle thank you
appreciate it um my last question before
we talk about algorithmic futures um
what are some
realistic goals that you know automated
traders can set like what do you
personally set in terms of are you
looking at a yearly return basis what's
your return to drawdown like what kind
of goals can people set that are
realistic and that help them kind of
achieve and then kind of motivate them
to get past the hard times and the good
yeah i think i think that's a good
question because um because
when you get interested in trading or if
you're just starting out and trading
sometimes you're looking at back tests
or you're looking at some of the top
hedge funds or other traders that you
and it's very difficult to untangle
skill and luck in trading unless it's
over a very long period of time right
so you could have had a trader that did
incredibly well in 2020 and they're just
getting crushed this year right so
it's very difficult and it takes a long
period of time to really see
if you're a skillful trader or you just
you know got lucky in a specific market
um so i i think
sorry going back to the question i i
think there's there's a lot of different
things you have to think about but using
if you look at return to max drawdown
usually you want to target like a great
strategy would just be a two cal mark
that's a kmr ratio is reached annualized
return to max drawdown um so if you're
able to develop a strategy that does uh
30 annual return with a 15 max drawdown
i think that's a great threshold and
even if it's uh you know in between a
one to two kel mart that's realistic
right um and when you combine them in a
you might get some benefits of
diversification to reduce that max
drawdown so that's one of the benefits
of having multiple different types of
strategies in a portfolio is like you
might have um a couple different
one one-to-one kelmar ratio strategies
but they're uncorrelated when you
combine them in a portfolio that reduces
your max drawdown increases the kalmar
ratio of the total portfolio to two
um i think that's one thing to focus on
in the institutional world or within um
within the h1 world a lot of people use
sharp ratio but there's there's
definitely some drawbacks to sharpe
ratio because
that's annualized return to standard
deviation and it really doesn't
differentiate between upside deviation
and downside deviation
um so i think understanding which risk
return metrics uh work best for you or
how you think is important but i like uh
return to max drawdown and if you're
trading with the leverage max drawdown
is what you care about right because
you're you're your whole goal is to have
a capital efficient portfolio
and optimize the return so that you know
for me like i try to create portfolios
you're not going to get a margin call
now there's always risk of margin call
but from my back testing the way i set
up my portfolios
you're able to use the least amount of
to not get a margin call and then
increase returns right so it's kind of
an optimization game with futures and
um but yeah if you can develop one to
two kelmar
ratio uh type strategies you're you're
looking in the right place and
developing the right types of strategies
awesome i would totally agree i think
that's sort of the best realistic goal
you could also go simpler and say hey
i'm gonna develop you know five to ten
systems this year and these markets and
those are very achievable goals and then
um the the end goal is to you know have
a a profitable year right because that's
the whole goal to make a positive net
return obviously you can set that goal
it's really hard to predict that you
never know what's going to happen but um
as long as you're you know doing these
best steps that we talked about you know
walk forward analysis diversification um
the cluster walk forward analysis that
you talked about too and building
systems right um i think you're you're
headed in you're the ship is in the
right direction right so um i love that
cool awesome um okay well appreciate it
kyle so i wanted to uh before we wrap up
beer i want to talk more about uh
algorithmic futures which is your kind
of product for automated systems um
i'll be linking in the description below
as well in the comments where they can
find you but talk about more of the kind
of the systems you have and and some of
the the products you offer
yeah absolutely so i manage a website
called algorithmic futures.com there's a
dash in there where i offer uh different
trading portfolios that i've created to
clients and like i said we use a broker
partner with all the onboarding and to
handle all the administrative aspects of
setting up the account rolling futures
contracts and whatnot so it's a hundred
percent automated hands-off trading and
essentially everything that i've
developed which is really five different
focused on
intraday momentum intraday mean
and then swing trading momentum and mean
reversion and trend following um it
combines all those strategies in
different portfolios ranging from
uh account sizes as small as 15k up to
65k right so the larger the account size
the more strategies you can add and
different types of strategies so they
tend to perform better the larger the
account size you have um but you know
it's a way for
for customers who are interested in
trading maybe they're a discretionary
trader and they've just had a really
tough time and they're starting to
understand that hey look i like trading
um and i want a good uh return on
capital but
you know i can't i can't i can't focus
on the market 24 7 and maybe they
utilize algorithmic futures as a portion
of their portfolio
or you have um different types of people
that trade long only equities and bonds
which have not done very well in bear
markets right
they want to they want to diversify into
types of strategies
that can outperform in a bear market
and you can go to the website and look
at some of our live performance and back
tested performance
to see how strategies have behaved
during different volatility cycles and
most of this most of the systems are up
and doing very well this year and the
systems focused on trend falling within
commodities have done incredibly well
this year um so yeah i'd urge people to
go to the website poke around and
understand how how we develop our
systems and see if they're interesting
uh for you or even just to
break off a portion of your portfolio
and allocate to those types of
awesome yeah so once again that that
link will be in my description and
comments below that's algorithmic
futures.com um definitely give that a a
look out i think um you have some really
cool systems there and you definitely
added some new ones too because i
remember checking out your website um a
couple months ago so it's cool you're
adding new systems uh in the future so
that that's that's really good to see um
that's all i had kyle thank you man i
appreciate your time i appreciate it
yeah we had some good chats and lots of
gems and i think a lot of value in this
video so um thank you so much and um we
hope to see you soon
yeah thanks for having me it was a great
discussion and uh if anyone has
questions feel free to reach out to me
i'm glad to talk to any other traders
and um and thanks for thanks for the