Best Investment Strategy right now? | Market Macros with Akshat - YouTube

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hi everyone welcome to today's video so
today's video is very interesting
because i am going to disclose one of
the best investment strategies that you
can implement right now to make money in
the stock market so what is that
investment strategy
it is that stop watching the news that's
it that's what the investment strategy
is but i will logically break down and i
will bring in a lot of major
macroeconomist to help you understand
this point better so i'll keep this
video short brief to the point and you
will learn a lot through this video that
how news is used to manipulate your
buying decisions why you should be
avoiding it and what are intern things
that you should keep in mind to make
decisions in the stock market so we will
do a macro analysis of the economy right
now by keeping these points in mind so
first and foremost let us understand the
most critical piece of news that has
been going around that fis have sold
like crazy in the indian stock market
and they are forever going away and they
will never come back into the economy
ever ever ever again and therefore you
should be really worried people on
twitter have gone on on a twitter rant
they have blissed us on their hand by
tweeting so much regarding all this fi
dii issue that has been going around in
the market so what is the news the news
is this that fiis have sold like crazy
in the indian stock market but let us
use some logic here and let us try to
look at some numbers and do some
rational analysis so if you take a look
at the total sales or net purchases of
fis you will see that in this current
month fiis have roughly sold 38 000
crore of asset so you need to first and
foremost understand how big or small
this number 38 000 crore is okay so we
go to cdsl's website and we take a look
at the total equity investment that fiis
have made over the years so you can look
at the entire data so we are taking a
look at the equity segment we are not
taking a look at the total so what will
you observe that in 1998 total 29
973 crore worth of assets were purchased
by fis similarly if you scroll through
all this data some years fis have been
net sellers some year they have been net
buyers so on and so forth and the total
money that has been invested by fis is
approximately 11 lakh crore so if you
take this 38 000 crore and divide it by
the total investment that fis have in
the indian stock market what will be the
ratio the ratio will roughly be three
percent so fis have only sold three
percent of their equity in the indian
stock market rest ninety seven percent
is still invested and we are only
looking at the equity segment we are not
looking at any other segment so ninety
seven percent of fi money is still stuck
in india only three percent has been
sold and people have been creating panic
news people have been creating panic
that you know what everything is going
to get destroyed this that now comes the
second key question that okay great fis
have sold three percent of the total
equity they had in the indian stock
market but where are they investing that
equity there is no clear answer right
now because even the u.s stock market is
falling crypto market is falling the
real estate market is falling so
everything is falling so the most likely
scenario is that fis have withdrawn this
money but they are sitting on cash it's
not as if that they are doing anything
with it when the macroeconomics improves
they will come back to the market they
will start investing in the emerging
economies and indian stock market is
going to skyrocket from that particular
perspective so that is the way in which
you need to analyze news because if you
start believing in all this random stuff
that you know what fias have forever
gone away this that and start believing
in all this panic you will lose a lot of
money in the stock market okay so now
comes part two of the video as to why is
it that the stock market is behaving in
such a volatile fashion it is behaving
in such a volatile fashion because feds
the u.s feds have decided to change
this is dr rajan explaining this same
viewpoint so i will let you hear this
clip then i will give some commentary
around it you talked a lot about
emerging markets
what is the message for emerging markets
is this priced in for them too that this
is a fed that is serious this is a
central bank that means to do whatever
it takes apparently that's how i
interpret it to make sure inflation
stops rising and starts coming back
towards that two percent target
i i think that was the message that uh
chairman paul was trying to convey that
we will do whatever it takes he did
however say this is a world with a lot
of uncertainty
and obviously when you look at the
uncertainties around the world i mean
there is of course the china issue how
how strong will uh chinese growth be how
much will the property sector matter how
much will the chinese lockdowns matter
going forward and of course there's the
very big
uh ussr sorry this uh russia ukraine
issue uh will uh russia make a move will
oil prices go through the roof will that
tank growth i mean these are i think
very big uncertainties and of course the
viruses is still can't be uh sort of
written off so i think he said we will
be you know we will be taking that into
account but on current trends we have a
strong labor market we have reasonable
it's time for us to raise rates and
you know don't believe that we will not
work our hardest to bring on inflation
under control and essentially set the
grounds for stronger growth over the
medium term all right so dr rajan has
said three critical things on this clip
one is that he has said that feds are
changing direction now with every fed
meeting every time the feds meet they
are deciding to increase the interest
rate now whenever the interest rates are
increased in the bond market the money
flows out of the stock market into the
bond market now feds are doing and
changing this direction quite
aggressively why because the entire
world is grappling through inflation
right now including the u.s now the
important question is that okay why is
it now that these feds have started
changing the direction why not last year
because last year also inflation was
there and why can't they wait for let's
say one more year and then they start
adjusting the interest rate why is it
that feds have decided to take these
measures right now this is a very
important question to understand because
if you understand this fundamental issue
you can make a lot of money in the stock
market in the next one year so this is
what dr rajan touched upon that there
are some major challenges in the economy
right now no doubt about that that china
is dealing through its own issue the
covet problem has not been solved yet
the russia ukraine problem is still
going on but it's not as if that these
challenges will not go away they will go
away and the feds understand it right
now the sense in the market is that
there is this overall calm the demand is
coming back the employment situation is
improving and all the other macro
indicators are telling us that hey the
world is in decent shape right now
now you would say that okay if world is
in decent shape then why is it that the
stock market is falling yes because now
if everything looks calm then feds get
the mandate to start handling the
