How To Use The 2023 Recession To Get Rich - YouTube

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what's up guys it's Grammy here so this
is potentially going to be a once in a
generation opportunity to build wealth
because now it could be one of the
easiest times to increase your net worth
dramatically if you know what you're
doing after all there's a popular saying
that riches are made in recessions and
it doesn't take much to realize that
we're already beginning to move towards
that point just take a look at the
headlines today more than 9 out of 10
CEOs are bracing for a recession 97 to
CFOs are cutting costs by 10 and JP
Morgan warns the stock market Could Fall
by another easy 20 from current levels
now even though this sounds negative the
fact is recessions happen on a regular
basis and if used correctly it's
possible to set yourself up for the rest
of your life through some incredible
opportunities and discounts with even
Warren Buffett being quoted as saying
bad news is an Investor's best friend so
let's talk about exactly what's expected
to happen throughout these next 12 to 24
months the best benefits that you would
be able to take advantage of today and
precisely what you can do to make sure
you're in the best position to make as
much money as possible on today's
episode of if you subscribe in the next
15.39 seconds I'll show you this really
cute picture of a kitten so thank you
guys so much and now with that said
let's begin alright so before we talk
about the best upcoming opportunities
you first need to understand what you're
going to be up against and to start we
need to talk about a recession generally
recessions are accompanied by a
significant rise in unemployment a drop
in wages a loss in consumer confidence
and a decline in values across
everything from stocks food energy and
services with sometimes long lasting
effects throughout the entire world but
second along with the recession usually
comes a decline in earnings see every
quarter companies report the revenue and
give guidance on their future outlook
but lately they've been cutting
forecasts bracing for slow or even
negative growth inciting recession risks
at the highest Pace in 10 years that
leads us to third layoffs when consumers
earn less they spend less and when
companies see less demand they begin to
scale back on their expenses with
usually employees being the first to get
let go in fact just a quick Google
search for Mass layoffs shows you dozens
upon dozens of companies who are are all
trimming their Workforce and as Bank of
America explains the U.S economy will
soon start losing 175 000 jobs per month
so in terms of what this means for you
and your Investments as well as how you
could use this information to make you
money let's start here with number one
stocks as of now all three major indexes
are down between 20 and 30 percent with
analysts like JP Morgan who believe that
we have another 20 to go from current
levels however if we take a look
throughout history since 1946 the
average bear Market drop was close to 30
percent with the most severe having been
in 2009 when the S P 500 fell 57 from
the peak now once you combine the
average with the recession bear markets
tend to do even worse with an average
drop of 34.8 percent which just for
reference right now we're down about 25
all of that is to say that generally the
absolute bottom occurs when we see
capitulation across investors usually
that's a time of the start of the
recovery and things begin to bounce back
now I'll cover exactly how much you can
make from this in the next few minutes
but first we we have to talk about
number two real estate even though every
area is different and some locations
might continue to flourish housing
declines on a national level are
actually incredibly rare in fact as you
can see throughout the last 60 years
there have only ever been a few times
where prices meaningfully fell more than
10 percent but now the general Wall
Street consensus is that National
housing prices are going to decline
seven percent with a worst case decline
of 10 to 15 percent should interest
rates continue to increase of course
every Market is going to be different
and according to Moody's Analytics the
most vulnerable markets could see
upwards of a 25 decline from the peak
including parts of Florida Arizona Idaho
and Southern California with the decline
lasting another 12 to 18 months before
bottoming out now in the big picture
it's probably not going to make that big
of a difference for anybody with a fixed
rate mortgage who intends to stay in
their property for another five to ten
years but for anyone looking to invest
or buy a house we may begin to see some
deals starting to come on the market
which we'll cover shortly because we
have to also talk about third cash
clearly up until now there's been this
mindset that cash is wasting away to
inflation but when every other asset is
falling in price sometimes cash could be
the safest place to store your wealth
and you know that's significant when
someone like the billionaire Ray dalio
admits that cash is no longer trash the
truth is many people forget that as
recent as 2018 cash was the best
performing asset and had you just been
saving your money in a high-yield
savings account you would have far
outpaced the market cash is now becoming
such a significant part of the portfolio
that even fund managers are holding on
to the highest amount of cash since 2001
and Citigroup said that cash is the only
asset that investors could use as a
recession hatch but as far as what you
could do about this to make money and
why so many people never take advantage
of what's about to come here's what you
need to know all right so in terms of
why this next recession could be a once
in a generation opportunity just to
consider this first everything becomes
less expensive the way I see it even
though one person might think this is a
bad time to invest everything is falling
30 percent a wealthy person would see
this as an opportunity to be able to buy
those exact same companies for a 30
discount Warren Buffett really had the
perfect analogy for this he said when
hamburger prices go down in price we
sing when hamburgers go up in price we
weep for most people it's the same thing
with everything in life that they're
buying except for stocks when stocks go
down and you can get more for your money
people don't like them anymore so first
reframe your belief because a falling
Market could work to your advantage the
second there's less competition the fact
is when times are difficult companies
scale back they fold they can serve cash
and they play it safe but this opens the
door for smaller more aggressive
companies to stand out and take their
place for example one study across 16
000 companies found that those who
