Jonathan Pie: 'Boris Johnson Is a Liar' | NYT Opinion - YouTube

Channel: The New York Times

Mm-hm, yeah.
No, no, no, it’s great to be here.
Great to be here.
It’s The New York Times. It’s very exciting.
Yes, I can hear you, yeah.
See if you can do something with these eyes.
I’ve got bags like Yoda’s ball sac.
So you just want me to explain why British people are so
[expletive] off with Boris Johnson, basically.
In a way that an American audience
can understand, right.
Without swearing, obviously. Sorry.
Let me think.
Boris Johnson, a demonstrable liar who’s only out
for himself.
Don’t know if that sounds familiar to an American
Boris Johnson, a narcissist with [expletive] hair.
Again, sound familiar?
Actually, I can’t say “liar,” can I?
Oh, in the U.K., you can’t call them liars.
You have to say, like, “Oh, he inadvertently
misled Parliament.”
Seriously, I can just come out and say it?
Call him a liar?
Oh, God bless America.
OK, let’s go for one, shall we?
The first thing you need to know about Boris Johnson is
he’s a liar.
Trumpian is the ease with which he tells porkies.
But Boris is a product of a system that —
Porkies, porky pies.
Cockney rhyming slang.
You know, “apples and pears” and — you don’t have that,
do — no, of course you don’t.
American audience.
Sorry, New York Times.
Boris Johnson is a liar. Just keep it simple.
Stick to that. All right.
Let’s start from the beginning, OK?
It began with a party.
“It seems there really might have been a Christmas
party at Downing Street.”
“Staff here in No. 10 held a large party,
seemingly breaking Covid rules.”
Two parties.
“New allegations that he broke his own Covid lockdown
rules again.”
Sixteen of them.
Sixteen separate piss-ups, most of them when the rest
of the country was in full lockdown.
“You should not be meeting friends.
If your friends ask you to meet, you should say no.”
At a time when the prime minister was telling us all
to have no social contact with friends, colleagues
and, in thousands of instances, dying relatives,
when the cops were handing out fines for anyone inviting
more than two people over for a cup of tea,
the people who set those rules were having work drinks,
summer garden parties and, later, Christmas office quiz
But the one that got us really riled up.
“Two parties were held at No. 10,
the night before the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.”
Boris was forced to apologize to the queen when it emerged
two of those parties took place the night before her
husband’s funeral.
The queen, she’s our head of state,
bit like your president.
But she’s in her 90s, so she’s a lot younger than your guy.
So on the day that the queen sat on her own at her
husband’s funeral because of rules Boris had set,
his closest colleagues in government were taking
Alka-Seltzer and the morning-after pill,
having got blind drunk on B.Y.O. M.&S. G.&T.s.
B.Y.O., “bring your own,” booze, drink, alcohol.
M.&S., Mark’s and Spencer’s. It’s like a British upmarket
Walmart, except you can buy butter instead of military-
grade assault rifles.
G.&.Ts, “gin and tonics.” A sort of English alcoholic Sprite.
“All the guidelines were observed.
I thought that I was attending a work event.”
Boris denied any knowledge of any parties until it became
clear he was at some of them.
“Mr. Speaker, I want to apologize.”
I.e., he lied.
To the country and to Parliament.
And he did it again this week when he lied to Parliament
by denying that he’d previously lied
to Parliament.
And that’s Boris all over.
His lies are no secret.
He essentially lied to the queen
when he illegally shut down Parliament.
He lied to the country when he said
Brexit would be good for farming and fishing
and trade deals and the economy.
He’s been fired twice for lying.
He was fired as a journalist from The London Times
newspaper for simply just making stuff up.
And he was fired for lying about shagging someone behind
his wife’s back.
And “shagging” is English for “making love,”
but in a sort of around the back of the pub
and next to some bins sort of way.
A pub, that’s a British bar where they serve warm ale
and Scotch eggs.
Scotch eggs, they’re boiled eggs covered in sausage meat
and bread crumbs, and they’re [expletive] disgusting.
Sorry, I’ve just gone a bit off track there, haven’t I?
Bit nervous. New York Times.
How can someone with demonstrably questionable
morals and a more than casual relationship with the truth
reach such a powerful position?
One word springs to mind: entitlement.
Boris comes from a long succession of posh,
upper-class, bumbling idiots who were destined
for greatness only because no one has ever or will ever
tell them they’re not.
Boris went to Eton, a sort of Hogwarts
for wankers, where you get taught Latin and tax
avoidance whilst wearing full evening dress.
These people have never spoken to a real person
in their life, apart from perhaps their chauffeur.
Then on to Oxford, where Boris Johnson
was part of the infamous Bullingdon Club,
a fun elite social club for the boys.
Activities included smashing up restaurants and burning
50-pound notes in front of homeless people, allegedly.
“But you know, it was great fun at the time.”
And the British government is full of them,
entitled arseholes —
sorry, sorry — entitled assholes
with a Bentley and a nanny making decisions for us
all about things that they will never understand.
Aristocrats running the fifth-largest economy in the world
whilst allowing 30 percent of British children
to live in relative poverty.
Where the rich get richer and the poor literally
get hungrier.
Millionaires who spend their time in government giving tax
breaks and P.P.E. contracts to their rich mates.
Cannibals, self-serving parasites,
tapeworms in tiaras, swimming through the intestines
of the state, sucking all the goodness out
of it for their own repugnant gratification.
Boris was born into wealth.
He never wanted for anything, never really earned his place
in the world.
A narcissistic serial shagger, an opportunistic liar who’s
happy to work outside the law and the realms of accepted
And who has dragged his once great political party
into scandal and moral bankruptcy.
Sound familiar?
You can see where I’m going with this, right?
Boris and Trump, both products of a broken political system
that rewards ignorance and hubris.
And like Trump, Boris says he loves his country.
Yet Boris and his cabal of vicious, right-wing populists
show open disdain for all the things good about it.
The N.H.S., the welfare state, teachers
and judges, the courts.
They hate the BBC and allow corporations
to churn raw sewage into our rivers and beaches.
Selling off and deregulating anything
they can for a quick buck.
Allowing and openly encouraging the country
to rot from the inside out so they can sell it for scrap
to the highest bidder.
Bring it back a bit?
Yeah, too much, too much.
It was the self-serving parasites, wasn’t it?
OK, let’s go for another.
Actually, can I get a cup of tea?