inflation issue think about it this way
that till last year there was a lot of
macroeconomic crisis that was happening
in the market there was very less
confidence people were really bothered
how will this covet situation pan out
and a bunch of other negative negative
things but now the situation looks calm
and therefore feds are getting ahead of
this inflation related problem that is
one second key thing is that up until
now feds used to believe that inflation
will be transitory in nature transitory
inflation in simple word means that the
inflation will just take care of itself
in alignment with the growth of the
world so feds need not intervene but the
new data that is coming out in the u.s
it clearly says that the inflation is
close to seven percent which is like
madness so therefore feds have to get
ahead of the curve in order to solve
this inflation problem by increasing the
interest rate very aggressively and that
is precisely the reason why stock
markets are falling now this viewpoint
has been collaborated by another major
economist he's dr paul krugman he's a
nobel prize winning economist and this
is what he had to say regarding the fed
tapering issue
many now worrying that we'll see a
policy mistake many felt that the
federal reserve was moving too slow some
are now worrying that
intentionally we could see it move too
fast slam on the brakes how are you
anticipating this very tough balancing
out that the fed has to get in terms of
still not stifle growth but really look
at these price increases head on and the
wage inflation they're in
yeah they're looking at it as fast you
know as best i know and i'm not don't
have a lot of inside information they're
looking at it pretty much the same way
the fed's version which is also my
version is that it sure looks as if the
economy has hit the speed limit
um but it's that's a call for taking
your foot off the gas pedal it's not a
call for slamming on the brakes and so
what they want to do then that's the
balancing act how do they sort of you
know get us to level off to to slow down
a little bit without throwing us into
into a recession um no guarantee that
they'll do that but they're nobody is
under any delusions here so he has used
a very interesting phrase and the phrase
goes something like this that the feds
are taking foot off the paddle not
slamming the brakes now what does this
mean so let me help you decode this so
this simply means that up until last
year feds were printing a lot of money
and they were taking monetary actions in
the economy to stabilize the economy
because since there was so much fear in
the market that you know what everything
is going to shirt all the companies are
going to share this that so feds printed
a lot of money distributed it people
went ahead started investing in stock
markets and bunch of different different
things why was this done to generate
confidence so feds up until last year
were accelerating the paddle the feds
were pushing the monetary policy in such
a way that they were accelerating the
entire economy now since the economy is
back on track they have decided to take
off their food of the paddle there will
not be any more quantitative easing so
to say or money printing so to say and
feds are going to be hawkish in terms of
monitoring the inflation that has been
created due to their past actions so
what does this second part mean the
second part in simple word means that
it's not as if that feds are going to
increase this interest rate like crazy
people no they are not going to do that
they are just not going to accelerate
the economy anymore and they are going
to monitor the situation and let it play
out that is simply what they are going
to do its not as if they are going to go
crazy and increase the interest rates
this is the key fear that is driving the
volatility in the stock market because
everyone is very bothered that what feds
might do feds according to dr krugman is
not going to make such dramatic moves so
now let's go back to dr rajan and let us
understand the final part of the video
what is the way ahead from a macro point
of view and let us listen to what dr
rajan has to say
the markets aren't building in
the normal sort of fed reaction to this
kind of inflation
and that could mean one of a number of
maybe growth falls off a cliff as the
fed raises interest rates i doubt that
but that's one possibility the other is
financial markets fall and then the fed
sort of has to back off because the
wealth effects the loss of confidence
all that
essentially uh causes activity to slow
at this point i don't think the fed sort
believes each of either of these two is
a huge risk
and wants to act appropriately but i
think this is one of the reasons we are
in a new world the fed is giving itself
some room to react if necessary
so dr rajan has given an excellent
viewpoint he simply says that if the
financial markets fall if financial
market falls sustainably then feds will
have to back off so why this situation
has reached let us first quickly discuss
that so essentially what is happening
right now is that feds are very clear
that you know what inflation situation
is going to persist and we need to deal
with it and we are increasing the
interest rate every time this action is
taken the stock market will fall but
feds are also very careful that we can't
overplay this situation it's not as if
that we can go crazy and increase the
interest rate so much that the entire
stock market falls sustainably in such a
situation there will be entire panic
that will play out and investors might
leave the stock market for a little
while and that will be bad for the
economy so feds are very very careful in
terms of balancing this game increasing
the interest rate and not letting the
stock market fall too much this is a
very important point please keep this in
mind this is a trick that you must
understand about the stock market if you
combine all these different facts so far
what is it that you can derive so what
you can clearly understand is that we
are moving towards a sideways market it
is becoming clearer and clearer with
time every time the world moves toward a
slightly more peaceful resolution
peaceful situation feds are going to
increase the interest rate that will
bring the stock market down but they
will be very careful not to let a crash
happen so again the stock market will
not crash crash per se there will be
minor corrections and this situation is
likely to persist for some time so what
is it that you and i as investors should
do so number one we should not chase the
stock market for example when the stock
market is making new highs please be
very mindful in terms of undertaking
bulk purchases it might be a bad time to
purchase because we are likely to see a
lot of minor corrections in the stock
market going forward so it would make a
lot of sense to be patient and sensible
in this stock market number one please
don't act on news be rational in terms
of your analysis don't get manipulated
by news don't just sell all your stocks
because fis are selling they are doing
it for some very specific reasons so do
that data analysis number two purchase
stocks in small small amounts and
usually purchase stocks when the stock
market has fallen don't purchase bulk
stocks when the stock market is rising
because there might be numerous
corrections ahead of us so i hope you
enjoyed the video please give it a
thumbs up and i will see you tomorrow