continue to advertise increase their
value and got more bang for the buck
with Positive Growth years after the
recession ended the third there's way
more opportunity in a way a recession is
the Market's method of weeding out the
week and Patrick met David made a
fantastic comparison a few months ago
that the peak of the market cycle is
exactly like a forest this means that
only the largest most established trees
or companies get access to all the
resources or in this case sunlight
everything at the bottom has a difficult
time being able to compete and it's hard
to grow but just like natural forest
fires our economy has a way of
repeatedly clearing out and bankrupting
the companies who no longer are able to
sustain themselves giving opportunities
for newer smaller businesses to continue
to develop and fourth after every bear
Market comes a bull market as Yahoo
finance points out historically the S P
500 has fallen an average of 29 around a
recession with a median drop of 24 but
once stocks have found their low their
average return the following year is 40
percent and within two years the market
has increased an average of 58 percent
this means that investing in the way
down is much more profitable than
pulling out of the market and waiting
and long term the market is always
recovered in every single example so far
throughout history and finally fifth you
have to act before anyone else knows
about it I know it sounds easy to think
oh perfect I'll just invest during a
recession but the truth is recessions
are never confirmed until much much
later for example the Great Recession
that began in December of 2007 was not
officially announced until December of
2008 only a few months before it
officially ended the recession before
that began in March of 2001 but they
didn't call it a recession until
November later that year and this
continues with about a six to 12 month
delay until we actually know we are in a
confirmed recession but in terms of what
you could do about this to profit number
one scale back in your expenses this
means that you track your Market cut
back on unnecessary spending and operate
lien while you continue reinvesting as
much as possible back into the market
this should also include a plan on what
you would do if your income were to drop
20 to 50 percent how you would make up
the difference and if you could take
preventative measures ahead of time to
protect yourself from that happening two
hold on to some cash now I'm a firm
believer that even though statistically
your money is best off invested as soon
as possible there is something to be
said about the Peace of Mind of having
cash on the sidelines just in case of
something to fall back on for me cash
makes up anywhere between 15 and 20
percent of my portfolio depending on the
time of the year but generally this has
given me so many opportunities to jump
on good deals when I find them and it
lets me sleep at night knowing that no
matter what happens I have something to
fall back on the three protect your
career this at the end of the day is
going to be your best hedge against
whatever happens because financially
your worst case scenario is not the
market going down but instead it's the
market going down at the same time that
you lose your job and have to sell off
your Investments at the bottom before
they have time to recover so now is the
best time to improve yourself learn new
skills and double down on whatever
you're currently doing as an example of
that a previous study found that just a
five percent allocation to bitcoin would
have boosted the cumulative return of a
traditional portfolio by 65 since 2014.
so if that's something you're interested
in it's important to use an exchange
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all thanks to our sponsor FTX us they're
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the link Down Below in the description
with the code Graham then after that for
invest long term the best course of
action when it comes to investing is to
Simply carry on as usual and pretend
like nothing's happening it's shown that
dollar cost averaging or the practice of
buying into the markets on a regular
basis is the most profitable strategy so
stay in the market and continue buying
in and five diversify your Investments
now if you can't personally handle a 20
drop without panicking it's probably a
sign that you're invested too
aggressively for instance if you're
completely in U.S tax stocks then it's
probably a good idea to add large caps
and international stocks to the mix too
or potentially look into investing in
real estate or buying REITs where rents
tend to be a little bit more stable the
more legs your portfolio is to stand on
the less like it's going to collapse
should one or two of them fall out
although in terms of my own plan
throughout the next 12 to 24 months this
reminds me when I first began my career
in real estate at the very peak of the
market in 2008 right before Lehman
Brothers collapsed prior to the credit
Market freeze into the very very
beginning of a 50 stock market decline
from the outside looking in I probably
picked one of the worst possible times
to start a career in an industry that
was about to see one of its worst drops
in history but I gotta say it was an
eye-opening experience to begin working
and almost immediately see co-workers in
the same office leave their jobs because
business dried up overnight however if
it wasn't for that I might not be here
today because I was one of the few
remaining agents in my office who was
willing to take on the lowest worst
deals possible just for the sake of
gaining any experience I could and today
I see the exact same opportunities for
people and businesses who want to take
the risks that the more established
companies can't for me I see a lot of
value continuing to buy in as usual
holding a bit of a cash position on the
side potentially starting a new business
and buying real estate once the market
is flattened this is also a great time
to double down on your work take on a
side hustle and learn as much as you can
because whatever you do today is going
to be rewarded many times over by the
time the market recovers it's definitely
not going to be easy but rest assured it
will be rewarding for those who stick it
out and subscribe and hit the like
button if you haven't done that already
so with that City guys thank you so much
for watching also feel free to add me on
Instagram and don't forget that you can
get all the way up to ten thousand
dollars as a bonus when you sign up at
[690] Graham depending on how much
you transfer from another brokerage the
link is down below in the description
for anyone who wants to take advantage
of the offer enjoy thank you so much for
watching and until next time